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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
(Considering he's such a new character, he might naturally change and evolve a little bit. That being said, them being on opposite sides of the law I think is the ultimate factor here. Now I can't say much more on that topic without revealing any major plot plans)

Knightling said:
(Friendzoned! lol)
Lite leaned against a building, on the opposite side from Dave. He was listening quietly to the fight, sensing every detail of their movements. As of right now, he was pondering whether to break it up or confront the man. Normally, he would have decided easily, but his reputation was slightly on the line, so he chose to leave the fight be this time. Taking out his rope, he threw it to the top of the building and began to climb up silently. Without warning, Lite landed on the street behind Dave "Hey, pal, I couldn't help but notice you bein' a peepin' tom, what's up with that?" he smirked confidentially, figuring that the direct approach would be best. After all, perhaps this fellow was just some punk "You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat..."

Dave walked until he was being spoken to, and replied. "Why are you following me, who are you?" He turned around to look at the other person, unimpressed. "I haven't done anything if you are the police."
( Yeah , Sage will be easier to get to be good since he trusts Lite a little but he would have to move carefully because of Sage's temper and Luca doesn't exactly like Lite so yeah)

Luca blushed and smiled at him. " Well I missed it and I wanted to ask you something. " Luca said while scratching his temple sheepishly. Sage raised eyebrow but nodded. " Ok shoot. " Sage said , giving Luca the go ahead. " I wanted to ask. Do you like that guy who let us go. I mean you smiled at him and kissed him , I thought you said we can only trust each other. " Luca said , a confused look came onto his face as a frown etched itself on to Sage's face. Sage shook his head quickly. " I don't like him lie that. I smiled and kissed him because he believed us. " Sage explained

Ever since their parents were killed Sage and Luca became thieves, to survive. The times they were caught they always explained their reasoning but no one believed them. Lucky soon after they would escape and keep stealing so it was a breath of fresh air for some one to believe them. Luca nodded in understanding while Sage smiled and reached over to place a hand on Luca's head.
"I'm not a cop" Lite stated, leaning against the wall "Obviously I'm too young for that shit, pal" he smirked sarcastically and continued "I was just warning you how dangerous it is to be on the edge of a building like that, you could fall" Now growing humored at his own bullshit "That's all I wanted to say" He shrugged, then paused and added "Oh, by the way, why were you watching? What did you see?" Like it was an after thought.

Knightling said:
"I'm not a cop" Lite stated, leaning against the wall "Obviously I'm too young for that shit, pal" he smirked sarcastically and continued "I was just warning you how dangerous it is to be on the edge of a building like that, you could fall" Now growing humored at his own bullshit "That's all I wanted to say" He shrugged, then paused and added "Oh, by the way, why were you watching? What did you see?" Like it was an after thought.
Dave walked up towards the man with a slow gait. "You were the one fighting the Alistar brothers." He crossed arms with a frown. "I actually do know them. I would've taken you out then. They are only trying to make money to look out for each other. Heroes don't ever understand. Pitiful." He stuffed his hands into his pockets, and started walking in the opposite direction. Who the hell do heroes think they are? He thought in disgust.
Blank finally stood up, having been healed to satisfaction. His arm was still gone, but he could have it fixed later. He had observed the proceedings of the confrontation between the two villains and the hero he had encountered last night. He decided to ignore it. He needed to talk to her. "I need to tell Cassy."

After they ate food Luca went to sleep while Sage went out civilian clothes. He walked down the street getting gawks and lustful stares from men and women alike. ' I suddenly regret wearing skinny jeans and a tight top now. ' he thought with a sigh as he walked into a store to by some food. When he finished he was walking home when he saw Dave and ran up to him. " Hi Davy. " he said with a smirk.

"The needs of the many, hot head" Lite explained, then tossed his rope around a building and swung through the air. It had been a long night, and now he pondered what to do next. He could work on the Mafia case, which did sound intimidating, or he could go investigate the heroes more, the latter sounding more fun.
djinnamon said:
After they ate food Luca went to sleep while Sage went out civilian clothes. He walked down the street getting gawks and lustful stares from men and women alike. ' I suddenly regret wearing skinny jeans and a tight top now. ' he thought with a sigh as he walked into a store to by some food. When he finished he was walking home when he saw Dave and ran up to him. " Hi Davy. " he said with a smirk.
Dave rolled his eyes as Lite left, and turned to Sage. "Why are you always hitting on me?" He scowls at him, and from behind his back passed him 500 paper bills. "That was for that one thing." He was referring to a previous thing he did for Dave. "Hit on them," he pointed to the people staring at him.

(( Dave is bi > :P ))
Sage chuckled and skipped in front Dave. " But Davy , you are much more attractive and less perverted. " he said as he stopped and walked up to Dave placing his hands on the man's chest before leaning in to his ear. " Unless you can prove me wrong about the perverted part which I'm sure you can. " he whispered with a smirk as most of the women and some of the men in the area glared at Dave with jealousy. Sage backed up and began skipping again.

djinnamon said:
Sage chuckled and skipped in front Dave. " But Davy , you are much more attractive and less perverted. " he said as he stopped and walked up to Dave placing his hands on the man's chest before leaning in to his ear. " Unless you can prove me wrong about the perverted part which I'm sure you can. " he whispered with a smirk as most of the women and some of the men in the area glared at Dave with jealousy. Sage backed up and began skipping again.
Dave kept walking until Sage placed his hands on his chest, rolling his eyes at him. "You are obviously the perv here. He crosses his arms as he moved away from Sage. "What do you want perv? Cops or heroes after you?"
Blank needed to find Cassy. As she was the leader of the Hero Association, she was the logical choice to talk to. He suddenly had a very risky idea. It might work, but it might....

Blank shook his head. He would just wait. In the meantime: "Could anyone help me repair my arm?"

Sage gave Dave a fake pout. " Can't a guy talk to his friends. " he asked as he walked with Dave , his hair bobbing and hips sway alluringly while he walked. He was just daring any boys in the area to make a move.

DaManofWar said:
Blank needed to find Cassy. As she was the leader of the Hero Association, she was the logical choice to talk to. He suddenly had a very risky idea. It might work, but it might....
Blank shook his head. He would just wait. In the meantime: "Could anyone help me repair my arm?"

@bloodfire ^
djinnamon said:
Sage gave Dave a fake pout. " Can't a guy talk to his friends. " he asked as he walked with Dave , his hair bobbing and hips sway alluringly while he walked. He was just daring any boys in the area to make a move.
Dave walked until he reached the bar, but then saw the two heroes Cassy and Rick. Why the hell are heroes here? Especially the leader.... He turned to Sage and said, "Well you should be on your way lover boy." Dave tried to usher him forward for his safety. "Go watch your brother." He said in a serious tone. He couldn't afford one of them going to jail.

@Joshua matt
Mizut stepped up to blank. "I can blank. I can even give you a new body that would allow you full control of yourself. If you are willing." Mizuti had begun to realize he held the device blank had. And decided to keep it for now.. "I can get to work now if you wish" mizuti rubbed his helmet as he thought he heard the voice of a girl older than him that simply said. "Help me..." Mizut shrugged the voie so he would not hear his insanity again. "Follow me blank"
Aelos said:
Dave walked until he reached the bar, but then saw the two heroes Cassy and Rick. Why the hell are heroes here? Especially the leader.... He turned to Sage and said, "Well you should be on your way lover boy." Dave tried to usher him forward for his safety. "Go watch your brother." He said in a serious tone. He couldn't afford one of them going to jail.
@Joshua matt
"Hey pal how ya doin?" Rick spotted the burning man and took out his mosenburg(shotgun). "I see you've been hanging around. I have got some questions!" Rick spoke in a state of sarcastic happiness. AND I'm all out of answers
Sage was confused before he saw the heroes. " No , I'm not leaving. " he said firmly as he looked at Dave. He was glad he had his gauntlet.

bloodfire said:
Mizut stepped up to blank. "I can blank. I can even give you a new body that would allow you full control of yourself. If you are willing." Mizuti had begun to realize he held the device blank had. And decided to keep it for now.. "I can get to work now if you wish" mizuti rubbed his helmet as he thought he heard the voice of a girl older than him that simply said. "Help me..." Mizut shrugged the voie so he would not hear his insanity again. "Follow me blank"
"I'm fine with the body I have. I just want my arm repaired. Also, what's your name again?" Blank told the man, before walking after him. He noticed the device in his hand, and froze. "Why do you have that?" He asked him.

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