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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting


As I stand their waiting for the man to respond I notice he was passed out so I cut him down and take him back to the Black Rose and lock him in the cell below deck and put a note on his chest that says. Dear fellow pirate I have freed you and now you will join the crew of the Black Rose as payment your new captain Leon Shadowstep. As I leave the Rose I head back to the center of town and up to a old house and knock on the door. A old man answers and invites me in after twenty minutes or so I exit the house with a rolled up piece of paper and tuck it in my coat. And think to myself well worth the trouble of getting that green jewel from that transport ship. I then start to head back to the Rose and as I walk past a tavern I see a fight going on inside and then notice Savage sitting at the bar. So I decide to go in and as I do I walk past a weirdly dressed woman and continue on and sit by Savage and order a bottle of rum and a mug of beer. When the bartender brings me my bottle of rum I put it in a small satchel and drink the beer as I say "Well Savage to show my gratitude for your great work I am promoting you to second in command."

@Knight Nate @Blacknife


After months no years of traveling and searching for George I am ready to give up on him. Is what I am thinking as I enter the town of Preda I notice it has gotten to be night time. But I was hungry from my travels and decided to find a local tavern the first one I came across was pretty lively and has a fight going on in side. So I decide and try another but they wher closed so I went back to the first one and when I entered I notice a pretty yet oddly dressed women and a man in all red and then a boy not much older then me talking to the man. I go to the corner and order some food and a drink as the fight continues. Then in the middle of my meal I look up at the still going on fight and notice Gorge talking to a rather odd looking fella. I shrug and go back to eating and then I get really mad realiszing what I just saw and get up and punch George as hard as I can and say "Where the fuck have you been all these years asshole!"

Liz and Jakob go on board the ship to a cabin. They slump down on a pair of beds.

Liz smiled at Jakob. "This'll be awesome." You could almost see the excitement in her eyes.

Jakob let out a small chuckle. "This will be pretty awesome."
The Savage took the mug that the bartender finally set down for him and pulled the cuff covering his face ever so slightly and downed the entire strong ale. He set it back down a few seconds later, and looked over the Captain who had sat down beside him. He overheard someone get punched as he did so, but paid no mind to it.

"You're promoting me? Well, I'm sorry to have to tell you, but no. I don't lead. You know I'm only here for my reward. I don't need to lead the 'motley band' that you call your crew."

He sighed again as he turned back to the bar, still completely sober despite his drink. He did wish he could get drunk, but his godly blood gave him an unnatural ability to hold his liquor.
Colt slowly awoke after passing out from the beating. He was in a damp cell somewhere...familiar "I must be dead" He said to himself "There is no way i am on a ship" He looked down at the letter on his chest as he awoke. He skimmed over it before leaping to his feet and running at the bars. He pressed his face against them while shouting "Captain! I accept your leadership but you gotta let me finish those guys off first!"

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At the Perda Bar / Pub

Arthur continues to talk to Velthala, flirting with her. He was unsure if he was making any progress whatsoever but decided to keep it going good or bad for as long as he could. @Aio
Velthala laughed softly at Arthurs attempts but played along bored at the moment, before she thought to ask him a question. "What brings you here if I may ask?" She would watch him carefully as she gave him a soft smile.

He points to Captain Fin making a scene during the bar fight. "He does, he is the captain of the pirate crew I'm a part of and decided that we should restock here. Why do you ask?" @Aio
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"Bored and ready for change I suppose. A girl can run for only so long." She would look at the chaos before a small smile crept onto her lips as she leaned forward.

Arthur decides to order his first drink at the pub and chug it quickly causing him to get a little buzzed but a bad case of the hiccups.
Velthala would laugh as she watched him drink. " I see your not one to hold your liquor well...Or am I wrong?" She would are an eyebrow as she leaned back a small smirk on her lips as she listened to the commotion.

"I try to avoid drinking and instead take from the drunken when fights like this one end " he says with a smirk. "Anyways if you're looking for a change of scenery you always could join the crew of The Sea Devil" @Aio
Perda Tavern

Quietly the beast stalks its prey sneaking up on it while its distracted. The beast waits seeking it moment being sure to not alert its prey. Then quietly and with much grace the creature strikes! Squishy leapt onto Velthala's head and bounced off and into her lap. He let out a adorable noise that he hadn't yet made and looked at Arthur. He gave Arthur a tough guy look and a little growl then raised two tentacles. He balled the tentacles up like fist and began acting like he was hitting something. (BTW @Aio Squishy is the maschot of the Sea Devil he's there baby kraken lol he just likes to jump around and stuff. @RetroAkabane )
Velthala opened her mouth to speak before growing wided eyed at the creature before her, her hands hovering around it unsure if to touch it or not. It was all she could do to muster up a smile as she looked at Arthur. "Ah... Do you know this creature?"

@Tylor guillory
Arthur's face turned white while hedrew his sword in self defense out of fear of the beast and backed up a few paces away before sitting down once again three seats over. "Yea, I know him. I don't like him though, with his tentacles and sharp teeth, he's terrifying" @Tylor guillory
"Anyways about my offer, would you like to join the crew? I'd have to ask Cap'n but I'm pretty sure he would mind another female on the ship." @Aio
Velthala looked at the creature and sighed. She was not one for emotion finding it hard for her to show and produce. Any normal person would squeal at its adorable display but she was not that person as she gave it the death glare, picking it up and setting it down on the table before her. Rubbing her hands on her lap as she turned to look at Arthur. "I didn't know such a little thing could strike fear into the heart of such a large man." She smiled slightly at his words, as she thought for a moment before speaking. " It depends on your captain and how well we would get along."

@Tylor guillory
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Fin looked down at the girl and smiled. He held out a hand to her."Its very nice to meet you I'm Shark Tooth Fin." Fin said giving her a big smile. Squishy was glaring daggers at the girl and Quickly made his way to Fins shoulder. He began to speak his little kraken language into Fins ear."Oh Squishy that's not polite." He smiled and looked at the girl."You must of done something to get on his bad side id watch my back if I where you he can be quite the terror." Fin said still smiling his Shark teeth showing clearly. @RetroAkabane @Aio
Black Rose

Colt clanged about in his cell yelling and screaming for anyone to here him "COME ON!! IF YOUR GUNNA KEEP ME DOWN HERE AT LEAST GET ME SOME RUM!!!" He wasn't really in the mood to just be sitting there "First thing i'm gonna do when i get outa here is get my gear, then i am gonna kill the commander of the navy on this bloody island"

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She took the man hand and shook it gently, laughing softly at his words. " Velthala Vanu Banes. A pleasure." She looked at the kracken and sighed slightly. "Sorry I just don't take to kindly to strangers dropping in like that but Im sure I deserve every word he spoke to you." She studied the man carfully taking note of his teeth as she sat there.

(Im afraid I must go to bed. I have exams tomorrow and dont feel like falling asleep half way through. )

@Tylor guillory @RetroAkabane
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George didn't really flinch when Kate punched him. When she yelled at him, he did flinch. Women, he thought. He turned to her, and smiled. "Oh, you know me Kate, always looking for adventure," he told her with a smirk. He then laughed, and picked her up bridal style, spinning her around. He laughed the entire time. "It's good to see you again, Kate," he told her, before setting her back down on her own feet.

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"Ai thats a fancy name you got there hmm your not human are you?" Fin said giving her a look that seemed like he was reading her like a book."What can I help you with miss Banes." Fin asked politely something he usually wasn't. @RetroAkabane @Aio

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