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Violet Casing

"Anytime." she said and began to clean up their breakfast. She stood up. "We need to get to a town before dark, so go ahead and get your cloak, it could be miles before we find one." she said, checking to make sure she had everything.
He nodded, walking back over to where the cloak was left upon the rock they slept on. Quietly he pulled it over himself before slipping his hand back to pull the hood over his head to hide away his appearance to the best of his capabilities.
Jade turned to see him pull the cloak on. "Whoa, you look so.........foreboding." she said then clasped her hands together. "Perfect. That's exactly what you need to look like. Besides, we don't want all the girls in town fighting over your pretty purple hair." she said teasingly.
He had to shift the hood a bit to be capable of allowing him to shadow his eyes a bit and see as well, looking over to where she stood a little ways in front of him. "Are you sure I can use it...?" He asked quietly, "I don't want you being cold..."
Jade's cheeks got bright red. "Nah, I'll be fine. I'm a tough girl." she said confidently and took his arm. "C'mon let's egt out of here."
They walked together down the forest path. "When we get to a town we need to find transportation to get up north. I have an uncle who lives up in a village really far up there. He doesn't know anything about, well, your story and that would be a great place to go. What do you think?" she asked because she needed to make sure he was ok with this plan.
He nodded for in truth, he just wanted to keep near her. The destination wouldn't make much of a difference to him as it never did even when he was traveling with the witch. He would simply follow her about and see where they ended up. "It sounds good to me..." Though still he held concerns. He didn't know how to interact with people all to well, what if he managed to mess up again?
Jade saw his concern. She smiled up at him. "Hey, don't worry. On the way there, I'll teach you how to interact with people, so don't be nervous alright? People will probably be more scared of you than you are of them." she said slipping her hand through the cloak and patting his hair like she would a child.
"I've... just never really spoken to anyone but the witch, I can't really remember who I was associated with before meeting her..." He explained quietly, yet he knew that he had managed to bring himself to trust her, she had just been so kind to him. It was a feeling he wasn't used to, the witch hadn't even treated him to kindly. "Are... all people like you?"
Jade looked up into his purple eyes. "No, but even people like me fail others all of the time. I have a very sharp temper, so please understand I'm almost never like this." she said turning away, her head as low as her spirits in that moment.
"I...I think your nice..." he said, hoping it would be of comfort to her. "I've... already messed up a lot, but I've seen others yell and fight too... isn't it normal to make mistakes?" He asked her, it taking quite a bit of thought to recall such sights which he would normally pass when sneaking about a town.
"I'll forgive you no matter what you do..." He was having troubles, he hardly understood even himself so attempting to comfort her was rather hard. "...You've given the best treatment I can remember ever having... I-I want to do that same for you... I don't like it when your sad."
Jade searched his gaze. He was serious. She smiled tentatively. "Well, your quite the gentleman aren't you Kade? Let's get going. We can talk more about this up north." she said and started walking again.
He was somewhat happy to once again see a smile upon her face as he followed after her and walked further down the path. He knew he would be capable of telling once they neared a city, he was a mage so it was easy for him to pick up on the presence of others.
He glanced over to her, it seemed she had grown rather worn out. Though he had yet to sense a presence he chose to extend his range adding in a bit of his recovered magical strength to do such. For a moment his pace slowed until he came to notice something off in the distance. "About five miles from here there are a lot of people... I think it's a village of some sort, though if your to tired we could take a break..."
"No no, let's keep going. F-Five miles isn't t-that far." she said keeping her legs moving at a steady pace, but she was slowly, very slowly slowing down.
He walked after her following her pace as he took the area by her side. He looked over to her once more before speaking, "Don't push yourself... if your tired I really don't mind."
"Yeah, maybe for j-just a second." she said and collapsed on her knees, her chest heaving and sweat going down her forehead. Idiot! Your acting like a child, it isn't that far! she thought but her legs wouldn't cooperate.
He looked to her having not been aware that she was that tired, an he was quick to take a sea next to her. His violet eyes stayed upon her as he looked her over once more. "Take as long as you need..." He said quietly, "We're not really limited on time here..."
After about ten minutes Jade started feeling better. "I think I'm fine now." she said and stood up. She looked up at him. "Hey, thanks for waiting. Most people aren't that nice." she said quietly.
He watched before he stood himself up as well. "It's nothing" He replied, it was the least he could do in repayment for all she had done for him.
After five miles they came up on a busy town full of people and life. Jade locked arms with him. "Since it's so crowded here we need to stay close so we don't lose each other. Now keep your eyes open for wagons that might be for sale and people that might try to hurt us." she said looking around herself at the sights of the very busy place.

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