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Dice Warhammer 40K: The Interex Valhalla

I'm gonna have Apollo use his own tech skill to make the exploding process even explodier and quicker. I think Naomi and Apollo would be 3 meters away from each other?
Protagonist said:
I'm gonna have Apollo use his own tech skill to make the exploding process even explodier and quicker. I think Naomi and Apollo would be 3 meters away from each other?
We weren't really specifying ranges before the zeds starting shambling, but sure, 3m seems reasonable. 4 of the Zeds go before Apollo though.
Protagonist said:
I'm gonna have Apollo use his own tech skill to make the exploding process even explodier and quicker. I think Naomi and Apollo would be 3 meters away from each other?
Naomi is going to be very mad at you if you mess up her techmolitions. ;)
@Protagonist, can you sticky this or something so we can find it easily? Maybe a similar sticky for whatever the current initiative order is?

Rogue Trader Combat Overview

Initiative: 1d10+Agi bonus. If tie, highest Agility to lowest.If they also have the same Agility then each should roll a die, with the highest going first.

Taking Turns: Two half-actions or one full-action per turn, cannot take same half-action twice. One reaction per round.

Common actions:

Half/full, +10/+20 to hit on next attack

All-Out Attack: Full, +20 to WS, no Dodge/Parry

Called shot: Full. Attack specific location, -20 to WS or BS.

Charge: Full. Move at charge (3x)speed and make a WS attack, last 4 metres in straight line, +10 to WS.

Defensive Stance: Full. Plus one reaction, -20 to WS tests to attack.

Disengage: Full. Break off from melee and move at base speed without provoking. An acrobatics check reduces this to half action (acrobatics is trained only).

Dodge: Reaction. Test Dodge to negate hit. Can only dodge blast radius up to Agility bonus. Each degree of success negates one additional hit from full and semi auto.

Full Auto Burst: Full. +20 to BS. Additional hit for every degree of success. 94-100 == weapon jam. Pistol or basic weapon == -10 to BS total and move Agi bonus in metres.

Overwatch: Full. Shoot targets coming into 45 degree kill zone area. -20 BS. Forces enemies to make a Hard (-30) Willpower Pinning Test or be pinned.

Run: Full. Move 6x Speed. Enemies get -20 BS and +20 WS to attack.

Semi-Auto: Full. +10 to BS. Additional hit every 2 degrees of success. Using a pistol or basic weapon lets you move agi bonus in metres but without the +10 BS bonus if you choose to do so.

Suppressing Fire: Full. Force opponents to take cover, -20 BS to hit random opponent(s) in 45 degree arc. Forces enemies to make a Hard (-30) Willpower Pinning Test or be pinned.

Standard Attack: Half-action. Jam on 96-100.

Tactical Advance: Full. Move from cover to cover, keeping benefits of cover.

Resolving Attack:

1. Roll Ballistic/Weapon Skill +- Modifiers. If hit, target can Dodge or Parry.

2. Determine attack hit locations.

Attack Hit Locations:

Reverse the die. 98 becomes 89.

01-10: Head

11-20: Right arm

21-30: Left arm

31-70 Body

71-85: Right leg

86-00: Left leg

3. Calculate damage. Roll damage, apply modifier. Melee weapons add Strength Bonus. Count degrees of success- attacker can replace result on a single damage dice with degrees of success from attack roll. Natural 10 is righteous fureh- reroll damage die. Reduce damage by target's Toughness Bonus plus (Armor Points (including cover) – Pen, min 0) If target's total Damage>Wounds, apply critical damage.


Character has body/legs concealed. If attack hits concealed location, apply damage to cover first. If damage dealt in excess of cover's AP, reduce AP by 1 and deal rest of damage to target.


If attacking character adjacent to target, both considered engaged in melee. Free standard attack against fleeing character if disengage action not used. -20 to BS tests to hit combatants engaged in melee. Outnumbering opponents in melee grants +10/+20 to WS for two to one and three+ to one respectively.

Pinning: Pinned character can only take half-actions. Suffers -20 to BS tests. May not leave cover except to retreat. If not in cover, must use next turn to reach cover or move away. Characters engaged in melee escape pinning.

Prone: Free action to drop prone. +10 to WS tests to attack prone targets, -10 to BS tests unless attacker at point blank range. Applies -20 penalty to dodge tests, -10 to WS for prone individual.

Range: Distance of less than half of weapon range get +10 BS. Firing within 3m while not engaged in melee gives +30 BS. Firing at targets within 1-2x weapon range gives -10 BS. Firing at targets within 2-4x weapon range gives -30 BS.

Jamming: 96-100=automatic miss and jam. Full Action with BS test to clear, weapon needs to be reloaded.
Eplov said:
So, I think we have two Zeds and a sealed off door. Why are we in a hurry to get out?
Actually, maybe arent. He might be able to summon more. But I'm not sure.
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Protagonist said:
Actually, maybe arent. He might be able to summon more. But I'm not sure.
The fact that you're not sure is a bit scary.

@Fezzes, was that semi-auto? You should've hit multiple times if so.

Edit: Although it's a total moot point since it'll be down after the first shot.
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No, he aimed and then fired. It's still giving it a +10 bonus, but not using extra ammo. And yeah, it's down. Depending on how many wounds it has. So I figured that'd work
I went out on a limb and assumed it was one of the slower zombies. Snuffles killed it after the Rook sisters epically whiffed. I assume we're now opening the door or turning on life support? Neither sister has the security skill, so it's tech use all the way.

Edit: or else det chord to get the door open. :)
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Fezzes said:
Damn it. I was just about to loose a post of Carth just grabbing Apharius' Inferno Pistol and melting the door. Oh well.
I really need to get myself one of those. They seem terrifically handy. :)
Eplov said:
You're right, it's the hell guns that need backpacks. Does that mean you can't reload?
Two Full Actions to reload. It just makes reloading more fiddly, and a little harder to comprehend as to how it actually works.
Fezzes said:
Two Full Actions to reload. It just makes reloading more fiddly, and a little harder to comprehend as to how it actually works.
I would imagine you would need an extra backpack battery or something.

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