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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

A crew member was cleaning the deck when he spotted Victoria and couldn't help but watch quietly. Eventually other crew members came and watched quietly aswell all gazing at her in amazement. Eventually even captain fin came and watched although no one seemed to notice his arrival until he spoke scaring everyone. "Wow your really good Miss Victoria." He said and the whole crew screamed and turned towards him."Ahh c..captain we didn't see you there we were just cleaning the deck." A crew mate said laughing nervously the rest of the crew quickly played along."Oh yeah we're just cleaning!" Said on crew mate picking up a mop."Yep just cleaning away hehe." Said another now on his knees wiping the deck with a rag."I wasn't I was watching the pretty lady dance." Said a crew mate who was slow to catch on another crew mate smacked him on the head. "Ouch! I mean yeah I was cleaning to." He said changing his tune as they all glared at him."Oh really soo your all here cleaning?" Fin asked them and they all nodded yes."Well then who's naviagting the ship threw the dangerous rocks and whirlpools?". Fin asked and slowly but surely they all began to panic and scream for there lives as they went back to there stations. @Am2aM
Victoria yelped as she heard the captain, then turned a bright red as she listened to the other crew members.."I-I..." she just turned a brighter red, realizing she was having too much fun and didn't realize anyone was there... SHe then sighed still a bright red, as the crew panicked about crashing... She then rubbed the back of her head awkwardly.. "Uh.... Hi.." she said looking anywhere but at Fin...

@Tylor guillory
Fin walked up to her slowly his arms crossed and his Shark teeth showing. "You looked very beautiful dancing." Fin said rubbing his neck he himself was embarrassed he had been watching although not sure why."Your very graceful I'd love if maybe you could dance for me again... Maybe in private?" Fin suggested blushing.
Black Rose/Preda


As the clones where charging Yoland threw a spear of light going through every clone and finally impaling me in the right shoulder. I scream "dammit what is it with assholes and trying to take my right shoulder off." Now clearly pissed off I make the ship we are fighting on shoot twenty feet into the air from a water gazer. I then bring my two pistols out and shoot them one after the other at Yoland and while charging up behind the shots I throw four grenades around Yoland in circle and bring my cutlass out to try and attack how ever he dodges.
George sat down silently in his cabin as his ship set off. He had convinced the crew to join up by promising them good payment and food. He would also have to think over what to do with the pirate he had rescued. It was a very interesting development. George then laid down on the bed, yawning. He could hear the sounds of battle, but he didn't want to play any part in it. He would return the other pirate, but for now, he just wanted to sail. Another thought occurred to him. He should get familiar with the crew. He left his cabin, and began walking about the ship, talking to the crew, learning their names, age and skills. He was happy with what he had chosen. When he finished, he spotted Kate in the crow's nest, and smiled. He climbed up to her. "Hey Kate," he began, "how are you doing up here? See anything?"

@BELL @DeathRising
Victoria blushes brightly..."UH-I-I-um... Maybe.. I'm not the best..." she says shyly wrapping her arms around herself while she looks down..."BUt... uh If you really want me to..." she trailed off blushing as red as anyone can get....

@Tylor guillory
Yoland Grimace's and sends a energy wave from his body blowing the gernades away and as the bullets reach him the hit dead on and go right threw only specks of light showing as they do. Then the holes close up. The ship then lands hard back in the ocean. Yoland stands up from falling upon impact with the sea and looks at Leon a single tear going down his face. "Can you hear them?" He ask Leon talking about something only he heard apparently.
Victoria blushed even more with slightly widened eyes as she looks at him, and she blinks after he speaks, the only thing she was able to say was... "Okay.." shyly..

@Tylor guillory
"But maybe some other time we're about to go threw some dangerous waters and I need to be on board." Fin said then he walked over to the side of the boat looking at the dark waters they where now sailing threw. The air had gotten colder since they got closer to there destination. @Am2aM
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory](There with Hammond on his ship)

(You all forgot that the little girl was with them? lol)
Black Rose/Preda


Seeing Yoland blow away the grenades and healing from the bullets and then fall from the impact. I managed to stay on my feet ready to swing at Yoland but then he said with a tear going down his face can you hear them. I look at him confused and say "hear what?"

Sword of Sea


As George came up to the nest and ask how I was doing and if I saw anything I smile at him and say "I am doing great I love the view from up hear and happy to report their is no one giving chase. But I did see one of the marine ships get lunched into the air and crash back into the water." I then put a lollipop in my mouth which I wasn't holding before.

@Tylor guillory
Victoria nods then is suddenly in her normal clothes as she goes by fin and looks at the water as well...
Yoland held his hand out as a light shone on him from the sky as if he was embracing it."The angels can you hear them singing? I can see them their singing. But I can't hear them...why can't I hear them.Let me hear them!" Yoland roared and the light intensified. @DeathRising
The little girl managed to go unnoticed as she hid behind Crow, Arthur and Anthea. She stepped out from behind them slightly, reaching for Anthea's hand "Don't worry…daddy's going to be here soon. Then…we'll be all better" stated the little girl, her eyes flashing a devilish red again.
All of a sudden a giant sea serpent rises from the water. As it strikes at fin he quickly strikes it taking it down with one hit. The massive sea serpent fell to the Sea and as it hit there was a hug wave sent at the ship. The ship shook violently for a second before calming back down. @Am2aM
Black Rose/Preda


As Yoland was spouting nonsense and starting to shine I drive my cutlass through his gut and say "What fucking angels are you talking about."
Yoland coughs up blood but doesn't move."Their here...its time listen to the sing see their light!" All of a sudden a huge light as if heaven was shining a spotlight upon them and all of Perda appeared."Now judge them for they have sinned against God! Choir of Angels!" He said naming his most powerful attack yet his eyes glowed brightly as a massive pillar of light struck them and Perda. It seemed like only those Yoland judged to be guilty of some horrible crime where being attacked by the light while others just basked in its warmth. Those he deemed guilty including Leon had a intense pain filled threw their body so bad that any Normal man would pass out or worse."Now face gods Divine wrath!"
Victoria fell onto her rump as the ship shook.. "Welll, I have no words.." she says standing back up and wiping off her pants.. "That was cool by the way!" she says pulling out her canteen and drinking from it...

@Tylor guillory

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