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Violet Casing

Jade cut faster and harder. She gritted her teeth. "Don't worry, I'm gonna get you out of this." she said reassuringly. As she kept cutting she was going so fast that she accidentally cut her wrist. She yelped in pain and dropped her knife and holding her bleeding wrist. Biting her lip she grabbed the knife and continued to cut through the chain until it came off. "There you go, how does that feel?" she said in a kind voice.
He delivered no thank you or anything of the sort as it seemed that still he was fast asleep. It was true that the shackle has been removed, though what held him at bay was, the glass within his chest.

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There's still something wrong with him. A strange magic at work it seems. she thought as she murmured a faint sight spell. Suddenly she had X-ray vision and she looked around for any sign of problems. When she came to his chest she saw the shards of glass within his heart. Shaking of the spell she quickly placed her hand over his heart. I hope this works....... suddenly she was chanting ancient words and her hands began to glow. In only second she felt the glass pieces in her grasp.
Kage stirred a bit, he could feel the sudden release on his power. It was returning to him slowly, his physical strength more so than his magical though in time they both would once again be at they're prime. A couple noises escaped him as he was beginning to awaken, and only a few moments later his eyes cracked open to view a rather dark room around him. He was having difficulties seeing, and not yet could he tell that someone was beside him as the blur faded her into his dark surroundings as he brought his hand upwards to his now aching head.
"Hey don't get up, you were really hurt." Jade said stroking his hair as she would do to a child. She found the bagels in her apron that she had bought earlier that day before the city guard had grabbed her. "Here, try this." she said in a soft voice holding out half of a plain bagel to him. "It's cold, but it tastes heavenly."
His eyes widened slightly as he felt himself being touched, only then did he take notice to the other within the room. He practically froze in place, not knowing what to do as he could tell that still his magical strength hadn't returned to him, normally he would simply attack any presense that made it's self known, but it seemed he couldn't in this situation. Hesitantly, he extended a hand towards the offered food, though as it became in reach his hand shied away, he was unsure about all of this.
"It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help." she said in a kind voice, afraid she had scared him. She handed him her knife. "Look I only used this to break the chain off your ankles." she smiled at him, trying not to think about her wrist that was still bleeding. She also gave him the bagel. "You should eat. I don't know how long that spell was on you, but it must have been for awhile."
Kage glanced away a moment, she sounded kind though he was rather confused now. People didn't normally speak with him, let alone attempt to aid him yet she was attempting such. He didn't know how to react so he just did as told, not knowing what else to do. He looked down to the bagel within his hand then to the knife in her's. Still hesitant, he took a bite from the bagel, it didn't seem to be anything harmful so he continued, finishing it quickly.
"If you want some more I have a whole bag of them" se said and leaned against the wall. He seemed like a quite fellow, somewhat confused. "So, how did you end up here, in this cave. Chained to the wall with a sleeping spell in your heart?" she asked in curiosity.
He thought a moment, past events rather hard to recall though he managed recollecting his thoughts after the passing of a quite moment. "I... was stabbed by a man, he placed a shard of glass within me... I guess it was enchanted..."
"Well sounds like you were having a bad day." she said jokingly. She realized she hadn't introduced herself. "Oh how rude of me. My name is Jade Everlasting. What's yours?" she asked smiling brightly holding out her hand for him to shake it.
He looked down to her hand, before hesitantly he accepted the handshake as his eyes averted her's. "I'm... Kage Rittet" He replied, it taking him a second to even recollect the thought of his own name, but things were coming back to him rather quickly.
Jade's eyes widened and suddenly she pulled her hand away. I'm sitting next to a murderer! she thought and stood up backing away. "Look I don't want to give you any trouble. I was just trying to help. Please don't kill me." she said cringing. Yeah, probably shouldn't have given him my knife............
Kage paused a moment as her reaction played out, he had believed her to know who he was throughout these events... he didn't think that she had yet to discover who he truly was. He glanced away a moment, before forcing himself into a stand. Oddly, his intent to kill had faded throughout the discussion, no longer did he wish her any harm. He was still hurting, and it made him dizzy to stand though he tried to hide this as he tossed the knife away to the side, "I... didn't think I was scaring you... I guess I'll take my leave..." He looked away from her, unsure why he willed not to say such things, he had a wish to stay though he pushed to the back of his mind as he forced himself into a walk, forcing himself a step behind her with hesitancy.
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Jade watched him toss the knife and as he slid past her she looked at him. For a moment she stayed quiet then she asked in a soft voice. "You're not going to.........kill me?"
He stopped, glancing back at her from where he now stood. He shook his head before speaking, "No... I don't know why, but... you seem nice." His true reasoning was still something he had yet to figure out, as still his mind was a rather blurry place, though his subconscious was enough to push him in the right direction.
Dang Jade, don't just let him walk away. This may be your only chance! she thought then ran up and walked in-step with him. "Hey you don't have to go. I actually have a few questions. Besides, you seem a little confused." she said seeing the dizzied look in his eyes.
He looked over to her with surprise lingering within his eyes, he hadn't expected her to invite him back. In only a second he ceased his walking fully, replying quietly, "I... don't need to go? Though... aren't you scared of me...?"
"Maybe a little, but if your not going to hurt me, you don't have to leave if you don't want to." she said shyly clasping her hands behind her back. "Besides, their is so much I want to know about you." her eyes full of interest and her mouth was wide in a dazzling smile.
He was still confused though he easily recalled his earlier wishing to stay and still it remained with him. H e didn't want to leave her yet and he did hope that she wouldn't mind he presence seeing as she knew what he was, "I... do want to stay."
Jade clapped three times. "Splendid!" she exclaimed and sat back down, relieved he wasn't gonna kill her. She patted the spot next to her. "You can sit here if you like." she said in an inviting voice.
He glanced to where she patted before taking a seat where he was directed to, listening to her still as he was rather used to having someone tell him what to do, though thought of the witch had yet to reach him again. "Thanks..." He said quietly.
"So, do you mind telling me the story of your life?" she said eagerly, practically jumping in excitement. No one believed I could ever find him, and yet I did! This is so cool!
"The story of my life..." He glanced down a moment, thinking hard as it was difficult to recall so much information at current, "I... don't remember much from my childhood... though, I was orphaned at an early age... so a girl took me in..." He paused a moment recollecting memory of the witch, "She... told me everything I needed to know, and she taught me how the world really worked..." He paused there for a minute, trying to recall more.
He must be talking about the witch. Man, she sounded so evil when he elder told me about her. She hugged her knees and looked up at him. "Go on, and if you can't remember anymore you don't have to tell me."

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