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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

The Savage rolled his eyes at the news. He had expected him to say that, but he really wished he didnt. He contemplated just shooting himself to get out of this, but remembered he still had things to do. He sighed, running a hand down his masked face. This bar was getting crowded, and as the Captain said, he needed to enjoy this night. He set down a small pouch of gold on the bar and went back outside. He stretched as he did so, and then saw another large ship docked closely to the Rose. He heard commotion from it and sighed again. He began walking to the Rose.
Black Rose/Preda

As Jackson in braces me i wince in pain from my shoulder and as she ask how the crew has been i say " the crew has changed a lot you won't know any of them because I am captian now. Mother died about a month back now." I say as my face goes from joy to sadness and back to a forced smile.
Anthea looked at the amulet that her mother had somehow given to her and she turned to hear the door creak open and she saw that it was Arthur. She put the locker and in pocket and sat up," did you have fun?" She asked him as she ran her hand through her messy bed hair. @RetroAkabane
George smiled. "We may have tied before, but the man I am now would easily defeat you. The powers I've gained...I don't know much about them, but from what I do know, they give me all the attributes of various swords from across the world. I have all their strengths, their power, their speed," he told her, before turning his sword hand back to normal. He then sat up, and turned to the tavern. "Now hear this!" He started. "My name is Captain George Hammond, otherwise known as the Sword Hands Demon. I'm one of the Seven Warlords, and I'm looking to make a new crew. Had to ditch the last one so they could keep a watch on a village I had liberated. If anyone here wishes to join my crew, come see me and my first mate, Kate, outside!" George then left some money on the counter, and left the tavern, leaving Fin's crew back inside. He turned and gestured for Kate to follow with a smirk. "You coming?" He asked her.

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"Yea, I got a new sword" Arthur says pointing to his black new rapier. "And I got you-" he starts saying before he noticed the golden necklace in Anthea's hand. He slips the ruby necklace he stole for her back into his pocket and stops himself before he finished the sentence. "What's that in your hand?" Arthur asks disappointed but putting on a fake smile. @sprouhtt
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"The sword looks amazing," she said and Anthea notices what he did but she wondered what he was going to give her," it's my mothers amulet she gave it to me, believe it or not she gave it to me in a dream but i could of sworn i felt her presence." She told him as she leaned back and looked at him. @RetroAkabane
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DeathRising said:
Black Rose/Preda
As Jackson in braces me i wince in pain from my shoulder and as she ask how the crew has been i say " the crew has changed a lot you won't know any of them because I am captian now. Mother died about a month back now." I say as my face goes from joy to sadness and back to a forced smile.
"I know." The Captain said, releasing him. "Your mother was the greatest friend and mentor I could ever have." She frowned a little. "Well, the crew changed a lot, did it? To be honest, so did mine," she gestured to her ship. "Mostly gals now, but we have a man here and there." She grinned. "Alright there, ladies?"

"AYE, Cap'n!" One yelled, a blonde.
"Oh, that's cool" Arthur says muttering "I guess" do that she could not hear him. "I have to go find Crow" Arthur says suddenly rushing out of the room saddened thinking she wouldn't want his gift. He stands on edge of the deck staring out into the sea with the ruby necklace in his hand. He tosses it into the sea and continues his search for Crow. @sprouhtt @BELL
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As George explains his new powers to me I pop a lollipop into my mouth and then get up and follow him out.

Black Rosé/Preda


"Yea she was and now you are also a warlord." I then glance over to the blond that spoke up and got a devilish grin on my face and say "well maybe I need to go inspect your crew to make sure their up to mothers standerds."
George smiled when he saw Kate put a lollipop in her mouth. "Where'd you get that?" He asked her. He then noticed some people come out of the tavern. They turned to him. "What do you want?" He asked. "You offering membership for pirates?" One inquired. George nodded. "Let's see the ship," another said. George nodded, and laid them to the docks. A small ship was at harbor, big enough for one person. George took out a bottle of rum, and poured it onto the boat. Suddenly, the ship got bigger, changing into a massive ship. George smiled. "This is the Sword of Seas, " he told them. "It was a gift from a sea witch. What do you all think?" He looked at Kate as he said it. The question was more for her then anyone else.

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The Savage walked back up the gangplank to the Rose and stretched his arms as he did so. A satisfying pop would be heard as he did so. He scanned the deck, seeing a woman cleaning it and the Captain speaking to some other woman. He ignored the woman cleaning as she didn't seem much of a threat and approached the Captain and the woman.

"What's all this, then?"


"Come on you know I always have one of these baby's on me." I then follow him to the docks passing some impressive ships. And then we come up onto a small ship and I sigh and then he pours some rum on it and it grows to match the ships we passed and he ask if we are impressed and I say "I am very impressed."

Black Rosé/Preda


As Savage walks up and ask what's going on I turn to him and say "well the girl over their cleaning is a new crew mate and this hear is a Jackson. She was my moms second in command and latter became a captain and one of the seven sea warlords." I then turn to Jackson and say "This hear is Savage my second in command."
Black Rose:

Liz turned to the commander. "Hi." She smiled, finishing her cleaning.

Preda Tavern:

Jakob smiled as he entereed the tavern. He grabbed a drink and started drinking. "This is pretty cool..." He thought despite doing nothing.
The Savage stood there, rolling his eyes under his mask. It seemed like these 'warlords' were popping up left and right, and to be honest, it was getting on his nerves. For how infamous they're supposed to be, he hadn't heard of a single one of them before. Though, to be fair, he hasn't been a pirate his whole life, but a mercenary. He kept his hand on the hilt of his cutlass as he stared at this 'warlord' in front of him.
Jackson laughed. "I'd be happy for you to inspect my crew," she said. "And I'm sure they would be too." She turned to the red Savage and she grinned widely. "Hello, Savage." She could feel him roll his eyes, and she said "Don't roll your eyes at me, that's his job!" She pointed to Leon. "And take your hand off of your hilt, son. I'm not going to kill anyone here without good reason."
Black Rosé/Preda


As Jackson gave me promission to inspect her crew and introduced herself to Savage I look at Savage and say "lussen up a little she is like family." i tfen start to head over to her ship and as I do I notice the new recrute wave at me as she finished cleaning I stop and tell her "good job now go relax because tomorrow we set sail." I then continue on my way to go to her ship and then I remember I run up to Jackson and whisper in her ear "I have the map to the treasure that mother spent her life trying to find."


Preda/The Sword of Seas

I then board the ship look around and inspect the ship. And when I came to the captains cabin I hid my backpack which was filled to the rim with lollipops under a table. I then clim up to the birds nest and make myself at home. I then call down to George and say "hey captain if you need me ill be up hear."

@Knight Nate @NightCasterZ @sitanomoto
The Savage refused to take his hand off the hilt, ever wary of this new woman. He knew from experience even the friendliest people could be turncoats. He stepped away from her and headed to the bow of the ship, looking up at the night sky.
Jackson's jaw dropped and she blinked for a moment. Then she grinned. "Attaboy, Leon," she murmured, turning to him. "Want me to come?" She said. "My girls might not be the warmest towards men they don't know, just a warning."
"Alright crew lets move out we've spent to much time dilly dallying." Fin said as he stood up from a table filled with passed out girls and barrels of booze. All his crew stood up and followed him outside. They walked threw the city from the tavern back to the Sea Devil. They walked side by side as many of them as they could they were like a small army. He made it to the dock and smiled as he saw her."Oh if it isn't Jackson you've grown since last I've seen you." Fin said smirking his Shark teeth just showing. @Knight Nate @Aio (anyone else I forgot
Jackson turned with a grin. "Alright, Fin. What's eatin you? No, the better question is, what have you been eatin? Looks like you took a bite out of my boy, here." She had noticed the bandages on Leon's neck. "Do I need to call Angela over to teach you a lesson again? You know what an ass-whooping you got from her last time. Or maybe not. You might have been too drunk to remember!" She laughed loudly and some of her crew jumped over, laughing as well.
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Crow, who kept working and left something for Fin, silently leaves Fin's cabin, and walks out onto the deck, and sees Arthur. Thinking Arthur wouldn't want to be bothered, he walked silently down the deck, going to the rigging. Then he stepped on a creaky board, and winced.

"You must of hit your head at some point Jackson I haven't lost a match yet." Fin said smirking still."Huh well this is the first time we've had so many of the warlords in one place, its kind of nice." Fin said and waved for his crew to board the ship which they all did smiling and laughing as they passed Leon and Jackson. Fin walked over to them he looked down still smiling. "Hey Leon no hard feelings about me biting a chunk out of you aye?" He asked patting him on the place he bite by accident. @sitanomoto @DeathRising
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George smiled at Kate. "Alright men, go ahead and make yourselves comfortable. There's something I need to go check out first." With that, George left. He walked around the docks, and then spotted a ship he hadn't excepted to see. It was the ship of another warlord, Jessica. He smiled, and the next moment had boarded the ship. He looked it over, and whistled. "Nice ship you've got here, miss Jessica," he said aloud for all on the ship to hear. He grinned, and continued, "I do hope you remember me? Little Hammond?" He then noticed Fin. "Well, four warlords in one place? Now that's a disaster waiting to happen."

@Tylor guillory @sitanomoto @DeathRising

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