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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

(Cough cough fin can tell you going after the box of Pandora is a suicide mission and even if you do manage to get it it won't be what you expect it'll probably unleash some new being lol sounds like a new arc.)
Crow seems to get impatient. "We need to get to the Sea Devil before we do anything." He goes about preparing the ship for the storm while going as fast as possible across the water.
Fin and his crew where on sleds they had made from supplies the had on the ship. They sped across the ice with ease it seemed like it was going to be a easy trip to the ice island. Everything seemed peaceful. (Until the fire nation attacked xD ) All of a sudden a huge ball of ice came flying at them."Watch out!!" Fin roared as the ice ball slammed into a sled of there's killing the group on it."What is it captain!!! " A crew mate asked a worried look on his face."Ice golems!" Fin screamed over the ice winds. As they came into view of the island the huge hunks of moving ice became much clearer. The golems continued to toss the giant chunks at the crew who barely managed to avoid it. By some miracle the rest of the crew made it past the ice golems and onto the island."Hm seems like they won't bother us here boys. Alright lets hurry to the temple and be sure to keep a look put for danger." He warned as they made there way threw the snowcoveted island cutting down trees as they passed them so they could get threw. After making it half way a crew mate thought he heard a noise. When he went to check it out he was ambused by snow leapords. After Fin and his crew managed to kill the snow leapords they continued there trip sending any injured back to the ship for medical attention. "Be safe friends take the easy route back." He said and they nodded and headed back. After fighting more wild beasts avoiding poisonous darts sent at them from natives and making it threw the temples traps they finally made it to the Breath of Boreas. Or at least Fin did most of the crew was either sent back injured or does at the hands of the island. Fin looked at it. It was a jar and it was closed with a cork he slowly appproached it and picked it up."Ahh finally with this my crew will be stronger then ever." Fin said smiling when all of a sudden there was a flash behind him and he turned around to see Yoland standing with his arms crossed a look of dissatisfaction on his face."Oh I really thought this would be easier. "He said in his German accent." Bloody water Fin we finally meet." At the sound of that name he snarled and spit on the ground."I haven't been called that in a long time and I don't want to be called it ever again. "Yoland have him a look of disappointment and slowly walk towards him moving his hands as he spoke." Your just as filthy and crude as I'd imagined although not as monsterous." He said and raised a eyebrow at Fin."You look ridiculous. " he said referring to his fur onsie. Fin snarled and charged at him."I won't take that from the likes of you marine snob now die!" Yoland simply teleported behind Fin before he could get to him and slammed his fist into his face. Fin didn't budgr though he attempted to retaliate with another attack but before he could Yoland sent him flying away with a wave of his hand and some light attacks. Fin coughed and attempted to stand up now on his hands and knees."What..do you want marine! " he asked as he began to stand at his feet."Retribution. " Yoland said as he aimed a highly concentrated beam of energy at Fins heart."Now be gone from the face of the earth! Flare beam!" As Yoland said this the attack was sent at Fin blinding him. It seemed like it was going to hit its mark when something seemed to jump in the way.Fin looked around to see who had saved him and his eyes widened in shock as he stared down Squishy laying on the ground unmoving a hole three his body."Squishy No!!!" Fin yelled as he ran to the baby kraken. Yoland sneered in disgust. "How pathetic showing such feelings for a pet." Tears began to appear in Fins eyes as he licked Squishy up and turned him towards him."Why'd you do that buddy. I had things taken care of." Squishy just looked up at Fin and coughed his little cough and smiled his little smile."Sqeeishee........" And with that the brave little kraken known as Squishy was dead, and so was the man known as Shark tooth Fin. He let out a roar of pain and anguish tears over flowing from his eyes."Why!!WHHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME OH MIGHTY GODS ABOVE!! IS THIS TRULY YOUR DIVINE PUNISHMENT IF SO THEY I SHALL GO AGAINST YOUR WILL AND SLAIGHTER YOU ALL IF IT MEANS GETTING MY FRIEND BACK THIS I SWEAR!" FIN roared to the heavens although they were still in the temple. It's walls where covered with ice a small lake inside lead to the outside waters. Fin stood up silent nothing but his tears streaming down his face. Slowly dark Aura began to seep from him and he changed into his sharkman form."Ill kill you.ILL KILL YOU.YOU BASTARD!!!" FIN ROARED AS HE PREPARED TO CHARGE Yoland once again. But his eyes widened in shock as Yoland was already infront of him his finger aimed directly at Fins chest."Just as I thought.. Your just a wild beast howling over the loss of a cub even though you've slaughtered many yourself. "Yoland said as the beam charged." Now died translucent oblivion. "With this fin was blasted by a huge beam of light it blew a hole straight threw his chest. His eyes roled back into his head and he was flung back into the water." How pathetic if the other warlords are half as weak as you then I'll make short work of them." Yoland said as he watched Fin sink beneath the waterway that was inside the temple connecting to the sea. Fin slowly sunk into the dark waters his body limp blood flowing from his wound and mouth and then everything went black."With this I am avenged now to my next targets." Yoland said picking up the jug containing the breath of Boreas and leaving the temple and island.
The ship reaches the Sea Devil. "We're here." Crow gets off, his coat becoming longer and with a higher collar. A sword appears in his hand and he slings it over his back. "If I don't come back, don't go looking for me, whatever killed me will probably kill you." He starts walking away, following the tracks of sleds, the snow falling around him. "That damded marine ship passed us. They better not have harmed anyone."

@Tylor guillory
Crow eventually reaches the temple and walks in. There's a marine and the crew. "Where the hell's Fin?" @Tylor guillory @Am2aM @anyone else
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Sarlan, who had wandered off from the side of the Black Rose, was circling the site of the fight with Fin and Yoland. She hissed and smelled the water, the scent of blood filling her nostrils. She located Fin's body, and she crooned softly. She curled around him, bringing him to the surface and setting him down gently on an ice floe. She nudged him and began to lick his wound, her saliva being a healing salve. The wound on Fin's side began to close, and Sarlan curled around Fin protectively. @Tylor guillory

(Sarlan looks like this:)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/b963583c4fc53efe734ef61544d671c0-d5n3zsc.png.d398bdd5a95de689eef7cbaf9acb6311.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91292" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/b963583c4fc53efe734ef61544d671c0-d5n3zsc.png.d398bdd5a95de689eef7cbaf9acb6311.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


  • b963583c4fc53efe734ef61544d671c0-d5n3zsc.png
    558.3 KB · Views: 15
BELL said:
Crow looks at the darkening sky. "either way, there's a storm due to this girl's daddy, I guess." He looks down at her. @Veyd Sahvoz @RetroAkabane @DaManofWar
The little girl danced a bit, humming a song as the wind seemed to follow her movements. The storm got bigger now and the rain flowed down on the ship.

[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]Fin and his crew where on sleds they had made from supplies the had on the ship. They sped across the ice with ease it seemed like it was going to be a easy trip to the ice island. Everything seemed peaceful. (Until the fire nation attacked xD ) All of a sudden a huge ball of ice came flying at them."Watch out!!" Fin roared as the ice ball slammed into a sled of there's killing the group on it."What is it captain!!! " A crew mate asked a worried look on his face."Ice golems!" Fin screamed over the ice winds. As they came into view of the island the huge hunks of moving ice became much clearer. The golems continued to toss the giant chunks at the crew who barely managed to avoid it. By some miracle the rest of the crew made it past the ice golems and onto the island."Hm seems like they won't bother us here boys. Alright lets hurry to the temple and be sure to keep a look put for danger." He warned as they made there way threw the snowcoveted island cutting down trees as they passed them so they could get threw. After making it half way a crew mate thought he heard a noise. When he went to check it out he was ambused by snow leapords. After Fin and his crew managed to kill the snow leapords they continued there trip sending any injured back to the ship for medical attention. "Be safe friends take the easy route back." He said and they nodded and headed back. After fighting more wild beasts avoiding poisonous darts sent at them from natives and making it threw the temples traps they finally made it to the Breath of Boreas. Or at least Fin did most of the crew was either sent back injured or does at the hands of the island. Fin looked at it. It was a jar and it was closed with a cork he slowly appproached it and picked it up."Ahh finally with this my crew will be stronger then ever." Fin said smiling when all of a sudden there was a flash behind him and he turned around to see Yoland standing with his arms crossed a look of dissatisfaction on his face."Oh I really thought this would be easier. "He said in his German accent." Bloody water Fin we finally meet." At the sound of that name he snarled and spit on the ground."I haven't been called that in a long time and I don't want to be called it ever again. "Yoland have him a look of disappointment and slowly walk towards him moving his hands as he spoke." Your just as filthy and crude as I'd imagined although not as monsterous." He said and raised a eyebrow at Fin."You look ridiculous. " he said referring to his fur onsie. Fin snarled and charged at him."I won't take that from the likes of you marine snob now die!" Yoland simply teleported behind Fin before he could get to him and slammed his fist into his face. Fin didn't budgr though he attempted to retaliate with another attack but before he could Yoland sent him flying away with a wave of his hand and some light attacks. Fin coughed and attempted to stand up now on his hands and knees."What..do you want marine! " he asked as he began to stand at his feet."Retribution. " Yoland said as he aimed a highly concentrated beam of energy at Fins heart."Now be gone from the face of the earth! Flare beam!" As Yoland said this the attack was sent at Fin blinding him. It seemed like it was going to hit its mark when something seemed to jump in the way.Fin looked around to see who had saved him and his eyes widened in shock as he stared down Squishy laying on the ground unmoving a hole three his body."Squishy No!!!" Fin yelled as he ran to the baby kraken. Yoland sneered in disgust. "How pathetic showing such feelings for a pet." Tears began to appear in Fins eyes as he licked Squishy up and turned him towards him."Why'd you do that buddy. I had things taken care of." Squishy just looked up at Fin and coughed his little cough and smiled his little smile."Sqeeishee........" And with that the brave little kraken known as Squishy was dead, and so was the man known as Shark tooth Fin. He let out a roar of pain and anguish tears over flowing from his eyes."Why!!WHHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME OH MIGHTY GODS ABOVE!! IS THIS TRULY YOUR DIVINE PUNISHMENT IF SO THEY I SHALL GO AGAINST YOUR WILL AND SLAIGHTER YOU ALL IF IT MEANS GETTING MY FRIEND BACK THIS I SWEAR!" FIN roared to the heavens although they were still in the temple. It's walls where covered with ice a small lake inside lead to the outside waters. Fin stood up silent nothing but his tears streaming down his face. Slowly dark Aura began to seep from him and he changed into his sharkman form."Ill kill you.ILL KILL YOU.YOU BASTARD!!!" FIN ROARED AS HE PREPARED TO CHARGE Yoland once again. But his eyes widened in shock as Yoland was already infront of him his finger aimed directly at Fins chest."Just as I thought.. Your just a wild beast howling over the loss of a cub even though you've slaughtered many yourself. "Yoland said as the beam charged." Now died translucent oblivion. "With this fin was blasted by a huge beam of light it blew a hole straight threw his chest. His eyes roled back into his head and he was flung back into the water." How pathetic if the other warlords are half as weak as you then I'll make short work of them." Yoland said as he watched Fin sink beneath the waterway that was inside the temple connecting to the sea. Fin slowly sunk into the dark waters his body limp blood flowing from his wound and mouth and then everything went black."With this I am avenged now to my next targets." Yoland said picking up the jug containing the breath of Boreas and leaving the temple and island.

(Can I have Death come in to interact with Fin's soul?)
Victoria was sitting on the ground holding her knees, with her head resting on them, as she kept replaying everything that had happened throughout the day, that led to the tragedies...
The marine smiled"Have fun searching for him in his watery grave." He then disappeared in a flash of light.(None of the Sea Devil crew was left when Fin arrived at the Temple they were either injured and returning to the ship or dead from the journey or they stayed on the ship)Fin was bordering between life and death now all he saw was dark."Am I really dying? Is this it for the adventures of Shark tooth Fin and the crew of the Sea Devil? How can this be? PleaseiI can't go like this it can't end!" All of a sudden a voice Could be heard from the shadows surrounding Fin."Oh really it can't huh? You dare question the will of the gods? Hm interesting very well speak your intentions and I sgall fullfil them." The voice said it was a mighty echoing voice and then a hissing voice. The voice kept changing almost as if it where multiple beings."I...I wish... I WISH TO DEFY THE GODS!!!" Fin roared and dark energy began to erupt from him."Hahahha very well then I shall grant you your wish now go defy the gods at all cost eve. At the cost of your humanity. "With those words the voice disappeared and slowly Fin rose his Fins and gills vanishing and he went back to his more human form. The dark energy seeped from his very being and everything about his changed it was darker more malicious and evil." I shall slaughter all who stand in my way!" Fin said looking up finally showing his eyes which where blood red now. Where his wound healed a massive scar was left."You sea serpent thank you for your assistance now take me to my ship I have business to attend to."Fin ordered the sea serpent his Aura so intimidating that Sarlan would be foolish to deny him. @BELL @sitanomoto
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The little girl walked off of the ship she was on, looking at the cold island and gazing at the storm that was likely to happen. She looked at the Sea Devil ship and walked towards it, glancing at the big ship " . . .hello. . . ." she said in a slightly loud voice.
Crow gets back to the Sea Devil and finds her quickly. "Where's captain?" He seems unconcerned, but his eyes betray him. @Am2aM
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Tylor guillory]The marine smiled"Have fun searching for him in his watery grave." He then disappeared in a flash of light.(None of the Sea Devil crew was left when Fin arrived at the Temple they were either injured and returning to the ship or dead from the journey or they stayed on the ship)Fin was bordering between life and death now all he saw was dark."Am I really dying? Is this it for the adventures of Shark tooth Fin and the crew of the Sea Devil? How can this be? PleaseiI can't go like this it can't end!" All of a sudden a voice Could be heard from the shadows surrounding Fin."Oh really it can't huh? You dare question the will of the gods? Hm interesting very well speak your intentions and I sgall fullfil them." The voice said it was a mighty echoing voice and then a hissing voice. The voice kept changing almost as if it where multiple beings."I...I wish... I WISH TO DEFY THE GODS!!!" Fin roared and dark energy began to erupt from him."Hahahha very well then I shall grant you your wish now go defy the gods at all cost eve. At the cost of your humanity. "With those words the voice disappeared and slowly Fin rose his Fins and gills vanishing and he went back to his more human form. The dark energy seeped from his very being and everything about his changed it was darker more malicious and evil." I shall slaughter all who stand in my way!" Fin said looking up finally showing his eyes which where blood red now. Where his wound healed a massive scar was left."You sea serpent thank you for your assistance now take me to my ship I have business to attend to."Fin ordered the sea serpent his Aura so intimidating that Sarlan would be foolish to deny him. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25953-bell/ said:
(I kinda want to help Fin and the other pirates but I really want to fight Yoland. So just a heads up, better look after the little girl ;)
Arthur begins to grow impatient and decides to at least say hello to his old comrades on the Sea Devil. "Hey Victoria, long time no sea. Ha get it? Anyways what's going on here why is everyone either sad, morning or injured?" @Am2aM

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