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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Anthea looks at Arthur as he walks out of the room," wait Arthur!" She yelled but he had already left the room. She felt sad that Arthur was acting different towards her, she walks out of the room and sees him walking away," Arthur where are you going?!" She yelled out to him.

"Four?" Fin asked raising a eyebrow questioningly. "I believe you need to learn to count theres only three warlords here. Me you and miss Jackson over here." Fin said stretching his arm out."Anyways I'm about to head out with my crew to go after a God send so best talk while I'm here." Fin declared giving a excited look at the thought of his new journey. @DeathRising @DaManofWar @sitanomoto
A single candle was lit next to a bed. A man was sitting in it, drinking a cup of tea. It was daylight, and he looked out a window next to the bed. Outside, three vampires were strapped to a pole, screaming in pain. A group of humans and non-humans, slaves, watched. They watched the punishment that visited any who dared to stand against the man in the bed. The man simply smiled, and stroked his beard. His spies had told him that four of the worlds were heading for Perda. He laughed, a merry laugh full of glee. "Four warlords in one city?" the man said, and he sat up out of bed. His blue beard shined in the daylight, and his sword sparkled a unnatural blue. "It's like shooting fish in a barrel," he murmured. He had already dispatched an entire fleet, lead by some of his best captains, to Perda. "War is coming," he declared, putting on a massive coat, "and Bluebeard shall become King."
Crow, satisfied that nobody had heard him, gets off the ship, carrying something in a large case and a hat...
Crow soon finds a suitable street corner. Busy with people walking, and with plenty of places to sit. He walks over to some stairs, puts his hat, upside-down, on the bottom step, then sits down on them and starts to open the case...
Jackson laughed. "Yeah, pretty rare. Leon and his mother are still the only ones to actually beat me in a fight, and Leon is still the only one to beat me in a fair game of chess. Alright ladies," she turned around and whistled. "Back to the Scorpion!" The blonde stopped and kissed Leon on the cheek, then with a little "toodles" wave she followed her Crew.

"Leon, where to? I need to know where you're going so that I can keep you safe from fishbreath over there," she jerked her head to Captain Fin.
He takes out a guitar, it's as black as the void and has a silver pattern on it that looks like thread, spiderwebs, or like the guitar's shattered. He sits down, tunes it, and starts playing.
"Grrr I should of eaten you when I had the chance back then." Fin growled as she walked away."Oh and being undefeated means nothing when you've only faced weaklings!" Fin roared at her."Anyways next time we meet we will fight I promise you this Jackson! Same goes to you Hammond." Fin smiled and walked towards his ship before looking back."Hm it means nothing that your mother was a warlord that doesn't make you one... Although I must say you do have skill and potential to become a great Pirate captain. So whenever you feel like your strong enough find me and we'll fight as well." Fin began walking towards his ship raising his hand to them and waving it some to gesture his departure."Until then Leon I look forward to it?". And with that he as on his ship."Alright crew set sail where heading for the Breath of Boreas!" Fin ordered and his crew began preparing to go out to sea. Raising anchor and doing all the necessary things. @sitanomoto @DaManofWar @DeathRising @sprouhtt @RetroAkabane @BELL @Nenma Takashi @TheJester @animegirl20 @Veyd Sahvoz @Aio (and anyone else I forgot
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Arthur walks off the ship yells to Anthea “I am going to look for Crow. You can set sail without me. Hopefully our paths will cross again. And Cya captain, you dick" Arthur begins to walk around the town looking for Crow. @Tylor guillory @BELL @sprouhtt
Jackson narrowed her eyes. "Says the man who couldn't beat anyone in a fair fight," She mumbled, too soft to hear. She turned back to Leon. "How bad did that brat bite you, Leon?" She said.


Coming back to the Black Rose

The tables had turned. Now Annabelle, still 100% sober, was supporting Edamus, who was 100% drunk.

"Ssstill," Edamus hissed/slurred "you're jusssst about the prettiessst thing to ssssail the ssseasss..."

"Ed!!" Annabelle exclaimed as he nearly staggered into the water, nearly taking her with him. She balanced them again, and then somehow managed to get him onto the Black Rose. She sat him against the mast and he nearly instantly fell asleep. "For goodness sake," she muttered, rubbing her eyes.
"Why you!!!" Fin leapt of the ship and slammed his fist into Arthur sending him slamming into the ground. His head got stuck between two boards that broke upon impact."Hmph I guess I'll see you sometime in the future. If you ever get outta there I'm sure you will." Fin said dusting his hands off and leaping into the ocean and swimming to the ship before Arthur could reply. He jumped onto the ship and lookeback at Arthur smiling."Until next time we meet! Learn some respect boy! Harharharhar!!!" Fin laughed as they sailed away from the docks of Perda and to there next destination. @sprouhtt @RetroAkabane
(Seriously fins 60 years old in human years and he doesn't fight dirty stop putting your own notions about him around the place lol)
(For him biting isn't fighting dirty lol but now that I think about it he kind of does fight dirty some times no more than normal for a pirate though ok ok my bad but he isn't a brat he's probably one of the oldest warlords xD )
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory](Seriously fins 60 years old in human years and he doesn't fight dirty stop putting your own notions about him around the place lol)

((Uh huh. Suuuuuure. Lol (B')))
The Savage turned around from the bow as he saw Goldenheart lean Fish Boy onto the mast of the Rose. He surpressed a chuckle as he called out to them.

"Looks to me like someone is going to regret that in the morning."
Victoria tossed and turned in the covers, she then started waking up as she grew cold.. She then opened her eyes sleepily not sure where she is..."Where am I?" she mumbled before taking in scents around her and smelling Fin.. Oh I guess I'm in his room..She thinks before her eyes start closing again, and she stares at the door...

"Wait no, I'm coming with you!" Anthea told him and she jumped off the ship and swam towards him. She got up out of the water and walked towards Arthur and runs to him," please let me come with you," she said to him as she stopped him in his path. @RetroAkabane
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]The Savage turned around from the bow as he saw Goldenheart lean Fish Boy onto the mast of the Rose. He surpressed a chuckle as he called out to them.
"Looks to me like someone is going to regret that in the morning."

Annabelle laughed. "I do believe he'll be quite hungover."

Edamus was sound asleep, every now and then his tongue flicking in and out.

Annabelle sighed. "This is the exact reason that I don't get drunk. Never have, never will." She shook her head. She looked up at Savage. "Thanks for the antidote. Edamus told me about it before he erm..." She gestured to his sleeping form.
"As Nathan heads to the deck below to find a room he can sleep in he thinks to himself I should buy some stuff before the ship sails. Nathan heads out of the ship and looks for a weaponshop

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