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Violet Casing

He grinned lightly, looking down to her. Without thinking he did as he did the night before, lightly stroking her hair.
Jade was surprised to feel him stroking her hair but it actually gave a sense of peace, comfort, and protection. She snuggled a little closer then closed her eyes with a content smile on her face.
Kage stirred quiet a bit at all the noise, his figure tensing quite a bit before his eyes once again opened slightly.
Jade, completely soaked all over again began to awaken as well and suddenly heard the loud thunder. Her eyes widened and her face turned chalk white and she hugged Kage around the middle, whimpering.
As her sudden actions played out, it further woke Kage immediately as with concern he looked down to her. She seemed to be scared, and hoping to comfort he hugged her back somewhat tightly. "I...It's ok..." Kage said quietly, moving a hand upwards to once again pet her hair, "I've got you..."
Jade started crying into his chest. "Oh, Kage, I really hate thunderstorms, there so scary." she squeaked hugging his middle tighter, obviously terrified.
He lowered his head a bit, allowing himself to kiss her lightly upon her forehead, hoping to calm her down. "It's going to be alright... I won't ever let it hurt you..."
Jade started to relax till her sobs turned to hiccups. Still trembling, she looked up at Kage. "Kage, why do you protect me? I'm not anything special." she choked.
"You are special" he said rather quickly, meeting eyes with her. "I treasure you, your really really special to me" He stated.
He grinned lightly, glad to see that she seemed to be calming down. He assumed it would be difficult to fall asleep in this weather, but he would do the best he could to keep her comfortable.
Kage remained as he was, not letting go of her as to avoid waking her to the storm. Yet sill he found himself growing tired once again, though by this time it was around an hour till dawn. Accidentally, he ended up falling asleep yet still he managed to keep her sported.
When morning came the rain had stopped. Jade slowly opened her eyes, finding she was still in Kage's arms. She blushed and moved away, starting to make breakfast. But as she did so she started sneezing and coughing, her throat soar.
Jade looked back at Kage's sleeping form and smiled softly. "Poor baby. Must be tired." she whispered and kissed his cheek. She sneezed loudly then went to start the fire to warm their bread.
After a while he stirred, yet it was difficult waking as he still was rather sleepy. It took him a few minutes to finally open his eyes, though he nearly fell back asleep in the passing of a moment.
Jade looked back and saw that he was still sleeping and sighed. He's so tired. I'll leave him alone. so she continued to work as her sneezing and coughing got worse.
When he finally managed to open his eyes once more a few minutes had passed, he managed to keep them open this time and he sent a tired gaze around the area.
Jade coughed again, her shoulders heaving. She looked over at Kage and saw was awake. After wiping her mouth on her sleeve she gave him an attempted smile. "Hey sleepyhead." her voice was cracked like her throat.
Jade waved her hand weakly. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." she said just before turning away and sneezing into her arm. She went and grabbed the piece of bread she had warned for him. "Here, I'm going to get some water from the creak." she said standing wobbly to leave.

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