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Violet Casing

Seeing all the people, Kage tensed as once again he was a bit uncomfortable. There seemed to be so many. and still affected by the lingering words of the witch he was having troubles keeping himself calm. He looked over to Jade, she proved people could be nice though still he knew some had the potential to harm them, though if such an assault would occur Kage would not show mercy. "O...ok" He replied quietly.
Jade looked up to see how uncomfortable he was. "Hey, it's going to be alright." she whispered into his ear." she said holding his hand as she walked. Then she saw a man with four large wagons. "Sir, I was wondering if we could buy one of these off of you." the man looked between her and Kage. "You two goin' on a honey moon?" he said smirking. Suddenly Jade's cheeks got super red. "Look Sir, this is just my brother, get over it!" she yelled in his face. She quickly calmed herself. "I-I apologize." she said quietly. He grinned. "Nah, is ok, I like um feisty." he said and gave her one of the wagons. "5 gold pieces please." he said. She pulled out a small ruby. "Will this be enough?" he started drooling and snatched it from her hands and scurried away. She sighed with relief. She looked up at Kage. "Ready to go?" she asked.
With uneasiness he watched the conversation play out, though often his eyes would avert from the two as he had trouble looking the other man in the face. Though he often wasn't looking, he still was listening rather closely and silently searching for any sign of a threat just incase he attempted to harm them as Kage still was rather untrusting. He found a couple things to catch his attention as he hadn't heard the word 'honey moon' be used before, and oddly it seemed Jade had just called him her brother. He didn't understand it to well, though he kept quiet about it until finally the man was on his way. He let a tiny sigh of relief to leave him before speaking once again, "Y-yeah... but, why did you call me your brother...?"
Jade sighed. "That guy was fishing for gossip. I didn't want a rumor going around that I was married to a mysterious stranger." she looked at him. "Not that you are one, but others would think that. Does it bother you that I called you brother?" she asked him, hoping she hadn't offended him.
He shook his head, "No... it doesn't bother me..." His other question came to mind and he decided he should ask it as well, just incase it woud be something important. "...And, what's a honey moon?"
Jade's cheeks got bright once again. "I-It's when a newlywed husband and wife go on a special trip together. It often involves high class rooms and dining as well as physically getting to know one another if you know what I mean." she said, knowing it would just be better to explain than to lie about something so silly.
He didn't quite know what she implied with the last part, though he did feel as if he had asked to many questions, though the parts he did understand did sound rather nice. "It sounds fun..." He commented, unaware of how this statement could sound as he only understood about half of it.
Jade's face only got redder. Suddenly she let go of his hand. "D-Don't say stuff like t-that! It makes you s-sound like a-a-a pervert........." she stammered, wondering if he was something that she thought he wasn't.
He didn't understand her reaction towards the statement either, and it did catch him a bit by surprise when she suddenly let go of his hand. He looked to her with now curious eyes, "A-a pervert?"
"It means someone who takes advantage of girls." she explained quickly, hoping no one was watching. "Look if you have any questions about this, we need to talk about it privately and not here. This is not a good place, anyone could be watching." she said and jumped into the wagon. "Let's get out of here and we can talk about it on the road." she said gesturing for him to get on.
"O-oh... ok..." He said quietly though he didn't know of where she got the idea that he took advantage of girls as still he didn't know what his comment had implied. Regardless he followed her gesture and pulled himself into the wagon and looked over it curiously. He had ridden in one of these before, though it was one created by the witch so it held a rather different appearance.
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When they had gone quite a ways from Jade finally broke the silence with a sigh. "You don't really understand what I was talking about there did you?" she asked than added, "I'm sorry about yelling at you. It was wrong and I didn't have the right to, especially since you didn't understand. Will you forgive me?" she said softly.
At her words he was quick to reply with a small nod, "Yes, I'll forgive you... I already said I'll forgive you not matter what you do..." He hoped she wasn't saddened over the matter, seeing as it was only a little yelling. The witch never apologized when she yelled at him... and it felt rather odd to have someone apologize to him, though he tried not to show this.
"Thanks Kage. Not everyone is so caring." she said looking ahead at the road. "What I was talking about back there was not important. But if it ever becomes absolutely necessary that you know then I will explain it but for now, we won't touch on that subject." she said, not wanting to fill his mind with uncensored images.
"Ok...." Though Kage was unsure as to why she wouldn't wish to speak of it was something he was oblivious to, but he chose to keep quiet in hopes not to anger her again. Though in truth, he didn't like being yelled at by her he still would keep that fact hidden... He didn't wish to sadden her either.
Jade looked over to him, seeing the sad look he was trying to hide in his eyes. She stopped the wagon. "Hey, are you alright?" she asked, her hand going to his cheek. "I didn't mean to yell at you back there, it is a bad habit. I know that you can forgive me, but can you feel happy at the same time." she asked wanting to know how he really felt.
As he felt her hand upon his cheek, his eyes drifted back over to her listening as she spoke. He felt a little bad in the fact that he allowed her to notice as still he did wish for her happiness over his own, so quietly he replied, "Y-yes.... I'm fine... the witch yelled a lot more than you do... and she wouldn't even apologize."
Jade saw how he felt. "No it's not ok for anyone to yell when someone doesn't understand something. What matters is that people is treated appropriately, even if it is only by being polite." she smiled and took the hood off his face. "Your a man but you don't understand even half of what it means to be an adult. I'm going to teach you. I know there is a young man in there somewhere waiting to get out. Next time, I won't yell, I'll explain whatever you don't understand. Ok?"
He was somewhat surprised with her new attitude, and with the hood now free from his head he nodded. "A...alright..." He still wasn't used to this, someone was actually trying to aid him in such a way. The witch only taught him to kill, she didn't teach him about real life or really anything he needed to know in order to get by, she wanted him this way in hopes to keep him as her tool for a long time. He let a small grin cross him as once again he chose to speak, " T...Thank you..."
"Your welcome. You deserve it. That witch who taught you to murder wasn't very kind to you was she?" Jade asked softly, hoping she wasn't touching on a hard subject.
"Your a lot nicer than her..." He answered, and though still he was somewhat torn on this subject he truly had found himself happier with her than he was with the witch. He didn't know how to better explain his answer though, seeing as she was truly one of the only people he knew to compare to witch to.
Jade felt very happy to hear this. "Thanks. Your not so bad yourself, just a little rough around the edges." she suddenly looked up at the darkening sky. "We are going to have to stop and make camp soon." she said with a frown, wishing they could get to her uncle sooner.
He followed her gaze up to the sky... he wondered what her uncle would be like. Hopefully, he could grow used to the presence of another quickly, but truly he was a little scared of meeting him. He tried to pull his mind away from it, covering it up with new thoughts. "Could... I help set up the camp?" He asked.
Jade smiled at him. "Sure, I could use the help." she stopped the wagon and hopped down. She looked and saw the woods was nearby. "Good. Ok, do you mind going in there? All you have to do is find stray pieces of wood on the ground. I'll start fixing dinner." she said and was already getting to work. She didn't have time to dilly-dally after all.
He nodded before turning himself away, looking to the nearby woods. Doing as she said he walked off and entered the forest, keeping near its perimeter as to not get lost while he searched it for any stray pieces of wood, and slowly he began to collect a small pile within his arms.

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