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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

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  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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"A Crime Lord?!" Lite said, astonished "I'll do what I can, but don't expect me to help the assassination or anything. I let the bigger guys do that stuff" He shook his head, then paused and stared at Mizuti in surprise. At this point, though, he wasn't sure if this fellow was aware of his existence, so he quietly watched anyways.
bloodfire said:
Mizuti decided that while Yukino was gone he would go to the destroyed hq to recover any of his equipment he may still be able to recover. Hoping to find rick so he may show him the memory now that he had acquired the device. Not realizing the memory was forged from his insanity mizuti used his lightning in two combined burst channels through his legs to speed run the couple miles needed to get there. Upon arroval mizuti ran into the now destroyed hq to find rick speaking with lite. "RICK!! RICK we need to talk ASAP I have something you will want to see in regards to what I was scared of 2 nights ago" Mizuti did not care about lite being present. As he knew that he would see it either way. Mizuti placed a drop of his blood into the device and it began projecting his memory of the creature formed by his insanity." @Joshua matt @Knightling
"Doc...what is that?" Rick was confused on what he saw but soon put 2 and 2 together and figured it out. "This is what you have been seeing?!"
Mizuti began shaking as he heard it's final words before clicking the device off. "Now you know why I always try to be around you rick. I don't know if this thing is my insanity. Or the effects of her.experiment. but all I know is that that thing in that memory. Thay thing is not human nor anything we have yet to bear witness...no...that thing is a monster...." Mizuti began to cry after falling to his knees. "Would if that thing..is me...and my insanity...would if that thing is not the experiments...but me....am I going to become that...that thing....am i..a monster in the making..??"
bloodfire said:
Mizuti began shaking as he heard it's final words before clicking the device off. "Now you know why I always try to be around you rick. I don't know if this thing is my insanity. Or the effects of her.experiment. but all I know is that that thing in that memory. Thay thing is not human nor anything we have yet to bear witness...no...that thing is a monster...." Mizuti began to cry after falling to his knees. "Would if that thing..is me...and my insanity...would if that thing is not the experiments...but me....am I going to become that...that thing....am i..a monster in the making..??"
" look doc calm down,you are not that!, I'll help you myself if I have to, you hear me!?"

Rick turned to lite. "Look lite thanks for helping me and don't worry I'll do the dirty work. I'll see ya later, call me sometime comrade we can hang out!" Rick looks over to doc "okatokat, well go show Cassy and yuki this but first lets get you to the shop, or the meeting place"
Lite tossed a small remote to Rick "Don't ask how it works" He joked "Just use it if necessary" With that, he turned and jumped off the building, disappearing into the alley.
Mizuti looked at rick. "Rick. We are going to see Cass at the meeting place. Yukino is gone on important business it is best we do not bother her. Let's not keep Cassy waiting. Where is the place we must regroup with Cassy anyway?" Mizuti looked at rick curiously as he walked out. Hoping Yukino is safe as well as his sister raven.

@Hoki @Aelos @Kayla @Robyn Banks @Joshua matt
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" well it is at this old restaurant I suppose, lets get moving." Rick was confused at the device lite gave him. But would save it for when it was nessesary. "Let's move."


"Alright doc I am going to hit the couch, you can show Cassey what you got man" Rick laid down on the nearby couch and was dozing off after thinking of how tomarrow will be.





Mizuti walked up to the woman he assumed was Cassy while holding the device. He was quite nervous as he had never actually met Cassy herself directly and in person as he approached he sat in the chair across from cassy. "H..hello...a...are..are you cassy?" ?mizuti grew nervous and began shaking as he held the device in his hand awaiting a response

"As Nathan grows impatient of waiting he decides to call Natalie with the phone he took from the dead mafioso's body as he calls Natalie a guard of the mansion picks it up"Hey Natalie I'm starting to grow a bit impatient and-"Um... Sir Ms. Natalie can't come to the phone right now she is currently talking to her-"Tell her Nathan Called and he's growing a bit impatient that the meeting hasn't taken place yet"Well Um... Sir I can't cause she'll get mad at me for disturbing her conversation with her sist-"Listen here It's either you tell her or I'll tell her that your lack of competency made me kill the snitch she told me to keep alive for her to deal with do you understand?"Uh.. Uh... Ok sir I'll tell her right away! Please don't tell her that I might've caused her an interrogation"The Guard heads toward Natalie to tell her that Nathan called"

@Robyn Banks
@Embaga Elder @DaManofWar

Void went into the sewage hideout and walked to his armory, he grabbed an assault rifle, 2 pistols, and a bunch of knifes and senbons, he put them in their assigned slots in the kevlar-graphene trench coat. After suiting up, Void walked over to his desk and began viewing the file. Looks like the works of project Blank, didnt know they were still up. Void thought to himself, he had actually made a few weapons for project Blank before.
"What the hell happened?" A large voice cried. Various men and women, scientists and military, were all seated around a table. At the head of the table, a man, dressed as a five star general, slammed both his hands on the table. One of the scientists cleared his throat. "Sir, we could not have foreseen the presence of so many so-called heroes, nor the EMP. If we could have-"

A hand slammed down in the table, and the General walled toward scientist who had spoken up. He towered over him. The scientist himself was sweating. "I charge you with insubordination. And find you guilty." The General was calm, before placing both hands on the scientist's head. Snap.

The lifeless body fell to the ground. Two soldiers took it away. The general surveyed the men in the room with him. "Send in a recovery unit," he told them. "We need our operative."
Hoki said:
She was unfazed by the dagger-filled gaze, bowing her head slightly as she proceeded to take the suggested seat.
Once situated, she lifted her own gaze; unlike the usual goofiness she had with Royal or Cassidy - and the kind from all those years ago - Yukino's gaze was calm yet cool. Perhaps it was the circumstances..

"It appears to be in chaos right now," she would respond simply. There was no need - or rather no use - in hiding stuff like that, as Natalia would find out anyways. "And I still hold respect for Miss Frost," the raven made sure to add, "so I remain in my place as I should."

Unlike her sister, who seemed visibly relaxed, she did not - But she wasn't tense, not on edge at all.

@Robyn Banks

"Well my drug warehouse did randomly explode out of nowhere. don't you think that i'll have to make it even? come on you didn't expect me just take it and turn the other cheek did you?" Natalia grinned adjusting herself on her seat, she scoffed at Yu's comment about respect for frost. "Of course you do. you always been the goody two shoes in the family... even when it didn't make sense."if anything Yukino didn't really seem to be the leader type, well not like her at least, though she tries to deny it. Nat straightened herself out as her face started to give out a cold expressionless look. she peered at Yu folding her hands together, as if she transitioned to being a new person. "Alrigt let's talk business. ask your questions and I will ask mines. I will answer honestly. you first." she said gaining a more confident posture waiting on her sister to reply until a guard walked in and started to whisper in her ear. Natalia remained unfazed about the message, she turned to the man before saying. "put me on the phone." the guard handed her the phone before she even spoke her voice instantly started to get cold "I suggest you watch your tone before I rip your tongue out, I need you to wait a bit longer. you should've thought of putting youself in a more visible place than hiding out in the shadows."

@VirtualNotoriety @Hoki
After Void left, Crimson went back to his office thinking about that text he got from the unknown number. Now why would someone all about my trust relationship with Natalia. He thought as he entered the express elevator. As his within the elevator he begins thinking out loud. Of course it'll be a hero. I'm guessing heroes are trying to turn villains into heroes or too turn them against each other. The elevator dings and the doors open up. Crimson steps out still thinking out loud. Heroes are getting quite lazy trying to have two powerful villain groups go against each other. He chuckles and his men didn't even judge their boss Ashe walks past them because it happens often. Hehe looks like something is bugging the King again. Said one of his men. Crimson walked into his office and sits down in his chair and laughs, as Zedd layed in his bed. Hehe I gotta tell Natalia about this. He pulls out his phone, and he begins getting a call from Natalia. How speak of the devil. Crimson answers the phone. Yo. @Robyn Banks
"Nathan hearing his phone vibrate he hears Natalie's voice when he answered she sounded really mad and told him to fix his tone if wanted to keep his tongue Nathan replied saying"How many tongues will you rip from my mouth, If you didn't realize this yet if my hint on me kinda threatening the Mafia's Don wasn't enough then I'll give you an answer I can't die! I'm being literal cause I regenerate any lost limbs any wound I just regenerate it but I have to agree waiting for you in the shadows wasn't a bright idea I'll just send you coordinates where to meet me and don't worry I wasn't planning on killing the snitch he amuses me the way he looks terrified of me is just amusing well I best send you the coordinates"Nathan sends her the coordinates it shows on the map to be a factory just a couple of miles away from Natalie's mansion"Well see you soon I best be headed there too"Nathan ends the call, gets in his car with the rat in the passenger seat heading to the factory"

@Robyn Banks
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Natalia rolled her eyes at his statement before hanging up on him beginning to get up. she honestly forgotten that her sister was still in the mansion with her and was distracted by work to notice. she looked at the coordinates ordering her men to get the car ready getting another call from crimson, Nat was slowly starting to get annoyed with the disturbances as the guard came back to hand her the phone again. "Crimson glad you answered. We need to meet up Asap. I'll be at the factory to handle some business but i'll meet you there as well. Sounds good?"

@Embaga Elder @VirtualNotoriety
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Yeah sounds good, I was actually about to call you for the same reason. Someone tried to turn us against each other. I'll tell you more about it when I see you Natalia. He hangs up and sticks his head out the office door. Men hold down the fort, I'll be back. He walks back inside and looks at Zedd. Let's go boy we gotta meet our good friends Natalia. Zedd got up and walks over next to Crimson. Then they both disappeared in a crimson light. @Robyn Banks

Natalia gave the phone back to the guard before smirking at Yu. "Sorry but duty calls. I'm sure that you have something to attend to as well seeing that you need to discuss a way to take me down with you're club anyways... but I'll see you tonight. one of my guards will show you the way out." with a snap of her fingers a couple of men went behind her as she began to walk out the door, approaching one of her luxury cars waiting to be driven with butch opening the door to let her into the passenger seat soon driving off to the factory.the factory looked worn down and seemed surprising that it hasn't collapsed yet. this factory obviously wasn't hers since she would never keep a place like this in such a state,but it looked like the perfect place to meet a person. she walked in with her hands stuffed in her pockets examining the place.

@Embaga Elder @Hoki @VirtualNotoriety
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bloodfire said:
Mizuti walked up to the woman he assumed was Cassy while holding the device. He was quite nervous as he had never actually met Cassy herself directly and in person as he approached he sat in the chair across from cassy. "H..hello...a...are..are you cassy?" ?mizuti grew nervous and began shaking as he held the device in his hand awaiting a response
Cassy nods at him, and takes off her glasses. "Also known as Miss Frost. Who invited you?" She asks, looking over at Rick. They were currently on the top floor of a thai restaurant where she knew the owners pretty well. "Well, the committee is going to give us a new HQ, the previous one destroyed by the Mafia. Well, specifically Natalia." She looked at her phone, looking if Yu needed any help. "So we'll stay here for a bit before then." Cassy got up, and said, "I'm going to look at the remains of the last HQ. In the meantime, you all can find information on Natalia, her affiliates, cyborg, and the Burning Man." She closed the door behind her before going downstairs and out of the restaurant at the back. Cassy realized that she hadn't used her powers in awhile. She didn't really have a need to, yet, at least. Cassy made her way to the Old HQ with papers everywhere. Looking around first, she took out her phone, and entered a logarithm to open a small cabinet inserted onto the floor. She took out it's contents and left the place. At least she had that left.

@Robyn Banks @Hoki @KayIa @Joshua matt @bloodfire @DaManofWar @Knightling
"Hearing a car stop near the factory Nathan looks out the window he saw Natalie he used the stairs bringing the snitch down with him opening the door to greet Natalie"Well we finally got to meet in person well here's the snitch that told me about you anyways back to business I was wondering if I could work for you, you know creating destruction, slowing down heroes in stopping your mafia, finding out if there is any other snitches in your syndicate etc... But why did I bring you to this factory you see this factory use to be a lab where they held me for testing, follow me I have some weapons to give you"Nathan turns on the lights to the factory where he goes to the basement which contains a large reinforced automated blast door"

@Robyn Banks
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Blank was still breathing. He wasn't dead. But deep down, part of him wanted to be. The rest just wanted to be left alone.

The whole thing was so crazy. He had lost a fight. And he was happy....

But bad things were gonna happen now. He could feel it. The General was coming for him. He was gonna go through the same routine. Just more senseless killing. Nothing else. Blank sat up. Where am I? He wondered. He wished he had someone to talk to.


Natalia watched the man illuminate the room and started to make his way downstairs before she followed him the snitch flung himself at her feet pleading for forgiveness. she looked down at him with an emotionless gaze. she snapped her fingers as two of her loyal men grabbed him by both sides and started to drag him away as he squirmed and screamed in an attempt to be free. the men started to beat the man, kicking and punching as Natalia made her way to the basement ignoring the loud screams. she started to analysis the room impressed with th emachinery it contained.


"Well welcome to the place where I became Reaper"As Natalie got down to the basement he welcomed her to his birthplace the place they turned him into Reaper as he is done welcoming her he goes to the panel to the right side of the door and says"Command Unlock Designation code Reaper-115"The door starts to open and an automated voice says"Welcome Back Lt. Nathan to CIA lab-3178"The blast door opens and the ceiling lights start to turn on, on a white lab hallway with a clolorcoded path to Weapons, Generator and Project-Reaper"Well Natalie you coming or not"As Nathan sprints towards the weapons lab to give Natalie the experimental weapon"

@Robyn Banks
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Sage slowly opens his eyes only to see a strange man looking down at him. He let a scream out and made a punch for the man , fist didn't reach but a explosive charge hit the man and sent him flying into the top floor of the Thai restaurant, breaking the glass windows and flying through tables until he stopped in front the Cassie and company's table with a bang. Sage got up slowly while he shook Luca awake. " Luca we need to go. " he said.

(Sage is in trouble )

@Robyn Banks @Hoki @KayIa @Joshua matt @bloodfire @DaManofWar @Knightling @Aelos
DaManofWar said:
Blank was still breathing. He wasn't dead. But deep down, part of him wanted to be. The rest just wanted to be left alone.
The whole thing was so crazy. He had lost a fight. And he was happy....

But bad things were gonna happen now. He could feel it. The General was coming for him. He was gonna go through the same routine. Just more senseless killing. Nothing else. Blank sat up. Where am I? He wondered. He wished he had someone to talk to.

As Cassy was walking, she spotted Blank and walked towards him. "Well, I see you're that one cyborg that attacked my affiliates." She walked around him, "But you are human as well. From your human side, tell me if you think killing is right." She crouched near him, and looked down at him. "Who are you?"
Blank stared at hero. From what he remember, she was in charge. "Killing is wrong," he told her. "And you can call me Blank." Blank flexed his arms, listening to the sound of the metal gears. He sat there gloomily. Emotion was very new to him.


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