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Dice Warhammer 40K: The Interex Valhalla

Fezzes said:
I'm making a third character, for a mix of 'shits and giggles' and 'I want to try various things and different characters for the fun of it, because this is basically the only good Warhammer 40K RP I've been in'. There may be more, depending on just how bored I get, although I'll try to draw the line somewhere so I'm not swamping myself. Anyway, it's an Astropath Transcendant. May try and find a way to link them vaguely to someone else's backstory. Anyone got any links they'd be happy to have?
Hmm, both sisters are from the same frontier world, so unless you're psyker is from there...

Is there a particular home world you're looking at? And is he/she going to be human or something else?
Found this while looking for images for another char.


My next char is going to be a Space Marine! ;)
Can I bother you with some backstory/fluff I'm working on? I don't really know how psyker's work, so trying to describe the outcome of this battle is causing me some pause.

Born on ____ Natalya began life like all too many of her brethren: absolutely destitute. Her parents could not afford to care for her, nor her two siblings, and so when the Imperium’s “recruiters” came offering throne incentives there was little choice but to accept. Just one among thousands, Natalya began her service on the Imperial mass hauler Warp Giant.

Having only the barest memory of _____ and her family, Natalya instead remembers a life among the stars. A life of menial labor and monotony was all she had any right to expect but one of the ship’s crew recognized the spark of creativity and ambition within her. Darrius took her under his wing and taught Natalya about the design, upgrading, and creation of void-capable vessels.

Vindicated by her recognition, Naomi had a bright if mundane future to look forward to. Then catastrophe struck. The ways of chaos are insidious, and a Hazeroth Class Chaos ship was waiting exactly where they transitioned out of the warp.

Given no chance to surrender, they servants of chaos opened fire immediately. The ship shook, and the hull buckled under the onslaught. Thousands of lives were lost before they realized they were under attack, never even donning their void suits. Spared only because she was waiting in the airlock to head out and perform maintenance on the outer hull, Natalya tumbled from the dying hulk in the thin skin of her void suit.

Long years in space combined with her natural agility served Natalya well, as she leap-frogged between floating debris. The God Emperor himself must have been smiling down on her, as she found her intact prototype fighter ship which had been blasted free from the Warp Giant’s cargo hold.

Able to clamor inside despite the rapid rotation of the fighter, Natalya’s hands flew over the controls almost before she was strapped into the seat. The hatch sealed as power was turned on, and her tiny craft sped toward the forces of Chaos. Luck, natural ability, and skill combined to keep Natalya and her craft unharmed in the dozens of skirmishes that followed. She killed every servant of chaos she could find, then turned her sights on the Hazeroth itself.

Despite the overwhelming odds the chaos ship could not touch her, and she slowly took it apart. After disarming the larger vessel, the surviving forces of Warp Giant rallied, and prepared to board the chaos vessel. Rather than permit their damaged vessel to be captured by the Imperium the ship self-destructed, further damaging the Warp Giant, as well as the fragile fighter ship Natalya piloted. Unable to take any more, the mass hauler broke apart, with only one in thousands surviving aboard escape pods.

Critically damaged and with only minimal controls, Natalya’s fighter limped toward the nearest habitable plane. Without provisions and unable to rest, Natalya finally crash landed on the surface several days later. Exhausted, starving, and dehydrated, Natalya had to make her way among the frontier worlders using the skills she possessed.

The lawless backwater had a rash of criminals with prices on their heads. Natalya, potentially numbed to killing after her recent ordeal, saw nothing wrong with taking out the proverbial trash for money. After careful planning and research her first commission went flawlessly, followed by many more. Natalya was content using her talents but longed for the freedom of the void. It was then that fate intervened on her behalf once more.

Her most recent contract brought her off world: on board a Rogue Trader’s vessel. After contacting the trader in question he agreed to allow Natalya access to his vessel in exchange for a portion of the outrageous fee. After initially offering 10% she somehow agreed to the trader collecting half.

The target put up a respectable fight, barricading himself inside the ship’s armory and throwing out grenades, psionic horrors, and bolter rounds in equal measure.

I'd like the battle to end with her taking the psyker alive so that she can eventually take the witch hunter path, but that's not really necessary. Thanks in advance. :)
Eplov said:
Yes, but I was honestly joking. I've read that trying to merge astartes with mortals gets messy.
I did have some ideas as to make that work (an injured space marine who lost their weaponry), but I'm unsure if even that would balance everything out. In any event, I probably wouldn't want to try it for a long while, if it all.
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Protagonist said:
I did have some ideas as to make that work (an injured space marine who lost their weaponry), but I'm unsure if even that would balance everything out. In any event, I probably wouldn't want to try it just yet.
Down the road I suppose. The counter argument to what you're proposing that I've read is that they are deeply devoted to the Emperor, and use all of their consecrated weapons in his name (meaning they won't use anything else). Although the counter example to this was a bit in Horus Rising where one particular astartes used part of an arachnid appendage as a second sword. He was strongly chastised for it, but maybe they'd be okay with it after all.

The emperor going all leech-god on them would probably drive many/most of them insane or to suicide though.
Hm, maybe a Sister of Battle would be better. Well, we'll see.

Anyways, I'm going to go work on a floor plan for this place.
Eplov said:
Hmm, both sisters are from the same frontier world, so unless you're psyker is from there...
Is there a particular home world you're looking at? And is he/she going to be human or something else?
First of all, it's your, and yes I'm an annoying, pedantic asshole.

Anyway, he's a Voidborn. To be fair, I mostly fucked his chances with that. He's basically a voidborn who lived on a ship that went around and salvaged whatever they could and sold it as some kind of trader, but then the black ships came for him and he got really into helping humanity. Not the Throne, humanity. Duty Bound (Duty to Humanity) and Devotion (Duty) sorts of levels. And at some point he was on a ship that had its Gellar Field fail and nearly got possessed by some Warp nasty. So yeah. I'm currently just trying to make that into an interesting bio, or at least a decent bio.
Okay, in the OOC we were talking about big locked doors before. Apharius has his melta pistol which should shoot through it, and Naomi has her power fist which should be able to punch through a tank. Are we ignoring the door for plot reasons or are you trying to get us to break through it?
Fezzes said:
First of all, it's your, and yes I'm an annoying, pedantic asshole.
Anyway, he's a Voidborn. To be fair, I mostly fucked his chances with that. He's basically a voidborn who lived on a ship that went around and salvaged whatever they could and sold it as some kind of trader, but then the black ships came for him and he got really into helping humanity. Not the Throne, humanity. Duty Bound (Duty to Humanity) and Devotion (Duty) sorts of levels. And at some point he was on a ship that had its Gellar Field fail and nearly got possessed by some Warp nasty. So yeah. I'm currently just trying to make that into an interesting bio, or at least a decent bio.
You're correct in your post, pedantic A-hole. ;)

While you're working on bio's look at mine and help Natalya capture a psyker! (Not sure how to reference a post, but it's not too far back.)
Hm, might anyone be interested in trying an "Oracle"? They're a modified missionary that follows Apollo's ideology and probably has translation skills.
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Protagonist said:
Hm, might anyone be interested in trying an "Oracle"? They're a modified missionary that follows Apollo's ideology and probably has translation skills.
Hmm. Maybe? Are we still okay with abhumans? I would totally get a kick out of making a dwarven cleric Squat Oracle. ;)
Eplov said:
Hmm. Maybe? Are we still okay with abhumans? I would totally get a kick out of making a dwarven cleric Squat Oracle. ;)
Apollo's ok with xenos, he'll do just fine with Abhumans. So Squat Oracles it is!
Protagonist said:
@Eplov Shall I PM you some stuff on Oracles?
Sure, although I'm finishing up another character atm, so it'll have to wait till later.

What exactly are you looking for with the char? My understanding is that Seneschals already fulfill the role of universal translator and lore-monger. Missionaries Oracles are generally melee monsters spouting hatred, ignoring psykers' best hits, and healing folks on the side. Oh, and they like flame-throwers. Don't forget those. :)
Eplov said:
Sure, although I'm finishing up another character atm, so it'll have to wait till later.
What exactly are you looking for with the char? My understanding is that Seneschals already fulfill the role of universal translator and lore-monger. Missionaries Oracles are generally melee monsters spouting hatred, ignoring psykers' best hits, and healing folks on the side. Oh, and they like flame-throwers. Don't forget those. :)
Missionaries go down to "Heathen Worlds" and try to convert them to the Imperial Cult. On the side, they also fight Chaos.

Oracles do something similar, they'll try to spread Apollo's ideology, and also hunt down Chaotic influences.
Protagonist said:
Missionaries go down to "Heathen Worlds" and try to convert them to the Imperial Cult. On the side, they also fight Chaos.
Oracles do something similar, they'll try to spread Apollo's ideology, and also hunt down Chaotic influences.
Are you sure Apollo is not secretly Tau? If he starts spouting something about the 'greater good'...
Eplov said:
Are you sure Apollo is not secretly Tau? If he starts spouting something about the 'greater good'...
The principle difference between him and the Tau is that his ideology is based on "rational self-interest" ala Ayn Rand (he's basically John Galt/Andrew Ryan in spaaaaace). In some ways, this makes Apollo's philosophy the opposite of The Greater Good. Tau basically want people to stop being selfish, abandon all individuality and simply help each other for the Greater Good. Apollo is more individualist who wants people to stop demanding that others sacrifice for them (unless, perhaps, they've done something to "earn it").

However, the Tau and Apollo would both agree that "assimilating" Xenos is better than killing them, and that technological progress is good.

In other words:

For the Individual Good!
Protagonist said:
The principle difference between him and the Tau is that his ideology is based on "rational self-interest" ala Ayn Rand (he's basically John Galt/Andrew Ryan in spaaaaace). In some ways, this makes Apollo's philosophy the opposite of The Greater Good. Tau basically want people to stop being selfish, abandon all individuality and simply help each other for the Greater Good. Apollo is more individualist who wants people to stop demanding that others sacrifice for them (unless, perhaps, they've done something to "earn it").
However, the Tau and Apollo would both agree that "assimilating" Xenos is better than killing them, and that technological progress is good.

In other words:

For the Individual Good!
Mkay. But I have some reservations about his "oracle" going around saying, "hey, don't help out the Imperium, help yourselves! Oh, and pay me taxes."

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