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Violet Casing

He looked over her new ash filled appearance, before allowing his eyes to wonder towards the forest. He followed after her as they neared the forest. ( Sorry for my lateness, I though it posted. )
(It's ok. C:)

As she walked along Jade had her eyes on every inch of the forest. Suddenly she began to hear the faint sound of running water. She grabbed his hand. "C'mon it's this way." she said following the musical sound. They came up to a large stream that was clear and clean.
Allowing his hand to remain in her's, he followed after her listening ahead to the sound of running water. Soon the stream came into view, it holding a clean appearance which seemed not to pose much threat.
Feeling excited Jade kicked her socks and shoes and jumped into the cold water. Instantly she was wet from head to toe. When she came up she grinned playfully at Kage. "Come on in, the water's fine!" she said beckoning him.
At first simply watching, Kage was a little surprised as she invited him in as well and copying her actions her removed his shoes and socks. He was a little hesitant about entering the water, though after a moment of debate within his own mind he took step into the cold liquid.
Jade giggled at his hesitance. "Hey! It's ok to get wet. It ain't gonna hurt ya!" she said and splashed him with a the water and swam away in retreat.
He tensed a bit as he was splashed, though quicker than a second he had once again eased up. A small grin crossed him, it seemed her statement was correct and now rather faintly, he could recall something like this from a time ago. He didn't seem as hesitant any longer as he allowed himself to venture into the deeper waters after her, soon finding her retreat point in range as he delivered a small splash back.
Jade squealed when he splashed her and stood up, her hair clinging to her back. She jumped on top of him, tackling him playfully submerging them both into the deep stream.
Kage was rather surprised when he found himself to be underwater, and though he hadn't managed to draw in a breath before hand he managed to hide any discomfort from his face, peering up at her through the water with a small grin on his face. He assumed she was having fun, and this fact made him rather happy himself.
Jade grinned back at him then swam off of him. She came up for a breath of air and while she was at it she shook herself, feeling the freezing cold air cling to her dress, hair, and skin.
As she resurfaced, as did he and quickly he pulled in a needed breath of air. By this time he was soaked completely, and looking ahead it seemed she was as well. He pushed aside some of his hair that had fell in front of his vision as he let himself look over the area round them once more before peering back to her.
"It was" He replied, suddenly drawing a bit closer to her and nearly as playful as her tackle, he pulled her into a hug. "Thank you..." He said quietly, as he truly was very happy. It was a feeling he experienced rarely, yet he had felt happiness so much sense he met her.
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Jade blushed brightly but hugged him back. "I don't know what I did, but your most certainly welcome." she whispered against his ear softly.
After a few moments, his grip eased up and he allowed a bit of separation to occur before fully releasing her. He had become very welcoming to the presence of Jade, much more so than he was with truly any other.
Jade looked up at him her cheeks still stained with pink. She seem expectant, but didn't know what she was expecting or why in the first place.
Kage was still a moment as his eyes remained on her... A small teaching from the witch crossed his mind as a bit suddenly he leaned forwards, delivering upon her a small kiss to the forehead. He knew of spells that involved kissing, though the witch had always said kissing held a special meaning, though he didn't truly know what it was he had a small idea of it.
Jade blushed a little brighter and sighed softly. "Kage your such a gentleman. I wish all the men in the world were like you." she said quietly with a smile on her face. She patted his head then gave him a kiss on the cheek and started to move away from him, leaning down to grab her socks and shoes.
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He watched as she had begun to prepare to leave, so he decided it was time for him to do such as well. Standing himself up Kage exited the water and reapplied his socks and shoes to his own self. The cold water that clung to him wasn't much of a bother though he would confess he still was a little cold.
Jade trembled as she put on her socks and shoes. The breeze was picking up making her ice cold. "L-Let's collect s-some wood w-while we're out h-her to b-build a f-fire." she stuttered as she began to pick up some sticks with her numb fingers.
He nodded though he had picked up the stuttering in her voice. He would admit that it was cold, and building a fire probably was in they're best interests, Yet she seemed rather cold even now. Approaching her, he wrapped his cloak around her from behind as he spoke, "We should probably dry off a bit first..."
Jade blushed a little at his comment but didn't complain. "A-alright if y-you insist." she stuttered sitting down next to the stream, dropping the sticks she had collected carefully.
He watched her take a seat, before moving himself to her side at a rather close placing. As he did say, he would keep her warm, he would do his best even if he himself was cold as well. He tried to hide such, in hopes not to worry her over him, and quietly he leaned close to her as now they're sides where touching.

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