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Violet Casing

Kage looked to her with concern, she didn't seem fine at all. Upon receiving the bread he quickly brought himself into a stand taking a small hold on her forearm. "Your not fine... Don't push yourself"
Jade looked over to him and saw the concern in his eyes. She softened a bit and yielded. "Well, I feel a little........... off balance." she said suddenly dizzy and lost her footing and started to fall.
He acted upon impulse mostly as he took notice to her fall, without much conscious thinking he reached his hands forward, one locking on her arm and the other just barley wrapping behind her back. He pulled her upwards and close to him, trying to keep her steady.
Jade's breath was heavy and her eyes were only halfway open. She looked wearily up at Kage. "Kage.........my chest hurts." she said her voice dry and her nose red.
Slowly Kage lowered her down into a sit, as did he seat himself near her as he brought his hand to her forehead, searching for a fever.
He thought quietly, looking down he searched his memory for possible solutions. If he didn't know the exact illness, he couldn't use magic to cure her... different spells where used for different sicknesses. He assumed for now he should try to suppress it until he figured out what this was...

Rosemary, lemon balm, hollyhock, mint, and lavender. He though of these herbs off the top of his head as all cold aid her tolerate her symptoms. "Where does your chest hurt?" He questioned her, unsure if it would be respiratory or heart issues... "Is it hard to breath?"
"It hurts right here." Jade said pointing right between her breast. "Yes...........a little." when he asked if it was hard for her to breath.
He was clearly concerned. "J-just get some rest, I'll get you whatever you need. Your throat doesn't sound all to good, do you want some water?"
Kage nodded, but he was hesitant over leaving her unprotected. He assumed magic would be the answer to this, and moving back from her a small bit he placed his palms so they where facing each other, but still space remained between. He shut his eyes a moment, before between his hands he formed a small amethyst stone which seemed to fade into existence from a purple mist. He then placed it within her hand before instructing, "If you need me, just say my name into this. I'll come back as fast as I can."
"I'll be back soon..." He said softly, placing a small kiss upon her forehead in hopes to comfort. He was silent a moment after, seeing if she had anything else to say.
Jade felt a rush of pleasure when Kage kissed her. "Thank you. For taking care of me I mean." she said softly, opening her eyes to look at him gently.
"It's nothing, I'll be back soon" He replied, before exiting the wagon with worry, hoping she would be fine during the time he was gone.
Jade sighed and tried to focus her mind on Kage as she held the small amethyst stone. I hope he comes back soon. she thought, feeling very lonely and ill.
Kage entered the forest with a wooden pail in hand, so he could collect a decent amount of water for her. If he found any needed herb on the way he would collect them as well. Upon arriving at the stream he quickly collected as much water as he could before peeking around at the nearby plants, collected few and taking them into his free hand. From there he was on his way back, still picking up what he believed would help.
It hadn't truly taken Kage all that long to arrive and upon returning he was quick to head into the wagon. He set the items down, looking over to Jade to be sure that she was alright.
Jade heard footsteps approaching her and opened her tired eyes. The first thing she saw was his purple hair. She tried to sit up a grimaced in pain when she did. "Kage......" she said in a soft yet happy tone.
She didn't seem to be feeling any better and this was enough to once again bring concern to him. Quietly he got a cup, collecting some water for her than handing it to her. "Here, I'll make you some medicine in a bit... it'll hopefully make things easier."
Jade took it from him slowly and sipped the cold water. It felt good against her dry throat and she quickly drank it all. She sighed. "Thank you." she said to him with a appreciative smile.
He grinned slightly, leaning down he gave her a small hug. "It's nothing, just get some rest" He instructed, hoping this sickness would blow over quickly. He did hope it was nothing serious.
He released her, stepping acrossed the wagon to collect the herbs he had collected for her. From there he went outside, placing a pot over the fire to begin.

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