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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

In response to the marines, the Savage simply walked over to the gangplank leading to the ship and pulled it back on board.

With this two marine ships surround the black rose aiming there massive cannons at it making escape impossible. "We won't ask again exit the ship now!" The officer ordered. (Probably gonna go to sleep soon)
The Savage simply stood on the deck, watching the marines.

"No. Dont you have ears?"

(By the way, you can't blow up the Rose without permission from Death.)
(I'm co-gm if I blow it up that means I have permission regardless of that savage wouldnt know this being As he's a character in the rp so his refusal probably wouldn't be the best thing for his situation js no offense if I'm sounding rude anyways goodnight I'll probably wait till tomorrow to reply see if @DeathRising has his character do something)
She wasn't quiet sure what happened between the tavern and the ship but now she was setting sail on the Sea Devil. Velthala sat quietly on a barrel, watching the crew before her as they worked. She didn't quiet understand what was happening as she pursed her lips, folding her legs as she watched. Fixing the crown on her head, trying to figure out what she should do.
(Daaaaamn, Fin was mad. @Tylor guillory ) Crow walks with the marines, subdued. He wonders if the crew of the Black Rose will do anything, he'd rather not kill the marines to escape, especially since his friends could die too.
Black Rose/Preda


As Jackson ask me if I wanted her to come along and what direction it was in I tell her "I would love if you came along and its on a small island in the Emerald sea." Then Fin comes up on the Rose and a few words are exchanged between him and Jackson and then he turns to me and slaps me on the shoulder where he bit me and ask if we where cool. Holding back a scream of pain I say "Yea where cool just know next time we face off I'll be at hundred percent and not coming off of three fights." Jackson then asked me how badly fin got me and I say "I think I hurt myself worst then he did because when he bit me I kind of detonated a grenade in his mouth and by my shoulder." Then the blond kissed me on the check and jump back across to their ship as Jackson ordered everyone back I called out to her and said "you know if you ever get tired of working for Jackie you have a place on the Rose." I then walk over to Savage and say "After we get the treasurer from the Emerald sea then I will help you with your delima." And then I notice a marine ship come into port and send a rather massive group of marines to search the city. And then a group of marines tell everyone on the Rose to get off and come with them. Savage more a lease tells them no and that's when the Rose gets cornered by two ships. I look over and see Captain Yoland Van Rowenburg on one of the ships I yell out to him and say "now come on Yoland how many times have you tried to capture the Black Rose and her crew to no avail. Do you think just because I am captain now that it would be any easier." To everyone that's on the deck of the Rose I look back at them and say "okay crew don't freak out." And then I turn back to Yoland and in a mocking jester I salute him and the Rose sinks under the water in a matter of thirty seconds it is complete submerged and for everyone on board will see that it looks like their is a giant air bubble around the Rose and it starts moving out to sea.

@Knight Nate @Tylor guillory
Yoland smiles and in his German accent(which I just decided he had) say."You silly child the reason I know I can catch you now is because of this." He raises his hands and the clouds clear. "Now hear me oh mighty heaven rain down your light and judge them for they have sinned against God!" Then a huge pillar of light strikes down right on top of the air bubble clearing all water around it and making it burst.
Black Rose/Preda


As Yoland used his power to evaporate all the water around the Rose I sigh and let the water fall raising the Rose off the ground and back up to sea level. As we do I jump across to the ship that Yoland is on and walk straight up to him and say "fine you want a fight then lets do this." I draw my cutlass and ready to attack.

Sword of Seas/Preda


From up on the birds nest I see the marines start to round people up so I yell to the crew "everyone get your asses in gear we will be setting sail now. And with that the crew did as instructed and I jump into the water and pull George off the side of the Rose without anyone noticing saying "we have to go now the marines are hear and rounding pirates up." As we get back to the sword I see the marines start to approach the Rose and I tell the men to set sail and we leave before anyone can stop the sword.

@Tylor guillory
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George nodded. "Fine, get going, I'll-" he stopped when he saw a pirate being lead away by marines. He's from the Black Rose! he realized, and then jumped off the boat, using his speed to launch himself at the marines surrounding the poor fool. His hands turned into short swords, made for slashing and stabbing. The marines shouted in shock and fear, but they never stood a chance. It was all over in a matter of seconds. George's hands were bloodstained. When it was over, George grabbed the pirate, and made it back to the Sword of Seas. "Record time," he declared. He set the pirate down. "You may not know me, but I do know you're from the Black Rose. It wouldn't have been right to let the marines just take someone who sails on that ship." George then ordered for the ship to set sail, and walked over to the captain's cabin. "If anyone of you need me, I'll be in the captain's quarters," he told them all.

@BELL @DeathRising
Yoland cracked his neck and looked at Leon with a tired look in his eyes."I don't want to fight dear boy do I look like a pirate to you? No you see." All of a sudden in a flash of light Yoland was behind Leon."I want to wipe you pirate filth off the face of the earth. Now light speed pin point strike!" Yoland said as he struck Leon at light speed sending a beam of energy out of his brass knuckles covered fist. @DeathRising (lol bte Yoland is much stronger then Fin is at least how Fin currently is I made him so strong because I knew there would be so many pirates for him to fight and all his attacks have names I do enjoy attacks with names)
(Marines swarmed the city and took Crow and the both of you prisoner but Crow basically came without any resistance and they probably would of been let go but then sword hand Hammond came and slaughtered the Marines that where escorting them to Commander Yoland or Captain I like Commander better or maybe Major hmm idk)
Black Rose/Preda


As Yoland hit me with his light speed pin point strike I burst into a puddle of water. I then raise myself up onto his ship and said "sorry that was a water clone I just needed to see how you would react." Then stealing a page from Fin I send a water shark after Yoland.

Sword of Sea/Preda


As George came back with a another pirate I look at him and say "that was reaclious idiot." I then clime back up to the birds nest and keep an eye out for any danger.
Arthur and Anthea stand stunned at what just happened. “C'mon, I think I have an idea to get Crow back " Arthur runs toward the Sword of Seas and enters. He knows everyone was watching him but didn't care. He enters the room where Crow. They stand still for a while staring at each other “Oh woe is me, I'm Crow and whenever I get close to someone they die. You at least had a group of people who cared. Well guess what, I only had one person who ever cared for me and guess what happened to her. She... Died. But you know what? People die but that doesn't mean that you leave the people who care for you. If they die it wasn't your fault, it was because of their weakness not your stupid curse. If you think that your curse is really such a big deal then fight me. You should win easily if you are right so let's settle this. " @BELL
Yoland smirks and waved his hand sending a wave of light at the water Shark clashing with it and they both explode in a glorious manner for all to see."Hmm do you like my new abilities? I find them..quite suiting myself. "Yoland said as he disappeared and reappeared behind Leon." Now have a bit of this will you.ILLUMINATING CHORUS!!!" As Yoland said this waves of light are shot at him but in long beams. @DeathRising
Black Rose/Preda


As Yoland's attack hits me I go flying a few feet and land on my back I then jump to feet. And I hear Nathan call over from the Rose asking what to do I yell back "just make sure no one interferes with this fight." I then focus on Yoland and say "those powers powers of yours are quiet impressive but I think its fair to say you haven't had much practice with them. As last time we met you didn't have them and that was right before my mom got sick." I then make a handful of water clones and charge Yoland trying to tackle him into the sea.
Yoland yawns looking disappointed at Leon."While its true I haven't had them very long I think you'll find." All of a sudden a spear of light shot threw one clone and extended moving through all the clones and possibly you since your mixed in with them."I learn very quickly. "He finished his previous sentence.(don't forget it's still a spear of its more of a stabbing than anything)
Victoria finally got off the barrel, having an idea as in what to do to entertain herself at the moment.. First she went to a bag she had earlier and opened it, inside it held many clothes, so she picked out her matching traditional outfit for hrt dancing.. She then went to a secluded part of the ship.. She then put her hair up into a pony tail before making sure nobody was around.. She then started to belly dance, starting with simply lifts and sways, before it became more intricate..


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