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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
"Was thi

bloodfire said:
Not noticing rick standing behind him Mizuti took his helmet off of his head and removed his bandana to show his X shaped eyes "this is what I am talking about..unlike my father her experiment failed on me. Natalia personally experimented on me. She created a serum she named X-22. A serum designed to kill any and all who would stand against her. And create true bio weapons by allowing the serum to act as a virus. She forced me to obey her should I desire my sister to be safe. I betrayed her. And ever since I have been trying to find a way to bring Natalia to an end. I hate her with a burning grudge after what she had done to my family.. But the memories I need that device to project to everybody will show them all the memory I have seared into my brain..and what i saw in that memory...it was not human or like us at all...it was a monster..." Mizuti started shaking worse as the memory began to haunt him again .
@Kayla @Joshua matt
"was this who you was going to meet doc" Rick had never seen this person. "Is this one a hero?" Rick looked observing the new person.
The raven staggered as it made contact, dropping to a crouch with a hand on the ground. It had been a sharp, rather shattering pain, but forced herself to ignore it. She had been trained - and had trained of her own accord - to not let something that crippling keep her down; the aching in her shoulder from moments prior was evidence enough.

Remaining down, she swung the bo staff with a heavy thwack into the back of Blank's legs, forcing the cyborg to fall before she would rise again.

And her communicator went off too, having turned on after her signal was sent. The call traveled to a chip in her collar, close by her ear, reaching quickly in her belt for more EMP charges before tossing two to Royal.

"I'm here," she responded quickly to the call, spinning the Bo staff in her free hand, "What do you need, Frost?"

@KayIa @Aelos @DaManofWar

Ray looked at the man who'd appeared nearly out of nowhere. "Not exactly. Some are under the impression that I'm a villain, but I only fight against things I deem wrong. This is why I'm planning on helping you guys. Natalie is wrong and I must fix the wrong." She looked up at the falling rain and decided to make it clear up- and so it did.

@bloodfire @Joshua matt
KayIa said:
Ray looked at the man who'd appeared nearly out of nowhere. "Not exactly. Some are under the impression that I'm a villain, but I only fight against things I deem wrong. This is why I'm planning on helping you guys. Natalie is wrong and I must fix the wrong." She looked up at the falling rain and decided to make it clear up- and so it did.

@bloodfire @Joshua matt
"Do YOU KNOW WHERE She is?" Rick contained his vengance. Waiting for a response. "I MUST know."
Blank quickly placed both hands on the ground, spinning himself about in the air like an acrobat. He shot both EMPs, and the kicked the girl in the stomach. He reached for the sword, and pulled it out. He held in his hand, testing it's weight.

Warning: damaged sustained to left arm increased. Danger of collapse. Repeat. Danger of collapse.

Blank wasn't surprised as usual. He had taken a fair amount of damage. However, he had a mission to complete. He swung the saw down at Yukino's legs. Just before it bit, however, he stopped. What? He was surprised now. Then he realized what had happened. There was still some emotion.

@Hoki @KayIa
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Hoki said:
The raven staggered as it made contact, dropping to a crouch with a hand on the ground. It had been a sharp, rather shattering pain, but forced herself to ignore it. She had been trained - and had trained of her own accord - to not let something that crippling keep her down; the aching in her shoulder from moments prior was evidence enough.
Remaining down, she swung the bo staff with a heavy thwack into the back of Blank's legs, forcing the cyborg to fall before she would rise again.

And her communicator went off too, having turned on after her signal was sent. The call traveled to a chip in her collar, close by her ear, reaching quickly in her belt for more EMP charges before tossing two to Royal.

"I'm here," she responded quickly to the call, spinning the Bo staff in her free hand, "What do you need, Frost?"

@KayIa @Aelos @DaManofWar

"I haven't heard from you, so I was a bit worried. Do you need backup?" Cassy asked as she was at her desk pulling her hair into a ponytail. "Because according to recent accounts, there's some cyborg there. But if you can handle it with Roy, all is good." She sat back in her chair as she was watching the action live on her hologram.

Ray half nodded. "Sort of." She pulled out her radar and pointed out the various dots on it. "Every dot is my radar detecting eccentric energies and powers, whether in use or not. So I have the general idea where she might be. But she could be any one of these dots." Ray frowned ever so slightly.

@bloodfire @Joshua matt


Royal yelped as the EMPs left his hands. His surprise quickly turned into anger. He saw how the cyborg held his sword and that alone pissed him off, but what's more was that he was hurting someone he regarded nearly like a sister.

@Hoki @DaManofWar
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In a test of acrobatics, the full human was more likely to win; Gale absorbed the blow of the kick with an exhale of breath, flipping back and onto her hands, from where she would springing back to be on her feet.

The action had caused her Bo staff to be collapsed, held as a smaller collective in her grasp. Kicking off of her back foot, she wouldn't give Blank any time to attack.

"He's learning our moves as we go," Gale told Cassidy, "Help would be appreciated, perhaps, but if we face him again, we'll already be figured out. Standby."

@DaManofWar @Aelos @KayIa

Royal growled under his breath before running at the cyborg to grab his sword back. He would've yelled angrily at him, but he knew he had to save his breath.

@DaManofWar @Hoki


Ray's slight from was with reason. She noticed three dots with irregular movement. A fight, most likely.
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KayIa said:
Royal growled under his breath before running at the cyborg to grab his sword back. He would've yelled angrily at him, but he knew he had to save his breath.

@DaManofWar @Hoki


Ray's slight from was with reason. She noticed three dots with irregular movement. A fight, most likely.
"Well lets go help them!?"

Rick took out his gun and started walking away. "Where are they?!" Rick wanted to see if it was a good fight.
Blank was regretting this battle. Regret?

The emotions were raising to the surface. Blank pushed them back. Rather then focus on the man, Blank charges Yukino. He tried to cut off her legs. The blow wouldn't be fatal.

Before it struck, however, the blade stopped. Blank was surprised for the first time in years. He hadn't cut her? What was this? He was emotionless. He couldn't be defeated! What was wrong with him?!

Natalia was walking out of her mansion but realized she had things to settle. She knew that Mizuti was behind all of the Damages since he suddenly had the urge to be bold. He was very delusional in her opinion but thought that she couldn't really handle all of the problems at hand alone. Other than Butch there was someone else she knew she could depend on, someone she trusted. She pulled out her phone giving crimson a call, waiting for him to answer.

@Embaga Elder
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Ray looked at Rick and back at the radar, making sure he had powers. "Alright fine. You up to it Mizuti? Follow if you want, we're helping whoever deserves the help in that fight." She followed a route on her radar to the fight, about halfway there.

@Joshua matt @bloodfire


Royal took advantage of the cyborg stopping short of using his own sword against Yu and him, and quickly grabbed it, wrenching it from the cyborg's fingers.

@Hoki @DaManofWar

(Gonna be afk for like an hour or so)
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KayIa said:
Ray looked at Rick and back at the radar, making sure he had powers. "Alright fine. You up to it Mizuti? Follow if you want, we're helping whoever deserves the help in that fight." She followed a route on her radar to the fight, about halfway there.

@Joshua matt @bloodfire


Royal took advantage of the cyborg stopping short of using his own sword against Yu and him, and quickly grabbed it, wrenching it from the cyborg's fingers.

@Hoki @DaManofWar
"Let's do this!" Rick cocked his gun and followed ray.
The Red Lite crouched on a rooftop, listening to the city carefully. Just a few minutes earlier he had heard something weird, and wasn't able to identify it. Throwing his rope around a ledge, he swung towards another building.

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Mizuti looked at ray and smiked revealing snake like teeth.and held up his hands with one holding an orb of lightning in one hand and a strange purple colored orb of unknown matter in the other. "Of course I will follow..this is my chance to make amends..and get back at Natalia..."
Perfect. Perfect.

Without anything to defend against and nothing stopping her, Yu sent a punch directly into Blank's face, soon turning on her heel and slamming her raised leg into the side of his neck, knocking against the skull as well.

He would drop like a bag of bricks - she knew this, and quickly retrieved a few more EMP charges from her belt.

Before Blank would hit the ground, Gale stuck one on his chest, flipping over him and sticking the other to his back; the charge of both together was enough to again disable the systems - for a longer period of time - and even stall the more human parts of him.

@DaManofWar @KayIa
The Red Lite landed on a rooftop overlooking an alleyway. This is what he heard, a robbery taking place. He looked down at the mugger attacking a kid, analyzing the situation before jumping in...
Blank sat there dumbfounded. His left amr was in tatters. Pieces of scrap were everywhere. It had finally fallen apart after the assault. The EMPs had short circuited his cybernetic body again. And, of course, the screaming started.

"It hurts?!!! IT BLOODY HURTS! MY HEAD HURTS! I....I CAN'T FEEL MY ARM!" Blank just lay there screaming in agony. Then he coughed up blood. "I can't...can't..." Blank fell face forward onto the ground. A pool of blood was coming out of his mouth. "Hurts so bad...someone...kill me..." Blank was now crying. He was in so much pain. "Why did you do this to me? You ungrateful bitch! You're just as heartless as your sister!" Blood was starting to come from his eyes now. So much pain for a single human being to endure....."I'm gonna die now," Blank said weakly.

"Well let me put you out of your misery" Rick tracked the fight and aimed his gun right at blanks head. "Any last words?" Rick was irritated with how he hurt yu and Roy.

"If you make it out you'll live, but I doubt it!"

Rick showed his robo hand.


The thug raised his knife, about to finish the kid off, when a baton hit the weapon out of his grasp. The thug gasped in pain and looked up, seeing the Lite jumping down at him...
Chances were that Royal never really knew her last name, so when Blank screamed something about her being heartless like her sister, Yukino hoped he wouldn't make a connection.

There were very few heartless females running about..

But then Rick appeared and she felt enraged; he still hadn't told her anything about himself, and knew nothing about who he was suddenly dealing with.

The bo staff clicked into its full size, Yu spinning it in her hands before forcefully whacking the gun out of Rick's hand. And yet she wasn't done there, turning on her foot and jabbing the end of her weapon sharply into his side.

It was a point on the body that would wind him and drop him to his knees.

Standing beside Blank, Yukino directed the end at his neck. "Stand
down," she growled in command.

@Joshua matt @DaManofWar (and also @KayIa )
Blank stares at the man with the gun. He then smiled at him weakly. "Heh. You don't get it. I'm just a puppet. For the big man. Head of Project Blank. He's way stronger then me. And besides," he continued, "I want my childhood back." Blank started crying heavily now. "I was denied my childhood so I could go down this path. To be humanity's guardian. Forced to kill anyone who could be, or is, a threat. My first kill was when I was five. I had to kill a dictator's whole family. Him included. I hated every second..." Blank then started screaming again. "I WANT MY CHILDHOOD BACK!!!!" He yelled in utter defiance. He lifted up his head weakly to look at the sky. "I want to watch cartoons," he said, before blacking out. Blood poured from every part of his body.

@Joshua matt @Hoki
The thug grit his teeth in anger, aiming a punch at the young crime fighter. The Red Lite simply ducked out of the way of the attacks, then pulled out his nunchucks and began spinning them...
*cough* Rick was surprised at the sudden attack. "Wh-what the heck yu, he was an enemy!" Rick turned to see the boy unconscious. Rick directed toward yu, he grabbed the staff and slung it out of reach. *cough* Rick stood up and looked at the boy. Realizing what the boy really was..."that was a close one, thanks for stopping me"



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