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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Knightling said:
Lite turned up his echo location, listening to the neighborhood around "Whoever did it is long gone. It wasn't just one bomb" He explained, smiling confidentially. "The amount of destruction caused by the width of the radius would not be from a single blast. Multiple smaller explosions were detonated, whoever did this didn't just want to destroy, they wanted to leave no trace behind. Speaking of which,,," He folded his arms and scanned Rick with his echo location "How do I know you're not one of the people who did this? The last time I ran into a horror movie looking fellow I got shot at, so what's this to you? And why do you have a gas mask? You don't have a gas tank, is there something wrong with the air?"
@Joshua matt
"No I use filters on my mask and also I'm not hero nor a villian, but I help in return for vengance. Natailia killed my family. Now I'll hunt her down" Rick looked around the rubble "and what are you good or bad? But eh what difference does it make?"
Her breath threatened to hitch in her throat at the mention of the place where she had grown up. Without so much as another word - much less another text - Yukino instead hit the bike icon on the holographic projection and simply waited, bandaging her knee as she waited.

From a small garage down in the less populated sector of the city, the roar of an engine served as evidence to the awakening of a slick beast. The door opened and from the darkness beyond it zoomed a black motorcycle with protective - and surprisingly stylish - armored plating of the same color. It ran on autopilot, zipping down the streets with ease; it had the map sent to its systems by a satellite, granting it a perfect view of everything it needed to see, allowing for easy pick-up, even at rush hour.

Yukino hit the side of her bandaged knee with her fist, testing its stability before she would stand. With a single step, she dropped from the roof top, using everything on the building's face to slow the decent but make it all the more enjoyable with the addition of her acrobatics. She was close to the ground by the time her ride showed up, rearing around the corner with an energized "growl".

It shot forward, she dropped down to the sidewalk.

Running forward with a cackle of joy, Yukino leapt into the street and gracefully landed atop the still-moving bike.

-- Had this been a few years ago, she would've ended up with a broken everything.

She dawned on the black helmet that sat in wait on the dash of the machine, soon taking complete control before speeding off.

The way there was still clear in her head, Yukino taking the twists and the turns with ease; almost like she had been there yesterday, even though it was undoubtedly longer than that. Up came a straightaway, and then from there. . .

Her bike was probably in view by now, by the person who so kindly called her over.

@Robyn Banks
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"Yeah, I'm technically a 'hero', but I'm not affiliated with any organization or team" Lite replied as he kicked over some rubble "The classic revenge story, makes sense" he smirked, then paused, hearing police sirens from downtown. They were too far away for normal ears though. "Right now your talk is just going over my head, Darth Vader" Lite joked "I'm pretty new here, so I have no idea who Natalia is, but I'll assume she's the 'bad guy', right? Is it the so-called 'hero' group you're helping?"

@Joshua matt
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Knightling said:
"I see" Lite replied as he kicked over some rubble "The classic revenge story, makes sense" he smirked, then paused, hearing police sirens from downtown. They were too far away for normal ears though. "Right now your talk is just going over my head, Darth Vader" Lite joked "I'm pretty new here, so I have no idea who Natalia is, but I'll assume she's the 'bad guy', right? Is it the so-called 'hero' group you're helping?"
@Joshua matt
"Yes she is and yes I am helping them but I came here for another reason, follow "

Rick opened up an old case that was hiiden under a burnt bunk and took out a shot gun. "I came for this baby, mosenburg pump a good weapon, sadly I have little to no powers but I have mastered them. They took all of the docs and info comrade, but we can go do some stuff its up to you?"
Without warning, Lite immediately took the shot gun from Rick and stared at it with curiosity "I can see why you came back for this!" he grinned, personally having rarely handled firearms before. Realizing how rude he must've looked, Lite quickly handed it back "What exactly are you talking about? Are you going to work on Natalias case some more? If she really murdered your sister, shouldn't you turn her in to the cops and prove her guilt? Murder should be a last resort, the situation could be handled better with the legal justice system" Lite paused, sensing the cop cars only a few blocks away "The pigs are almost here, time to evacuate the scene" He moved towards a nearby alley to avoid the police.

@Joshua matt
Natalia watched as her vehicle came to the front of the mansion. The guard all aimed their weapons on Yu until Natalia leaned towards the Commander. "Let her in." The commander nodded ordering the men to stand down and open the gates. Natalia walked downstairs to the living room before taking a seat on the main couch waiting for Yu to come in.

Knightling said:
Without warning, Lite immediately took the shot gun from Rick and stared at it with curiosity "I can see why you came back for this!" he grinned, personally having rarely handled firearms before. Realizing how rude he must've looked, Lite quickly handed it back "What exactly are you talking about? Are you going to work on Natalias case some more? If she really murdered your sister, shouldn't you turn her in to the cops and prove her guilt? Murder should be a last resort, the situation could be handled better with the legal justice system" Lite paused, sensing the cop cars only a few blocks away "The pigs are almost here, time to evacuate the scene" He moved towards a nearby alley to avoid the police.
@Joshua matt
"Not just my sister my whole family" Rick followed him into the alley putting the gun under his coat. "And murder...mostly grizzly but yeah that's my objective."
"Okay, I get it now" Lite nodded "Considering how she did that to your entire family, even I would understand your desire to kill her. Normally I never condone death, and even now I don't, but I can't condemn it either. I might even do the same in your situation, but I havn't really been driven that far. Hopefully that never happens" He stopped talking suddenly, not wanting to say anymore details about himself "So what's your plan, Bane? I'm assuming you don't know where she lives, or you would have gone over there to do the assassination. Of course, maybe her place is heavily guarded, so, you know, like the saying goes; One does not simply walk into Mordor!"

@Joshua matt
Knightling said:
"Okay, I get it now" Lite nodded "Considering how she did that to your entire family, even I would understand your desire to kill her. Normally I never condone death, and even now I don't, but I can't condemn it either. I might even do the same in your situation, but I havn't really been driven that far. Hopefully that never happens" He stopped talking suddenly, not wanting to say anymore details about himself "So what's your plan, Bane? I'm assuming you don't know where she lives, or you would have gone over there to do the assassination. Of course, maybe her place is heavily guarded, so, you know, like the saying goes; One does not simply walk into Mordor!"
@Joshua matt
(Lol!) "Sadly I don't know where but the funny part is I rode in her chopper to the city center with her ,asking HER for help looking for the killers, I figured it out and has been hunting her, I have gone so far that I even blew up one of her drug plants, ironic no? But first why are you here comrade, if you don't work with the hero's then who do you work for? Rick grew a little suspicious.
Lite smirked and chuckled a little bit, unable to help it at the thought that Rick had been So close yet So far. "Eh, sorry" He muttered, still smiling. In all honesty, the reality of death never really hit home with him. He had never seen anybody die, and obviously never killed anybody. Up until now, it was all just Training, preparation. This was his first On-the-street experience, and had almost gotten killed the first time. Lite turned his head and gave a confident smile "I'm a vigilante" He explained "I don't work For the hero group, since I'm so new here. I just keep the streets clean, watch out for the small people. It's people like me who stop the regular crimes, like robbery, mugging, attacks, basic stuff like that. I might investigate the hero group, if they seem competent enough"

@Joshua matt
Knightling said:
Lite smirked and chuckled a little bit, unable to help it at the thought that Rick had been So close yet So far. "Eh, sorry" He muttered, still smiling. In all honesty, the reality of death never really hit home with him. He had never seen anybody die, and obviously never killed anybody. Up until now, it was all just Training, preparation. This was his first On-the-street experience, and had almost gotten killed the first time. Lite turned his head and gave a confident smile "I'm a vigilante" He explained "I don't work For the hero group, since I'm so new here. I just keep the streets clean, watch out for the small people. It's people like me who stop the regular crimes, like robbery, mugging, attacks, basic stuff like that. I might investigate the hero group, if they seem competent enough"
@Joshua matt
"They are okay" Rick spoke back. "I have considered doing vigilant work but I get enough action already. But if you need any help let me know. But I must admit I have done an illegal act before. It was when I got road rage and beat the stuff out the guy. Landed me in jail for a day. Eh, don't tell the hero's that ,I'm already shady enough because of my anger but, stuff happens. But you seem to be a trustworthy guy so I consider you a comrade.
Lite thought back to the events from earlier that day "I'm no Snitch" he replied "Nobody likes stool pigeons. Now that you mention it, keep an eye out for a couple of small time crooks. I think they're brothers, the younger seems to have ice powers, and the older seems rather strong. Had a run in with them, but lost them" A small smile crept on his face "They remind me of Me, except being on the other side of the law" Lite looked up, seeing a cop car pull up. "Put your hands on your head and Get on the ground!" Blasted some speakers.

"Being so close to the crime scene, we probably look suspicious" Lite chuckled nervously.

@Joshua matt
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Knightling said:
Lite thought back to the events from earlier that day "I'm no Snitch" he replied "Nobody likes stool pigeons. Now that you mention it, keep an eye out for a couple of small time crooks. I think they're brothers, the younger seems to have ice powers, and the older seems rather strong. Had a run in with them, but lost them" A small smile crept on his face "They remind me of Me, except being on the other side of the law" Lite looked up, seeing a cop car pull up. "Put your hands on your head and Get on the ground!" Blasted some speakers.
"Being so close to the crime scene, we probably look suspicious" Lite chuckled nervously.

@Joshua matt
"How do you want to roll- batman?-" Rick coming back from his jokes that the lite played on him like the bane. Fit perfectly after all.
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It's strange to be back...

This thought crossed her mind as the gates approached.

Yukino rode onto the property, soon coming to a stop before the estate itself. Removing her helmet, she set it in the same place it started in and turned off the bike, pausing for a moment before she would sigh, walking up the front steps.

It would've been polite of to knock on the door and await entry, but she figured- Rather she
knew that that wouldn't be the case.

The raven opened the grand doors, walking inside as she had done countless times before a wave of nostalgia decked her in the face. She had plenty of memories from this place, mostly because it was just home; most memories come from home anyhow. There was a time when Natalia came by for a visit after her training, and little Yu - probably seven or something at the time - had been overjoyed, hurrying down the stairs so quickly that she skipped nearly half of them.

Another time, she got stuck hanging from the chandelier after trying her acrobatics; no one was too happy about that incident.

One time she--

Yu shook the memories away, proceeding down the hall until she stood in the entry way of the living room, looking in at the most cliché meet-up ever. "Natalia.."

@Robyn Banks
"Stick 'em up!" The cop got out of the car, drawing his gun.

Lite slowly put his hands in the air "If I can time this just right..." he muttered to himself, then dropped a pellet out of his hand, causing the entire alley to fill up with smoke "I wouldn't stick around!" Lite tossed his rope around a building and swung away from the blinded cop quickly.

@Joshua matt
"Well I guess that's one way." Rick followed the rope direction and met back up with lite. "Well I guess you know how to get to point Ato point B fairly fast. I usually KO any one that spots me on the job, but yours had strategy, neat!"
"Hey, they're the peacekeepers, I just stay out of their way" Lite explained and shrugged, putting the rope away "They just work in a more organized fashion than us, that's why I don't bug them. Now how do I know you're not just some Looney with a mask? We'll see if you are who you say you are!" An excited smile flashed upon his face for a brief second, then he pulled out a bo staff and swung it at Rick suddenly "Think fast!"

@Joshua matt
"OH OKAY!" Rick pulled out the shot gun "don't worry its unloaded" and used it to deflect the staff. And used his free hand to knock the staff out of his hand...

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"Yukino... Please sit, we have a lot to catch up on." She said gesturing her to a seat. "How long has it been hmm? 2 years maybe 3. How's your hero club? I can tell you're still second in command." She said leaning back into her seat crossing her legs as her eyes seemed as if it was throwing daggers at her though she had a mischievous grin. Other than seeing Yu when that cyborg weirdo came along, she couldn't recall the last time she saw her. She started to laugh before adding. "If I was you I would've taken head of the viligantes a long time ago. But then again I'm capable of doing a lot of things to get what I want. Some that you won't be proud of." She stuffed her hands in her pocket seemily relaxed not really seeing her younger sister as a threat.

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She was unfazed by the dagger-filled gaze, bowing her head slightly as she proceeded to take the suggested seat.

Once situated, she lifted her own gaze; unlike the usual goofiness she had with Royal or Cassidy - and the kind from all those years ago - Yukino's gaze was calm yet cool. Perhaps it was the circumstances..

"It appears to be in chaos right now," she would respond simply. There was no need - or rather no use - in hiding stuff like that, as Natalia would find out anyways. "And I still hold respect for Miss Frost," the raven made sure to add, "so I remain in my place as I should."

Unlike her sister, who seemed visibly relaxed, she did not - But she wasn't tense, not on edge at all.

@Robyn Banks
Lite caught the stick with his other hand skillfully, then folded it and put it back in his belt "Good enough" He stated "So, what exactly do you want? Help for avenging your diseased family?"

@Joshua matt
Knightling said:
Lite caught the stick with his other hand skillfully, then folded it and put it back in his belt "Good enough" He stated "So, what exactly do you want? Help for avenging your diseased family?"
@Joshua matt
"I guess you can say that but if you could get any info on any of her goons, thugs and alike you could always let me know, I'm usually around, unless I've got business." Rick could not wait to confront natailia about the death. But he had to contain himself...for now. Rick turned dead cold " but could you find a man named BUTCH and track him down and tell me any info okay?"
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"I'll see if I can work the streets" Lite replied "I gotta be honest though; this Natalia chick isn't really high on my priorities, but I'll keep my eyes and ears open. Is this a criminal leader we're talking about? Like a gang boss? I know how dangerous messing with that stuff can be, once you mess with one of them, they're all going to be chasing you down. I want to know what I'm up against if I want to get involved"

@Joshua matt
Knightling said:
"I'll see if I can work the streets" Lite replied "I gotta be honest though; this Natalia chick isn't really high on my priorities, but I'll keep my eyes and ears open. Is this a criminal leader we're talking about? Like a gang boss? I know how dangerous messing with that stuff can be, once you mess with one of them, they're all going to be chasing you down. I want to know what I'm up against if I want to get involved"
@Joshua matt
"She runs the whole city EVERYTHING the drug trafficking, owns the bar and night clubs she is the -godess- of this place" Rick turns toward the city center. "But even a god will bleed"
Mizuti decided that while Yukino was gone he would go to the destroyed hq to recover any of his equipment he may still be able to recover. Hoping to find rick so he may show him the memory now that he had acquired the device. Not realizing the memory was forged from his insanity mizuti used his lightning in two combined burst channels through his legs to speed run the couple miles needed to get there. Upon arroval mizuti ran into the now destroyed hq to find rick speaking with lite. "RICK!! RICK we need to talk ASAP I have something you will want to see in regards to what I was scared of 2 nights ago" Mizuti did not care about lite being present. As he knew that he would see it either way. Mizuti placed a drop of his blood into the device and it began projecting his memory of the creature formed by his insanity." @Joshua matt @Knightling

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