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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

"Don't mention it. I'd rather have the satisfaction of killing you myself. Heheh."

He turned back around, looking up to the stars.
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]
"Don't mention it. I'd rather have the satisfaction of killing you myself. Heheh."

He turned back around, looking up to the stars.

Annabelle rolled her eyes. "Gods, you're annoying." She mumbled.
Fin squinted his eyes out of frustration."Why are they leaving on our first adventure well I guess there just gonna miss out onward men to the island of the frozen sea!" Fin roared pointing towards the direction of there next adventure."Aye aye sir!" Said his crew as they set course for it. (Seriously just gonna abandoned ship like that when there about to go on a adventure really )
Death shifted to his specter state, he passed through buildings and was unable to be seen. He drifted through this port city, Perda. It seemed so predictable but in a sense alright. He looked around at all of the ships near the docks, if any one was out they could feel the freezing cold wind pass right through them.
(Same... Probably @Tylor guillory )

Arthur pretends not to hear Anthea and continues on his way to look for Crow. While in the town square he sees a man with a dark hat on sitting in a corner playing a guitar. Arthur approaches the man only to find that it was Crow. "Hey, what are you doing here?" @BELL @sprouhtt
She runs up to him soaking wet and she looked at Crow, "You are-" She was about to say to Arthur as she saw crow sitting down, "What happened Crow?" Anthea asked him as she crossed her arms in front of her. @RetroAkabane @BELL
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As Anthea, and Arthur caught up to Crow, all of a sudden, a cold wind came as a little girl appeared at the end of the street. It was dark and she was wearing a redish gown down to her legs, she spoke slightly but it wasn't words. More like

that seemed to sound like something, she walked a bit towards them with her head slightly down.
(go along with it)
Moments away from Perda at sea

While Fin set sails off towards his next adventure a deadly foe approaches Perda. A man runs across marine vessel and up to a man wearing a Marine captains jacket over his shoulders. He breathes heavily before eventually speaking. "Captain Yoland! We have new there's been several spottings of ships believed to belong to some of the seven warlords sir!" The man said saluting his captain. Yoland stood up and walked up to the man his pure white eyes seemingly staring into space. "Oh really? Ah I see now. Yes there are three to be exact. Sword hands Hammond, Captain Jackson I believe, and oh my what a surprise the beast of the deep was there but he seems to be leaving now along with the others. Oh what a shame I could follow them but it seems they left some of there crew in Perda I'll just go take care of them first." Yoland said in a deep but gentle voice."Very well men set course for Perda we have filth to bring to the light." Yoland said and the marine private saluted and said"Yes sir" before running off to issues the captains orders to the others. "Hmm interesting three warlords all together and a child of another warlords, things are about to get very interesting." @sprouhtt @BELL @RetroAkabane
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Victoria stirred in her sleep, waking up with a yawn.. She then stood up out of the bed, still about half asleep, as she opened the door, and walked out as she rubbed her sleepy eyes..."*yawn* Helloooo!!!" she called out to whoever was on the deck...

Fin turned and smiled at Victoria."Well I take it someone had a good nights rest. You'll find that some of our crew has stayed behind. I'm sure they'll return eventually. "Fin walked up to her and sat down on a barrel squishy crawled up onto his back and made a sqee noise. He was even dresses in a little night shift with a night cap to match (like scrouge from a you know the story with the ghost and stuff.)" How about you take a seat and I'll tell you all about the treasure we're going after. "Fin said smiling a glint of wonder in his eyes. @Am2aM

Yoland just making it to dock at Perda

Yoland ship docked at Perda and his troops marched out of the ship taking up the majority of the deck. Yoland came walking out slowly." Search this city for any pirates and capture on sight! I'll question them myself!" With this the marines ran threw the city in ten groups of twenty five men each spreading threw Perda. @RetroAkabane @BELL @Veyd Sahvoz @sprouhtt
The little girl walked closer to Arthur and Crow, she seemed in a trans. Her whispering got slightly louder as she got closer and closer.
Victoria sat on another barrel that was next to his.. "OKay, Thanks for letting me sleep in your room by the way.." she says wiping her eyes one more time, then raking her hands through her hair....

@Tylor guillory
"Think nothing of it I don't sleep all that often anyways." Fin said rubbing the back of his neck he then cleared his throat." Well long ago, when the world was ruled by beings knows as Titans a great war broke out. The war was between the Titans and the Gods, and not just the Greek ones even other gods where involved same goes for the Titans. Well this was raged for many a decade before eventually the gods won. But legend has it that during this battle items such as weapons or even parts of the god fell to the earth scattering across its great planes. These items were know as God sends, might items that where said to give powers to any mortal who used them or consumed there power. But only if that being could handle the power of it. There are rumors of brave and strong men who have died just attempting to get to the items location. But even those who made it to the locations where meet by deadly beast and monsters who guarded the items. And if that wasn't enough to chill your bones they say if your not strong enough or proven compatible with the god send that if could kill you. So that's what where going after, but don't worry I'm sure we will be fine! Harharharhar!!!" Captain Fin laughed and patted his leg in amusement. @Am2aM
Crow seems to have gotten a considerable amount of tips in his overturned hat, and his guitar rings out, a sad sound that carries through the air, ear as a bell and haunting. He ends the first song and starts a new one, sad as well. He sings along with it, in a language nobody has ever heard, save Death, who may have heard him sing while his traveling companions died. His accent, indescribable, usually subtle when he speaks, dancing around the edges of his voice, comes out all the way. It's pleasant, but again, indescribable.

@RetroAkabane @sprouhtt
BELL said:
Crow seems to have gotten a considerable amount of tips in his overturned hat, and his guitar rings out, a sad sound that carries through the air, ear as a bell and haunting. He ends the first song and starts a new one, sad as well. He sings along with it, in a language nobody has ever heard, save Death, who may have heard him sing while his traveling companions died. His accent, indescribable, usually subtle when he speaks, dancing around the edges of his voice, comes out all the way. It's pleasant, but again, indescribable.
@RetroAkabane @sprouhtt
The little girl stood 10 feet away from Crow and the other two, she lifted up her head "There coming…" she said, her eyes flashing a devilish ref then back to violet.
Crow ignores her, seemingly in another world, for all they could know. His long hair, not tied back, falls in his face, concealing his eyes. He keeps singing, a sad, nostalgic song.
Victoria giggled.."Okay.. Sounds like fun!" she said smiling up at Fin.. "Do you know what type of items there are?" she asks curiously slightly tilting her head as she thinks of what they could be...

@Tylor guillory
When nobody was looking she moves away a few inches and turns her back to them and Anthea takes the amulet that her mother had given to her and she places it on her skin so that she wouldn't lose it and puts her hand over the amulet and say a word in ancient greek, " φυλακή," which meant prison. She had the ability to picture/skin imprisonment which gave the user the ability to trap other beings/objects in a picture/skin without the skin being infecting or anything and this was her first time trying. When she was done the glowing light faded away and she looked down at her wrist to see that the amulet was imprinted on/in there like a tattoo. She walks back to Crow and Arthur, "This song must hold a lot of sentimental feelings," She said to Crow. @anyone @BELL @RetroAkabane

(Yup) All of a sudden Crow Anthea and Arthur where surrounded by Marines on all sides. They aimed their rifles at them."Halt in the name of the marine Forces or the Royal Alliance! " Said a marine who was clearly there leader. "Bye order of Marine Captain Yoland Van Rowenburg you are all under arrest!!" The man said speaking in his most official tone.

Aboard the sea devil at sea

Fin looked down at Victoria and smiled."Well I know of two for sure. The one where going after now is the breath of Boreas the north wind he was a god of winter wind and the north. It's said to give whoever inhales it the ability to control wind and ice an do all sorts of things such as this. The other is the tears of Hyperion which Hyperion was a mighty Titan who was said to be the sun itself. He was a sun god but he was more of a god of light rather than fire he was also called the watcher or something of that sort. Im not sure what the tears of Hyperion could do but I'm sure it's nothing short of amazing. We're supposed to go after that one next if it hasn't been snatch yet." (Which it has lol)

@Am2aM @sprouhtt @BELL @RetroAkabane @Veyd Sahvoz
Crow keeps playing for a while, then plays the last note, a mournful note that rings out into the night. He then looks at Anthea. "I guess you could say that." His voice sounds mostly normal again, his strange accent just present enough to make his voice charming. He then proceeds to put his arm--his whole arm-- into the guitar case. Soon, he pulls out a black,

Smooth rope with two silver things on the end. Then, a strange box, it seems valuable, he sets it down carefully, and plugs the rope into it. He then pulls out a few small cubes, mostly black with a plus and a minus on either side. He puts them in the box, which says PEAVEY in silver letters on it, he then plugs the rope into the guitar, and flips a switch and turns some knobs on the box. A crackling emits from it.

@sprouhtt @RetroAkabane @Veyd Sahvoz

(Yes he just stuck his whole arm in a guitar case and proceeded to pull and amp from it, he has a song to play, partly for the shock factor and partly for the money)

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