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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Victor paused on the front steps and thought for a bit. Being so brand new to the city, he should probably learn the area a little better. After the unsuccessful incident last night, it was definitely necessary to do some more training and research. Once he knew the layout better, he would probably have an easier time navigating. With that thought in mind, he turned away and began walking down the street...
@Embaga Elder

[I]Encrypted Message-Assassinate the Extreme Anti-Hero Blank. $800,000 reward if completed. Don't fail me[/I]
Have I ever ;) coming to your place to discuss everything, want any snacks?
No I don't want no fucking snacks, just hurry and get here so I can give you the files.
You actually believed me when I said id give you a snack, hahaha ROFLOL oh wait im flying haha!

Void texted back while grabbing the first thing he could get on the shelves of a grocery store, Void had left a hole in the wall as he blasted through the store, Marko then continued to fly up towards the helipad where Crimson was. Void landed slowly on the center and looked in his hand, it was a can of beans, he then ejected his helmet and walked to Crimson. Got your snack!
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Mizuti stopped walking g and looked at his phone. He had enhanced it to intercept and receive any encrypted messages from any villains in or near astra. Seeing the messages on his phone. Mizuti sent a message to the two who were speaking.

zangda. How much do you trust Natalia? If you would rather work of your own volition and will meet me at the park near the heart of astra
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After sending the message mizuti closed the device and gave a sigh to himself. Pondering whether or not this was a good idea. But he decided to go. He decided that the more he could recruit for the hero's then the higher the chances would be of taking down Natalia. He glanced to Rick with a look of seriousness in his helmet as it bgan glowing a deep redish green color. "Rick. We're going on a walk in the park." @Joshua matt @Embaga Elder

Ray stopped after she had walked about a block towards the bar. She felt a lot lighter than she should've. Hmm, seems I left my bag at the park. I should grab it before someone finds my radar and cell. She turned around and half jogged to the park, too lazy to put effort into getting there before anyone found her bag and shifted through its contents or flat out took it.
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She would be lying if she had said that she wasn't surprised, slamming down into the concrete with a grunt, head bonking against the earth. "Ack!-"As the cyborg pinned her with a heavy knee and clamped down on her wind pipe, stars swam in her vision before Gale went back into attack mode.

Struggling initially, her hand lifted to grip Blank's wrist, fingers curling tightly; the other hand was preoccupied with tapping against her communicator, causing it to send a signal to the
two that actually had her in their systems. She glared up at him, one eye squeezed shut with her resistance. "Bastard..!" Gale hissed, crackles and sparks of electricity covering her upper half. They gathered around Blank's hand, soon zipping up his arm.

The hair on the back of her neck and arms stood up, the metallic scent of lightning in the air.

There was the silence, the calm before the storm.


Blank was blasted off of her with one bolt, the raven jumping to her feet and retrieving her staff.

Gale braced herself, and hoped that she would receive aid soon enough.

@DaManofWar (but also @KayIa and @Aelos )
Victor stopped walking, pulled out of his thoughts as he looked around at the neighborhood. "Odd" he said to himself. Not recognizing the location, he moved more slowly, not sure where to go next.
Void looked at his phone after getting a text.

zangda. How much do you trust Natalia? If you would rather work of your own volition and will meet me at the park near the heart of astra

Do you trust this guy crim?
Void asked Crimson, Void actually did not care if Crimson trusted him or not, Marko could use the extra practice on the poor soul who sent the message. Void began to do his hacking, he made sure to be untraceable which has never been hard for him, Radar huh? Maybe I should get myself one. And who is Natalia? Marko put away his phone after downloading all the unknown phones data to his cloud storage, he had little regard for this guy but was still careful.

@Embaga Elder @bloodfire
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Blank coughed, and pushed himself back up. His blank stare was directed at the hero. He said nothing as he picked up a gun, and trained it on her, before firing away. If she tried to dodge, he would fire at her position. Even now, he was calculating where she would go next. He was still missing an arm, but auto-repair was already underway, though it would take much longer then he would like. His superiors were going wild. They needed to track down Natalia Romanov. However, the girl had been identified as her sister. Blank took note of this, and realized she would be useful in tracking his target. Change of plan. Incapacitate her, locate Natalia Romanov, then kill her.

As he waited he felt and heard his text notification go off on his phone twice. He pulled out his phone seeing a message from Void, and an unknown number who of course knew who he was. He ignored Void's message and read the unknown number's message. It talked about a Natalia and our trust relationship. Crimson and Natalia trusted each other very well. He wasn't gone start acting suspicious now.

Void finally arrived at the helipad with a bag of nuts. Crimson ignored his comment and pulled a manila folder from inside his jacket that he threw towards Void like a Frisbee knowing that he'll use his TK to catch it.
That has all the information you need.

@CHIMNY @bloodfire
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Victor finally arrived at a corner he knew, recognizing the apartments around. He proceeded on his way and sopped at a restaurant to get some coffee.
Mizuti looked over at Rick. Noticing he wasn't following. "Rick. I think it's best you sty here for what I am going to do." Mizuti walked off arriving at the park onlya few minutes later after using his lightnings static to increase his walking speed. Upon arrival he noticed ray approaching the park. Mizuti had found a bag earlier and had thought it to be hers and approached her. "Hullo...is this bag yours?" Mizut held it out to Ray and began shaking as he remembered the voice that had struck total fear into his mind. He thought of those last words. "Their idols will be no more and the pedestals will fall....what did that mean...and all die at the hands of her creations...I don't like those words at all..."

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Ray arrived at the park and came across a boy around her age who'd found her bag. "Yeah, that's mine." She saw him start shaking and looked terribly afraid. "Hey, what's up? Why are you acting like that?" Even if he had seen what's inside her bag, there's no way he'd react like that.
Mizuti snapped up and looked at Ray square in the eyes. "Do yu have any sort of device that is capable of projecting memories at hero hq? It would be better if I showed you first hand why I am scared." He held his hand out with the bag. " don't worry I did not dig around. My name is mizuti and your name?"

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Royal-Hero's HQ + Alley

Royal received a distress signal from Yu. He looked up at Cassy. "Hold that thought, I need to help Yu!" He dashed out of the hero's HQ and made his way to Yu. After a few minutes he arrived where Yu seemed to be engaged in some fight with what appeared to be a cyborg of some sort. "I'm here Yu! Are you okay?" Royal drew his sword and glared at the cyborg.

@Hoki @DaManofWar


Ray took her bag and eyed him cautiously. "I'm Rachel, but please just call me Ray. So does that mean you're like a hero? You're clearly familiar with their base..." She resisted the urge to pull out her radar and check if he really was, or if he even had powers. "And about that device, I'm pretty sure I have a friend who can get my hands on such a thing." She kept most emotion off her face and out of her voice, but a hint of curiosity sunk in.

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"I was once a villain. But thanks to you and a man named Rick I left and joined the heroes. Passing on invaluable Intel to cassy..Ray we need to get that device as soon as possible. I fear that our struggles with Natalia are not the worst of what is to come...also..a question..I am searching for my sister raven silverfire... Have you met her before?" Mizuti thought about showing her what he meant by Natalia not being the worst. But he decided to wait until cassy was present.

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There was a reason she trusted her bo staff so much; after jumping to the sides, this way and that to avoid the first few bullets, she did not jump from the next ones, spinning the staff to deflect the others. Once the fire was done - one lone bullet whizzing through her coat by her side - Gale held the staff offensively with the tip directed at Blank's chest, taking a calm stance.

Then Royal arrived.

Yukino was by no means weak, or incompetent for that matter, but she knew when to ask for assistance, when she knew there would be complications. Looking towards the male, she grinned, ash on her face, and her hair was a bit spiked at the ends from her stormy stunt; there were grip marks on her throat, however, peaking up over her collar.

"Yeah!" Yukino responded, easily slipping back into the usual goofy attitude, "Yeah, I'll be good later. Thanks for comin'."

Looking back at Blank, she made sure to add under her breath; "Be wary of him, okay?" she warned, "He's not weak, and he's not a fool-"

Gale gave a quick thumbs up to Royal.

"-but I got your back."

She spun the Bo staff, then shot forward.

@KayIa @DaManofWar

Royal nodded at Yu before casting shadows that looked like people running in all different directions. This tactic was usually relatively useful at confusing an opponent to catch him more off guard, even if slightly. He charged at the cyborg, his sword aimed for the face- figuring it'd be the weakest point of his metallic body.

@Hoki @DaManofWar


Ray shook her head slowly. "First off, I don't know of any Raven Silverfire. Second, how is this device going to help anything? Third, what do you mean by not worst to come?" She eyed him oddly, wondering why she was even thinking of helping Mizuti.

Blank had trained for facing confusion tactics. He knew one when he saw it. It had been drilled into him. When his foes charged, he took a defensive stance. He dodged out of the way of the bow staff. However, he was still in the path of the sword. He lifted up a hand, and let the blade run through it. Sparks flew as it pushed through, stopping inches from his face. Blank then held up his other hand. The silver barrel of a gun was settled on the man's brow. Blank pulled the trigger, before aiming at the girl's kneecap, and firing again. The force of both shots damaged his still repairing arm. It needed more time now.

@Hoki @KayIa
(( Not caught up completely but whatevah ))

Cassy leaned back in her seat. Everything had been going on lately that she might have to cancel the banquet after all. She called Yu, and waited for her to pick up. After all, she was her second in command, and trusted her way more than most people. At the corner of her eye, she saw something on her hologram...'Battle between Forces' headline popped up. No Natalia, at least yet. She kept calling Yu as she set it on speaker. Might as well go out and help, she thought as she put on her jacket.

@all of you lol. @Robyn Banks @Hoki @KayIa @Joshua matt @bloodfire @DaManofWar
Not noticing rick standing behind him Mizuti took his helmet off of his head and removed his bandana to show his X shaped eyes "this is what I am talking about..unlike my father her experiment failed on me. Natalia personally experimented on me. She created a serum she named X-22. A serum designed to kill any and all who would stand against her. And create true bio weapons by allowing the serum to act as a virus. She forced me to obey her should I desire my sister to be safe. I betrayed her. And ever since I have been trying to find a way to bring Natalia to an end. I hate her with a burning grudge after what she had done to my family.. But the memories I need that device to project to everybody will show them all the memory I have seared into my brain..and what i saw in that memory...it was not human or like us at all...it was a monster..." Mizuti started shaking worse as the memory began to haunt him again .

@Kayla @Joshua matt

Royal ended up stabbing the cyborg's hand and the blade stuck. The cyborg stuck a gun on his brow and his eyes widened, instantly letting go of his sword and ducking out of the way. He frowned, his only weapon still lodged in the cyborg's hand. He didn't have any time to do anything before the cyborg shot at Yu.

@Hoki @DaManofWar


Ray couldn't help but let surprise fill her usually emotionless face. "Hey, if she's planning on further destroying this world, I'll help with all my abilities." She didn't know how to comfort someone, otherwise she would've, but she figured help would be close enough to comfort.

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