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Violet Casing

"She is the person who taught me to kill..." He looked down a moment, thinking over all she had told him, "...S...She said I couldn't trust anyone, that people are completely evil... she said they didn't deserve life... I don't know what to do now..." He wondered if she was even alive, why hadn't she tried to talk to him yet? "...She hasn't spoken to me yet.... if she's dead... what am I supposed to do?"
Jade saw how worried he was, he almost seemed like a frightened child felling helpless. "Some people are worth killing, but that doesn't mean it's okay to slit their neck. It means we show love to them. They will die one day anyways, Everyone does. But while they're alive you need to teach them to be good people. And as for what to do, I can teach you if you like." she said a wise, but kind voice and hugged him around the waist.
He looked to her as he felt the hug around him. He still wasn't used to physical contact that wasn't harmful... but he kept the tension from his body as he allowed her to do such. He would be completely lost without guidance at current, he wasn't ready to be all alone. He was actually scared of it. "Please... I don't know what to do... I'm completely lost..." He tensed up a bit, though it wasn't due to the contact, rather now it was his own fears.
He's practically a child in a man's body! she thought hearing his helpless plea. She stroked his hair lightly. "It's alright, I will guide you......" she said in hushed and encouraging tones.
He didn't want to be alone, he was completely willing to accept the help offered by her, even if at current she was practically a stranger. He couldn't help but hug her as she had done to him, though his hand were more upon her back than they were her waist. "Please don't leave me alone..." He asked quietly.
"Don't worry, I won't. There's nothing that can keep me from helping you." she said, her face a little red when he hugged her back, but she knew he wasn't flirting or any of that sort, so it was alright. "Except maybe the elder. He wouldn't want me to help you. We should probably find a different town. Do you know if there are any around here?" she said softly, trying to weigh her options out.
"I... don't even know where we are" He admitted quietly, his mind tracing over the events he had managed to recall, he was in the capital city last. He was stabbed by that glass, and anything after that was blank. Waking up here was the only even afterwards, he had no clue where they were.

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"That's alright. When daylight comes we can start searching for one. Here, take this." Jade said and took her cloak off. Her long golden hair came flowing out as she gave it to him. "This will keep you hidden. If anyone recognizes you we will be in grave danger. We must keep your identity secret." she said softly as if sharing a great secret with him.
He looked to the cloak in a bit of surprise, but he was hesitant over accepting it considering that the cave was rather cold. He looked to her once more, taking a glance towards her hair which he silently noted was rather beautiful. He refocused his eyes back upon her, "Won't you be cold...? We still have the night to spend in here..."
"That's alright. It would be impolite not to offer it to you first. Besides, you'll let me lay be head on your shoulder right? Just for the night, until we can find somewhere warmer to stay." she said looking at him with an expectant gaze.
"I don't mind..." He replied, looking over the cloak before a small idea came to mind, one she might accept. "We could share the cloak for the night... if you don't mind..." He looked to the cloak, it seemed to be big enough to share if they were close enough.
Jade blushed brightly. "I-I guess that's ok. I'm really t-tired anyways." she stuttered and scooted closer to him. Relax, he's not gonna do anything alright? said an encouraging voice in her head.
He grinned lightly, the closeness would provide a warmth of its own and as would the cloak. Hopefully they could get through the night comfortably. Quietly he opened the cloak and he spread it over top of both of them. It forced him to scoot even a bit closer, though he no longer minded the contact. He was beginning to trust her, just as he had trusted the witch.

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Jade tentatively laid her head on his shoulder. She sighed softly. "Well, goodnight." she whispered in his ear then went right on to sleep. Soon she was lightly snoring.
He glanced over to her, having troubles sleeping for he had been asleep for so long. He was dizzy, though it wasn't truly due to him being tired. He watched her for a bit, having not much else to do until a few hours later, he finally manged to drift off.
Soon the light of morning began to fill the small cave. Jade fought against wakefulness but found herself opening her eyes. She looked over at Kade. Now that it was light she could see his appearance that was hidden in the dark. Purple hair and pale skin. Not the average look she had to admit. She got up and went out to the forest to find something to cook. She came back with berries filling her apron and two birds in her right hand. Soon she had cooks the birds and it was all ready.
It was a while after her waking that Kage found himself once again opening his eyes to the sight of the now lit cave. It wasn't as it was the nigh before as he could now see once again due to the sunlight, and not as much of the chill remained within the cave. Yet, the first hing he came to notice was the absence of Jade for no longer was she at his side. He was concerned at first, though upon looking over the room he came to spot her nearby and he felt some relief come over him.
When Jade saw Kade a woke up she smiled at him. "Hey, com over here. I'm made breakfast. Hope you aren't a vegetarian." she said gesturing to the mean on the two spits drizzled in berry juice.
He looked towards the food curiously, before standing himself up and approaching her. "It looks good" he said quietly upon reaching her side. To be honest he truly was very hungry as it had built up over the time he was unconscious.
Jade didn't have any plates, bowls, or napkins so she picked up her spit, grease and berry juice covering her hands. She grinned. "Eat whatever looks good. And don't be shy. Mamma always said a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Not that I believe her of course." she said laughing and took a bite of her bird meat of the spit, chewing slowly.
He waited a moment, watching curiously before he further approached the food. Quietly he reached forwards and took the second spit containing the other bird. For a moment he remained as he was, looking it over though he wasn't as hesitant as he was the day before when offered the bagel as he did chose to take a bite.
Jade wiped her greasy lips on her long sleeve and watched him eat slowly. "So how does it taste?" she asked hopefully, always wanting opinion on what people thought of her food.
His mouth was a bit messy due to both the berry juice and grease that covered the bird, though he allowed a small grin to cross his features regardless. "It's really good" He replied, allowing his violet eyes to fall upon her.
Jade giggled a little seeing his face. "Here." she teared a small piece of her dress and wiped his mouth. She smiled. "There, all clean." she said, satisfied.
He quietly watched as she did such, looking downwards to somewhat view her hand though he allowed his eyes to follow back upwards as she completed such. "T-thanks" He said quietly, before once again allowing the small grin to come across him.

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