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Fantasy War of the Magi [OPEN] (Character Creation and OOC)

Name: Manta
Gender: Male
Age: 800
Species: Flying Mantaray
Room Number:
Alignment: Good

Personality: Manta is extremely friendly and playful. He is unable to physically speak and can only make sounds. That is why he uses his psyonic magic to talk and communicate. Manta is very respectful and will always listen to his elders. He likes to explore and satisy his curiosity for knowledge. He loves to learn, watch and observe but doing so takes patience and time which most of the time he hasn't got enough of it to settle down. He gets attached to friends very easily. All it takes is something for Manta to relate to or sometimes just a fun conversation. Even someone to play with. When Manta makes a new friend he likes to use his psyonic magic to awe and wow others.

Bio: TBR

Main Magic: Psyonic Magic
Sub Magic: Projection Magic (Able to project memories and imagination into the real world for others to see.
Natural Abilities: Water Magic
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Name: Neptune
Pet Age: 1200
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Species: Angelic Companion
Pet Appearance:

Pet Personality: Neptune will do what the previous Angel Companion could not. He is determined to protect Manta and he knows how. As a water specialist, Neptune feels like his bond with Manta is already unbreakable. He is smart, thinking carefully and strategicly. Neptune can be arrogant at times but as a special ops Angel, that isn't a surprise.

Main Magic: Psyonic Magic
Natural Abilities: Water Magic
We won't be having roomates with ourselves, right?
I'll try to avoid that as much as possible. I was going to ask you about that though. I wanted to know if you wanted Agnes and Sage to specifically be roomates or if you didn't care.
Wow! I seriously shot low for what I could have done. Compared to some of these folks, mine is barely going to do anything in the war. They could snap their fingers and end it in an instant.
Name: Kodoku

Gender: None

Age: 12

Species: Death kiss

Room Number: (will be assigned to you before roleplay)

Alignment: Chaotic evil. It favors its own freedom and agency over others and is more than willing to do them harm to see itself prosper.

Appearance: It has white skin and a red central eye. Its body is about 3 meters across and its ten tentacles tend to be anywhere from a 6-9 meters when extended and end in toothy maws that it uses to latch on to prey and drain their life and/or blood. The tentacles can be fully retracted and are prehensile allowing it to manipulate objects with them. Its voice comes from one or more of the tentacles when it speaks and its skin is as soft and moist as a flower petal. The teeth in the maws are designed to dig in to get a hold and thanks to many holes in the teeth and an anticoagulant in its saliva, blood continues to flow into the tooth and out its tip so that it can be gulped down by the center part. The maws aren't meant for chewing leading it mostly having to "lick" or take very small bites, effectively abrading or mashing other foods, while drinking heavily to get the tentacles to be able to take them.
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Personality: At it's core it is selfish and hedonistic. It is only truly interested in its own welfare and enjoyment. The "issue" is that most other creatures don't like that, so it has learned to be "nice" and considerate. It knows it's not the mightiest being in the universe. If it doesn't want to get beaten up on the daily, it probably serves it to keep a civil tongue and not pick fights. It doesn't care that it did you harm when it insulted you, stole your stuff, stabbed you in the kidney, etc. It cares that you are likely to respond poorly to such things and that response is likely to be unpleasant for it. If it wants pleasant response from others, it needs to do the things that get those responses. That means saying nice things, helping them, and otherwise being a pleasant person to be around. It is not some mustache twirling villain, it may be evil and self centered, but that self interest is exactly why it is a nice person to those in a position to do something to it.

Bio: It was born from the nightmare of a beholder, as are all of its kind, and found itself lost and wandering in a new world. While it fed on many creatures, it eventually found one that was worth more than just the next meal. He offered food like it had never tasted before, taught it about the pleasures of touch outside of killing things. The concept of a hug or holding someone while they cry to support them. The gentle caress and the playful tickle. They had many wonderful experiences and their life was wonderful. It could have gladly lived out the rest of its existence with him, but the humans killed him. Now it is alone, keeping one of his little stuffed doll servants as a pet and servant of its own.

Main Magic: Its primary magic deals with the creation and consumption of souls. It can drain them from others, including the humans' soul powered devices, to feed and empower itself as well as create them. This forms a positive feedback loop for it as the created souls, which while exhausting to make do no harm to its soul, can then be devoured for more lasting power.

Sub Magic: It's other magic is making portals. Typically it uses them to stick its tentacles through to opperate at greater range, but presumably with practice, it could do things like travel places or move armies or the like.

Likes: It is fond of pleasurable physical and visual stimuli. Things like physical affection, soft objects with interesting textures, cool pictures and scenes, interesting tastes. While it has tiny mouths it does love to eat and taste things.

Dislikes: Isolation, pain, fear, and deprivation

Family: None.

Friends: None.

Sentimental Attachment: It loves stuffy not just because stuffy is awesome and does things for it, but because Stuffy reminds them of a better time in their life.

Weapon: It primarily uses its tentacles as weapons


Pet Name: Stuffy

Pet Age: 5

Pet Gender: None

Pet Species: Poppet

Pet Appearance: Stuffy is a stuffed doll that has been patched several times. It's only about a foot tall, but tries its best. It has eyes of black glass and its brown cotton body has been painted and stained many times.
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Pet Personality: It is quite servile and only wants to make others happy. Its primary focus is Kodoku serving both as a companion and personal assistant. It Bathes them, feeds them, cuddles with them, cleans for them. It's basically a combination of a whole serving staff and a really indulgent mother to an immature and petulant child.

Pet's Main Magic: Conjuration. It can create and summon objects. Typically this is used to make food, water, and other luxuries for Kodoku.

Pet's Sub Magic: Transmutation. It can turn things into other things. Often this is used to get rid of dirt and mend items.
This scares me, AHHHHHHHH
Don't worry, not only is it friendly, but as noted, among the least threatening things any of your character's go to school with. There are gods, creatures tens of thousands times its age, and all of them have impressive magics. It's like a child who think's it's helping the war effort with its little cap gun.
Wow! I seriously shot low for what I could have done. Compared to some of these folks, mine is barely going to do anything in the war. They could snap their fingers and end it in an instant.
You underestimate the Magi Tech that humans have lol.
Don't worry, not only is it friendly, but as noted, among the least threatening things any of your character's go to school with. There are gods, creatures tens of thousands times its age, and all of them have impressive magics. It's like a child who think's it's helping the war effort with its little cap gun.
Lol. Rena is a God but she is only a child herself compared to physical age. Since she's a God to two mythical beings, her lifespan is pretty huge.
I mean, that was a more general comment that many of them seem to have lived hundreds of thousands of years, there are a few that are only a few hundred, and I did see one that remained in the double digits. I'm not suggesting that mine is unique for that trait, but the age range does skew towards "old enough to have joined the battle" and in some cases "longer than human history" as opposed to the sort of people one would expect to be still in training. You all seem to operate on power scales of throwing galaxies at each other like shuriken and mine is just sort of learning how to do stuff. Maybe in another 300000 years it will actually be in a position to have an impact on a fight. Don't get me wrong, one goes to get trained for a reason and one can always learn more, so if people want to spend eons in training, they can do so. My stories will just be smaller scale than everyone else's for a while.
I mean, that was a more general comment that many of them seem to have lived hundreds of thousands of years, there are a few that are only a few hundred, and I did see one that remained in the double digits. I'm not suggesting that mine is unique for that trait, but the age range does skew towards "old enough to have joined the battle" and in some cases "longer than human history" as opposed to the sort of people one would expect to be still in training. You all seem to operate on power scales of throwing galaxies at each other like shuriken and mine is just sort of learning how to do stuff. Maybe in another 300000 years it will actually be in a position to have an impact on a fight. Don't get me wrong, one goes to get trained for a reason and one can always learn more, so if people want to spend eons in training, they can do so. My stories will just be smaller scale than everyone else's for a while.
The Academy is still rather new, it would have been established about 2 or maybe 3 years at most. Which is why some of the older characters including mime are coming to perfect their magic.
Cool. It will be interesting to see what they learn in the few years there, that they didn't in the hundreds of thousands before. As I said, there are always things to learn, and there's nothing wrong with staying in training if one chooses to do so. There are good stories to be told with your characters. There are good stories to be told with mine. Ideally, they occasionally intersect.
Cool. It will be interesting to see what they learn in the few years there, that they didn't in the hundreds of thousands before. As I said, there are always things to learn, and there's nothing wrong with staying in training if one chooses to do so. There are good stories to be told with your characters. There are good stories to be told with mine. Ideally, they occasionally intersect.
Yeah. The interactions will be fun. I got a few ideas of which students will be paired together but I'm waiting to see the other characters be made first.
That's good to hear. I was getting worried I would be alone in the smaller stories. I look forward to playing with you.
Btw. So far I was thinking Kodoku and Pozuzy as roommates, since the two could have interesting interactions.

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