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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
"Okay pal, look we can talk this out just watch the trigger fingers." Rick knew this one was a hassle. "Look we can just put the guns away and talk!"


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" No we can't talk , talking leads to us trusting you , trusting leads to us getting back stabbed and thrown into jail. So....... no talking. "Sage explained his reason before nodding to Luca who nodded back." Freezer Burn! " Sage yelled as he jumped into the air as Luca froze the ground and jumped back before coming down and punching the ground causing a large cloud of thick fog the majority the street and most of the Thai shop. Sage began running with right next to him Luca

@Joshua matt @Aelos @Knightling
djinnamon said:
" No we can't talk , talking leads to us trusting you , trusting leads to us getting back stabbed and thrown into jail. So....... no talking. "Sage explained his reason before nodding to Luca who nodded back." Freezer Burn! " Sage yelled as he jumped into the air as Luca froze the ground and jumped back before coming down and punching the ground causing a large cloud of thick fog the majority the street and most of the Thai shop. Sage began running with right next to him Luca
@Joshua matt @Aelos @Knightling
*cough* "well so much for those two" Rick put his gun back and looked @Knightling "Okay pal, you can run for the two or talk around here. Or you know...eat thi food."
Moving silently through the fog with acute accuracy, Lite followed the two brothers easily with his echo location "Trying to blind somebody like Me is like trying to smother a fire with gasoline!" Lite spoke from somewhere nearby in the darkness "Now here's how this is going to go down! If you surrender the stolen money right now, I will actually let you go scott free! That's pretty generous, I would advise that over taking the difficult way"
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Sage and Luca stopped behind a building near by and panted. " That was....... Horrible! " Sage exclaimed right before Lite arrived. Sage sighed and walked up to Lite. " Please don't make us , I need the money to take care of Luca and pay for college tuition. " he said while resting his hands on Lite's chest and looking up at him , he was telling the truth actually , his parents had died and now he had to take care of his brother so he needed the money. He didn't usually do this to someone who annoyed but he had to at least try and seduce the guy. His long blonde hair framed his face , his eyes looking at Lite's lip with convincing lust and his warm breath hit Lite's neck.

(Didn't want to use this trick so soon)

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djinnamon said:
Sage and Luca stopped behind a building near by and panted. " That was....... Horrible! " Sage exclaimed right before Lite arrived. Sage sighed and walked up to Lite. " Please don't make us , I need the money to take care of Luca and pay for college tuition. " he said while resting his hands on Lite's chest and looking up at him , he was telling the truth actually , his parents had died and now he had to take care of his brother so he needed the money. He didn't usually do this to someone who annoyed but he had to at least try and seduce the guy. His long blonde hair framed his face , his eyes looking at Lite's lip with convincing lust and his warm breath hit Lite's neck.
(Didn't want to use this trick so soon)

Damn ))
"Cassey, what is our next plan of action?" Rick was hoping for hunting natailia or a gang hide out. But he knew it most likely had to be finding a new HQ.

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(Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing, Damn! lol)

Lite held his bo staff with one hand in preparation for a fight, then widened his eyes in surprise when Sage made his move. "Uh, okay" He replied, not being prepared for a response like that. For a moment, he scowled and suddenly pushed Sage's arms away from him, ready to do this the hard way. He only paused a moment when he listened close, with his echo location, he heard Sage's heart beat. It didn't make any irregular beats, this guy was telling the truth. Perhaps they weren't trying to play him. "You're telling the truth" Lite spoke quietly, feeling a little bit of pity grow. "Okay, I'll help you out This Once. Keep the money, but promise to use it for the intended purpose" He kept his guard up, to make sure nobody else would ease-drop on the conversation.

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Sage and Luca's eyes widened, most of the time no one believed them. Sage actually felt a smile come to his face. " Thank you. " he said with a bright smile before he walked up to Lite again and kissed his cheek. " I'll see you around. " he said before he turned to Luca. " Lets go. " he said and Luca nodded before giving Lite a warning glare that said.' If you hurt or lie to my brother I'll kill you.'. Sage and Luca disappeared into the shadows and made their way back to their home.

( Ok , Sage might or might note have a crush on Lite and Luca may have a brother complex)

@Knightling @Aelos
Cassy was unsure about the commotion outside, and looked over at Rick. "Finding the Burning Man. Found information that he is affiliated with Natalia, which will help us. Our new base is currently in construction, so." She paused, "Let's do what we do best." Cassy put on her jacket. "Listen, I'm weak to fire so you are going to have to back me up until Yu gets here."

@Hoki (mentioned) @KayIa (where u at)
(This will be interesting)

Lite placed his hand on his cheek, feeling a little wary. "Just this once" he stated firmly, watching them go "Next time I won't compromise" He threw his grapple onto a building and climbed to the rooftop, thinking of an excuse, he couldn't just say that he let them go.
Aelos said:
Cassy was unsure about the commotion outside, and looked over at Rick. "Finding the Burning Man. Found information that he is affiliated with Natalia, which will help us. Our new base is currently in construction, so." She paused, "Let's do what we do best." Cassy put on her jacket. "Listen, I'm weak to fire so you are going to have to back me up until Yu gets here."
@Hoki (mentioned) @KayIa (where u at)
"You got it, but where is this burning man" Rick could use this to track down natailia with some interrogation. "I'm ready when you are."
djinnamon said:
Sage and Luca's eyes widened, most of the time no one believed them. Sage actually felt a smile come to his face. " Thank you. " he said with a bright smile before he walked up to Lite again and kissed his cheek. " I'll see you around. " he said before he turned to Luca. " Lets go. " he said and Luca nodded before giving Lite a warning glare that said.' If you hurt or lie to my brother I'll kill you.'. Sage and Luca disappeared into the shadows and made their way back to their home.
( Ok , Sage might or might note have a crush on Lite and Luca may have a brother complex)

@Knightling @Aelos
( lel )

Dave watched the twins go into the shadows, and sat back from his view. What a good fight, he thought as he put down his binocular. His favorite spot was always on top of buildings---you can feel the breeze the best from up there.

@Joshua matt @Knightling
[QUOTE="Joshua matt]"You got it, but where is this burning man" Rick could use this to track down natailia with some interrogation. "I'm ready when you are."

"If we had a HQ, this would have been much easier." She had to manually search for his possible locations. "Only mentions of him in the east side. So there we go, unless you have an idea." Cassy said to him.
Aelos said:
"If we had a HQ, this would have been much easier." She had to manually search for his possible locations. "Only mentions of him in the east side. So there we go, unless you have an idea." Cassy said to him.
"I've got nothing so east side is a go." Rick was not gonna let burning man out of his sight like last time. Where ever Roy was was a mystery.
Lite smiled, an idea popped into his head. "They knocked me out momentarily" he said to himself, figuring that a simple excuse would work best. No need to over complicate things, that would only lead to trouble and more cover ups. For a moment, he considered investigating this Natalia person, but had a bad feeling about that, he knew how dangerous it was to get involved with powerful gangs. Lite was pulled out of his thoughts when somebodies heart beat caught his attention. Listening more, he could sense a man on a building a few blocks away, had that person been watching? Lite jumped down to the ground to get out of sight, now that he had an echo location lock on this person, he would stalk them to figure out who it was.

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Sage and Luca arrived at their home. " Ok , Luca we have gotten are 5000 so I'll put aside 1000 for food , 3000 for our school funds and the rest for any extra expense. " Sage said already making a plan in his head. He got out of his clothes and went to the bathroom. He plopped down into the tub and sighed loudly in contentment. While he was relaxing he heard and knock and the door open. Luca walked in without a care and plopped down into the tub on the other side of the tub.

" Do you not have any shame. " Sage asked with a raised eyebrow as he pulled his legs to his chest. Luca huffed and did the same as Sage , thier legs crossing each other.


" How could I when I have lived with you all my life? " Luca asked with his own raised eyebrow. " Touché. " Sage said in reply with a smile. " So why are you here , you haven't taken a bath with me since you were 5? " Sage asked as he recalled that memory with a smile.
Knightling said:
Lite smiled, an idea popped into his head. "They knocked me out momentarily" he said to himself, figuring that a simple excuse would work best. No need to over complicate things, that would only lead to trouble and more cover ups. For a moment, he considered investigating this Natalia person, but had a bad feeling about that, he knew how dangerous it was to get involved with powerful gangs. Lite was pulled out of his thoughts when somebodies heart beat caught his attention. Listening more, he could sense a man on a building a few blocks away, had that person been watching? Lite jumped down to the ground to get out of sight, now that he had an echo location lock on this person, he would stalk them to figure out who it was.
[QUOTE="Joshua matt]"I've got nothing so east side is a go." Rick was not gonna let burning man out of his sight like last time. Where ever Roy was was a mystery.

Cassy told Rick to follow her lead and to stay close together. After all, it was the bad side of town. She hated going through this side, but it was always the faster route. Dave wen to the street, and watched a fight brew between two people. One with a handgun and one with a bat. She had the notion to stop ot, but realized it wasn't of his concern. Maybe he'll go to a bar or something. After all, he was well known here.
Knightling said:
(This will be interesting)
Lite placed his hand on his cheek, feeling a little wary. "Just this once" he stated firmly, watching them go "Next time I won't compromise" He threw his grapple onto a building and climbed to the rooftop, thinking of an excuse, he couldn't just say that he let them go.
( Yeah , if lite isn't gay or bi and Sage does have a crush on him well.... its gonna be super interesting )
(Friendzoned! lol)

Lite leaned against a building, on the opposite side from Dave. He was listening quietly to the fight, sensing every detail of their movements. As of right now, he was pondering whether to break it up or confront the man. Normally, he would have decided easily, but his reputation was slightly on the line, so he chose to leave the fight be this time. Taking out his rope, he threw it to the top of the building and began to climb up silently. Without warning, Lite landed on the street behind Dave "Hey, pal, I couldn't help but notice you bein' a peepin' tom, what's up with that?" he smirked confidentially, figuring that the direct approach would be best. After all, perhaps this fellow was just some punk "You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat..."


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