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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
"Jeez dude" Lite smirked as he rubbed the back of his neck "Don't take it so hard, just giving my opinion, pal" His light hearted attitude returning momentarily before he continued "It's fighting fire with fire!" He moved towards Miz "Listen to me, you'll only become Her pawn if you join her! I've had my run ins with big gangs, I know how they work, that's why I'm so terrified of them!" He paused, not sure if he should say this "That's why I won't get Near Natalia. I try to make a difference with what I've got, as little as it is, but I know my boundaries. Let the Government fight the mafia, they know how to handle it! Perhaps you're braver" He watched the guy speed towards the mansion, now talking to himself "I won't stop you, even if I could, but I can't help you either"

Lite turned away.
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"And that's suppose to be impressive?" She thought that the girl was weird, kind of bipolar in a way. Natalia looked at crimson before looking at the girl once again.deciding to hear her out. "What are you interested in doing?"

@The Unamed Character
"Well.... I hear some interesting things happen when ever the leader of the Mafia is around...." she giggles and then looks at Natalia with a serious expression in her eyes. She holds her hand up and it instantly becomes a blade "And I want in on it" she said "You could use my tech.... and my powers... But only If I could join and be a higher rank than those losers I took down in the warehouse.... a Henchmen mind you...." she said, not followed by a giggle this time

@Robyn Banks @Embaga Elder

Apparently Lite had won the argument, because Mizuti ditched her. Again.

Although, this time, she had a bit of a complaint about being immediately forgotten. Even though Alice had said that she would try her best to keep up,
her chains didn't come with freaking rocket boosters. So, naturally, she was left in the dust. Erm... static? Whichever came with electricity? She hadn't heard a word of the duo's conversation, but had understood the bit where it wasn't supposed to reach her ears anyways. Plus, a portion of it was no doubt about that Natalia lady; as Mizuti had seemed extremely keen on joining up with her again.

Don't get her wrong, Alice didn't exactly
want to meet up with a member of the Mafia. However, she was disappointed that, even though Mizuti had claimed that it was fine if she tagged along, he had disappeared without allowing her to even hope for that to happen.

Unlike with every other emotion she felt so far, her expression actually decided to function like a regular human's. A look of disappointment and frustration was visible on her face, and she slouched forward slightly. "Aw...come on." The girl whined.

@Knightling @bloodfire

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Natalia began to think. She already has a henchman, Butch, but than again she couldnt afford to lose her original command though she trusted him with her life, she had to make room for another. She seemed strong enough to handle herself so she seemed like the perfect replacement. "Alright You got the job but first I want you to state your name. " she said grinning. 'Well if you really want to talk to me I suggest you stop creeping your way into my mind and just face me and don't you dare ever listen to my conversations again.' She said in her head responding to Mizuti

@bloodfire @The Unamed Character
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Michi giggled, seemingly going back to her childlike personality. "I am called The white ninja.... But you can call me Michi...." she said as she took her mask off. "Also.... these are my Tools..." she said as she took both multi tools off of her belt "need an inside job done... I am your gal..." she grinned as she hooked them back on. "So... am I allowed to ask what happened here?" she said looking at the destroyed mansion

@Robyn Banks
"Someone is out to kill me probably an elite organization, who knows. They attempt to kill me at my mansion but failed to do so but left so damaged." She said looking at the mansion. She looked back at Michi before saying. "Any other questions?"

@The Unamed Character
Lite looked off into the distance, his eyes narrowed behind the goggles. It was the unknown, the place beyond. Like the cavemen of ancient times, there were places too vast and frightening to explore. Taking in a deep breath, he sighed, then grinned. "Eh, whatever" He shrugged it off and pulled out a rope, then threw it at a building and climbed to the roof. He glanced down at Alice and smirked "Keep your chin up, kid!" He exclaimed "Maybe you'll get your opportunity next time. One thing is for sure, he Totally Just Trolled You!" He laughed at the thought "Welcome to Astra city!". Lite jumped off the building and swung away into the city, deciding to take care of the small fry, the everyday thug.
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(I would like to request a free pass for the dumb OP ex Machina thing that I'm about to do)

It was a childish move on her part. But, before Lite could completely disappear from sight, she stuck her tongue out at him. However, once he was gone, she was completely alone. There was no one left to bug her, and the sudden dark emptiness around her immediately put Alice back on edge. She was still a young girl hanging out near alleyways at night: Not the best of situations to be in.

Sighing softly, the girl started heading in the direction that Mizuti had sped off in. She had said that she would try her best to keep up, and that was exactly what she was going to do. And, through the power of extreme stubbornness and illogical bullshit, she managed to find herself near the mansion in almost no time at all.

Michi giggled at Crimson. "Yeah.... I get that expression a lot...." she said a bit casually. "So... that is all I came for... i am sure one of your grunts from the warehouse will be bringing you my number shortly..." she said "If you need me Ma'am I will be in touch always..." she said as she saluted. As she saluted smoke emitted from her multi-tools. By the time the smoke cleared she was nowhere in sight. This all took place within 3 seconds

@Robyn Banks @Embaga Elder
Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b30000]Crimson looked at the girl as if she weirded him out. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]Yet another member joins your mafia Natalia. What will you do next with her? I tell you about my plans later. [/B][/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23225-robyn-banks/ said:
Natalia leaned towards Crimson before whispering in his ears. "I have no idea. But she seems like she would be a good thing to have by my side. How about we go somewhere more private to discuss about it. I'm very eager to hear about it." She looked back at Michi, watching her go. She had a feeling that Michi would be kn good use to her. Natalia turned back to Crimson, laughing at his expression.

@The Unamed Character
(I legitimately wanted to say this: "And... Don't get any bright Ideas about offing me or I will slice your neck with my hand and bury you so deep down that not even a gopher could find you" michi giggled. I SO WANTED TO SAY THAT!!!! @Robyn Banks )
Mizuti landed through a hole that was in mansions roof from the explosion. "I want to rejoin. Don't get me wrong Natalia. But if i had a choice between the two I would rather help you gain control of the city. Those men you were attacked by. Their commander is blanks creator known as general blanc to most. But Joseph Gardner is the name he told me to call him by. I know a way to get more intel on him and to most likely draw him out. I know we had some issues between the two of us but dammit if we keep fighting each other we will only be doing the generals work for him...besides..you killed my sister..may as well make the most of my new options yeh?..."

@Robyn Banks
Natalia faced turned more serious and she let him speak despite the urge to kill him right there and then but she needed him for Intel. "I will follow Crimson's advise and partner up with you but i will not let you rejoin until you have convince me that I can gain trust again. You will not betray me like you did before and you will follow my orders without question or I will kill you in a way far worst than your excuse for a sister.do you understand?"

@bloodfire @Embaga Elder

Void called back Nathan, So sorry bro, if you want we could go to the right CIA lab and take them down together, I don't like them either. So what do you say? Are you up for it? Void instantly hanged up, he knew Nathan would come but incase he was gonna attack him Void had to be prepared. He walked over to the truck and drove to weapons storage close by, it was only a ten minute drive, when he got there he found that no one was there due to the disturbance he caused. Void went inside and looked for liquid nitrogen and anything that can fight fire based opponents.

Void found a few freeze guns and loaded them in his trench coat, be loaded the rest onto the truck and drove back to the CIA base. He hid the heavy anti freezes and nitrogen tanks under the ruble and dirt, now he patiently waited for Nathan. In the mean time, Void flew high to the sky and began to shake the clouds with his telekinesis to cause rain and thunder. He came back down and saw Nathan arriving.
Mizuti nodded and spoke. "Yes natalia. But just so you know..killing me will do me a favor..but know this.." Mizuti held up a photo of his mother and natalia as well as someone he assumed to be his father. In a position as though it were a family photo. "Where was this taken..? Why are you in this photo..are we...related??...and why was it in my mom's old family photo scrap book..??" Mizuti had a look of understanding that quickly turned to confusion about the photo. Could this at all be possible.? "Anyway..what is the first order. Intel? Science?...both?" Despite the circumstances mizuti actually was looking forward to this work.

@Robyn Banks
(if the owner of the said player you want to kill allows it but Nathan has regeneration which kinda makes death pointless to him hes been shot multiple times across the body lacerated etc... he has suffered from those injuries but he still regenerates them but he can be cryogenecally frozen but since he has napalm it should melt it fast not sure tho :P )

Lite landed in an abandoned alley, tired "Perhaps this time I can relax without any disturbances" he said to himself, changing out into his normal clothing. Right now, He could use a good day off.
Blank was still frantically looking for anyone who would listen to him in the HQ. "Hello?!?!?!" he called. "Anyone?!?!? Please, I need to talk to you about the General!"


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