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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
DaManofWar said:
Blank identified his new atteckers power easily. Teleportation. And she had a gunblade. Interesting. Blank readied his new arm for combat. He pointed at the girl, and watched as several small missiles shot out at her. He also fired two more shots at Lite.
@TeaMMatE11 @Knightling
Knightling said:
Lite closed his eyes as the first bullet struck the ground beside him, thinking that he was going to get shot. "Wow, this is not what I thought oblivion feels like" He stated, then opened his eyes "Oh". He stared in relief as his rescuer distracted Blank. Smiling with relief, Lite stood up "This is my lucky day!" He stated, feeling more confident as he reached towards his belt. In a swift movement, he pulled out a ninja star and threw it at Blank, lodging it directly in the end of the gun, causing it to backfire and burst apart when Blank tried to shoot. Without waiting another second, he jumped back to a safe distance, then threw a flash grenade at Blanks feet.
Taylor saw the missles coming, and easily sidestepped with a small teleport. She watched as the missles hit the ground next to her. She then turned her attention back to Blank, looked away from the flashbang, and when the flash went off, she immediately turned around, and shot at Blank. She then flicked out the blade, and sprinted at him. As soon as she got within inches, she slid, and sliced at Blank.
Blank covered his eyes from the blast of the flare. He wasn't about to let it get the best of him so soon. Rather then be defeated, he instead made his move. He tested out another new weapon: a Gatling gun. Blank swung around, shooting in all directions. Then he saw the female attack. Her blade sliced into his shoulder.

Blank grabbed her by the shoulder, and punched in the stomach. Hard. He drew the fist back again, and started beating her rapidly. He grimaced in rage. Wait. That wasn't right at all.


DaManofWar said:
Blank covered his eyes from the blast of the flare. He wasn't about to let it get the best of him so soon. Rather then be defeated, he instead made his move. He tested out another new weapon: a Gatling gun. Blank swung around, shooting in all directions. Then he saw the female attack. Her blade sliced into his shoulder.
Blank grabbed her by the shoulder, and punched in the stomach. Hard. He drew the fist back again, and started beating her rapidly. He grimaced in rage. Wait. That wasn't right at all.


That was a mistake. She got pounded in the chest, once, twice, and teleported out of the way. That's going to leave a mark.
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Blank screamed, and lunged, tackling the girl. He raised a robotic fist, and swung it at her face. It was coming down, fast and hard. If it hit....

But it didn't. It stopped, a centimetre away. Blank had froze up again. The emotions were much stronger now. And Blank was having a hard time fighting them back.
She turned her head to the side, knowing it was the end for her after she was tackled. ...Am I dead? She faced foward again, and looked at the fist that was just centimeters from turning her head into a blood splatter.

@Knightling @DaManofWar
Blank had his teeth clenched hard. He was visibly shaking. Part of him screamed he had to kill her, but the other said no. That this wasn't right. That this wasn't the way. That he could be free. In the end, Blank did the only logical thing.

He ripped out his mental blocks with a pain filled cry. Then he fell forward onto the girl he had just tried to kill. He lay there, almost unconscious. "No...hurt...you..." He told her slowly and weakly.

DaManofWar said:
Blank had his teeth clenched hard. He was visibly shaking. Part of him screamed he had to kill her, but the other said no. That this wasn't right. That this wasn't the way. That he could be free. In the end, Blank did the only logical thing.
He ripped out his mental blocks with a pain filled cry. Then he fell forward onto the girl he had just tried to kill. He lay there, almost unconscious. "No...hurt...you..." He told her slowly and weakly.

Her gunblade was out of reach, when Blank collapsed on top of her. This is awkward, she thought. "Uh....you ok?" Taylor asked Blank. Since it seemed like Blank wouldn't do more damage to her, she decided to ask.
Mizut was returning to HQ when he noticed a familiar heart beat. He turned to see blank who was being attacked by a girl he did no recognize. Mizuti became enraged at this and used his lightningand bursttowards the girl and screamed "DONT HURT MY BIG BROTHER!!!" Mizuti slammed into the girl and walked towards hr with both hands draggingtheir scythe claws along the ground. "Don't..hurt...my brother... Do you hear me girl...DONT HURT MY BIG BROTHER!!!" mizut screamed..he was enraged despite in full control. He was true to his words. Being his family was killed excluding raven. He lost his elder brother to Natalia when she took him away. "It's not his fault...ITS NOT HIS FAULT THEY ARE MAKING HIM DO IT AGAIMST HIS WILL!!!"
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Blank wrapped his arms around the girl. "Sorry... So...sorry .." Blank just laid his head on her chest, softly crying. He wanted it to rain. That way, it wouldn't look like it. Blank closed his eyes, and kept crying. He didn't care when Miuti attacked her. "No...hurt her...Please..." Blank sniffed. He went back over to her, and just laid down in front of her, begging forgiveness.

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bloodfire said:
Mizut was returning to HQ when he noticed a familiar heart beat. He turned to see blank who was being attacked by a girl he did no recognize. Mizuti became enraged at this and used his lightningand bursttowards the girl and screamed "DONT HURT MY BIG BROTHER!!!" Mizuti slammed into the girl and walked towards hr with both hands draggingtheir scythe claws along the ground. "Don't..hurt...my brother... Do you hear me girl...DONT HURT MY BIG BROTHER!!!" mizut screamed..he was enraged despite in full control. He was true to his words. Being his family was killed excluding raven. He lost his elder brother to Natalia when she took him away. "It's not his fault...ITS NOT HIS FAULT THEY ARE MAKING HIM DO IT AGAIMST HIS WILL!!!"
(uhhh...what? I'm already on the ground.)

DaManofWar said:
Blank wrapped his arms around the girl. "Sorry... So...sorry .." Blank just laid his head on her chest, softly crying. He wanted it to rain. That way, it wouldn't look like it. Blank closed his eyes, and kept crying. He didn't care when Miuti attacked her. "No...hurt her...Please..." Blank sniffed. He went back over to her, and just laid down in front of her, begging forgiveness.
"Huh?" She looked to her left, and got tackled. Hard. Did I just see...someone running on lightning? That's a new one. She got up, and looked at Blank, and walked towards him "Ya know, I'm still trying to figure you out. First, you tried to kill me, now...you just broke down. Seriously, are you ok?" Taylor asked, in a calm and light tone. She kneeled down, and put her hand on Blank's shoulder. "Shhh. It's going to be alright. It's probably a long story anyway." She picked up her gunblade and holstered it behind her back.

Much confuse...

Anyway, now that I know I won't be the oddball if I use fonts,


E. V. Swan~ 'Wish'

Still clinging to the edge of the building, Violet adjusted her position to kneeling on the wall, her toes and knees braced against the brick. Both hands still gripped the edge while the bag of food she had stolen was still gathered in a fist of two fingers, white-knuckled, but at least now she could scramble over the edge and stumble onto the roof of the building. She gave a kind of spiteful huff upon hearing one man tell the other that there was 'nothing to see here.'

'Damn right.'

With that and a sharp glare at the two beneath her, she took off along the roofs and while leaping the smaller alleys, used half an instant to make another glassy island across the wider gaps. Soon enough, like when she had fled her burglary, she lost herself in the sound of her footsteps. It was choppier with the gaps between buildings, yes, but it was a very predictable pattern all the same. One two three four... One two three four five... One two three four.... Her breathing was at the same rate as previous, one breath every two steps. Now and again she had to interrupt it with a shuddering gasp as was her habit to subconsciously hold her breath in her lungs each time she suspended her beat.

Eventually, she had found herself in a rather different area, at times having to clamber over the edges of buildings several feet taller than the the one before it. She had hardly noticed the difference or that she had begun to tire until she found herself panting for each breath. Violet came to a stop, her face a bit flushed and her brow a bit sweaty from having fun ceaselessly fire however long she had-- she had lost track. Five minutes, twenty minutes, she forgot the difference between them. Dropping her the spoils of her earlier scavenging and placing her viola delicately down on the concrete roof upon which she stood, she sunk decisively to her knees and took an apple from the net-like bag. She tossed it casually in her hands before cautiously polishing it off with the cuff of her sweatshirt, then sunk her teeth into the crisp fruit. God, she was hungrier than she thought. Or probably would like to admit. Either way, it was the dead of night, she was tired, and she had a sweatshirt between her and the pavement. Still she felt a chill from through her jacket, but eventually began to nod off after she had cast the finished bits of pale Apple core onto the ground below.

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Mizuti stopped as he seen blank tell him no. Mizuti held a clawed hand to him in sadness and in pity for blank. He the started tearing. "Why brother...why do you protect...she hurt...she hurt you...." Mizuti lowered his hands and cried as he looked at them. "Why cant I control it...why is it so hard...I don't understand.." He then picked the tip of the gunblade and put it this neck. "Do it girl....its all I have left now..I won't ever get my sister and from her....she took my sister and family...made me into this monster..."

@Robyn Banks @DaManofWar @TeaMMatE11
bloodfire said:
Mizuti stopped as he seen blank tell him no. Mizuti held a clawed hand to him in sadness and in pity for blank. He the started tearing. "Why brother...why do you protect...she hurt...she hurt you...." Mizuti lowered his hands and cried as he looked at them. "Why cant I control it...why is it so hard...I don't understand.." He then picked the tip of the gunblade and put it this neck. "Do it girl....its all I have left now..I won't ever get my sister and from her....she took my sister and family...made me into this monster..."
@Robyn Banks @DaManofWar @TeaMMatE11
"Whoa. What the hell are you talking about?" She got up and faced Mizuti. "I get the part that...your sister died...but..." She was inturrupted when he pulled the gunblade. "No. I'm not killing anyone today." She flicked the blade back into its handgun mode, and holstered it. She faced him, arms crossed, so he wouldn't attempt another suicide. She put her hand on his shoulder. "Look. Right now, you might feel like your life isn't worth anything. I get it. Cutting your life short is one of the worst things you could do. Also, your brother was about to kill him." Taylor pointed to Lite.

Her face and arms were scratched up, and blood was oozing slowly from her shoulder. "Your brother just had some sort of emotional breakdown during our fight. I don't know if I triggered something, or what. However, I just can't let people roam the streets, killing random people."
Mizuti looked at her sadly still. "You don't know...natalia..the mafia leader..she has my sister hostage and on watch....my sister is in danger as I betrayed natalia....please...allow me to heal..hold still and don't move when I do this..otherwise it will hurt..." Mizuti lifted his hands and extended the scythe claws with light and electricity trickling around each claw slowly. He pointed a single claw at each and every wound and touched them lightly and gently with the tips and used the combined energies to meld the wounds closed.

"There...that should be better...that should let you move..I'm sorry...i..i didn't know..i..i.." Mizuti shook it off and looked at lite "your okay? You need me to heal...?" He then ran to blank and noticed he tore out his mental blocks. "Brother....big brother let me heal...let me help..please..." @TeaMMatE11 @Knightling @DaManofWar
"As Natalie was done fixing Nathan's clothes and hair he says"Don't worry boss I don't plan on repressenting you badly in any way, I was actually about to raid a CIA lab the I got this message from Markov I guess to meet up here by the way how much alcohol can you handle?"Nathan asking Natalie like if it was a challenge"

@Robyn Banks
Lite had his Bo Staff out, ready to fight. He wasn't quite as trusting as others would be in this situation, considering how close to death he had been. After watching the entire thing, he carefully moved forward towards them "Your 'brother' is not stable" he stated to Miz "He needs to be taken into custody. He'll be safe, he'll be properly treated. You're not entirely stable yourself, I would advise you get help too, your anger keeps getting the better of you, and somebody it could prove fatal to somebody else" He walked over to Blank "Get on your feet, we need to get you out of the open before your programmers find you". Lite glanced at Taylor "Thanks for saving my life" He stated "I owe you one" He smiled in relief, then turned to Mizuti "Brief me on your sisters situation, perhaps we can rescue her" He could sense the truth in his heart beat.



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Blank was still crying. Then he heard it. A small beeping sound. Followed by one, long beep. Then a voice started speaking. Blank froze when he heard it. It's him....the General.

Excuse me? Is this thing on? Good. A clearing of the throat. I am General Blanc. I wish to send you all a message concerning my operative. He is the property of Project Blank, and humanity's defender. I request you leave him alone for pick up. I will be taking him back into custody for rehabilitation.

@Knightling @TeaMMatE11 @bloodfire
@Embaga Elder[/URL]

@VirtualNotoriety @Embaga Elder

Void ignored the girl the whole time she spoke, his ankle was burning and the pain was unbearable. Goddammit!! IT HURTS TOO MUCH! Void accidentally screamed out, he has never tried it before but he was going to fix his leg with the telekinesis by moving the bone back to its place. OUUUUCH!!!!!!!!! Void screamed, but the pain started to fade, now it didnt hurt as much and he could freely move his ankle around.
"Oh you must be... Uh I didn't get your name who are you?"Nathan asked Void who just fixed his ankle"By the way if your prone to breaking your bones you'll get use to it"

VirtualNotoriety said:
"As Natalie was done fixing Nathan's clothes and hair he says"Don't worry boss I don't plan on repressenting you badly in any way, I was actually about to raid a CIA lab the I got this message from Markov I guess to meet up here by the way how much alcohol can you handle?"Nathan asking Natalie like if it was a challenge"

@Robyn Banks
Natalia gave him a grin." A lot more than I should. Maybe I'll show you someday." she said before turning to the man, rolling her eyes at him. This meeting was taking a lot longer to begin than she expected, Which was messing up her schedule. Markov was not making the best impression on her."I think I might have to leave soon, I'm a busy woman and I can't really spend my whole day waiting on a man who isn't serious about his work."

@VirtualNotoriety @CHIMNY
Crimson's bright reddish aura begins flowing off of him. He glares down at Void. Void could feel ever once of rage that is stored up inside of him. He pointed a finger towards void aimed for his shoulder blade. You're really getting on my nerves. He fired a finger beam of Crimson rage energy through Void's shoulder blades.


@CHIMNY @Robyn Banks @VirtualNotoriety
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Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b30000]Crimson's bright reddish aura begins flowing off of him. He glares down at Void. Void could feel ever once of rage that is stored up inside of him. He pointed a finger towards void aimed for his shoulder blade. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]You're really getting on my nerves. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000] He fired a finger beam of Crimson rage energy through Void's shoulder blades. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26177-chimny/ said:
Ouuch!!!! That hurt! But Im loving the anger!!! You should get anger management though, it can really help you.

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