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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Sage walked into the club , his hips swaying and a alluring smile was etched on his attractive face. He got stares from various mafia members causing him to smirk. He walked over to a large muscular man at the bar. " Hi there big guy. " Sage said smiling up at the man who looked him up and down , making no attempt to hide his lust. " Hello sexy. " The man said smirking down at Sage who was tempted to shot the man in the crotch.

" That's a nice nickname but you can call me Hunter. " Sage as he cocked his hip and folded his arms. " I have a few questions for you. " Sage said and the man raised a eyebrow. " What is it? " The man asked before his eyes widened when Sage placed a hand on his chest. " Do you know a woman named Daelle ( I forgot her name , she is Dave's boss) , if you do can you tell me here location. " Sage asked only for the man to shake his head. " I'm sorry I can'....." he was cut off by Sage's hand going down south. " Come on tell me. Tell me and i'll make you feel really good. " Sage said with a alluring smile that worked well , the man spilt every thing he knew.

Sage left the club after getting the info and went to the new heroes HQ. He walked in and looked for Rick.

( Sage is good)

@Joshua matt @Aelos @anyone in the area
djinnamon said:
Sage walked into the club , his hips swaying and a alluring smile was etched on his attractive face. He got stares from various mafia members causing him to smirk. He walked over to a large muscular man at the bar. " Hi there big guy. " Sage said smiling up at the man who looked him up and down , making no attempt to hide his lust. " Hello sexy. " The man said smirking down at Sage who was tempted to shot the man in the crotch.
" That's a nice nickname but you can call me Hunter. " Sage as he cocked his hip and folded his arms. " I have a few questions for you. " Sage said and the man raised a eyebrow. " What is it? " The man asked before his eyes widened when Sage placed a hand on his chest. " Do you know a woman named Daelle ( I forgot her name , she is Dave's boss) , if you do can you tell me here location. " Sage asked only for the man to shake his head. " I'm sorry I can'....." he was cut off by Sage's hand going down south. " Come on tell me. Tell me and i'll make you feel really good. " Sage said with a alluring smile that worked well , the man spilt every thing he knew.

Sage left the club after getting the info and went to the new heroes HQ. He walked in and looked for Rick.

( Sage is good)

@Joshua matt @Aelos @anyone in the area
O.0 "Hi pal did you get the info." Rick saw sage and asked his question. "Did you get her location?"
Sage nodded and told Rick the woman's location. " Do you want to help you. " He asked with a raised eyebrow.

[QUOTE="Joshua matt]O.0 "Hi pal did you get the info." Rick saw sage and asked his question. "Did you get her location?"

djinnamon said:
Sage nodded and told Rick the woman's location. " Do you want to help you. " He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh GOD IM GLAD YOU SHOT ME IN THE CHEST;" rick picked up his weapon bag and checked its contents. "Alright, you can help if you want, but you must promise me ONE thing...
" What is that. " He asked , what could this guy possibly want.

[QUOTE="Joshua matt]"Oh GOD IM GLAD YOU SHOT ME IN THE CHEST;" rick picked up his weapon bag and checked its contents. "Alright, you can help if you want, but you must promise me ONE thing...

djinnamon said:
" What is that. " He asked , what could this guy possibly want.
"You will NEVER double cross me." Rick did not want to sound like a jerk, considering he did help him. "Just saying, I do appreciate what you are doing. It helps alot." Rick getting up and putting in a new filter on his mask.
Sage nodded, he may have been betraying Dave a little by helping the heroes but maybe if his boss was dead he would come to the hero side. " Ok I won't. " He said smiling at the man before looking around. " So tell , where do I sign up to he a hero. " He asked

@Joshua matt
djinnamon said:
Sage nodded, he may have been betraying Dave a little by helping the heroes but maybe if his boss was dead he would come to the hero side. " Ok I won't. " He said smiling at the man before looking around. " So tell , where do I sign up to he a hero. " He asked
@Joshua matt
"Well, you can ask Cassey, she'll take ya, and your bro." Rick was kinda surprised by the sudeness of the situation. "You might have to ask for aid."
Mizuti snapped awake again. He dreamt of parasite. He dreamt thay parasite somehow infected his mind. And it was why full control of his abilities was not yet his. Mizuti suddenly went wide eyed..his body began changing..he fled into the alleyway close by and his body molded into the creature from his dream and insanity..mizuti shrieked and took off to the location of parasites meeting. @Yonsisac @Robyn Banks @Aelos
[QUOTE="Joshua matt]"Well, you can ask Cassey, she'll take ya, and your bro." Rick was kinda surprised by the sudeness of the situation. "You might have to ask for aid."

Sage nodded. " Can you lead me to her? " He asked?
djinnamon said:
Sage nodded. " Can you lead me to her? " He asked?
"Well,she is somewhere in the HQ you could finder around the social areas." He looked around, I'm gonna...hide out in that mansion . I'll go and sneak in..." Rick stood up to the door. "Keep the door unlocked" and he was gone. Thanks to that info he can track down that mansion.

@Robyn Banks

(Climbing in yo windows)
Mizuti smashed into the wall of an old metal warehouse near the docks and began cutting into it. The place had been luring him ever since he had the dream about parasite. And he could not stop the feeling that the parasite was here. Mizuti backed up and slcharged into the wall again after cutting it more with his claws and burst.through only to find nobody was inside. "Not Inside" Mizuti thought to himself. "But maybe BELOW" Mizuti looked down to try and detect any sort of sound and detected six no seven different signatures all centralized below the building. Mizuti shrieked as he began tearing through the old place to find the entrance. WHERE ARE YOU WHERE ARE YOU!!"
[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]( actually i'm heading to the underground club. also Hide yo kids Hide yo wife)

Oh I know. I've got a plan. *twiddles mustache evily* hehehehe

(Sorry, been trying to think of what to do... Still have nothing, so bullshittery shall commence!!!)

Holding her arms out at her sides in order to balance herself, Alice walked along the edge of the roof of a building. It wasn't a very smart move on her part, but it helped to clear her head a bit. There was something about hovering on the edge of potential death that got rid of every useless thought in her head. Besides, it gave her a good look at her surroundings.

She had come this far, but she was starting to question her life choices a bit. Becoming a Hero would definitely be a cool profession, but there were a few downsides. If she became well known, or went on a dangerous mission, then her life would be thrown in danger. Then there was the fact that she would have to help keep up images; which wouldn't take too much effort on her part, but Alice didn't want to be
forced to be nice. What if she didn't like any of the other Heroes, or accidentally took a liking to one of the Villains? Since, well, even though they were supposed to be the bad guys, no one was just black or white. There was always the possibility that she might find a legitimate reason to feel sorry for one of the enemy, and grow to despise one of her allies.

Sighing softly, the brunette stepped away from the edge; successful in not falling to her doom. Morality aside, she was still facing the issue of not being able to
find the Heroes.

Yonsisac said:


"Yes Father?"

"Don't call me father my dear....i have a mission for you and for the first time you can go outside"

"O-Outside?! I can go?....A-Anything for that!"

"Good my dear....i need you to hunt down ever hero that exist in this city and in the meantime you enjoy the time outside ok? i am just gonna work on a....small little project with my comrades,If Solar and eclipse cause any trouble come back to me i will....make them behave"

"Yes! I will! i have control over them F-...um sir,but i will hunt the heroes,what project are you doing with your friends?"

".....a small..lets say science experiment...we will "Cure" all the sick people!"

"Oh your helping them! Ok i will go now! i bet the heroes are bad and have been getting in your way i will make sure they don't stand on the earth again!"

"That is my little girl....now go i am a very busy man"

Markov finish as "she" one of his subject experiments would nod and sprint out quickly like him,she was "cloak" in silence and in sight and her mission was to hunt them down,Markov would smile under his breathing mask as he would stand in the middle of a concrete room with nothing but a chair where "she" sat as he would say silent to himself "this time....we will take over the city!"He said as he would look up at the stone prison as he would soon lower his head down and walk out of the stone room to a dark chamber,he would place his hand on his waits getting a small PDA And would send a message to every Villain

"Attention all my comrades assist at the club underground,its time to move the pawns and kings in this games,we will take action,i require all of you ASAP This is our chance to take over the city for all we want! assist at this meeting at ANY cost,I have a plan to make all our wishes come true! assist immediately"

he sent out as he would sigh as he was there alredy,there he was and a large table with chairs around,he dint sit he just stood there at the other side standing as he waited for them as he would say "It has been years we dint have no order.....i will take them all under my wing,its time for OUR happy ending....the stories of heroes always being victorious will end NOW! Project "Rust" will prevail!"

This is the day...the night and the time where we will take over! our wishes of fame..power and wealth will come true!

Attention all villains this is a event! GM and I have something done, I as well was given the position of Villain leader (No gang or whatever) all info will be given soon

Natalia played by @Robyn Banks

Dave played by

Royal played by

Nathaniel played by

Ray played by

Marko played by
"As Nathan was about to exit his car near the CIA lab coordinates he received an unknown message"Who the hell?!"Nathan thinking he could have a great reward carelessly goes to the Underground to meet up with this guy but calls Natalie about this"Hey Ms. Romanov did you get this message as well?"Nathan sends Natalie the message he received"

@Robyn Banks
Blank woke up. This time, he was in a room. A large white room. He was strapped to a table. A man was standing over him. He was dressed as a General. Blank knew he should be afraid, but he wasn't. "Welcome back, operative," General Blanc said to him. "You're lucky to be alive. We've reinstalled the mental blocks on your emotions. That new arm of yours is now being outfitted with more appropriate weapons and gear. We're also looking into ways to prevent that little fiasco with the heroes from happening again. EMP protections have been installed." General Blanc sighed, and walked over to a glass window. Ah. Of course that was there. Blank was being watched. In case he displayed emotion. However, that wouldn't happen again. "I can assure you, you're duties will be fulfilled. You're a valuable asset to this operation. You were chosen to be mankind's guardian. Purging all current and potential threats to it. And right now, we have a new assignment. You will be briefed later." The General left the room. Blank felt nothing. No rage. No anger. Nothing at all. Just calm.
Void stared at the ashes on the floor, Wow! Thats funny! He laughed, Void then floated 30 feet high before flying full speed at the Zengada tower, he had to tell Crimson about it. Marko carefully landed on the helipad, he then went down the stairs and looked around for Crimson office, he went inside and sat on the chair, put his legs on the table and began relaxing.

@Embaga Elder
The thug gasped and choked as he breathed in tear gas, unable to stop the flood of tears. Stumbling, he fell right into Lite's hands. Lite held him by the collar and shoved him against the wall "Just answer the questions!" He demanded, voice muffled through a gas mask.
"Nathan Arrives at the Villains HQ he sees no one but a bartender"Hey bartender where are the other Villains?"Uhh... Your the first to arrive want anything to drink while you wait?"Got anything strong?"I got Vodka, Scotch, Brandy, Whiskey, Tequila etc..."Mix me some scotch, whiskey and vodka by the way give me a drinking glass not a tiny shot glass I don't get drunk easily"Umm... Ok never seen anyone handle that much strong alcohol all at once well guess you'll be the first"As the bartender finishes mixing his drink he takes the drink at sits on a barstool chair waiting for the other villains"
[QUOTE="Robyn Banks](..... I think you joined the wrong side xD )

I removed myself from that faction but nor did I join the other, I help the hero's, just a roughish
bloodfire said:
Mizuti hearing his sisters voice calmed in an instant. After switching shirts with one he found in an old suit case that was left behind in the restaurant mizuti slipped his helmet on. "Rick?....where are we? What happened? Who is that other man??" Mizuti rubbed his helmet confused as to what was going on. Mizuti then decided to look at his phone to see if the man he called zengada ever responded. Seeing his message. Mizuti responded.
alright then..let's meet on a more secluded area. The mountains over in the distance beyond the outskirts would suffice no? And please. No weapons. I only want to talk. And possibly if you have something to trade that is..exchange intel on natalia. As something tells me you don't trust her more than you do with me.
(Didn't see this)

Crimson wakes up from his nap seeing the text message. I don't need weapons anyway he thought as he began to respond.

alright then..let's meet on a more secluded area. The mountains over in the distance beyond the outskirts would suffice no? And please. No weapons. I only want to talk. And possibly if you have something to trade that is..exchange intel on natalia. As something tells me you don't trust her more than you do with me.
What could you possible have that I don't have myself?


CHIMNY said:
Void stared at the ashes on the floor, Wow! Thats funny! He laughed, Void then floated 30 feet high before flying full speed at the Zengada tower, he had to tell Crimson about it. Marko carefully landed on the helipad, he then went down the stairs and looked around for Crimson office, he went inside and sat on the chair, put his legs on the table and began relaxing.
@Embaga Elder
Crimson senses Marko coming down from the helipad. He walks into Crimson's office without saying a word, and without an invitation. Crimson fires a blast of rage energy at the table destroying it. 1. Why the fuck are you here? 2. Don't you ever place your feet on my furniture again. He said as he glared at Marko. @CHIMNY
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