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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Blank coughed loudly. A small trail of blood slid out of his mouth. He thought about following them, then decided against it. He had more important things to do. He walks straight for the Hero Alliance HQ. Once he was the building, he just looked around. "Hello?!?! Anyone?!?! Please, I need to talk to you! It's urgent! It's about Project Blank!" Blank was clutching his arm. It was more out of habit. Having to control emotions was hard and difficult.


General Blanc gave each of the men around the circular table a cold hard stare. "Tell me what I need to know," he told them all. He seemed to radiate authority. One man stood up, and cleared his throat. He was one of the military. "We are currently formulating a plan for an insertion into the HQ of the Hero Alliance. Five trained squadrons, given extensive training in handling metahumans, will be deployed fro the engagement." General Blanc nodded. "What about the mafia?" The military man picked up a folder. He opened it. "The plan is simple: cut off the head of the snake, and destroy the mafia piece meal afterwards. From there, other notable gangsters will be targeted, and purged." General Blanc nodded again. "Excellent," he told them all, "however, I will be going into field myself when the times comes. Ensure our teams know this." General Blanc stood up, and gave one last comment. "Project Blank will be coming out of the shadows, gentlemen. And order will be restored."
Michi was in her apartment. She was known in the villain community so all she had to do was wait for a call. As soon as she started to relax, she got a call on the phone she used for her jobs. She answered it. "Talk to me..." she said with a grin. "Hmm..... sounds like a good deal.... keep talking" she said with a grin "Okay.... See you there...." she said as she stood up and hung the phone up. She put on her white dragon mask that covered the bottom half of her face and got her Multi-tools attached to her belt. She then leaped out of the window and ran across the building tops to get to her destination.
Some terrorist brat! Void muttered to himself, he started to fly out towards his sewer 'base', it wasnt fancy but people would not look there. Its also been dried up for quite a long time. Void landed in it and began to work on one of his projects, it was a security system that prevents people from entering the base. It was a hologram that projects the base with an image of regular sewer walls. He was almost finished with it. Haha, eureka! Void beamed with victory. He walked over to the sewer passage way and installed the security system, it looked quite realistic.

Void already had cameras all over the place which would auto save the data every 2 minutes but that was not always enough. He walked over to his laptops, there were 3 monitors, each of them with their own purpose, all of them untraceable. The one on the left showed the after math of what had happened earlier through a news report,
I bet they wish I was there, oh wait I was! Hahaha He laughed before going back to his bed to sleep.

(I barely have a grasp on what is going on, lol)

Lite spoke into the remote "A lot has happened" He explained "I got attacked by Blank, as he is under the control of Project Blanc, then I got rescued by some lady. After that, Miz showed up to help out, then he went to a warehouse to face off with Natalia. Now Miz is gone, I havn't followed him, and I'm not sure what happened to Natalia, or Miz's sister" He gasped for breath, having said all of that in one breath. "Oh yeah, Miz had Another freakout during the fight, which is why I don't consider him mentally stable anymore. Also, we've got Blanc project comin' at us" He smirked and added "To a city near you!"

He paused, sensing something moving across the rooftops nearby. "Perhaps it's him" He said to himself as he tossed a grapple at a building and swung threw the air.

@The Unamed Character

@Joshua matt
Mizuti landed on the rooftops after visiting the graveyard. He noticed a girl running towards him. He recognized the look from back when he was working with Natalia. But couldn't remember the name. He decided to follow. As he needed to speak to Natalia again. He spoke to her mind as he followed alongside her but hanks t a nw combination of his current abilities. He was rendered invisible. "Who are you..your face seems familiar...are you one of natalia's...?"

@Robyn Banks @The Unamed Character
Natalia stuffed her hands in her pocket before taking a seat on her couch. She didn't really face Crimson as she began to speak. "I appreciate you coming to the warehouse but your help was not needed. I don't need anyone to think that I can't handle anything by myself or they will question my authority." She said starting to look at him. Her wounds were starting to heal as Butch joined her by his side, starting to whisper in her ear about rick being in the dumpster. She shook it off telling him to tend to it on his own.

@Embaga Elder @Joshua matt ( wonder what your plan is.)
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@Embaga Elder[/URL] @Joshua matt ( wonder what your plan is.)
You'll see,

Rick hung up. "No more waiting!" Rick put down his blast sheild and ran trough the mansions door. "KNOCK, KNOCK!!"
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Natalia sighed. "That's probably the dumpster boy, let him and lead him to the bathroom to freshen up I don't need him stinking up my mansion. Butch get the files." Butch gestured a man to get the files while A maid nodded opening the door, see Rick with trash over him. She didn't want to grab his hand so she just gestured him to follow. Handing him some clothes then pushing him in.

@Joshua matt
The maid nodded before taking him to where Natalia and Crimson was. Natalia was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed and her hands folded on her lap. "Well I see you looking better than the first time I saw you... Though you do need some Improvement." Natalia said starting to grin at him.

@Joshua matt
Robyn Banks] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff]The maid nodded before taking him to where Natalia and Crimson was. Natalia was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed and her hands folded on her lap. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff][B]"Well I see you looking better than the first time I saw you... Though you do need some Improvement."[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff] Natalia said starting to grin at him.[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27409-joshua-matt/ said:
@Joshua matt[/URL]
Brb gonna go to store.
Seeing as the girl wasn't going to answer mizuti decided to go to Rick..and possibly rejoin Natalia. Mizuti new it was stupid but he figured Natalia was possibly the only hope he had of facing general blanc. And the way mizuti saw it they were all just pawns in a game to the general. So he would make the best use of the board he could. He followed the trail of ricks mind to a mansion. "Why would Rick have decided to come here..he should know what happened last time..." Mizuti thought to himself. But decided to wait. And spoke out wit his mind to natalia hoping she was in. "Natalia..if your here..I am only here to talk..I have Been thinking about crimsons words...and am considering rejoining..as much as I hate asking. I feel your the only chance I have of getting bad at general blanc..besides..like it or not we are all stuck in this..as well as something about you that makes me consider to a sister. Which is what I am here to ask as well.."

@Robyn Banks
"As Nathan arrives at the Mansion he sees someone enter he doesn't recognize he went inside since the door was still open the maid greeted Nathan, Nathan asked where Natalie and Crimson was the Maid directed Nathan to the couch where Crimson was sitted"Hey Crimson so... The CIA labs do you know anything about them?"

@Embaga Elder

@Robyn Banks
Robyn Banks] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff]The maid nodded before taking him to where Natalia and Crimson was. Natalia was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed and her hands folded on her lap. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff][B]"Well I see you looking better than the first time I saw you... Though you do need some Improvement."[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff] Natalia said starting to grin at him.[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27409-joshua-matt/ said:
@Joshua matt[/URL]
"Well I have been better. But something has been bothering me, I wanted to ask, did you kill them? My family." Rick could not bare to see the killer sit there and smile after what happened. "Cus I've got a problem with that!"
bloodfire said:
Seeing as the girl wasn't going to answer mizuti decided to go to Rick..and possibly rejoin Natalia. Mizuti new it was stupid but he figured Natalia was possibly the only hope he had of facing general blanc. And the way mizuti saw it they were all just pawns in a game to the general. So he would make the best use of the board he could. He followed the trail of ricks mind to a mansion. "Why would Rick have decided to come here..he should know what happened last time..." Mizuti thought to himself. But decided to wait. And spoke out wit his mind to natalia hoping she was in. "Natalia..if your here..I am only here to talk..I have Been thinking about crimsons words...and am considering rejoining..as much as I hate asking. I feel your the only chance I have of getting bad at general blanc..besides..like it or not we are all stuck in this..as well as something about you that makes me consider to a sister. Which is what I am here to ask as well.."
@Robyn Banks
Rick stopped and turned "wha- what did you say doc?"
Knightling said:
(I barely have a grasp on what is going on, lol)
Lite spoke into the remote "A lot has happened" He explained "I got attacked by Blank, as he is under the control of Project Blanc, then I got rescued by some lady. After that, Miz showed up to help out, then he went to a warehouse to face off with Natalia. Now Miz is gone, I havn't followed him, and I'm not sure what happened to Natalia, or Miz's sister" He gasped for breath, having said all of that in one breath. "Oh yeah, Miz had Another freakout during the fight, which is why I don't consider him mentally stable anymore. Also, we've got Blanc project comin' at us" He smirked and added "To a city near you!"

He paused, sensing something moving across the rooftops nearby. "Perhaps it's him" He said to himself as he tossed a grapple at a building and swung threw the air.

@The Unamed Character

@Joshua matt
Michi dove out of the way of the incoming person. She landed gracefully on the roof ledge infront of her, her white dragon mask shimmering. "Yes?" she asked "I have somewhere to be...."
"Oh, don't mind Me" Lite replied, humored "I thought you were somebody else. Everybody travels the rooftops these days, like Batman. Doesn't anybody ever walk anymore? Well, who am I to talk" He threw a rope onto a building, sensing that she was telling the truth "Continue towards your vague destination, weird ice-princess-looking lady. If you're on the wrong side of the law, you'll probably be seeing me soon"

@The Unamed Character
Knightling said:
"Oh, don't mind Me" Lite replied, humored "I thought you were somebody else. Everybody travels the rooftops these days, like Batman. Doesn't anybody ever walk anymore? Well, who am I to talk" He threw a rope onto a building, sensing that she was telling the truth "Continue towards your vague destination, weird ice-princess-looking lady. If you're on the wrong side of the law, you'll probably be seeing me soon"
@The Unamed Character
Michi sighed "Sorry.... Someone has to stay silent you know..." she said with what sounded like she was smirking and drew one of her multi tools. "Good thing it is me..." she said as smoke formed from her multi tool. It enveloped her. When it had settled and dispersed, she was gone. It all took place in about 3 seconds.
"Right, whatever you say!" Lite chuckled as he gripped the rope, then glanced back at the smoke "Hold the phone!" He paused and watched the smoke dissipate, a little surprised "So you're the ninja type!" He said, mostly to himself as he looked around to see if she was anywhere around. "Well, guess that's that!" He jumped off the building and swung through the air.
bloodfire said:
Seeing as the girl wasn't going to answer mizuti decided to go to Rick..and possibly rejoin Natalia. Mizuti new it was stupid but he figured Natalia was possibly the only hope he had of facing general blanc. And the way mizuti saw it they were all just pawns in a game to the general. So he would make the best use of the board he could. He followed the trail of ricks mind to a mansion. "Why would Rick have decided to come here..he should know what happened last time..." Mizuti thought to himself. But decided to wait. And spoke out wit his mind to natalia hoping she was in. "Natalia..if your here..I am only here to talk..I have Been thinking about crimsons words...and am considering rejoining..as much as I hate asking. I feel your the only chance I have of getting bad at general blanc..besides..like it or not we are all stuck in this..as well as something about you that makes me consider to a sister. Which is what I am here to ask as well.."
@Robyn Banks
Natalia scoffed at Rick's question. "Kill your parents? Like I said when we met I don't deal with people who can't benefit me in anyway. But I did keep my promise and got the files on who did it." She said as Butch put the file in her hands."But then again you were against me, so I should destroy it just to get to you, for opposing me." While she was toying around with rick, she started to reply back to Mizuti. 'I don't trust traitors, if anything I should have killed you at the warehouse. But since I'm seemily merciful today say your question before I become uninterested.'

@Joshua matt
Michi took her mask off before venturing into the street. She noticed she was infront of a warehouse. She facepalmed as she realized she missed her job opportunity. She noticed that a light was on at a door. She hid her Multi-Tools under her over-shirt and folded her mask as she put it into her pocket. She walked to the door and knocked. She put on her 'Nice' girl skit and waited.

@Robyn Banks

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