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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters

Natalia looked at butch who was much better with a smirk. "I'm sad that you won't be occupying me for a little while. Don't know what I would do without you." He returned the smile before saying. "I'll only be gone for a couple of minutes. I'll meet back with you later." He then left the scene along with 20 other men. She got into the car starting to make her way to the docks to take care of her snitch.


Butch walked up to the tall building of the hero HQ. The headquarters were surprisingly empty which was good for him since he had less things to deal with. He signaled the men to go in. They began to scavage for files and hard drives taking them all without leaving a thing on touch, when they collected what they wanted the began to destroy all the devices they had, eliminating any possible why they could retrieve it. Soon when they safely put everything in the truck . Butch gave them the final command to put the bombs in all the rooms to make sure everything was eliminated. They followed his orders soon rushing out. They drove off far enough to set off the bombs that went off instantly. The explosion was so gigantic that it almost destroyed the building close to it. But natalia had precisely measured the amount of explosives being use prior to make sure it didn't happen. A huge amount of smoke started to raise from the scene, big enough to be seen throughout the city. "Alright men lets get rid of these." He called Natalia "ms. Romanov the deed is done." Natalia simply replied back satisfied with his news "burn it at the docks where I am. I'll put the warehouse back to good use." Butch grinned before agreeing and ordered his men."Alright let's go there's work to be done."
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She knew there would be consequences, and she knew she'd have to accept them.

She was more than ready to do so.

Without so much as a single moment of hesitation, Yukino pivoted on her front foot and slammed the other into Rick's abdomen, knocking him back and again to the ground. It was a rash and sudden outbreak, one not very fitting to her personality or role, but it was completely necessary.

She would explain it to Cassidy, and suffer the consequences. Boy, she was going to accept responsibility without question.

"Stay down," Yu ordered, a rather threatening glint in her eyes, "I will not say it twice."

Blank needed medical - and mechanic - aid. Quickly.

Drawing the communicator from her belt, she made the direct call with Cassidy herself, not breaking her gaze from Rick. "Frost," she said, "please come to my location immediately. I could use your assistance."

@Aelos @Joshua matt (and also @KayIa @DaManofWar )
The thug got ready for a fight, then charged forward. The Red Lite stopped spinning his nunchucks, then threw one quickly. The thug stopped and ducked, letting it fly past. "You missed!" he growled. "Nope" The young hero shook his head as the nunchuck struck the railing overhead, causing the ladder to unfold and hit the thug on the head...
Luca jumped from building to building with extreme stealth. He landed on a building in front of a bank with a soft bump. " Come to papa. " he said before a icicle appeared and crushed into the bank door. He then made the icicle that made a large hole he can get through disappear and jumped in , grabbed some money and pushed it in a sack before he was out and running.

@anyond in area
Mizuti walked up to blank without fear but instead with pity. And curiosity. "Why kill you when this body of yours has implements and blocks that prevent you from being a hero as you truly desire...? Why kill you when I myself can fix you. Even make you a new body without the pain and suffering your so called superiors have been giving you..please..blank is it? I can heal you as well as help you." Mizuti's helmet glowed green and blue with his pity for blanks torturous mental state of mind..he knew what that was like.

@Hoki @Joshua matt @DaManofWar
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Lite quickly handcuffed the unconscious thug for the police, then paused. It didn't take Echolocation to hear an explosion from somewhere in the city. Before he had time to react, however, he heard something else as well. His ears picked up the sound of a bank alarm going on a few blocks away. "Well, the cops will probably prioritize the explosion" He reasoned with himself, then listened further. He detecting a person, by the sound of heart beat, moving quickly away from the bank, Lite turned and disappeared into the alley to find out what was going on.

Hoki said:
She knew there would be consequences, and she knew she'd have to accept them.
She was more than ready to do so.

Without so much as a single moment of hesitation, Yukino pivoted on her front foot and slammed the other into Rick's abdomen, knocking him back and again to the ground. It was a rash and sudden outbreak, one not very fitting to her personality or role, but it was completely necessary.

She would explain it to Cassidy, and suffer the consequences. Boy, she was going to accept responsibility without question.

"Stay down," Yu ordered, a rather threatening glint in her eyes, "I will not say it twice."

Blank needed medical - and mechanic - aid. Quickly.

Drawing the communicator from her belt, she made the direct call with Cassidy herself, not breaking her gaze from Rick. "Frost," she said, "please come to my location immediately. I could use your assistance."

@Aelos @Joshua matt (and also @KayIa @DaManofWar )
Rick received the kick and fell to the ground. "He was trying to KILL you and Roy, Rick started to get up..." What's the matter with you?!"
Blank's breathing was haggard. His lungs strained against the metal, weak and horse. A small pool of blood was forming inside one. However, the only thing he could do was dream.

And it wasn't even the dream he wanted. It was all the people he killed, in a row before him. They were staring at him. Blank stared back, afraid. Was this death? Was this how he went out? The way he deserved?

But behind him was a man. Blank's victims stared at him, blaming him only, ignoring the man behind him. Just focusing on him. They stared walking forward. Blank just sat there as they came closer.

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Luca jumped off a building over the alley Lite was in and onto the other as he kept running. He eventually arrived at warehouse wear a blonde man with lilac eyes was waiting. " I'm back big bro. " Luca said in a sing song voice making the older male roll his eyes.

Mizuti began working to heal blank enough to snap him back to reality. Patching up the vital components to him he pushed on his receptors to snap him back. "Blank..we are going to get you somewhere safe. I will take care of you now. I will get you a new body. But I need your cooperation as well for this to work. I may be only a fifteen year old kid. But I am smarter than I look. Let's get yiu up again shall we? Lying around isn't going to do anything for you." Mizuti grabbed roys sword and tossed it over to him. "I believe this sword may be yours? The names mizuti by the way. But if it helps it is miz for short."
"Time to make my appearance" The Red Lite said to himself. Of course, the sneak attack would be more effective, but that didn't have enough style to it.

A moment later, one of the old dusty windows shattered, causing bits of glass to fly all over. A small blue ninja star, having gone through the window, landed suddenly in the ground right in front of Luca's feet, like a warning. At that same instant, a shadow moved into the room as the Red Lite crouched on the window sill, leaning inside. "That's a big withdrawal" He smirked sarcastically "Mind if I check the receipt?"

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No one could say that she didn't warn him, because she totally did.

It was a strong gust of wind that slammed down on Rick, pressing him against the ground with continuous and unrelenting force so that he couldn't rise again. "You are in no position to be asking such questions of me when you have yet to understand your place."

Her voice was cold, far colder than ice (but not as cold as
Cassidy's ice).

But as Mizuti worked to repair Blank, she reached the re-obtained staff back to rest it upon his shoulder. "And, while the thought is appreciated," Yukino went on to say, "You, too, are in no place to repair him - or offer a new body to him. If you must aid, so be it, but stop the bleeding first."

@Joshua matt @bloodfire (@KayIa and @DaManofWar too) ((and also @Aelos ))
The blonde man and glared and walked in front Luca in a protective manner. " Byte Bye loser. " he said before he punched the ground making the ground move outwards in a wave like motion to make Lite lose his balance while Luca made a staircase of ice that the two brothers ran up before jumping out the window to the building next to the previous building. They began running only stopping to jumps to the next building only to continue running.

"Woe!" Lite exclaimed, surprised at the sudden display of strength. as the ground shook, he quickly lept back out the window, doing a backwards somersault in the air gracefully, then landed smoothly in the crouched position on the ground. "I'll take that as a resounding No!" Lite smirked as he witnessed the two brothers escape to the rooftop. "I insist!" he jumped to his feet and darted towards them. Instead of chasing them from the rooftops, he stayed on the alley below them. Pulling out a short rope weighted on each end with a metal sphere, he spun it around with his hand as he waited for the perfect opportunity. Just as the brothers were making a jump to the next roof, he tossed the weighted rope at the blond mans feet so that it would wrap around his feet and trip him up.

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Robyn Banks]Nope everyone is with yu. Wait you were gone so you wouldn't know [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26690-aelos/ said:
@Aelos[/URL] sorry about that :) )
???? I even wrote Cassy was in HQ :/

Not wrote but indicated.))
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The blond man fell on the roof and pulled the rope of with the help of Luca quickly. " I'm liking this guy already. " the blond said with a devilish smirk. " You like all guys who can put up a fight against you. " Luca said causing the blond to shrug and get up before looking around for Lite. " By the way I didn't like that guy from last week. " The blond said and Luca nodded. " To be honest this new guy is cute but not my type. " Luca said with his own smirk

Robyn Banks]*sheds a tear then gives her a hug* You are sooo nice. You're my role model! [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26690-aelos/ said:
@Aelos[/URL] )

!What a compliment¡ ok I'll shut up and start ))
The alley below where Lite stood earlier was empty, not a sign left behind.

Only a small breeze of wind indicated that somebody was nearby as a voice spoke up "You know I can hear you, right?" The Red Lite stood on the rooftop opposite from them "I would offer you an opportunity to surrender peacefully, but I'm pretty sure we all know that's not gonna happen, so lets dance!" He pulled out a club and held it up to attack, but then threw a gas pellet at their feet. With the smoke pouring out all over the place, The Red Lite ran forward nimbly and threw a boomerang at each head.

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DaManofWar said:
Boi fight me ))

@Robyn Banks

Cassy was out involved in meetings with the police and mayor of Astra. The meetings included hours of talking over the same things. She honestly was bored to death, but it was obviously required. She was about to fall asleep when she heard and explosion not so far away. Well the others didn't since the humans with powers have enchanced senses, but she took a quick look at her phone and her heart dropped. That was my favorite base, she groaned in her head as she told the committee that she needed a new building. Cassy sent the information to the others, and told them to meet near a Thai Restaurant. Four o'clock sharp.

@all @Hoki @KayIa @Joshua matt @bloodfire
Mizuti sighed in understanding to yu and her words as he worked to stop the bleeding. He spoke as he healed. "Yukino. If you still Do not trust me I understand but this one is in no place to be used against.himself. he has blocking inhibitors that are preventing him from feeling anything. No thoughts emotions or feelings. He wants to join us yet everytime he does they torture him and force him against his own will. And we're I still an enemy I would never have brought you all the Intel I know. If I were still an enemy.I would not have mentioned the horrifying experiments Natalia has been conducting which I will add I was the one being used as the basis." Mizuti stood up and gently pushed away but didn't turn to meet her gaze and spike with the same tone as her own. "Instead of having trust issues amongst each other we should be out there searching for the real threat..the real threat is not natalia. And like it or not un be known st to her she is just a pawn to her own experiments." Mizuti started shaking in pure fear again as the voice echoed in his mind with its final words. "It said their idols will fall and the pedestals will shatter...it said all will die at the hands of her crestions.."

He then looked at blank and notice he held a device. He realized that the device he needed to project.his memory of the creature and what it said as it melted through the floor and wall in his mind back at hq was now right in front of him. Mizuti grabbed the device and placed a blood sample into it and it began replaying the memory.to the point the creature began to speak as lt melted into the world not realizing that the creature they all witnessed is just his insanity taking control slowly yet surely.

@Hoki @Robyn Banks @Joshua matt @DaManofWar
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