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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Death just sat at the tavern in Perda, he watched everything that happened, all the drunkards were to drunk or busy to care about Death. One man came up to Death and stared him right in the 'eyes' and dropped his drink. He shook with fear and tripped back a bit "No…it can't be……" mumbled the man. Death turned his head and just then the drunkard sailor man shouted out "…Death…it's Death the Grim Reaper!! He'll kill us all and take our souls!!" he ran out of the tavern like a mad man as some of the merc drunks and other pirates and sailors got up, pulling out their weapons. The other najority of the tavern either didn't care or screamed like madmen.
Edamus rolled his eyes, and Annabelle did the same.

Annabelle, secretly, was terrified of Death, having seen what he could do, but she didn't show it.

Edamus, being part animal, did not care about Death, knowing that he was a natural being and that death was also natural in the course of life. He turned back to Death after looking at Annabelle for a moment, and he smiled, baring his snake fangs. "Hello, Death," he said. "Been a while."
sprouhtt said:
Perda (Pub/tavern)
Anthea continues dancing with Captain Fin as Crow went over to talk to Victoria. She begins to move her arms, legs, head and hips to the beat of music playing by the towns band. The music grew louder and faster and she began dancing faster as well. "Ahh," she squealed and laughed and with each laugh she gave out she had the hiccups. @Tylor guillory @BELL @Am2aM
Victoria finished another drink before ordering five more and finishing those as well, and ordering one more as she sipped it.. She then started walking back and forth.
She walks over to a table and gets on top of it and begins dancing in circles as she moved her body to the music," Woooohoooo!" She shouted and laughed out loud before continuing her drunk dancing. @Tylor guillory @BELL
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Victoria watched as Anthea started to dance on a table.. Victoria started to get drunk herself, but not that drunk.. Victoria then cheered for Anthea before laughing and drinking more of her own drink..

@Tylor guillory @BELL
Anthea laughed and laughed before getting off the table and moving towards the bar once again to where Victoria was and other men. "Helloooo," she said to Victoria and rubbed her eyes and she ordered a glass of water. @Tylor guillory @Am2aM
Annabelle, who was looking everywhere but at Death, sipped her drink as she watched the dancing. She nearly spit it out and looked into her cup.


"Edamus!" She said, appalled. "You switched my drink!!!"

"have a little fun, Annabelle!" Edamus said, laughing. His pale skin turned slightly red.

"Edamus!" Annabelle said. "Gods, you're terrible!" She huffed and ordered another water. "I mean it, Edamus, I've never gotten drunk and I don't ever intend to."

"I ssssee they call you 'Goldenheart' for a reassson." Edamus said with a soft smile. He enjoyed whatever standards she held herself to.

((@sprouhtt @Am2aM @BELL))
Victoria smiled at her.."Helloo, having fun dancing?" she asked leaning on the counter, almost sliding off, as she talks to her..

@Tylor guillory @BELL
Arthur enters the bar to find his crew mates drunk just like the first time he saw them. He smiles out of nostalgia and walks over to Death. “Hey, I never got that duel that I wanted for immortality. How about we go outside and do it now. First one to land 5 hits, weapon or hand, wins" He asks knowing that Death in his drunken state had to accept. @Veyd Sahvoz
"Aye everyone clear the dance floor!" Fin said his tone deadly serious."I think it's time I settle a old bet." And as he said this the crew mate walked in with squishy who shot Fin his best tough guy look while making a little growl."Speak of the devil. " Fin said smirking mischievously."So we gonna do this or what squishy? " Fin asked him and squishy locking eyes. Squishy nodded and leapt onto the dance floor. Fin ran on to the dance floor and stopped infront of squishy, he then raised a finger to the side and said "Give us a beat its a dance contest!!!!" @Am2aM @sprouhtt @RetroAkabane @Veyd Sahvoz @BELL (and anyone else who's in the bar.
Victoria freaked as she heard the captain yell.. She then stared dumbfounded as the captain said it was a dance contest.. Victoria sighed.."Aww, I can only belly dance.." she said sadly as she sat on a stool and drank more alcohol..
Fins ears twitched and in a instant he was beside Victoria."Hehe I'm sorry did you say something about belly dancing?" He asked smiling his Shark tooth smile and holding her hand."I'd love to see that sometime maybe tonight in my quarters?" He asked raising a eyebrow.Squishy let out a annoyed squel and Captain Fin roled his eyes."Alright alright I'm coming damn can't let a man talk to a beautiful lady. Hehe ok we can talk about this some other time." He said winking at her and going back to the dance floor. @Am2aM
Victoria had wide eyes as she was surprised to randomly see FIn next to her, and she blushed as he talked... She then watched as he went back to the dance floor with the cute little squishy.." I have no words..." she mumbles before gulping down the rest of her drink and ordering another..
George Hammond sighed when the two siblings turned down his offer, and instead went back to the Tavern. He was surprised to see everyone dancing, and he smiled at the sight. He gave a small chuckle, and then vaulted onto a table. "Alright you scalywags!" He cried, slamming a foot down. He grinned from ear to ear, and downed a whole bottle of beer. "Do what you want, because a pirate is free, and you are all pirates!" He called out, raising the the beer bottle in the air before throwing across the room.
Tavern in perda

"Alright Squishy lets go." He told Squishy who just gave him a nod. All of a sudden music was playing and they were dancing as if the god of dance was possessing them both. Squishy moved around like squid on a hot frying pan. Waving his tentacles around and bouncing every now and then doing things you probably couldn't do if you had bones. But Fins moves were every bit as amazing. He moved quickly and agilely for such a massive man. He moved with such grace that even the most grateful of creatures would envy him. As the contest came to a end they breathed heavily and stared each other in the eyes both having a determined look in there eyes."This ends now!" Fin said and Squishy leapt into the sky as he did. The both landed on there heads and began spinning rapidly."Whoever falls out first loses!" Fin roared as he spun Squishy just gave him a little squel back as he spun rapidly as well. It seemed like forever had passed when they both fell out at the exact same time. There eyes seemed to still be spinning."Ugh I...think I'm gonna barf." Fin said as he tried to stop the spinning. "Sqee shi shi sqee." Said Squishy which was probably about the same thing. Then they both laughed or at least Squishy tried to laugh. "I guess we're still evenly matched aye squish?" Fin asked as he managed to get to his feet."Sqee sqee shishi!" Squishy replied happily standing up on his tentacles."Harharharhar, yes yes indeed next time it will be different. " So with there contest over Squishy ran over to some girls and began hugging them while squealing happily. @Am2aM @sprouhtt @RetroAkabane @BELL
The Savage sighed. He came to the Tavern for a quiet drink, but now these idiots were here. He rubbed his temples and stood up, heading back outside. He looked up at the stars and sighed. He envied them, in a way. So far away, so distant from the troubles of this plane. He decided to take a midnight walk, his strides slow and silent as he continued staring at the stars.
Victoria watched the agile, fairy like man... She then drank a few more mugs before thinking back on what she said as she was now very drunk..She started laughing..."oops..." she then laughed more as she fell over one arm wrapped around herself the other holding her up as she laughed more, tears coming to eyes and her gut hurting..
Fin walked over to Victoria and lifted her up with one arm."Hello I believe we were talking earlier?" He said smiling flirtatiously. He then walked over to a table booth and sat down Victoria now on my lap."Alright men, and ladies! Be sure to party hard because tomorrow we set out for our toughest journey yet!" All his crew cheered and continued there partying. @RetroAkabane @BELL @Am2aM @sprouhtt
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The Savage walked down the boardwalk, just staring up at the night sky. He eventually began to reach the lush grasslands that usually dot Perda, and wandered into them, sitting himself down on a small hill and lying back, staring back up at the stars. He then shot up suddenly, looked around, and seeing that no one was there, took his hat off and set it by his side. He also pulled down the cuff covering his nose and mouth and breathed in the cold night air.

"I love nights like these..."
Victoria finally took a breath of air and stopped laughing as Fin picked her up, she then blushed as he smiled at her... "Yes we were talking.." she said with a small laugh, after Fin finished talking.. She then thought back not able to remember what she was talking about.. "uh.. We were talking about.... Hmmm? Oh yeah, Fairies!" she said as a light bulb popped in her head.. "Oh wait or was that what I was thinking about.." she mumbled looking down, confused...
George noticed one rather drunk woman, who he had heard earlier say only knew belly dancing. He smiled at her. "Poor girl," he said aloud as she was escorted by Fin. He began thinking, and decided to make a move of his own. He jumped off the table, and walked over to her. "Well, hello young lady," he said, smiling. "And who might you be?" He knelt down, and gave the girl a disarming smile.
When the other one... What was his name? Crow couldn't remember and he hadn't heard of him before, came up, he smiled even more. (Alright. See you.) Then, Crow decided to do something. He grabs Victoria's hand and gently pulls her to her feet. "Here, come dance with me, Victoria." He smiles at her, then Fin as he walks away. "Captain."

@Tylor guillory @DaManofWar
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As the Savage lay there staring up at the constellations of great heroes and mighty beasts, he began to sing to himself again, but this time it was louder and proud, his usual gruff tone dissapear in as he sang. He tapped his foot along with the rythym.

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