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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Natalia used his grip on her hand to her advantage, taking his life in a matter of seconds. She broke out of his grasp. She answered her phone only to respond."No I'm fine I had some issues but I'll be alright." She looked at the damage in the mansion. 'Luckily Nothing important were in there.' She thought while ordering the remaining mafia at the mansion to move everything out of the mansion and move it to another she had outside of the city. She watched the broadcast but didn't seem amused by his offer. In all honesty why would she Care for the people of the CIA. They wanted her dead anyways along with everyone else, plus she had more important things to deal with like project blanc.

"When Nathan was waiting for Natalie to say something he got a video from Void"What the!"Nathan was shocked at the video he saw CIA scientist but all of them only have level 1 access Nathan decided to hack Void's phone and called him"Hey nucklehead did you even think to look at their entry level all your hostages are only level one they wouldn't know anything from the experiments and the building you raided possibly wasn't where they kept their most confidential information is held in their main lab underground why did you think I raided labs and not their bases cause labs held most of the experementation cases"Nathan said over the phone before hanging up to call Natalie again"Hey Boss we might need to talk to Void"

@Robyn Banks

Natalia answered the call again only to say. "You mean you need to talk to Void. This is what you've been waiting for anyways I need someone to shut him up. Tell me what you need and I will give it to you immediately."

"As natalie answered Nathan, Nathan just said"I need men not just Mafiosos I need heavy hitters where I'm going"As Natalie Asked what he needed Nathan knowing he would have to raid a few more labs before being able to take down the CIA"

@Robyn Banks

(I love this RP so much and I really want my Character Nathan to have his own little adventure in taking down the CIA and yes I will make the Directors CS when Aelos gives the go sign)
Natalia grinned stating "you will get your men momentarily and I am rounding them up as we speak. They will meet you at the CIA lab, Good luck." She paused before saying."Oh and kick Void's ass for me when you see him."

Suddenly, the mech suit burst through the wall of the mansion. Whatever was left of the attack teams were regrouping. "We need an evac, now!" The second squad leader radioed in. The mech suit began firing on both Crimson and Natalia. The sniper clutched his leg in the pain. He grabbed his gun, and also called for an evac. The op had gone wrong.

@Robyn Banks @Embaga Elder
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"Heh more like Ima kick him in the crotch since he warned the Director that I'm coming for him"

As Nathan made his way outside he went to the CIA lab when he was called to the Villains Alliance Meeting"

@Robyn Banks
DaManofWar said:
Suddenly, the mech suit burst through the wall of the mansion. Whatever was left of the attack teams were regrouping. "We need an evac, now!" The second squad leader radioed in. The mech suit began firing on both Nathan and Natalia. The sniper clutched his leg in the pain. He grabbed his gun, and also called for an evac. The op had gone wrong.
@Robyn Banks @VirtualNotoriety
Umm Nathan is at the entrance to a CIA lab xD
Victor watched the broadcast in amazement "This is the second time today somebody has done this!" He said, a little annoyed. Apparently he couldn't take a single day off without being pulled back into action. There was no way he was going to stand around as they hostages remained in danger. Quietly making his way towards a phone booth, like in a classic superman story, he changed into his crime fighting suit, then stepped out. Lite threw his rope onto a building and swung through the air.

Landing ontop of a rooftop nearby the Hero HQ, he prepared to go in and ask for reinforcements, but detected nobody inside. His echo location did, however, detect one person hanging out nearby. He looked down from the rooftop and studied this strange girl, guessing her intentions by her body language. Finally he spoke up as he jumped down to a nearby ledge "Hey kid! You look like you need something to do, am I right?" He smirked


Oh god, more people. On the bright side, though, this one didn't immediately point a weapon at her. So that was a major win on her part.

Still, she was curious as to what the person was doing. Well, besides approaching random strangers on the streets. Tilting her head to the side slightly, Alice took in the other's appearance. He seemed friendly enough, but looks could be deceiving. Keeping her guard up just in case, she gripped a portion of the chain that was hidden under her sleeve. "Yeah, I guess... Can I help you?"


((OOC--Guys I am back if anybody didn't see it a power outage occure yesterday. So I couldn't charge what all has happened so far?))
(I couldn't say, it's hard to keep up)

"Maybe..." Lite replied vaguely, an intimidating smile on his face "Once you tell me Who you are and why you're lingering here suspiciously. You're basically making yourself an Open target for mugging like that, of course, maybe you Are looking for trouble.." He trailed off as he pulled out a knife and spun it in his fingers, taking an interest in her reaction, like a scientist studying a lab rat "Shit is going down, and here You are, hanging out like you're up to something"

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Well, apparently everyone she came across was going to threaten her in some way. Brilliant.

Her naturally stoic expression didn't really reveal anything of what she was thinking. Her eyes only widened a little bit in response to the stranger's statement; and even that was so minimal that it would take someone seriously observant to notice. The girl's grip tightened around the chain, and she was actually considering whether or not she would have to use it. However, like with the psychopath she had met before, Alice decided to answer honestly.

"Yeah... I more than aware of that, thanks." Taking a deep breath, she tried to figure out how to say everything. "I'm Alice, and I'm not looking for trouble...I think. I'm just looking for something; but if it makes you feel better I don't even think I'm even in the right town so..." It would've been simple to say 'I'm looking for an organization of Heroes,' but the brunette was pretty sure that she'd get laughed at or something.

Still, there was a kind of major bit of what the stranger had said that bothered her. Having been running around all day, and having nit been near anywhere that she could stop to listen to the news, Alice was pretty oblivious to what was going down. "And what do you mean, 'shit is going down?' What happened?"


Lite laughed slightly, then put the knife away, a tad dissapointed that he didn't get any major reaction out of her. Perhaps he just wasn't good at giving off the intimidating vibe, and some would say that was a good thing. "Wrong city huh? You must have Really taken a wrong turn!" He joked, staying perched where he was without moving. So far, he detected truth, which put his suspicions to ease "You just gotta be careful around here, three times I've had people try to kill me for no reason. Forget to mention: My name is Lite, you'll hear more of me when I make it big" He bragged "If you don't know where you want to go, Alice, does it matter which path you take?" he was vaguely quoting the Cat from Alice in Wonderland


Did he just...?

He did. Holy crap. This wouldn't be the first time that a Wonderland reference was made, but this one was definitely her favorite so far.

She relaxed a bit when the knife was put away; happy that this guy wasn't nearly as crazy as the last she had met. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, and Alice shrugged. "I'll keep that in mind. Nice to meet you, Lite." As for the last bit, she really wasn't sure how to respond? Was she just supposed to stick with the Alice in Wonderland theme or answer seriously? Jesus, being social was hard. "And uh... I guess not?" Nailed it? Probably not.


"Lame!" Lite declared suddenly, as soon as she got done responding. Like a judge from American idol, he had made his decision. He pulled out his grapple rope and sighed inwardly, wishing he had a grapple gun instead, but he wasn't one to complain. Turning to go, Lite paused for a second, unable to resist the urge to mess with the new kid in town some more. Jumping off the light post, he landed on a nearby window sill skillfully, showing off his dexterity. "Oh, by the way, I know you're searching for something more specific. You're too unsure whether to trust me with this great secret" He boasted, despite the fact that no ordinary person would know this "However, you really won't need to use that chain in your right sleeve, I'm not a threat" Then he added "Of course, it makes for a lousy self defense weapon, unless you're willing to prove me wrong,,,"

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There was one thing that she couldn't deny: and that was this guy's skill at reading things. Alice had to hand it to him, he was spot on with pretty much everything. Still, it unnerved her a bit, as she was a bit more used to not being readable at all; but that was with "normal" people, so the situation was a bit different. As for the whole deal where he kind of insulted her weapon choice, she was a bit offended. There wasn't much that she could do to fix it; as far as the girl was concerned, chains were the only thing that her "powers" synched with.

As usual, her expression didn't reveal much. However, on the inside, she had a
small desire to at least try to prove that it wasn't that bad of a weapon; for both defensive and offensive situations. "It's not that bad." Alice claimed. "I mean, it works better than you might think."


Mizuti sat watching this conversation between lite and the strange girl from before unfold. Slightly giggling to himself as he quoted the Cheshire cat from alice and wonderland. He remained on the roof. As he did not want to get into another fight. And seems how mizuti still waited for a response to join. He decided he woukd let her think on it but first sent her another message. "Natalia. Just consider it. I would rather put my science to good use than fight. And besides your the only chance I have at getting back at general blanc. He sent those men to kill you and eventually if you keep killing his men he will have no choice but to make an appearance. My science can help kill them quicker. You and I both know that. And my science combined with your killing. Consider it. Seems how most heroes are either gone mia or dead. May as well rejoin. And with rick there somewhere why shouldn't i. If I am to die I would rather die alongside someone I know." Mizuti ceased his mind voice and awaited a response and stepped further out on the rooftop watching lite and the girl converse but enough he would be in view. But to make sure that she would notice he echoed his whisper like last time. "You again....I have seen you before..your the girl with the chain...alice..hehehe..Alice in chains is back again.." Mizuti laughed in his mind how could he have refference a musical band he never really listened to. Maybe it was just her name and the chain.

@Knightling @Aridis

@Robyn Banks

(OOC--sorry for the band refference..but I couldn't resist)
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"What? You got Chain powers or something?" Lite stated, unaware of how close to the truth his joke was. He was already aware of another heart beat nearby "I welcome you to the rabbit hole!" He climbed up to a higher ledge and looked up at Miz "How's your sister?" He smiled, then looked back at Alice "It's an inside reference, you wouldn't understand. Once you get to know the city, you'll start to get into the groove of things, trust me on that!"


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Okay, screw it. The temptation to be a nerd was too strong. In a very polite and proper way, the girl performed a little curtsy; just as the Alice from the story might do. "Thank you, Mr. Cheshire. And yes, I actually do." Or would he be the white rabbit? Hell if she knew.

The moment was kind of broken the moment that a second voice joined the conversation. Although it varied a little bit from before, the girl could tell that it was the same guy that she had encountered earlier. The color drained from her face upon hearing his voice, and she immediately turned her attention to where the stranger stood. Alice didn't say anything to greet him; mainly because the temptation to bolt was strong enough to shut her up.

@Knightling @bloodfire

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Mizuti looked from alice to lite. "She's fine..bill took her away from here. I would rather my sister be safe from the city and in the contry. I would rather she not be involved with this conflict...also..lite..you and I need to talk..I have an idea. A crazy one..but it may help us save blank as well as get at the general. As it stands there Is no doubt of casualties.." Mizuti sighed. And couldn't help but she'd a tear. "I am considering rejoining natalia. Because right now general blanc men are after her. But that's what I need. If I rejoined and helped take out the generals men we could get him to come out into the field personally. Besides. I will bet that's his plan is coming here. I have not decided fully yet. But I am considering. BUT I want to travel around with you..besides...since I was taken from my high place I have not been able to leave the city...I need to get back to my high place to grab some things..will you come with? Alice can come to..." Mizuti turned to alice and did a bow like the hatter. "My name is mizuti...im sorry for the last encounter...I really am..and that chain. I could make it more beautiful in color like a hat from the hatter if you wish?"

@Knightling @Aridis
Lite arrived ontop of an overhanging flag pole, sensing the fright in her heart beat "Guess I'm not the scary one anymore?" He joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere "He won't bite, as long as he's not Super Saiyan" (I've actually been in a RP before where a character literally did that, OP as hell). Lite pulled out his rope and threw it at a building, then added "I only read that book once, so I'm out of references". He jumped onto the same roof as Miz "Your plan sounds reasonable, can't argue with that. But what is this High place you mention? Why arent you allowed to leave the city?" He then joked "Are you talking about Literally getting high?" He snickered "I'll stick around, on One condition; you do not kill while I'm helping you"


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The ones that got away was burned to a crisp by Crimson's red rage fire. He walks up beside Natalia with his red aura flowing calmly. She can feel the rage inside her being drained from he body. Crimson wasn't draining her rage on purpose it was just she was close to his calm rage aura that calms others around him. So are you going to the CIA building or is your new member going to handle his own business. He asked as Zedd appeared in front of the sniper growling at him fiercely as he was pissed. Zedd didn't like that fact that the sniper fired towards Crimson. @Robyn Banks @DaManofWar

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