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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters

Alice couldn't tell if Mizuti was bipolar or was just really good at acting and had been trying to scare her. Needless to say, she was still a bit wary of him. "Um... No thank you. I don't think it would be a good idea to mess with it." There was a little bit of her that was paranoid that the chain would be unusable if it was physically altered.

All that aside, she was even more confused than ever. Who the fudge was Natalia? What/Who was a Blanc? And why was she invited for the ride?

(Sorry if responses are slow/short. Kinda in school at the moment)

@Knightling @bloodfire

Mizuti nodded at lite then couldn't help but laugh. Which for most was a rare sight. "I'm not talking about getting. High..it's better to show you where we are going. As I would rather not say it incase..unwanted guests are listening in..if alice wants to come along we will take her with us but I hope you can keep up with me in terms of speed. My high place ...lets just say the clouds will fit the description with nature's involvement." Mizuti readied his lightning but quickly stopped as he remembered alice had a chain wrapped around her. "We must get outside the city. So I can use my secondary method of fast travel. With that chain on alice my lightning is a very bad idea but I must warn you to restock on at least food..we will be gone quite a while. As we must travel through the desert" Mizuti then turned to alice. "Very well. As for why I invited you I think you would love the place we are going to. No city at all where my high place is..as for who the natalia person I mentioned to lite. She's the boss of the mafia." Mizuti jumped off the roof and started for the city entrance. Wondering how his sister and bill were doing outside the city.

@Knightling @Aridis
Lite landed on the ground beside Miz "Take it easy with this super speed" He advised "I'm only human, I'm not like Quicksilver. I guess you lead the way, though I do believe you are being entirely too vague about this entire thing. I do have a few suggestions concerning your mission to join Natalia, but that's only if you're interested in listening" He glanced back and smirked a little bit "This isn't meant for kids or armatures anyways,," he shrugged.
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It was dumb of her to agree. Everything seemed more or less okay up until Mizuti mentioned that the lady he wanted to join was the leader of the freaking MAFIA. She wasn't sure what kind of person Natalia was, but was at least 3% sure that she was bad news. So, her answer should've automatically been no, right? Since her morals and friends' peer pressure was pushing her to join the good side.

Well apparently that wasn't going to be the case. Lite seemed
very set on trying to agitate her; or at least that was the impression that she got from the constant teasing. "Well if I fall behind, then you can just ditch me." Just from her tone alone, one could easily tell that Alice was determined to at least prove the other a little bit wrong.

Now, this didn't mean that she would join the Dark side of the Force too; just that she'd tag along for a little bit.

@Knightling @bloodfire

Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b30000]The ones that got away was burned to a crisp by Crimson's red rage fire. He walks up beside Natalia with his red aura flowing calmly. She can feel the rage inside her being drained from he body. Crimson wasn't draining her rage on purpose it was just she was close to his calm rage aura that calms others around him. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]So are you going to the CIA building or is your new member going to handle his own business. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000]He asked as Zedd appeared in front of the sniper growling at him fiercely as he was pissed. Zedd didn't like that fact that the sniper fired towards Crimson. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23225-robyn-banks/ said:
@Robyn Banks[/URL] @DaManofWar
Natalia glanced at him sighing before looking back the mansion, feeling her anger fade away."He can handle his own mission. There's no need for me to get involved. Anyways I have problems of my own..." She paused for a bit before looking at him. "Those men are obviously out to get me and I don't know how to strike back. I can try to get information on them but I don't know how much I will obtain. Also Mizuti is asking me to accept him back into the Mafia but you know how I feel about traitors and I don't trust him, He is Insane beyond belief and he doesn't know how to control it. Plus he seem worthless to me at this point." She said honestly. She didn't know why she was telling him this information but she didn't care who heard at this point.

Lite's breath was caught in his throat as his eyes widened a little bit, betraying a slight look of surprise. Quickly, he grabbed Miz by the shoulder and pulled him aside, wanting to have a quick personal conversation without anybody listening. This was perhaps the first time in a long while he had become dead serious, that was rare. "Listen to me, Champ, this entire mission is fucking Insane! That being said, you're capable of handling this. But must we bring along a little girl? She's barely a teenager, not ready at all to get involved with the goddamn Mafia! Even I am afraid to get near this Natalia chick, and I've got a little experience under my belt. We can't let her come, not on something like this. Only experienced people should be doing something like this, you get what I mean?" He spoke in a quiet voice, then glanced back "Besides, we barely even know her. I still don't know who's villain and who's hero"


bloodfire said:
Mizuti nodded at lite then couldn't help but laugh. Which for most was a rare sight. "I'm not talking about getting. High..it's better to show you where we are going. As I would rather not say it incase..unwanted guests are listening in..if alice wants to come along we will take her with us but I hope you can keep up with me in terms of speed. My high place ...lets just say the clouds will fit the description with nature's involvement." Mizuti readied his lightning but quickly stopped as he remembered alice had a chain wrapped around her. "We must get outside the city. So I can use my secondary method of fast travel. With that chain on alice my lightning is a very bad idea but I must warn you to restock on at least food..we will be gone quite a while. As we must travel through the desert" Mizuti then turned to alice. "Very well. As for why I invited you I think you would love the place we are going to. No city at all where my high place is..as for who the natalia person I mentioned to lite. She's the boss of the mafia." Mizuti jumped off the roof and started for the city entrance. Wondering how his sister and bill were doing outside the city.
@Knightling @Aridis
Hahaha I kind of killed your sister soooo)
Crimson chuckles towards Natalia's remark. It's times when a friend is going through something he shows some of his true colors. The more calmer and wiser side of Crimson. Start with yourself. Reflect on what you could do better. Like your weakness of pride for example. He takes the shot. @Robyn Banks

(Outside Natalia's destroyed mansion)
@The Unamed Character
Michi noticed a plume of smoke coming from behind some buildings. She jumps up to the roof and notices a Building in shambles. She rushes over to it and notice two people drinking in front of it. She stops a distance away from it and observes from afar

@Robyn Banks @Embaga Elder
Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b30000]Crimson chuckles towards Natalia's remark. It's times when a friend is going through something he shows some of his true colors. The more calmer and wiser side of Crimson. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]Start with yourself. Reflect on what you could do better. Like your weakness of pride for example. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000]He takes the shot. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23225-robyn-banks/ said:
@Robyn Banks[/URL]
(Outside Natalia's destroyed mansion)
@The Unamed Character
Natalia laughed. " I have a reason to be proud, I'm accomplished doing far more than people expect of me. I have a reputation that brings fear into people's eyes..." She stopped boasting for a while before letting out a sigh. "If I ask for help what would that make me look like? I can't look vulnerable, especially to those damn government agents... I've been taught to be strong, no matter what. And if I showed one slightest bit of weakness I was punished for it." She took the bottle of whiskey from his hand and took a swing of it before handing it back to him. She didn't like talking about her past since she always had the feeling it would come back to haunt her.

The city seemed normal, as if it was any ordinary day. People were going about their business, like usual. Unbeknownst to anybody, something horrible was about to happen. Below the streets, inside the dark sewers where the city kept it's secrets, a small puddle of goo dripped down from the ceiling. It was a grey color, standing out from the water like oil as it flowed through the pipes. The moment it touched the edge, the goo began to compact together, then slithered onto a walkway. Drips of water rolled off as more and more of the slime collected, making a larger puddle. Perhaps it took minutes, or hours, or days, it was impossible to tell, but slowly the liquid began to form into a solid mass. After failing several times to collect itself, it finally formed a humanoid shape. It opened it's newly created mouth and coughed, gagging. On the verge of excruciating pain, the form forced itself to grow more detailed features. At the end of the process, a man stumbled to the ground, weakened and nervous about his rebirth. "What the hell..." He looked around, seeing the sewer around him. "But I'm supposed to be dead" His voice was raspy and shaken. Now feeling more confident, the man looked up and narrowed his eyes "Stephen!" He growled "If it's the last thing I do, you will pay!"

Thus, a villain was born...

@SSgt Goodrich
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Crimson looked at Natalia as she proved his point. But then she began Speaking about her past. Crimson guessed it had to unsettle her since she yanked the whiskey bottle out his hand. Being too proud is also a weakness. If you're too proud to ask for help, people like whoever these soldiers work for will see and they'll take advantage of that.....just like today. Sometimes asking for help isn't a sign of weakness. It's sometimes a sign of strength admitting you need help. Everyone needs help every now and then. Even me. He a takes a sip from his whiskey. @Robyn Banks @The Unamed Character
Natalia scoffed."Alright preacher whatever you say." She put her hands in her pocket of her trench coat, Still looking at the damage of the mansion. She knew he was right but didn't want to admit it. She decided to change the subject before the conversation got too sentimental."So since you know so much about my situation, what about you? What's been going on inside you're little gang?" She said sounding eager to know the answer.

@Embaga Elder
Michi decided to walk up to the two. "Seems like you two are in a bit of a pickle huh?" she said with a childish tone as she put her hand on her hip. Her dragon mask covered the bottom half of her face. Her snow white hair was mostly on her back but some was draped forward. She didn't care that she was interrupting their talk, cause she had a feeling she knew she found what she was looking for. "Anyway I could be of assistance?"

@Robyn Banks @Embaga Elder
Mizuti looked at lite and glared a cold dead stare. "I know what I am doing lite. As it stands I am willing take the risks. And she may be a little girl but last I checked little girls din run around with chains strapped to their arms. And she said it herself she is willing to prove its not useless. I'm going back to Natalia. My high place can wait. Either y come with or stay here." Mizuti spoke out to see if Natalia would answer back. "Natalia..I know you can hear me. And crimson. I may never forgive wha you did to my sister. But dammit like it or not we are stuck. We are all in the same boat. And your pride will be the death of you one day. And in case crimson has not told you yet though I am sure he has these government agents will look for that weakness. And turn it against you. I wantbac in. Because the wa I see it we help each other out and we both survive. OR we fight eac other and do the government's wor for them and the HUMANS win..not either of us. Do you really want that?..." Mizuti sat down and awaited a response and looked at lite. "Lite..I'm going..if your going to try and stop me don't...we are all just pawns on the game board anyway..." Mizuti used his lightning channeled it to his legs and began running to what is left of Natalia's mansion. Hoping to get back in. @Knightling @Robyn Banks @Embaga Elder

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