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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Victoria keeps drinking and stands up stretching before finishing her drink and getting another.."So Crow.. How long does it take to get you drunk?" she asks him..
Liz and Jakob both got healed at a healers. They fixed up their clothes and Liz was now conscious. They walked to the port, forgetting about the tarven after the ordeal. @DeathRising
The Savage walked to the bow of the ship again and stood there, watching the waves roll past. He was pretty certain that everyone had gotten all the treasure they needed, and now it was just a matter of waiting for the Captain to wake up so they could leave. Of course, he could just leave now, but that wouldn't be fair to the others. They had given him some laughs, and so he was willing to just wait it out. He let out a small sigh as he stared upwards at the night sky, scanning them for the constellations.
"Jeremiah....." Annabelle gasped, through a fog of sleep.

Edamus smiled. "It'ssss alright, Goldenheart." He said. "You're jusssst fine."

"Edamus..... Ed, is that you?" She said hazily, almost as if drunk.

"Yesss, brave one. Ressst easssy now. You took one hell of a hit from that ssssword." Edamus replied.

"Jeremiah... Where's Jeremiah? I have to see him..." She struggled to get up and then fell back.

"Easssy now," Edamus said, catching her and putting her gently back down. "You'll sssee him again, I promissse." He didn't know who Jeremiah was. A lost lover? A best friend? A brother? Whatever this person was, he was special and important to the gal in silver.
The Savage looked around the empty deck one more time, making sure no one was there. He then turned around to the sea and began to sing. It was a low tune, and as he sang, the gruff in his voice would dissapear as he continued singing the low tune.
-The Black Rose-

The Savage finished his song and went to the transport ship yet again. Tired of waiting, he found everyone in the crew and grabbed them one by one, bring them back onto the Rose. After he had grabbed them, he kicked the boarding plank away and raised the anchor.

"I'm tired of waiting. We're leaving now. Perda is the closest port near here."

He then began to climb up to the sails and bring them down. He had spent lots of time on a ship and knew which sails needed to come down and which needed to stay up. He hopped down when he was finished and walked to the wheel, gently guiding the ship as the wind howled behind him, pushing the ship at a steady pace.
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Perda (Pub/tavern)

Anthea continues dancing with Captain Fin as Crow went over to talk to Victoria. She begins to move her arms, legs, head and hips to the beat of music playing by the towns band. The music grew louder and faster and she began dancing faster as well. "Ahh," she squealed and laughed and with each laugh she gave out she had the hiccups. @Tylor guillory @BELL @Am2aM
It took about an hours worth of sailing all by himself to finally reach Perda. He carefully brought the Rose in and docked her, dropping the anchor quickly. He then climbed the Nets back up to the sails and brought them back up, tying them to the wooden beams. After he was finished, he jumped down and stretched.

"I'm going for a drink. You'll know where to find where me when we leave."

He then lowered the gangplank and walked down it to the pier of Perda and began his trek to the local tavern.
The two saw a ship come into the docks. "That one looks pretty impressive." Liz said, pointing to it. "I agree." Jakob replied as they started making their way to the Black Rose.
As the Savage began making his way down the pier, he saw what looked to be a man a woman approach the dock where the Rose was at. He stood in front of them, blocking their way.

"The Black Rose is off limits until further notice. The Captain is wounded, and any strangers found aboard will be shot on sight. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a drink."

He pushed past them and continued on his way to the tavern, shaking his head.
Edamus felt the ship stop. "Annabelle," he said, "would you care to come with me for ssssome fun? Are you able to ssstand yet?"

Annabelle rubbed her eyes, smiling as Edamus held out his hand. She took it, feeling the cold scales and warm skin at the same time.

Edamus pulled her up, supporting her as she staggered for a moment, then helped her walk up to the deck and then down to the port. He smiled at the war lord who was admiring the ship. He released Annabelle, who had found her footing, and allowed her to walk behind him. "Thankssss," edamus hissed as he and Annabelle walked to the tavern.
As soon as The Savage reached the tavern and opened the door, the room went dead quiet. He took a few steps in and looked around, the many people in there refusing to look towards his face.

"Go back to your business."

The tavern resumed it's usual happy demeanor and the chatting of the locals returned. He approached the barkeep and took a set, asking for an ale as he did so.
Black Rose/Preda

I come to with a thunk and get up and look out the window and see we have ported at Preda. Slightly annoyed that the crew set sail while the captain was knocked out but happy to have finally made it to Preda. I then notice I was patched up but still in pain from the bite Fin gave me I pick my coat up and check to see if the green jewel was in it and it was. So I slip it and tap the floor with my foot and a treasure chest popped up and I grabbed two bags of coins out and tapped the floor again making it disappear. I then walk out take a deep breath and head down to the docks as I do I notice a boy and girl waiting by the ship so I walk up to them and say "why are you two waiting by my ship?" @NightCasterZ

Inactive or people who said they where done with this RP character drop off

When the Black Rose ported Angelica,Edward Steel,Anthony Barrett,Sadime, Elizabeth Powers, Hanakichi Ichitomi, and Sedah got their payment or told Savage to thank the captain for the passage and got off the Black Rose and disappeared in the crowds.

Tylor guillory](Bwuahahahahaha that was a incredibly specific training session xD lmfao Roxanne must of been psychic xD lmfao also that bite wounds gonna leave a big ugly scar FYI [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22847-deathrising/ said:
@DeathRising[/URL] )
(It was a nightmare something that really didnt happen just an after effect of that days events.)
"Your ship?" Jakob asks curiously.

Liz smiles. "We were looking to join a crew."

Jakob nods. "We saw this one dock and it looks pretty impressive."
With a look of pride in my eyes I say "well it should after all it is the Black Rose after all. And I am more than happy to give you two a shot your free to board you can each find that you can have your own room. When you go below deck take your first right and their will be a hall of cabins and word of advice don't try to go to the end because even if you think you see it you wont make it. I'll be back in a little bit got some business to take care of." I then walk off towards the middle of town.
Edamus smiled as he and Annabelle walked into the tavern, pulling up a seat next to another crew. He recognized the crew from the Sea Devil, and he laughed, a dry sound, noticing that most of them were really drunk. He ordered a rum, then turned to Annabelle. "Want ssssomething?" He said.

Annabelle nodded, just ordering a water. "I don't drink," she said when she saw Edamus raise an eyebrow. "I'm really not a big fan. That, and I promised myself I would never get drunk, and I still haven't ever been drunk."
Colt was strung up by hos arms in the middle of town. There where four naval officer's beating him with sticks. He had been stripped of hos weapons and shirt and jacket. His scared back being given fresh bruises. There was, what looked like a branding mark on his back that had a cross seared over the top.

"Well ye smartass" said the camander "haven't got such a big mouth now do ya?"

Colt raised his head at the commander and responded with "Well your wife knows all about big mouths doesn't she?" He was grinning like and idiot.

The commander stepped toward and decked colt across the jaw "Be a smart ass. The hangman is comin for ye. Pirate!" And with that the commander and his crew walked off.

Colt called out "Bring you wife! We'll make a day of it!"

When the commander left colt started struggling with the binds.
As I got to the center of town I saw a man hung up and waiting execution and being a smartass to the officials. Then I heard them call the man a pirate I got the idea if I save him he will owe me. So as the officers past me out of no where a small wave came and his all of them knocking them out. I then went up to the man and said "if I cut you down will you join my Crewe on the Black Rose ?"
The Savage took his ale and quickly lowered the cuff guarding his face, which was quickly replaced by a mug as he chugged the ale at a record speed and placed it back on the bar, pulling back up the cuff covering his face.

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