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Fantasy War of the Magi [OPEN] (Character Creation and OOC)

Quick note. Since he is a dragon. Breathing fire would be an ability. Something his species could naturally do. So you can replace his secondary magic with something else if you like.
By that same principle, does the control (and possibly even growth) of the earth making up my character's body count as something natural and therefore free my character up to have other sorts of magic?
Vampires are pretty cool. And it seems you all will have plenty of human blood to feast upon in the war and dragon blood in the school.
By that same principle, does the control (and possibly even growth) of the earth making up my character's body count as something natural and therefore free my character up to have other sorts of magic?

Yes because he is an Earth Elemental. So for the species, it is something that they'd naturally be able to do.
What sort of Vampire did you have in mind?
A few ideas, which may be subject to change. Feel free to propose modifications.
  • Not completely inhuman in appearance, but probably having traits that differ from most humans. Pointed ears, not casting a shadow, stuff like that.
  • Able to be born vampires or turned. Mine's going to be a born vampire, and their strategies for the war involves turning humans in an attempt to change their perspective, but not sticking around for fear of retaliation.
  • I feel like turning people would be something not all vampires know how to do.
  • Ageing for born vampires vastly slows somewhere in young adulthood. The oldest vampires around look elderly, but definitely do not look their age.
  • Can eat normal food, but can't maintain their own life force without feeding on a living creature's via their blood. Can somehow survive off of only blood as long it's from a living creature.
VA: Kaveh - Genshin Impact
View attachment 1192856
Name: Sage Buer
Title: "Buer Of Heavy Sage"
Gender: Cis-Male
Age: 204 - Second Year
Species: Dragon
Room Number: ___
Alignment: Chaotic-Good
Appearance In Words: With (not shown) light beige wings and white outlines, Sage comes in a light color pallet phasing through browns and greens. He wears a light+dark green vest enticed with a small ribbon. Jewelry hangs from his middle tail in a silver bling, and pale bush colored bandages wrap around Sage's nose, neck, and middle back. Horns curl backwards and then up in his head, and he fancies yellow-goldish eyes.
Personality: A very friendly dragon taken under the wing of Agnes' care, Sage Buer can tend to be over-enthusiastic and annoying. But that only helps bring up everyone's mood. See, it's rare to find him in a bad mood, because nothing really gets him mad unless he's joking. But if he ever gets a huge outburst, anyone can tell that he was extremely furious and possibly ready to kill, hard to be calmed down.

Bio: With both dragon parents dead near birth, Sage didn't really get to experience a proper childhood. The first ever hapiness he had felt was when he met Agnes-another dragon now in present time attending the same academy. Agnes had fled her own home to join him, both fending for each other and creating a new found bond. It was then when she had managed to persuade him to join a 'school' that he acquired more friends and company. His personality before he met Agnes and after changed completely, some disappointment always in his gaze to display his zero connections to his dead parents.

Main Magic: Stone Magic
Sub Magic: Mind Reading
Likes: Humor, Optimistic Foes/Friends, Practice Fighting/True Fights = the rush of Adrenaline
Dislikes: Bloodshed, Pessimism, Death, Hatred, Unfairness
Family: N/A = Dead
Friends: Obsethine Diamond, Agnes Juni
Sentimental Attachment: Agnes Juni
Weapon: Claws
Pet Info:
Pet Name: Raven Snide
Pet Age: 111
Gender: Cis-Female
Species: Crow
Pet FC:
VA: Clorinde - Genshin Impact
View attachment 1192861

Pet Appearance: Black, sleek pelt and whitish claws/feet. Black beady eyes, normal bird size. (Small Because Of FC)
Pet Personality: A very pessimistic bird always letting out bitter remarks on life. She finds no enjoyment having to be just 'used', but perhaps her guardian's personality may or may not soften her attitude just a bit. She is cold, thick with malice and calculations, seeking the true meaning of what everyone calls life.
Pet Main Magic: Necromancy
Pet Sub Magic: To deafen anyone near with a loud screech for around 30 seconds​

Btw. For Raven Snide, you can say Sound Magic if you like. It'll make her stronger and give her more that she can do.
Teacher New
Name: Emperor Draco
Gender: Male
Species: Royal Dragon
Age: 360,000
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Personality: Draco is the Dragon Emperor in charge of every living dragon. He is extremely short tempered and firece. He demands respect from his own kind and rightfully so. Draco is a kind person who does want to help others gain better control and understanding of their magic. His methods though are questionable. He is much more likely to drop you on your own in a deadly forest with no equipment and tell you to survive as a training excercise. When it comes to anyone who isn't a dragon he expects the students to respect him but not as Royalty, but as a teacher. If someone dares to disrespect him then he will make sure to put them down a peg or two. He will do anything to humiliate them or anything that will give them a lesson in respect. This includes if he has to, choosing two students to train together and make sure his specially chosen student can defeat the student in question.

Bio: TBR

Main Magic: Rage Magic
Sub Magic: None
Abilities: Royal Dragon Ma
Sentimental Attachment:
Name: Cherry Rose
Gender: Female
Species: Cursed Human (Demon)
Age: 13
Room Number:
Rooming With:
Alignment: Neutral

Personality: Cherry used to be happy and hopeful but that all ended when the contract ended. Now Cherry struggles to even smile. She avoids people whenever she can because she is scared of what lives and breathes inside of her. Every second her control is weakening of the demon inside of her and she is scared of hurting others. Even more so Cherry is scared of failure. She tries so hard but because of her degression it is getting more and more difficult to control her magic. Despite having a demon inside of her which constantly puts her down she tries her hardest to stay positive but when her mind is mentally degressing every second it is hard to look on the bright side. She is running out of time all she can do is watch herseff rapidly fall behind everyone else while they grow stronger every day.

Bio: Cherry was born with no magic at all. She had too many mental problems and as a child she was too weak to survive. Her parents would do anything to save her so they did. They gave up their souls to Astaroth one of the Demons who were in line to be a Demon Prince along with Astaroth, Lilith and Beelzebub. The deal was that he would combine his soul with hers and allow her to live and when she died of old age he would be freed with the initial payment of two powerful souls. He accepted this deal as to a demon a Human's Life Span was short. What he didn't know however is that just before he took possession of her they gave her a drink of immortality taken from the fountain of youth so she would never grow old and die. Astaroth waited and waited for her to die of old age but no matter how old she became she still kept her youth. After some investigating he found out that he had been tricked. Astaroth then cursed her with age degression knowing that one day she would be weakened to a state where he could rearise once more by destroying her soul and if not she would reach an age of unbirth and thus he would be released anyway. He informed the other Demon Princes of his plan and told them what had happened through Cherry. Ever since then he had been giving Cherry hell. Making her suffer through endless pain and torment as her brain slowly degressed opening her up to attack. Crimson who is a Angelic Companion tried everything he could to break the curse but everything he tried ended in failure. Crimson was determined to do whatever it took to find a solution.

Main Magic: Psyonic Magic
Sub Magic: Elemental Magic
CURSED: Cherry is cursed by the Demon Prince Astaroth. Every second of her life she is degressing in age, mind and body. She will do so until she dies or the curse is lifted.
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: Demonic Scythe of Hell: Her scythe was forged in the hottest fires of hell itself. Wielding this weapon gives her access to Demonic Powers as well as stores energy for her to use. She gained this weapon from her parents who soul bound a powerful demon inside of her by demon code and contract in order to save her life. This scythe belonged to that demon.

Pet Name: Crimson
Pet Age: 24,000
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Species: Angelic Companion

Pet Personality: Crimson tries to tell Cherry that everything will be fine, that she is fine. He tells her that she just needs to keep hope and keep working. To fight and never give up although he knows and understands just how difficult it is and what an impossible situation she is in. He desprately wants to lift her curse from her but he's gone through so many different methods he can think of yet can think of none to stop this nightmare. Crimson will do anything for Cherry and will do abolutely anything to lift the curse. He knows that every day she is losing the strength and willpower she needs to fight such a powerful demon and they are literally on a race of time and that stresses him out so much. He finds it hard to do his job to serve her under such harsh and vile conditions.

Pet Main Magic: None

Natural Abilities: Angelic Magic
For years, it depends. For example. A dragon age 10'0000 would probably be quite wise.

A phoenix only 100 years old would probably be in a lower year.

However. Just because they are old doesn't mean they can't start in a lower year if they want to
But what would they be equivalent to in our years? That is, if you have a character who ages like a normal human, which years would correspond to which ages?

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