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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Natalia just stood there seemily unimpressed with the cut she had on her cheek and he tried to make his leave with her sister, she took out her gun and shot Raven in the back of her head, causing her to collapse lifeless. Natalia didn't have time for him to boast. She approached Mizuti kicking him to the other side of the warehouse leaving a dent. It was obvious she absorbed some power from Butch. She didn't seem to be fazed by Mizuti's attack since she remained Stoic. She had to deal with worst in her training as a child so it didn't do that much damage."why would I want to kill Miss frost? No No No I'm not killing her. Your little friend is." She lifted him up by the collar of his shirt, slamming him down soon after. "Such a shame I had to kill your sister. She was my favorite hostage, but you should be use to me killing your family since I already killed your parents." She jabbed him in the face before pushing back getting into her stance. Pulling out a trench knife. "You may think you are smarter but in actuality you lost the battle."


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Mizuti began laughing. He laughed in pure insanity as he watched his sisters head bleed. Because his plan had worked. He had hoped bill found a truly safe place place for her outside the city. Mizut laughed and picked the corpse up and the laugh was that of the creature now..he turned around and showed her the sparking metal head asnhe smiled impossibly wide wit insanity. "I lost...? No I like to think it is the other way around.." He held up the blood which bill had taught him to make back when they planned mizut's betrayal together . "this is not even real blood...but hahahha...it could be yours you know...lets see what happens when you piss off someone like me..after all you brought the monster to your doorstep...THE IDOLS WILL BE NO MORE AND THE PEDESTALS SHALL SHATTER AS ALL DIE AT THE HANDS OF HER CREATIONS!!!" Mizut repeated the words and slammed his blade against Natalia and launched her into the air and jumped up to meet hr and slammed her down. He then swun his scythe at her but was met with a counter block. Which mizuti expected from a fight with Natalia. Mizuti kept forcing the blade of his scythe against her defense all the while focusing on her and searching for her weakness when the chance arose. He tuned his helmet lite had inputted is the hopes of nullifying high frequency sounds that could and most likely would appear. "Bill was not the only traitor Natalia...or would it be better if I said miss Romanov...hahahahaha" mizuti put more force on his blade to balance out his impact force as he tried to break her defense awaiting any attacks he may be able to counter
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Now what?

Not that she was complaining. She was more than fine with being spared of getting gutted by some weirdo with a creepy mask. Nor was she very hurt that he just up and left like she suddenly turned into a piece of gum on the sidewalk. Still, it was
more than weird that the stranger had just up and left after pointing a deadly weapon at her. He didn't ask her for money, he didn't threaten her verbally. The farthest the conversation went was "who are you" and then BOOM, he ditched.

At this point, Alice was a bit more confused than she was freaked out. Even so, that didn't stop her from getting the fudge away from that place. You know, just in case the random psychopath had decided to return.

Mizuti hissed at the moment. "And this is something that must be done... This battle is for me and Natalia alone..unless of course we would rather be a coward andrun...like all the others.. " mizuti laughed with multiple voices. "Natalia the coward...catchy isn't it...haahaahaa..."

Mizuti ran at crimson and sliced his hand as his scythe claws extended and mizuti's anger grew he began shrieking and he held an orb of water on his left hand while the other hands blade claws clashd with crimson. "Soo... Let's see what happens when your flame looking aura is doused with water that can cut steel with enough force..." Mizuti shot water at crimson and as it did had sliced the warehouse open. And slashed his blades at crimson followed by another set of slashes at zedd. "Come on wolfy...me and you...oooooh how I would love to rip off your face....lets see how well YOU IMPROVISE!!!" Mizut rushed at zedd and jumped athij as he did his legs were replaced by that of a spider. Which also belonged to the creature. He slicedat zedds face with the ring blade and landed a single slice and cut off part of his cheek and ear in an attempt at his throat. Seeing an opening mizuti clamped down onto zedds neck with his own teeth which were now razor sharp. Mizuti the brought up his scythe claws and stabbed in zedds back and underside to hold him in place as he tried to kill him. He clamped down harder onto zedds neck to further the pain rather than instantly kill as he hoped crimson was "enjoying" zedds suffering

@Embaga Elder @Robyn Banks
bloodfire said:
Mizuti hissed at the moment. "And this is something that must be done... This battle is for me and Natalia alone..unless of course we would rather be a coward andrun...like all the others.. " mizuti laughed with multiple voices. "Natalia the coward...catchy isn't it...haahaahaa..."
Mizuti ran at crimson and sliced his hand as his scythe claws extended and mizuti's anger grew he began shrieking and he held an orb of water on his left hand while the other hands blade claws clashd with crimson. "Soo... Let's see what happens when your flame looking aura is doused with water that can cut steel with enough force..." Mizuti shot water at crimson and as it did had sliced the warehouse open. And slashed his blades at crimson followed by another set of slashes at zedd. "Come on wolfy...me and you...oooooh how I would love to rip off your face....lets see how well YOU IMPROVISE!!!" Mizut rushed at zedd and jumped athij as he did his legs were replaced by that of a spider. Which also belonged to the creature. He slicedat zedds face with the ring blade and landed a single slice and cut off part of his cheek and ear in an attempt at his throat. Seeing an opening mizuti clamped down onto zedds neck with his own teeth which were now razor sharp. Mizuti the brought up his scythe claws and stabbed in zedds back and underside to hold him in place as he tried to kill him. He clamped down harder onto zedds neck to further the pain rather than instantly kill as he hoped crimson was "enjoying" zedds suffering

@Embaga Elder @Robyn Banks
Jesus Christ, someone call a doc- no they need JESUS!!
[QUOTE="Joshua matt]Jesus Christ, someone call a doc- no they need JESUS!!

Rick got out of the dumpster and opened the bag he brought. "Well than THIS IS MY WEDDING SUIT!" rick joked as he put the equipment on. "Jesus its heavy!"


Time to find doc...rick tried lite again "lite come in!, forget it he will call." Rick tried talking to mizuti trough his mind. "Doc listen where are you?!"



@Robyn Banks

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Crimson domes out the rubble with wounds that starts healing instantly. He seemed unfazed by Mizuti as he got stronger and stronger by absorbing his rage. He sighs as he sees Zedd getting bit. Zedd himself also seemed unfazed as his ears and his cheek starts growing back. Zedd....get this over with. Zedd begins to grin as he began growing until he can step on Mizuti with his paw. Mizuti's bite now feels like a ticklish nibble. Mizuti just roll over and die like the little bug you are. Zedd starts shaking fiercely knocking Mizuti off of him sending him into the air. Zedd the roars at him releasing a crimson rage energy lazer blast. The laser blast knock Mizuti further into the air to only be knocked towards Crimson, whos his using crimson energy to create wings to him in the air. Crimson summons his Crimson Blade stabbing it through Mizuti's shoulder blades. I despise insects. Crimson's sword begins to glow as it releases a crimson wave of energy in a vertical direction, cutting his shoulder clean off. @Robyn Banks @bloodfire
Mizuti laughed more as he smirked. "You see zedd...the thing about monsters like me...don't ever underestimate them...heheheehe...I guess its time yu see what I really am...because by biting back....you let the nightmare into your head...haahhahahhaaaha...." Mizutis body melted into the floor as the warehouse wall began melting frm mizutis previous attack as it did mizuts memory began to repeat only this time his memory was now reality. "The people of this city will see through ther arrogance and realize that within their own ranks a leader became the eemyof the world by creating a monster....they will see what other false idols creation has brought upon them as they all are cut down one by one until all that stands is the creator and her creation. They believe that they can win through shear force and death yet the truth of realities between both sides will be shattered with the pedestals the false one was raised upon." Mizuti began to crawl through the melting liquid metal as he grew in size to match zedd. Titling his head unnaturally until it was upside down mizut laughed while drooling blood in place of saliva as his insanity took hold only this time.mizuti used his rage to intensify his control over himself and his insanity. Mizuti let the blood pour down his face as he focused on zedd. "And when the pedestals shatter so too will the life of that which created the monster you see now before you. And in the end wolf I was not the only target. How do you think you gained the ability to change your size...it most certainly was not an accident of birth now was it. But she neglected to tell you land did not show you the research documents. You were raised uon a lie from the very same individual that created wha I am now. Yet you still believe this is not so.." Mizutu crawled out of the wall and was as big as zedd but he didn't take his fighting stance. "My whole life I was tortured and cutopen because of her and she didn't the same to you yet yuu let her control you and yu let her control crimson and void as well. Who is the real monster here zedd..me and you? Or natalia? " mizuti let his faceless helmet open again and revealed his eye and his new eye to zedd. "This is what happens when people like Natalia do as they want. And now there is another organization rallying as we speak to take ALL OF US OUT. And they intend to start with the leaders of both sides...I chose to side with Natalia to protect my sister. Just as you chose to fiht me to protect Natalia..get this new organization wants both sides dead. Which side would you REALLY choose zedd..."
((OOC--Whoops...should have separated that....but now that I think about it...this roleplay would make a badass book and or movie...))
Void looked at the fight with a joking grin Haha I'm really enjoying myself here, so little Crim need my help now or are you going to call on that spoilt brat of your haha! Void knew he was annoying Crimson but it did make him angrier and that's good by voids eyes. He didn't like that Natalia girl though, she was so full if herself I hope she dies he says out loud.

@Embaga Elder @bloodfire @Robyn Banks
Zedd tilts his head with a "The Fuck" type expression in response to Mizuti's ranting about control and sides. Crimson busted out laughing at Mizuti. He jumped into the air landing on top of Zedd. Mizuti what type of false information are they feeding you man. He continued to laugh. Dude Zedd isn't from this planet and neither am I. Zedd has always been at MY side. Anyone I see as an enemy he sees at an enemy, and that goes the same with allies. And what's all this about Natalia controlling us, nobody controls me. He chuckles. Plus me and Natalia hated each other since the first time our two organizations came across one another. It took us years to finally come up with a truce. Crimson finally stops laughing. In all honestly you need to talk to your creater again about what's actually true and what's false, because the information about us hella false. He begins drinking the rest off the bottle of whiskey. Our powers was given to us at birth to only be amplified by the virus another alien race spread across this world. Crimson stops speaking for a moment, and begins thinking. What's to say you're not the one being controlled by someone else? @Robyn Banks @bloodfire fire
Taylor sprinted to the warehouse, and saw the whole thing unfold. She teleported onto a nearby building, and watched through a window. When she saw Natalia raise the gun- No. Nononononono. She heard the gunshot and looked away. It wasn't the first time she saw someone that she tried to help die. "Goddammit," she said under her breath. She teleported in the building and found a nice corner where she won't be noticed.

@bloodfire @Embaga Elder @Robyn Banks
Mizuti turned away and then looked at crimson. "Crimson..I must speak to you about something elsewhere..." He then turned to Natalia and limped to her after retiring to normal. "As for you.." Mizuti tossed her a day drive that just read as "....." On the table which was a reference to blank and his commander. "Natalia.. To be honest I don't know who to trust anymore..and frankly I don't think I shout trust either side when both are trying to pull me back..I really did create that clone of metal..and I ask that after this my sister is let go..I also have a proposition for you as well as crimson. But again not here.." He then turned to zedd and couldn't help but smile. And for once in his life the smile was true. "Zedd..I'm glad I met you..maybe we could battle alongside each other someday in the future.." Mizuti then extended wings from his other form. "Crimson..if you want to find who it was I mentioned in regards to the Gardner family...follow me..if not...bring me to your tower at around five tomorrow afternoon." Afterwards he turned to the open area outside and spoke with his mind "Rick I have decided to go neutral. I am done picking a side...guess we are even now...I will be in astra at the largest graveyard on the hill athe outskirts due west...you know where to go..." Mizuti took to the skies andhaded for the graveyard and couldn't help but laugh at crimsons words as he said to himself. "Heh..now I know why they all hang around him more than void..." He then stopped and hovred in the air and spoke directly to Natalia's mind. "That data drive I gave you...keep iton hand at all times..that general Gardner will be after it..while your at it if you want more intel on him..look for his counterpart known around here as the veteran...as for the back of the label...it says " truth of me and you"....there was something in it concerning you during the days I spent around you...andi guess that despite this fighting I still consider you a sister..." Mizut ceased his voice and flew t the graveyard. To pay an old friend a visit.

CHIMNY said:
Void looked at the fight with a joking grin Haha I'm really enjoying myself here, so little Crim need my help now or are you going to call on that spoilt brat of your haha! Void knew he was annoying Crimson but it did make him angrier and that's good by voids eyes. He didn't like that Natalia girl though, she was so full if herself I hope she dies he says out loud.
@Embaga Elder @bloodfire @Robyn Banks
"You should watch what you say about the woman I work for cause unlike you"I Don't Die!"So you best bite your tongue before I rip it off your punk ass face"As Nathan finishes what he has to say he exits the building and runs toward Natalie and Crimson's location Nathan calls Crimson for his coordinates"Hey Crimson I thought you could need help so send me your coordinates and I'll get there as soon as I can"


@Robyn Banks

@Embaga Elder
VirtualNotoriety said:
"You should watch what you say about the woman I work for cause unlike you"I Don't Die!"So you best bite your tongue before I rip it off your punk ass face"As Nathan finishes what he has to say he exits the building and runs toward Natalie and Crimson's location Nathan calls Crimson for his coordinates"Hey Crimson I thought you could need help so send me your coordinates and I'll get there as soon as I can"


@Robyn Banks

@Embaga Elder
Nanananana! Your so full of your self! I dont even see what your getting out of this, money!? POWER? OR ARE JUST A SLAVE!!! Void yelled out at nathan.
CHIMNY said:
Nanananana! Your so full of your self! I dont even see what your getting out of this, money!? POWER? OR ARE JUST A SLAVE!!! Void yelled out at nathan.
"As Nathan hears Void's insult he says"I do this for revenge I don't need power or money I did this to get revenge on the CIA for what they did to me and Because of them I can't die! I'll live on this earth till it dies I see people die everyday the feeling of being at rest will never come to me that's why I work for Natalie cause she has the forces to help me get my revenge"As Nathan starts to have hatred for Void and just wants to gut him like the fish he is"
Lite had been on a rooftop, listening to the events in the warehouse. Of course he didn't involve himself, that was simply listening for anything valuable. "Is it any wonder I question his sanity?" He said to himself, then smirked "Hell, this entire city is Nuts!" He pulled out his remote and spoke into it "These are not the droids you are looking for" He joked.

@Joshua matt
Knightling said:
Lite had been on a rooftop, listening to the events in the warehouse. Of course he didn't involve himself, that was simply listening for anything valuable. "Is it any wonder I question his sanity?" He said to himself, then smirked "Hell, this entire city is Nuts!" He pulled out his remote and spoke into it "These are not the droids you are looking for" He joked.
@Joshua matt
"Finally where are you and miz" rick had readyed his stuff and armor. He would not know what to expect.

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