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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Stephen slowly walked toward the wreck, his healing factor slowly fixing the strained and bruised ligaments that he suffered from the explosion. He had not heard the woman scream at the thugs, and he did not mind, what bothered him was that he did not save the man in the wreck.

The thug, no matter what he might have done, was forgivable and now he was small meat chunks thrown about the alleyway...

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The woman scrambled to the ground and ran down the alley, rambling about how today was her lucky day.

The thug, however, wasn't in the same mood. His skin was very pale, and his eyes fluttered as he attempted to stay alive. He coughed slightly "You...Killed my man..." he growled in a quiet voice, then coughed more. He attempted to speak again, but lost consciousness.

The next instant, police cars and fire trucks pulled up to put out the fire and find out what had happened.

@SSgt Goodrich
Stephen walked slowly, like an apparition, he appeared through the smoke to face the authorities. He looked extremely scratched up, the shrapnel of the truck stuck in the thick ceramic plate of his battle dress uniform. He tapped the side of his head and groaned as he felt his regeneration slowly twist his ribs back into place, his hands clenched tight to hide his anger.

"Fools... All of them..."

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As the firefighters moved towards the scene to engage the fire, one of the cops moved towards Stephen "Excuse me, sir, are you okay?" he asked, not sure who this strange person was. To him, this guy did not look too well. Other cops moved through the alley, taping off the area and preparing it for investigation. With all of that happening, an ambulance drove up to the scene to see if anybody had been injured. It was a fast response, which made sense when you considered all the masked freaks around.

@SSgt Goodrich

The Thai resteraunt

Lite opened up a drawer and sifted through the documents until he found the correct ones. Pulling them out, he began to inspect each one, taking mental notes. "So far, so good" he said to himself, finding everything that he needed. Just at that moment, he heard the janitor move up the stairs. "Time to hit the street" He said to himself, putting the documents back and closing the drawer. Locking all the doors behind himself, Lite swung out of the window and landed on a nearby rooftop. He was about to go head home when his sensative ears picked up a high picked sound. "Goddamn it!" he exclaimed, covering his ears in a desperate attempt to block out the painful noise!
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Stephen shook his head yes and took off away from the scene. Even though his information would be valuable, he knew the lady that was being assaulted would be sufficient and for now, he had to get away from the source of his sorrows. It wasn't long though, that as he wandered the streets with a scarred uniform, that Lite could spot him from the other personnel on the ground. Goodrich holstered his slick silver revolver and sighed audibly, the speakers of his comms sounding even more static-y. He held the side of his ribs, flinching as the last of his ribs formed back into place and began healing over.


Hold on blood she's still some where different and I'm still with sage you were knocked unconscious weren't you?
"Wait!" The young officer spoke, but the senior officer grabbed his shoulder "Calm down son" The man spoke "don't pursue"

The young officer shook his head in confusion "Mr. Erickson, that man might have been involved". "I know" Officer Erickson replied "But you know how they are around here"

Lite gasped in pain as he gripped his head harder, trying to block out the high pitched sound as much as possible. It was in situations like this that turned his power into a weakness. Feeling dizzy, he stumbled to the side, then fell off the edge of the building. Falling down hopelessly, he was forced to let go of his head and catch onto a window sill, hanging on for dear life as the pain tormented his head.

@SSgt Goodrich
Goodrich sat, for only a moment, to reflect on the events of that morning. He had just begun his journey to defeat organized crime in his city, yet, even at the slightest infraction of the law, he has managed to get someone killed and a whole street shut down.

It was frustrating.

If he is going to be the vigilante that every kid dreams about, he will need to start going into events with a game plan. There was a lot at risk in that alley, and he simply waltzed in as if it were a routine patrol. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

He stopped at a local thai place to clear his thoughts.

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Blank was horrified. "No...this is...this carnage....this is senseless....stop this...NOW!" Blank pointed his new arm at Mizuti, and tried to use it. A large blast of energy erupted from his hand, racing toward Mizuti. "Stop this!" He demanded. He bucked under the recoil of the attack.

DaManofWar said:
Blank was horrified. "No...this is...this carnage....this is senseless....stop this...NOW!" Blank pointed his new arm at Mizuti, and tried to use it. A large blast of energy erupted from his hand, racing toward Mizuti. "Stop this!" He demanded. He bucked under the recoil of the attack.
Rick looked at blank and used his side arm to shake him up. "Blank calm yourself before I open fire!" Rick looked down at the shot and wounded Dave. "Tell me burningman." Rick put the gun on Dave's forhead. "I'll pull the trigger at the count of three UNLESS you give some DANG ANSWERS!" Rick cocked the hammer on his gun. "Speak up!"


Luca was awoken by Blank's yelling. A ice shard materialized and plunged into Rick's hand so he couldn't shoot. Sage was also up and passed. He shoot a explosive round that would sending Rick flying

@Joshua matt
djinnamon said:
Luca was awoken by Blank's yelling. A ice shard materialized and plunged into Rick's hand so he couldn't shoot. Sage was also up and passed. He shoot a explosive round that would sending Rick flying
@Joshua matt
Rick opened his eyes from being thrown. He looked down to see a hole in his lower chest. He saw his hand had shards of ice sticking out of it. Rick looked at his two attackers. "Lucky-lucky punks *cough* he looked at both of them realizing his left mask filter and visor was busted. He checked for a gun...but found none. " great...now I gotta deal with this problem!" Rick said in a weak but jokingly way. "So much for fighting...I shoulda waited for...for backup but i-i usually*cough*get ahead of myself. Rick pulled out a ice shard and got up. Rick knew he would most likely die trying to fight. " you two got me." Rick stumbled forward falling on one knee and falling over. "Great... Any Victor words!"
Sage gasped and covered his mouth , he mever meant to kill him only blow the man away. He and Luca ran over the man. " Luca freeze the wound quickly then I'll carry this guy to that thai restaurant and hope his friends are there. " Sage said and Luca nodded before freezing the hole in Rick's chest to stop the bleeding. Sage then carefully picked up Rick and made his way out the bar and to the Thai restaurant while Luca went to Dave.

@Aelos @Joshua matt
djinnamon said:
Sage gasped and covered his mouth , he mever meant to kill him only blow the man away. He and Luca ran over the man. " Luca freeze the wound quickly then I'll carry this guy to that thai restaurant and hope his friends are there. " Sage said and Luca nodded before freezing the hole in Rick's chest to stop the bleeding. Sage then carefully picked up Rick and made his way out the bar and to the Thai restaurant while Luca went to Dave.
@Aelos @Joshua matt
Rick looked over to sage. "Well then *cough*th-this is so funny, why did you not kill me?, I kinda thought you and him had me over there." Rick looked at his wound. "This really hurt."
djinnamon said:
Sage glanced at him but kept moving towards the Thai restaurant. " I'm a thief not a killer. " He stated simply.
@Joshua matt
"Fair enough...why do you steal?" Rick asked in a cautious tone. "Why not work with the heros? I am not a hero. I'm looking to hunt down a crime lord. But you and your brother are good hero material?
Sage didn't look at him. " Taking care of myself and brother. Our parents are dead so we have to steal to make a living and college is expensive. Before ask why I don't just drop out of college let me give a equation. College = Degrees and Masters , Degrees and Masters = Good job and good job means a good amount of money so me and brother won't need to steal anymore and i'll still be able to take care of Luca. " he explained

@Joshua matt
djinnamon said:
Sage didn't look at him. " Taking care of myself and brother. Our parents are dead so we have to steal to make a living and college is expensive. Before ask why I don't just drop out of college let me give a equation. College = Degrees and Masters , Degrees and Masters = Good job and good job means a good amount of money so me and brother won't need to steal anymore and i'll still be able to take care of Luca. " he explained
@Joshua matt
"So were in the same boat my family was killed in a fire started by the said crime lord. I have spent every waking moment hunting her down...but you. Why not join those heros. They gotta good place to stay and pay." Rick was bothered by their parents being dead.
Sage raised a eyebrow. " You get money from being a hero , that hardly sounds heroic. " Sage said but began to think. " Ok , I'll give it a try. " He said as though about a better place to live.

@Joshua matt
djinnamon said:
Sage raised a eyebrow. " You get money from being a hero , that hardly sounds heroic. " Sage said but began to think. " Ok , I'll give it a try. " He said as though about a better place to live.
@Joshua matt
"I think you get money, if not then the hero's themselves SHOULD help you get a house, a good college. That sorta thing." Rick look straight at sage, face grim and pale. "Do you know where natailia is, the bad boss. I was trying to ask Dave this before well..." Rick held up his bad hand. "I got sorta...disrupted."
Sage nodded before looking down at Rick and shook his head. " I'm sorry I don't , I don't really associate with the mafia. Dave and a few others are exceptions though. " he said as they arrived at the Thai restaurant and walked in. " Don't worry I'll ask Dave. " he said reassuringly.

@Joshua matt
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djinnamon said:
Sage nodded before looking down at Rick and shook his head. " I'm sorry I don't , I don't really associate with the mafia. Dave and a few others are exceptions though. " he said as they arrived at the Thai restaurant and walked in. " Don't worry I'll ask Dave. " he said reassuringly.
@Joshua matt
"Alrighty, if you could report your info back to me I'll sit here at the shop till Cassey or mizuti gets back." Rick removed the remaining ice shards. "Don't get killed out their and, sorry for punching you so hard I EVEN felt it."




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