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Dice Warhammer 40K: The Interex Valhalla

Eplov said:
Does Apharius have the QuickDraw tallent? I was under the assumption he already had a gun ready, but your description is throwing me off a bit. Unless you have QuickDraw, or a high quality hidden weapon holster, "readying" your weapon is a half action. Aiming is another half action. And finally shooting is another half action. Your description is showing three half actions, which is one too many. In this case it doesn't matter, since you would still hit without aiming.
As valid as your concern is, there's a very simple way to check if he has the Quick Draw talent. Check the CS. He doesn't. I think what @Deltorian Nephran meant was that was already holding it, but decided to add in readying the weapon and aiming it just to be really unclear. Douchebag, I'm coming for you, mate. [insert Navy Seal Copypasta].
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"... forcing him to draw his inferno pistol and fire at the closest warp zombie. Taking his time to aim his shot, he soon pulled the trigger."

Am I misreading this somehow? And I was asking about quick draw in case it had been missed when he added his CS.

Never mind, he actually wrote in drawing his inferno pistol after landing on the derelict vessel like I thought. I was just trying to clarify so that down the road we don't end up with extra actions and the need to rewrite posts.
Yeah, it was badly written, I totally get where you're coming from. And he did draw his pistol twice. I double-taked, then realised what he meant. But by the time I read it, he was going to sleep so it was too late.

Because I just realised how that could be misinterpreted, the

Fezzes said:
Douchebag, I'm coming for you, mate. [insert Navy Seal Copypasta].
was directed at Deltorian. Because he's a RL friend who is okay with it. I won't talk to any of you that way, so no worries.

I should probably go to sleep, because it's about 1:30 in the morning.
Fezzes said:
Ah, but I'll post first. @Protagonist, what happened with Carth's retroactive actually-a-headshot on the one strolling towards him?
I thought you hadn't yet applied damage and was unsure of you'd killed it, so I was having Kara shoot at it for good measure. If you'd killed it, I'll just say she shot its dead body for the lulz.
Eplov said:
She should totally shoot the already taken down zed and say "Rule # 2, double tap" in a robotic voice. :)
Totally seconded. Now that that's done, I'll go write up a post.

What sort of cover would be available to Carth?
I changed it so she shot at the dead one that was heading towards

Fezzes said:
Totally seconded. Now that that's done, I'll go write up a post.
What sort of cover would be available to Carth?
consoles, chairs, and desks.
Was just trying to figure out what the new initiative order should be and saw that you have Nieli's AB of 3, it is actually 4. I can't tell if that should've made any difference in the initiative order or not though.
If Nieli continues being competent, Carth may actually start respecting her on a professional level. Which kinda balances out his slight... I'd say dislike, but that's not entirely accurate. More a slight distaste for her on a personal level. She just didn't make a good first impression on him at all. Frankly, neither did her sister, what with falling over herself at the start. Carth does not appreciate the humour in situations. Usually.
Is there a way to start a new section with pertinent reference info?

Anyway, as I see it new order is as follows:

Carth [14]

Nieli [11]

Zed 3 [10]

Naomi [9]

Snuffles [-]

Apharius [7]

Zed 1,2,5 [6]

Zed 3 [5]

Apollo [4]

Kara [-]

Zed 4 [4]
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One other thought, Naomi is trying to cause an electrical explosion. Would her demolition skill help at all?
Eplov said:
One other thought, Naomi is trying to cause an electrical explosion. Would her demolition skill help at all?
She is also carrying det chord. Why didn't I think of that earlier!
Protagonist said:
I'm unfortunately about to be in Class soon
No worries, I'll check for my turn later. Unless something totally weird happens you are welcome to post for me. Naomi is going to continue overloading the Nav Chair, while taking cover behind the console she's working on. Here's her demolition skill roll in case that helps speed things along. Success but no extra degrees.


If she gets attacked at range her dodge is 20 for now, but if she gets melee attacked her parry is 55 due to her utility mechadendrite. Feel free to have her respond accordingly.

Snuffles will do another charge attack (edit: against whatever zed happens to be the most threatening to Naomi). 48 to hit +10 from charge, so 58 or less. If he connects he does 1d10+4 rending damage, 0 penetration, +3 more from the brutal charge trait. His dodge is also 20, while his parry is 48 (second edit: not sure how he can parry anyway, maybe he should be limited to dodging?).

I'll check back in a few hours. Happy zombie hunting. :)
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Consider it tried. Will you write the post for me please, I am driving and using voice to text which is frustrating.

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