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Violet Casing

Meanwhile Jade sat by the wagon, picking up loose stones and making a ring of them for the fire. She began to unpack the food she had bought in the town they had been in earlier which was some cheese and bread. She broke off a chunk of bread and another and did the same for the cheese. Then she leaned back on one of the wheels of the wagon waiting for Kage.
After a while, he found himself with a decent amount of sticks and twigs, all bundled together within his arms. Glancing around him he could make out the direction back to Jade rather easily seeing as he hadn't strayed all to far away from her for that purpose alone. Turning himself he was on his way back to the wagon and Jade, stepping out of the forest soon enough.
Jade saw Kage's dark figure coming from the woods with the firewood. She had taken her hair down as she had done the night before, but even in the dark it still seemed to shimmer. Not that she noticed. Making sure Kage didn't stray she called out his name.
Hearing her, he took notice to her location quickly and immediately began to approach her, still holding the bundle of sticks close and luckily it seems he wasn't having much trouble carrying them. He paused upon arrival, looking her over he could see her hair much better than he had the night before as the cave didn't hold even the moon light. It was rather pretty, though he would keep this to himself to avoid being called a pervert again.
Jade was busy placing the sticks in the circle and didn't notice. As she lit it the air around them started to warm up. Jade inhaled and exhaled deeply, loving the smell of burning wood. She looked over to Kage. "You you want you bread and cheese warm or cold?" she asked softly, kind of tired from the long day.
"Cold..." Though truly Kage didn't have a preference, he imagined making them warm would take more work, and she seemed rather tired. He didn't wish to trouble her with needlessly, so he just chose what seemed to hold the least work on her part.
Jade handed him the bread and cheese she had portioned for him then leaned her head back on the side of the wagon. "You can have mine to, if you like." she said tiredly, her eyes heavy and her breath slowing.
"Your not going to eat?" He asked curiously, holding his own portion within his hands. He assumed it was due to her being tired, but she would need energy for the trip.
Jade sat up a little more. "I would, but I'm so tired. I'm afraid that I opened my mouth to take a bite I might fall asleep with it hanging open. And that would not e a pretty sight." she said her voice distant.
"I could close it for you" He said, thinking such a statement would sound helpful or reassuring, he wasn't aware that it could be taken as flirting.. though yet again it was only do to his naive mind.
Jade giggled quietly. "Your too kind Kage. But I think I will pass." she said and tore a small piece of her portion of bread and popped into into her mouth. "Does this satisfy you?" she said between chewing.
"As long as you don't go hungry..." he said, taking a bite from his own portion. He was concerned over her well-being, he may have been worrying even a bit to much seeing as he didn't truly know a human's limitations.
"Don't worry. I'll be like a starving bear in the morning." her voice trailed and you could hear her soft snore. Then her back slid down and she lay on the ground circled in a tiny ball, her hair getting stained with dirt.
He watched her quietly, soon finishing his portion of the food before he moved himself a bit closer to her. It seemed a rather messy place to sleep, and the hair that he found to be rather pretty was being dirtied by the soil. Sleeping within the wagon would probably be more of a comfort if he could place the proper setup, though he would need to transport her into it. As such, with a bit of hesitancy he slipped his hands under her, lifting her a little ways from the ground just to be sure she would remain asleep as he carried her.
He watched her curiously, though he found a small grin cross him as she seemed rather happy... and oddly it felt nice to have someone this close to him. Refining his grip a bit he stepped into the wagon and he sat himself upon the ground. He didn't know where a pillow could be located, so upon laying her down he allowed her head to rest in his lap in hopes to create a replacement for the pillow. Lastly, he removed the cloak from around him and spread it over top of her attempting to allow her a comfortable sleep.
He grinned faintly, she seemed to be comfortable... his efforts had payed of. Yet, with a bit of curiosity he allowed himself to run a hand through her hair finding it to be surprisingly soft. She was a rather pretty girl, and yet she was so kind and nice to him. He truly had grown rather attached to her, he might even like her even more than he did the witch. Kage continued the process of lightly stroking her hair, though his touch grew softer as he found himself beginning to drift of as well. In a few moments, Kage was fast asleep still in his upright position , his hand softly touching the top of her head.
The night wore on and finally the sun rose. At presisely 8:00. "Food. I need FOOD." she said loudly and jumped out of the wagon and grabbed her portion from last night and ate it ravenously, to quench her hunger.
At that time Kage had already awoken, watching her display with some amusement in his eyes. She truly was rather hungry, a bit more than he had expected.
After jade had eaten she looked over to Kage. "Oh, hey. i thought today we could find a stream and get a little cleaned up. My hair is a mess. Wonder what happened to it." she said playing with the thick strands of gold.
Kage could easily remember the night before, and of course he could recall what had happened to her hair. He glanced to the ground as not yet had he reapplied his cloak. "You fell asleep in the dirt" he explained, stretching his arms in front of him.
Jade's cheeks went red with embarrassment. "Well i always did have a certain fondness for soil." she said kicking a stone. "Let's get going. I'm pretty sure there will be a creak or stream in that woods. What do you think?" she asked, wanting his input.
"Most likely" He replied as he took the cloak from the ground, placing it over his shoulders in case they would run into any stray travelers. He walked down to her side, recalling last night... her hair had been so soft even as it was dirty. He smiled lightly in remembering such.
Jade saw his soft smile but didn't say anything. Wonder what he's happy about. she thought curiously as she packed up the food. She stomped the fire out then with soot and ash covering her hands, dress, and face she smiled. "Let's go." she said and walked towards the wooded area.

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