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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

He stands up and sees the marines. "Oh, why are you pointing those awful things at me? I'm just a street performer trying to make a living."
He looks down at the girl. "Yes I can, dear, right after I play this next song, once I know that our noble marines won't kill me."
He digs around in his pocket, and pulls out a small, thin triangle. (A pick) He then looks at the marines surrounding them. "Would you let me play two more songs before you take me away?"
The little girl staired at the marines, she whispered loudly, almost like it was a completely different language. She looked at them with her devilish eyes, striking fear into theur hearts as the world around the marines seemed to drop and they felt as though they were stabbed but of course it was an illusion.
The Savage looked out on the boardwalk as Navy Marines began filing onto it. He thought nothing of it, though; he technically wasn't a pirate himself, just a merc. He hadn't done anything wrong, and so he stayed at the bow of the Rose and watched.
Victoria smiles again then looks at Fin quizzically.."What would you do if we look for one but it's already taken?" she asks confused and curious in how he would act..

@Tylor guillory
He then speaks again. "I'm gonna play, and remember that there are people watching. What will they think if you arrest an innocent street performer?" He then starts playing. With the first chords, amplified and distorted by the box, he starts singing. "Sometimes you gotta bleed to know!" He strums. "That you're alive and have a soul!" He continues to play a song, a live song mentioning some odd things, not of this world. Neither were the guitar, the case, or any of what he had pulled from it. (It's tear in my heart by 21 pilots.)
(You guys really aren't aware just talking to pirates can get you arrested merc or not If your on a pirate ship working for a pirate your just as bad as a pirate lol) While some of the marines seemed a little put off by the girl her illusion didn't seem to work on them."Were sorry sir but orders are orders please comply. "The man said showing sincere empathy for Crow. Another group of marines surrounded the black rose also aiming there weapons at the ship." Excuse me all crew members are to leave the ship known as the black rose immediately this includes the captain!" Ordered another marine, Yoland just stood around and tired look on his face as if he where weary from all his travels. @Knight Nate
Soon enough he finishes the odd song. "It's been a while since I've been in a place with music like that, so I decided to play it myself." He looks up. "I'll put all this away, then go with you," he says agreeably.
"I wouldn't be pleased." Fin said a dark look on his face he then looked around curiously."Hmm wonder where Squishy went he must be hiding somewhere he'll come out when it's supper time I'm sure." Fin said then stood up."Well you might want to find a way to entertain yourself this might be a long journey. "He then went and leaned over the side of the ship looking and the deep blue ocean waves as they sailed threw. @Am2aM
"Thank you for complying sir if your found to not be a criminal or if your found to not have any information about said criminals we shall release you without harm we assure you." Said the man as he waited for Crow.
He gathers his money and puts it into one of his pockets, then looks at the hat. He shrugs, and puts it on.
The man clears his throat."Your friends will be required to come along aswell sir. We have eye witnesses putting them with the notorious captain shark tooth Fin." The man declared.
Back at the Sea Devil, Fin notices a box with a triangular button on it. There's a note that reads: FROM CROW in hastily scrawled handwriting. It says on it: TO START MESSAGE, PRESS BUTTON. DO NOT BREAK.
Crow sighs, as if this whole thing was just an inconvenience and not a possible death sentence, then slings the case over his shoulder and pulls Arthur and Anthea along.
Fin goes up to it annoyed by the note he crumbles it up. "Stupid note telling me what to do." He grumbles before pushing the button.
Soon, a noise starts, a crackling and the sound of someone breathing in the background--Victoria? Then Crow's voice comes out of the thing. "Is it on? Okay." He clears his throat. "If you're hearing this, then you've probably left without me, Fin, you limp fish's cock. Hopefully I'll catch up to you soon, but think of how you'll miss me-- think of how Victoria will miss me, and how her bed will--nah, I can't say that seriously." He laughs a little, then hushes himself. "Almost woke her up there. Please don't hook up with crew members, it'll get awkward when you cut it off. Also, I want Victoria." He pauses. "Also, you hit me like a pansy. I'm mostly healed already." He then pauses again, thinking of what to say. "If you had bothered to check, Some of my stuff is on that ship, meaning I intended to come back, dumbass. Well, see you later, cap'n. May you sail well, but not fast, so I can catch up to you. It wouldn't hurt to maybe stop again. Yours, The eternally handsomer Crow." Then Fin hears a click, and it stops.
Fins eyes roles into the back of his head and he gritted his teeth vains throbbed all over him."Why that little!!! AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGHHHHH DAMN YOU CROW!!!!! ILL TEACH YOU SOME RESPECT NEXT TIME WE MEET!!!" He roared so loud it could be heard for miles. He then crushed the recording device with his bare hands

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