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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

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  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Natalia laughed at the man's comment "Well mr. Big shot , I think you should care who I am. I can male your life a living hell with just a snap of my fingers and my men behind me would love entertain." Her men started to get ready to beat the man up but she lifted up her hand slightly to call it off. She turned to crimson with a grin on her face. " I think you fine the way you are you're anger is very... Intimidating I like it." She said. "Well since you have til 1 to actually get stuff done. I think we should have drinks, My treat." She put her hands on her pocket. "But not here though this place looks pitiful."

@Embaga Elder @CHIMNY @VirtualNotoriety
Crimson's aura starts to fade away. Even though his rage aura isn't showing doesn't mean he's not angry. Crimson is always angry when though he doesn't show it. He looks at Natalia and her new partner Nathan. Okay let's go. We can hit up my bar in my office. He walks over towards them placing his hand on them. They disappear in a crimson flash leaving the meeting room and appearing a millisecond later in his office in the Zengada Tower. The crimson light dies down showing his office. Zedd hops out his jacket and grows as he walks towards his circular bed that has human bones on it. @VirtualNotoriety @Robyn Banks
@Embaga Elder @VirtualNotoriety @Robyn Banks

Void remained unfazed, he took off his mask/helmet to show the face of the former CEO of Angel tech industries Little girl, now that you know who I am I doubt you still think your puny grunts scare me, Im above the law! For the past 5 months police have been looking for me and yet im not found! Now please get your dirt scum-bags away from me. Void had gotten upset, this child thinks she is better than him when he doesn't even need body guards.
Mizuti looked up and hissed as he spoke but in a calm sort of way. "So your my brothers "superiors? I want to meet you. There is some intel rather important in regards to the mafia leader natalia. I think I have a way to lure her into the open and finish her. But I must request we meet in person. You pick the place." Mizuti stood down as he felt that this man was watching somehow and spoke. "I can meet when your ready"
Request....denied. Blank was shaking now. I have no need of any such Intel. My network of spies is very large and powerful. I have eyes everywhere. As if to sum up the point,a bird fell from the sky. A smoking bullet hole was in it's breast. You have two options. Hand over Blank, or I bring the hero association to the ground. And nothing will be left in the ashes.

@bloodfire @TeaMMatE11 @Knightling
Mizuti snapped up and looked blank in the eye knowing that he was watching through him. "I have a proposition. Call off your human friends. And me and my brother will go directly to you." Mizuti turned his head to Taylor and winked at her and looked back. "We will go to you. All three of us. Then there will be no harm done to anyone. No innocents killed and at the same time you get me my brother blank AND the girl. After all..you ARE protectors humanity aren't you. And unless you would rather that I speak to my uncle who just so happens to be YOUR DIRECTOR and he kicks your ass. Or you comply with my terms." Mizuti held up the device he had from blank and held it up as it displayed details on mizutis "uncle" and showed he is currently this man's director. As well as chief of this secret organization. Mizuti kept it in mind to tell Cassy. As the situation among astra will soon change if he can't resolve the matter soon.

@Aelos @TeaMMatE11 @DaManofWar @Robyn Banks
Lite began to scan the area with his echo location, seeing if he could detect anything suspicious nearby with his echo location "We are going to get the other heroes involved, you're out of your Mind if you think we're All going to surrender" he stated, then spoke towards Blank "General Blanc, you've will possibly be incriminating yourself if you go through with it" He explained "It is illegal, in every sense of the world, to own a human being like property. You have no right to take Blank, unless he consents, this means that you will find your organization in legal trouble if you continue to threaten us. The more you speak, the more you will incriminate yourself. Now stand down"



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Mizut turned to lite and spoke to his and taylors mind. "We are not going to. But we need to get to the inside and find out more on this person. His voice sounds familiar t me. Besides lite this may be our only chance to save blank from horrifying torture and possibly death. I need you both in on this...we have to. For everyone's sake. And if we get that Intel Cassy would be able to prepare for more than just Natalia."

@Aelos @Knightling @TeaMMatE11
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There was silence for a while. Then there came the sound of laughter. Mizuti...Yes, I know who you are. Like I said, I have massive spy network. Next time you bluff, do it right. Because I AM the head of Project Blanc. I take orders from no one. Besides, I have already made up my mind. It is still two choices. A bullet snapped into the device in Mizuti's hand. Blank is given to me, or it will be war. However, I can't help but applaud you. You already consider Blank here a brother, and are willing to fight for him. Men like you are hard to come by. You'd make a good soldier, and if it were different, I would even be honoured to have you fight by my side. However, as things stand, the odds of war between the Hero Alliance and Project Blank are very high. Also, Lite, stop with the ears. I'll give you a headache otherwise. Now, I would advise that you tell your leader of my demands. You have one week to comply. If not, then it's war. And tell Goodrich that Gardner said hi if you see him.

@bloodfire @Knightling @TeaMMatE11

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"Whoa. Can someone tell me what is going on?" She stared at Blank. He is cute, she thought. After listening to this mysterious voice, she thought, War. I know I shouldn't get involved, but its the only way to make things right. after all, that is my job, right?

@DaManofWar @Knightling @bloodfire
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Mizuti turned to Taylor and lite. "We take blank with us. And we find this Goodrich gardner man. Lite yu hae sound detection. See if you can loc ont his particular soundwave. Taylor do you have teleportation capabilities? If so as soon as lite locks on you blank and I are going to pay him a visit. And while this man listens. I challenge him to a one on one battle.. A death match. But without any tech. Whoever loses dies. I want to see if this guy really does fight on his own rather than use all of these humans. Like everyone else always does." Mizuti got his device out anddialedthe number for Cassy and spoke. "miss frost this is mizuty. I need to speak t you ASAP I found out something most disturbing you will want to hear." He hung up and sat down waiting. Hoping we would show up.

@Knightling @TeaMMatE11 @DaManofWar @Aelos
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CHIMNY said:
@Embaga Elder @VirtualNotoriety @Robyn Banks
Void remained unfazed, he took off his mask/helmet to show the face of the former CEO of Angel tech industries Little girl, now that you know who I am I doubt you still think your puny grunts scare me, Im above the law! For the past 5 months police have been looking for me and yet im not found! Now please get your dirt scum-bags away from me. Void had gotten upset, this child thinks she is better than him when he doesn't even need body guards.
Natalia scoffed at him. "You better watch you're tongue. I am Natalia Kuvira Romanov. I've taken down a squadtron of CIA agent, I'm Founder of the infamous terrorist group Heibi, who had caused the destruction of the work for 2 years. Boss of the Mafia, who controls the world under everyone's nose. I have done a lot more than you have done in you're life."she walked up to him staring him in the eye as if he was beneath her. She grabbed his wrist draining his life force and abilities, making him feel weaker by the second. "Understand I'm not like you. I'm not hiding from the anyone. In fact I want to be seen and I will make everyone who go against suffer." She let go of his hand, she absorbed enough to make it hard for him to stand, to breath, to speak. She walked to the bar passing Crimson. "I don't appreciate your new servant Crim. He tries to make himself seem bigger than what he really is..." She didn't have anger or distain on her face, it was just... Emotionless.

@Embaga Elder @VirtualNotoriety
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bloodfire said:
Mizuti turned to Taylor and lite. "We take blank with us. And we find this Goodrich gardner man. Lite yu hae sound detection. See if you can loc ont his particular soundwave. Taylor do you have teleportation capabilities? If so as soon as lite locks on you blank and I are going to pay him a visit. And while this man listens. I challenge him to a one on one battle.. A death match. But without any tech. Whoever loses dies. I want to see if this guy really does fight on his own rather than use all of these humans. Like everyone else always does." Mizuti got his device out anddialedthe number for Cassy and spoke. "miss frost this is mizuty. I need to speak t you ASAP I found out something most disturbing you will want to hear." He hung up and sat down waiting. Hoping we would show up.
@Knightling @TeaMMatE11 @DaManofWar @Aelos
"How do you know my name?" she asked Mitzuti. "If we're fighting, we're fighting together. I don't care if we barely know each other. But I've seen enough bloodshed, and the drive, to kill anyone who stands in the way of peace."
"We are not going to fight goodrich. But he guy said to say hi to him. And we need t speak to him. I know you because I was just in your head talking to both you and lite. I called cassy here. I'm hoping she shows up. Because I think I may possibly have a clue as to who the true leader is for the villains. Natalia controls the mafia sure but who keeps giving her new guysevrytime she loses one. And think about it..it would only be logical to say that despite her status that's even Natalia follows orders. And you heard the guys words. He has eyes everyhwere. Either he is natlias boss..or there is something else going on. Something has involves world destruction. Something that involves more like him.." He pointed at blank a bit worried as he said it. Hoping Cassy got his message.

@Aelos @TeaMMatE11 @Knightling
bloodfire said:
"We are not going to fight goodrich. But he guy said to say hi to him. And we need t speak to him. I know you because I was just in your head talking to both you and lite. I called cassy here. I'm hoping she shows up. Because I think I may possibly have a clue as to who the true leader is for the villains. Natalia controls the mafia sure but who keeps giving her new guysevrytime she loses one. And think about it..it would only be logical to say that despite her status that's even Natalia follows orders. And you heard the guys words. He has eyes everyhwere. Either he is natlias boss..or there is something else going on. Something has involves world destruction. Something that involves more like him.." He pointed at blank a bit worried as he said it. Hoping Cassy got his message.
@Aelos @TeaMMatE11 @Knightling
I have a boss?)
"I don't trust you with this mission" Lite said to Miz bluntly "Twice I have witnessed you lose control of yourself, this mission is doomed as we stand. That fact aside, this spy organization sounds more powerful than the hero alliance combined. The best case scenerio is if we surrender Blank to them, then work from there. Perhaps even we can negotiate"



Rick explored the whole outside. And knows every entrance and exit every door every window. I'll wait till she comes back...
[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]I have a boss?)

Mizuti suspects it but doesn't know whether or not it is true
Allow me. The General smirked a bit. These people had earned his admiration. One never met people like them often. The man in your arms, girl, is the property of Project Blank. He's an assassin, maybe the best. He had a breakdown. Even with the advanced mental blocks on his emotions. Damned impressive. I wonder...if maybe you had something to do with it. The General laughed to himself. Blank just stayed still. He leaned on the girl. Blank felt scared

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DaManofWar said:
Allow me. The General smirked a bit. These people had earned his administration. One never met people like them often. The man in your arms, girl, is the property of Project Blank. He's an assassin, maybe the best. He had a breakdown. Even with the advanced mental blocks on his emotions. Damned impressive. I wonder...if maybe you had something to do with it. The General laughed to himself. Blank just stayed still. He leaned on the girl. Blank felt scared
"..." She stared blankly. "Whoever you are, you are not taking him back. I'm not going to let him become an emotionless minion just so that he can be YOUR puppet."
The word is soldier. A soldier protects his country. And Project Blank considers humanity it's country. Thus, he defends humanity. Girl, I've seen all kinds of hell. Cairo. Baghdad. Mosul. Tehran. Actually, I oversaw the attack on Tehran. Damned islamist scum had it coming. The General sighed. Any who, I am ending this call. If you do see Goodrich, you had better tell him Joseph Gardner said hi. Me and him go way back.

@SSgt Goodrich @TeaMMatE11 @bloodfire @Knightling
Mizuti stopped and turned to blank. "Let me ask you something then. You wish to stop the villain organizations correct..? And you hope to capture Natalia correct.? I can help you get some of those locations. If you promise me something. I need t get my sister raven bac from Natalia. As well as stop her from making more of what we turned me into. If I help you and you help me. I must ask one thing in return for this alliance.". Mizuti looked at blank knowing the general was listening. "That Natalia falls to the ground dead." Mizuti knew he was making a hard pressed decision by the wanted to ensure blanks survival. "And IFBLANK WISHES IT. Blank goes free and works with me"

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