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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
DaManofWar said:
The word is soldier. A soldier protects his country. And Project Blank considers humanity it's country. Thus, he defends humanity. Girl, I've seen all kinds of hell. Cairo. Baghdad. Mosul. Tehran. Actually, I oversaw the attack on Tehran. Damned islamist scum had it coming. The General sighed. Any who, I am ending this call. If you do see Goodrich, you had better tell him Joseph Gardner said hi. Me and him go way back.

@SSgt Goodrich @TeaMMatE11 @bloodfire @Knightling
She looked at Blank, and told him, "It's going to be ok. Don't worry."
bloodfire said:
Mizuti stopped and turned to blank. "Let me ask you something then. You wish to stop the villain organizations correct..? And you hope to capture Natalia correct.? I can help you get some of those locations. If you promise me something. I need t get my sister raven bac from Natalia. As well as stop her from making more of what we turned me into. If I help you and you help me. I must ask one thing in return for this alliance.". Mizuti looked at blank knowing the general was listening. "That Natalia falls to the ground dead." Mizuti knew he was making a hard pressed decision by the wanted to ensure blanks survival. "And IFBLANK WISHES IT. Blank goes free and works with me"
"Blank isn't going anywhere. Look at the state he's in." She put her arm over his shoulder. "He saved my life, whether he intended to or not. Sure, he almost killed me. It wasn't him when he almost smashed my skull. Soldier or not, who puts emotional blocks on people for soldiers? I've been through hell and back as well. You know this. We have to protect him, not send him away."
"No killing" Lite shook his head "Isn't it a bit much to murder Natalia? She's committed crimes, we're not the judge. She must be brought up to the legal system and punished properly" He explained "Revenge only creates a cycle"



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bloodfire said:
Mizuti stopped and turned to blank. "Let me ask you something then. You wish to stop the villain organizations correct..? And you hope to capture Natalia correct.? I can help you get some of those locations. If you promise me something. I need t get my sister raven bac from Natalia. As well as stop her from making more of what we turned me into. If I help you and you help me. I must ask one thing in return for this alliance.". Mizuti looked at blank knowing the general was listening. "That Natalia falls to the ground dead." Mizuti knew he was making a hard pressed decision by the wanted to ensure blanks survival. "And IFBLANK WISHES IT. Blank goes free and works with me"
You should know this by now. The answer is still no. I am already planning Natalia Romanov's death. The demise of raven will be of no consequence, considering her biological family. And my demand remains the same. Now, this conversation is over. A loud beep sounded. The General had hung up. Blank breathed in, and started coughing. He began panting. He looked around at Mizuti. "You damn fool..." He told him quietly. "I need to talk to Cassy. She needs to know what those people are capable of."

Blank coughed some more. He looked at the girl who had an arm around his shoulder. "I don't know you're name," he told her quietly. To him, she looked like an angel. Beautiful.

@bloodfire @TeaMMatE11 @Knightling @Aelos
Mizuti looked at lite. "Lite...I need your help..I don't think Natalia is the enemy here anymore.. This guy is going t kill both heroes and villains. We need to bring cassy in and like it or not I need to go back and speak to Natalia..if you can lock onto Natalia I will need Taylor to bring me to her while you and blank go to Cassy. A new threat is coming. We best prepare the best we can. And don't tell me not to do this lite. I am not in the best of moods for y to tell me otherwise. And if I lose control. Then the general guy will die because I will be damned if he is going to take everyone away from me."

@Aelos @Robyn Banks @Knightling @TeaMMatE11
It was after his encounter with the young lady and a particularly rude young man that Stephen set up camp in the alleyway of his event. The night was cold, a peculiar night for the city, but appreciated nonetheless as Goodrich took off his helmet. He let his skin breath.

The cold air, though harsh on his age, was just what he needed. He felt the warmth and reverberation of his bones as they had been put back together, and much like a sport pad, he needed both heat and cold to fully recover. His suit was too complex to fully remove, however, so he just stuck with the removal of gloves and helmet as he took in the night air.

He crouched into the far corner, his eyes fixed on the road as he wrapped himself off of a spare plastic wrap used for air conditioning. It did not offer much in terms of warmth, but it could trap air that could be warmed by the hands of the veteran, so with a quick glance around; he fell to sleep.






@Everyone I guess
Lite chuckled slightly, a little bit amused at the thought, then he spoke "Don't you think that if I could so easily find Natalia with my echo location, I would have done it long ago? It's not that easy, sure I have the potential to hear everything in a ten mile radius, but no human can take all that in without suffering an overload. I only listen to specific areas, but it helps if I know what signal to look for" He rolled his eyes "Enough with the Techno Babble, though. I'm saying that if you go ape shit, maybe the General Guy would die, but so could anybody around you, hero or villain. All I want is a contingency plan for if you go Bonkers"



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DaManofWar said:
You should know this by now. The answer is still no. I am already planning Natalia Romanov's death. The demise of raven will be of no consequence, considering her biological family. And my demand remains the same. Now, this conversation is over. A loud beep sounded. The General had hung up. Blank breathed in, and started coughing. He began panting. He looked around at Mizuti. "You damn fool..." He told him quietly. "I need to talk to Cassy. She needs to know what those people are capable of."
Blank coughed some more. He looked at the girl who had an arm around his shoulder. "I don't know you're name," he told her quietly. To him, she looked like an angel. Beautiful.

@bloodfire @TeaMMatE11 @Knightling @Aelos
"My name's Taylor. Take it easy, big guy." She looked him with her deep blue eyes, with hair flowing in the wind.

"We're just gonna march in at Natalia's-or whoever it is-gate and talk to them? Yeah, that's gonna work really well," she replied in a sarcastic tone.
bloodfire said:
Mizuti looked at lite. "Lite...I need your help..I don't think Natalia is the enemy here anymore.. This guy is going t kill both heroes and villains. We need to bring cassy in and like it or not I need to go back and speak to Natalia..if you can lock onto Natalia I will need Taylor to bring me to her while you and blank go to Cassy. A new threat is coming. We best prepare the best we can. And don't tell me not to do this lite. I am not in the best of moods for y to tell me otherwise. And if I lose control. Then the general guy will die because I will be damned if he is going to take everyone away from me."
@Aelos @Robyn Banks @Knightling @TeaMMatE11
(( cassy is at HQ so yeah ))
TeaMMatE11 said:
"My name's Taylor. Take it easy, big guy." She looked him with her deep blue eyes, with hair flowing in the wind.
"We're just gonna march in at Natalia's-or whoever it is-gate and talk to them? Yeah, that's gonna work really well," she replied in a sarcastic tone.
Blank reach a cold metal hand up, and stroked Taylor's face. "You're beautiful," he said almost childishly. Blank's breathing became shallow and soft. He was lost in her deep blue eyes. He rested his head on her chest. He was like a child now. But a learning child. It was a slow process. Best way to do it. The damage could be bad the other way.

(Let's just assume that Alice Deus ex Machina-ed her way close to the Hero's base? But doesn't know it? Because I have no idea what I'm doing? Weeeeeee)

She wasn't exactly
tired, but a short rest sure seemed like a wonderful idea at the moment. Leaning against the wall of some random building, the brunette looked around; for what she had no idea. It wasn't like someone in tights and a cheesy mask was just going to show up and whisk her off to where she wanted to be; or...where her friends wanted her to be. Still, it was getting late, and she was actually starting to get a bit nervous. If she were to listen to any stereotype about any city, Alice would know that being alone at night was not a good idea. Especially not at the age she was at.

And it wasn't like she could call her
parents to come to pick her up. That would immediately destroy the plan, and there was no way that anyone would want to talk to her if she gave up simply because she was scared. Besides, so far the girl had been doing well enough on her own. No major incidents had occurred so far.

Resting her head against the wall, Alice sighed softly.
'I'm such a tool... Maybe going back wouldn't be the death of me?'

Mizutnlooked at talor after sensing an additional presence of sound that he dr not recognize and for the fist time sifted his claw hands in full control. "Finally...I have control of it so far..Taylor I will be right back...something doesn't feet right." Mizuti slipped his faceless helmet on and decided to go to the source. He walked around the corner of a few buildings and seen hero hq and had found the source. A brunette girl only a couple of years older than him. He walked up to the girl in the shadows and simply stared. He noticed a pendant opening and closing as the wind blew down the streets.

DaManofWar said:
Blank reach a cold metal hand up, and stroked Taylor's face. "You're beautiful," he said almost childishly. Blank's breathing became shallow and soft. He was lost in her deep blue eyes. He rested his head on her chest. He was like a child now. But a learning child. It was a slow process. Best way to do it. The damage could be bad the other way.
"Man, what happened to you..." she said softly, under her breath, in a non-insulting way.
"Like talking to a brick wall..." Lite watched Miz walk away, then looked back at the others "Geez, just make out already" He joked, then walked over to a building and placed his hands against his temple, trying to expand his senses.

Maybe the paranoia was getting to her, but Alice could've sworn that she was being watched. Even if it was just her freaking out over nothing, it wouldn't hurt to at least be a little prepared. Her usual stoic expression refused to show the slight mental breakdown that she was experiencing; and to anyone who was actually watching her, it would appear as though she was perfectly calm and unaware of their presence. The chain around her arm unraveled a bit; allowing her a good length to work with if someone happened to jump out of the shadows. Under the long sleeves of her oversized jacket, it was impossible to see the chain itself; although the very faint tinkling sounds could be heard if someone happened to have enhanced hearing or something.

Keeping her back pressed up against the wall so that no one could sneak up behind her, the 13 year old looked around just as she had been before her "paranoia" kicked in. Only this time, she was paying a bit more attention than previously.


Mizuti sat in the darkened alleyway across from her. And walked towards her. He stared at her as he seen the pendant. And he showed himself directly in front of her by onlya few feet and held a single scythe claw to her pendant. He hissed softly like a snake but remained in place a new feet away. He then whispered in his child like voice. "Who are you...."

Knightling said:
"Like talking to a brick wall..." Lite watched Miz walk away, then looked back at the others "Geez, just make out already" He joked, then walked over to a building and placed his hands against his temple, trying to expand his senses.
"...what..." She turned around and looked at Lite. "That's gonna be the first thing you say?"

(Pendant? I don't remember putting a pendant on her? There's a chain wrapped around her arm and hidden under her jacket, but no legitimate piece of jewelry? X3)

There were creeps, and then there was this guy. If at all, the girl had been expecting some drunk or even drugged up weirdo who was prepared to do something that would get him thrown into jail. Any weapons involved probably would've been a knife or a gun or something. But,
this?! This was a situation that she wasn't expecting to see herself in. Maybe in a dream, but definitely not in reality.

Alice's breath caught in her throat for a moment, and her eyes widened slightly at the sudden appearance of the other. As much as she wanted to be one of those smooth badasses that one would see in an action movie, there was no way that she could pull it off. Besides, the girl was pretty sure that she would get impaled if she even tried. So, in the hopes of
not dying right there and then, she decided to go along with it. "My name is Alice." She said simply.


"No" Like smirked with humor "The first thing I said was 'thanks for saving my life, random lady', then I commenced with the smart ass comments. It's the way I role,," He trailed off as he began exploring the city with his senses, trying to get a lock on any of the villains.
Natalia realized that she was basically Not doing the things she should. She decided to say on her earpiece. "Bring the girl to me at the old warehouse outside the city, I want me equipment there as well.I think I want to toy around with the heroes for a bit."she grinned at From before giving him a kiss on the cheek jokily, not meaning anything behind it. "I'll be going now. I have a special performance to do on the screen." She stepped until the car with her men driving off the abandon warehouse. She stepped into it looking around, with a grin.' This will be perfect.' The girl laid on the floor almost lifeless, shivering in fear, trembling more when she saw Natalia. Natalia crutched next to her before lifting up her face. "I am so sorry this is happening to you Raven, but Your brother betrayed me and I have to get back at him somehow." She said with a sinister smirk. Her men began to tie Raven up to a chair, covering her mouth as well. The camera and lighting was perfect like it was in her terrorist days. Her crew started to hack all the TVs, channeling them to her video. She put her hands behind her back as she began to speak with a stern face. " Asta city, You have been laid to for too long by the heroes who says they are doing what is best for the city but instead are doing it for their own. They are liars and deceiver, who have tricked us all to believe that they will protect when in fact they have done the most harm." She grinned as she added."But that's not why I'm broadcasting. This message is for Mizuti, the traitor. The one who worked for me as long as I can remeber,Yet he betrayed me and I don't tolerate that. But I do keep my promises, I agreed that I wouldn't hurt your dear sister." A men took out his gun,pointing it at raven's head as she started to plea for help."but I never said my men wouldn't. If you want to get your sister back meet me at the abandon warehouse outside the city... We need to talk. Just you though I don't want your friends around."

@bloodfire @Embaga Elder @Everyone
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"Now everybody's going to be heading to that warehouse,,," Lite said to himself, adjusting his goggles to infra red. "I'll be around!" He pulled out his grapple rope and threw it onto a building, then swung away.
(He thinks the chain is a pendant because of he way it shines in the light.)

Mizuti hissed in anger but also pure joy after witnessing her message. "At last.....the time has come to cut the head of the snake...sister.. I'm on my way..." Mizuti shited back into human form and decided it was time to end it. Using hismlightinghe stepped to he street and began projectngrhe pathwa to he abandoned warehouse a half a mile due south. He used the lightning to charge his energy to ismoriginal self and began running as fast as a vehicle on a freeway going forty so he could arrive on time. He turned a corner three blocks and ran until the gate was in front of him. He saw Natalia's guards standing and waiting. Mizuti was angered. And he thought to himself. "Maybe the should die...they all deserve it. All of them.. This time...I won't let her escape...I should give hr some wouns that even when cannot heal on her own..wouns so deep they mesh her bones....but no matter...I get my sister back." Mizut used his lighting to burst at the warehouse and had brandished his newest weapon. Which he named the ring scythe. The ring scytge had a pendulum style scythe blade on one end and a detatchable ring blade on the other end. Mizut held it as he walked inside. Staring Natalia in the eyes with a newfound hatred. "Let her go...and I promise we can fight it out. Starting with your men. Then void...then you..." He the smirked and took his helmet and bandana off revealingthe X shaped eyes he was now stuc with for life. But yes. We do need to talk..you see I have Intel for both you AN miss frost.. The same Intel.. It is not the heroes yu should worry about. There is another organization killing both villains AND heroes. Who says he has eys and ears everywhere...even the capability to hear our every word and thought...he called himself Joseph Gardner....does the name ring any bells...and he also revealed he is planning on your death as we speak..."

@Robyn Banks
Natalia scoffed as response. "Eyes and ears around the city, just like me." Raven began to cry out for help. It was obvious that she no longer had her powers since Natalia absorbed it and make it her own. "No that name doesnt ring a bell...If you haven't noticed everyone is trying to kill me, So I'm not amused." She said walking up to Raven before standing beside her, not harming her in any way."but I must say you've changed, more of a traitor than before. I don't understand why" she said "Before I was like a goddess to you but now you're acting more of a rebel. I like it."

Mizuti seen her powers were gone. And was lucky he made a secret little plan with her. Mizuti brandished the ring scythe and it glowed with an energy he had never seen before. And as it glowed mizuti had gotten rid of his fear of Natalia. And sliced her cheek enough to make it bleed. "I hope the TV systems are playing this moment out...the world should really know yu fr the monster you are..as for general blanc..I am glad he and I are sharing a common goal. We both want you dead..and if I have t send your body to the good general as a gift. To get my sister back then so be it. But in the end. Aren't we all just living a part of hell...?" Mizuti had revealed his eyes and then a flash of an image from his mind of the creature he witnessed appeared in his place as he moved and talked briefly before no showing again. "You see Natalia I am a lot smarter than you realize. Thanks to the device I took from blank which I am sure the good general allowed me to take. I have observed your little stunts around the city. How you wanted the hero hq to blow up. You wanted to go the banquet so y could kill miss frost correct? Andi observe your battle styles..and if none of us can get out o this alive the I assume you I will drag you down with me..after all..hell seems like a nice place provided the walls run red with your blood...hehehehe." Mizuti could no longer hold back. He let his monster selfout of its human shell and took its for and made the first shot by slamming the flat of a scythe claw against hr as hard as he could making sure no wounds were inflicted but hoped to break a few bones. Mizuti let out a shriek that sounded like some form of monster in a movie of horror and spoke as his third and fourth arms held the ring blade and the scythe ready in case her men tried to open fire on his flanks and backside. "I cannot wait to gut you like a fish on the cutting board...NOBODY HURTS MY SISTER!!!" mizuti cut he ropes tying his sister and pushed her to make her leave. "This fightis just means you...my sister goes free...."

@Robyn Banks

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