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Violet Casing

He nodded as her question sounded, recalling his feelings when the two had kissed only moments before. "Sure... you can kiss me whenever" He replied, though truly still he didn't know the full meaning behind kissing.
"No Kage, we won't kiss very often after we get to my uncle's. But for now, we can make this one count." Jade said as she slipped her arms around his neck and her fingers into his purple hair and soon she was kissing him once again.
Using what had occurred moments before, Kage responded quicker as he knew now that it seemed to be ok to kiss back. Feeling her arms wrap around his neck, and her hand within his hair, Kage chose to create a similar action as he placed one arm around her waist while the other intertwined with the soft ens of her hair.
Jade was so wrapped up in the passion of the kiss that she didn't notice that she was now on top of him on the ground, pushing closer to the heat of his body.
Kage truly hadn't been in a position like this before and tough a bit of tension did enter him he didn't chose to break the kiss. He tried to hide this tension however, hoping not to cause her disappointment.
Jade felt the tension that was in Kage's actions and she reluctantly broke the kiss and was off of him. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you Kage. That was the second kiss I've ever had and well, I'm not good at self-control." she got up to where their faces were only inches away. "We don't ever have to do anything you don't want to alright. If you feel uncomfortable, you can shove me off." she said though was a little disappionted that she had stopped kissing him so abruptly.
He looked up at her as the kiss broke, it seemed that she had noticed his tensions and he felt a little bad for ending the moment for her. It wasn't all bad for him, he was knew to all of this and he just got a bit worried over what to do as he was clueless in the matter. He had only been below a person when he was pinned or cornered in battle, and though he could normally break such a hold using his magic he knew this was different. That not threat was presented, yet still he was a little uneasy. "I..it's ok..." He replied, looking up to her, "I... just haven't been like this before..."
"I haven't either. Please forgive me for almost wanting to do certain things that are not very lady-like." she said bowing low to the ground as if she were in the presence of a king.
"It's ok... It wasn't really all that bad..." He replied, hoping to keep her from feeling sorry as truly he hadn't seen her doing anything wrong. He wasn't sure what those certain things where either, though he assumed it was just more kissing.
"W...we should probably get back to camp before it gets to late... forests can be active at night..." He was quiet a moment, before continuing, "We could continue... if you would like to... I'm sure its just something I'll get used to..."
Jade perked up a little. "Ok, let's get back to camp." she quickly stood and grabbed his hand and started out of the forest.
With his hand in her's Kage followed after her through the forest, matching her pace as he looked over the area around him.
Jade marched back to their sight and went and sat in the wagon. She patted the spot next to her. "Sit with me." she said softly.
He nodded, doing as she requested and taking a seat at her side. He glanced towards the ground in front of him for a moment, before allowing his eyes to wonder to her.
Jade sighed. "Kage, I'm sorry I've been so forceful today. This is all really new to me. Sometimes I really get carried away." she said, her cheeks turning pink.
"It really is fine... I've never really been kissed before to be honest... I learned about spells that involve kissing, but I have yet to preform one..." He looked to her curiously. "But... spells don't normally feel that way... why is kissing different?"
Jade blushed brightly now. "Well Kage, kissing isn't just for spells it's like a special bond that connects two that l-" she meant to say love one another but thought better to say, "Two that care deeply for one another."
He grinned lightly before responding, "Well then, it's ok to kiss me... I care deeply for you... and since you wanted to kiss me, that means you care for me to...?"
Jade smiled up at him. "Yes I do." she said in a soft tone as she met his gaze. "But I've decided something. instead of me kissing you it's your job to lead. That's what men do. So if you want to kiss me, then you have to do it, not the other way around, ok?" she said to him in a stern tone as if speaking to a child.
He wasn't truly sure if he was capable of doing such seeing as he was new to all of this, though as was she and it seems she was having an easy time with it... He guessed he would get better at it as time went on. As such he delivered a small nod, "O....ok" Though Kage didn't truly see why a woman couldn't lead, he assumed he should kiss her commonly seeing as they wouldn't be allowed to once they reached her uncle's.
"Alright, now with that settled, let's get ready for bed." she said grabbing a quick bite to eat then jumping back into the wagon to curl up and go to sleep.
He listened to her, doing as she did before peering at her preparation. He recalled what he had done last night, and a little quiet he chose to suggest it. "You can sleep on my lap again... if you'd like..."
"Yes, I'm sure..." He replied, a small grin on his face. She might still be cold from earlier and being close could help, plus it would probably be uncomfortable to sleep upon the ground.

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