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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters

With a swift movement, the "friend" was knocked out of Blank's hands and sent skidding across the concrete. Gale held the dark bo staff in her grasp, lowered soon after the action. He would be forced to look up, to see what had knocked the item away; and she held out the other hand, low enough to be in his seated sight.

"Then watch cartoons," Yukino told him, her voice holding no anger or anything like it, instead friendly despite the things he had apparently committed, "Let me help."

The raven smiled,
grinned as she just stood before him. Waiting.

bloodfire said:
Mizuti looked at Rick still shaky. "Rick..we need Cassy and yu..they will want o know what just happened..whatever tis voice said..it ma have referred to Natalia when it said all will die by her own creations. And when that happened...all those words..I saw something unspeakable. Wit the same eyes i have but..without a human body..its head hat spikes all over the top of its head in the form of a crown that joind at ius neck then ran down its back..I don't want to think or know wat I was..and all it had said..I think the serum is meant to act as some kind of virus...". Mizut then stood up. " i must speak to Cassy and yu about this. I don't want to wait around and find out what that voice..thing. Had meant".
@Joshua matt @Hoki @Aelo
Then lets find them, Rick was ready for this what's plan?
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Natalia made it to her mansion not too far from the city but far enough. It was heavily secured with guard post, electric fences, and anything else that could possibly be imagined though only a few knew of its location.She first made sure that Butch was fine by placing him in one of her guest rooms, soon going to her own room to be treated by a doctor. He first was willing to give her pain relievers but she refused assuring him that she could endure the pain, though this doctor had healing abilities he couldn't do anything until everything was complete. The doctor examined her wounds and laid her down beginning to take the bullets out of her. She held her eyes shut tight as he went unto her flesh pulling out the bullets from her body. When he was finished, she gave him full permission to begin healing her with his abilities. After a while she seemed as good as new with no marks being shown on her body almost as if she wasn't in a fight to begin with. She ordered him to take care of Butch for her and asking her guards to leave her for now. She was still puzzled how despite her differences with Yukino, she would still help her. She decided not to keep her mind focus on that question and focus on more important things.There was still duties to be met.

(Yu knows where the mansion is
@Hoki )
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The call never went through; her communicator was off. And, even if it was on, she wouldn't have answered - not while she was in the middle of something such as this.

@Joshua matt
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After doing some info searching mizuti decided to send yu a message that read "urgent. Please come back as soon as possible. You and Cass will need to hear of what just happened" sending the message mizuti looked at rick. "Rick..you know something don't you..about my sister raven? I see you give the kind of look of recognition everytime I say her name..her last name is silverfire..have you by chance seen her on your travels?"

@Joshua matt @Hoki @Aelos
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bloodfire said:
After doing some info searching mizuti decided to send yu a message that read "urgent. Please come back as soon as possible. You and Cass will need to hear of what just happened" sending the message mizuti looked at rick. "Rick..you know something don't you..about my sister raven? I see you give the kind of look of recognition everytime I say her name..her last name is silverfire..have you by chance seen her on your travels?"
@Joshua matt @Hoki @Aelos
"I'm sorry doc I can't remember even if I wanted to." Rick does feel like he's heard of that name before... But where?


Mizuti then tried to send out another message to yu hoping she woukd respond in some way. "Please yu. This is very important..an individual is tormenting my mind via telepathy..I cannot go insane again."Mizuti clicked the device closed and looked at rick. "Rick. walk with me lad...and I will bring my tool kit..given my knowledge of science and tech I can Enhance the device replacing your hand." He went and grabbed the toolkit from his room and came back downstairs and nodded at rick. "Well then..shall we go?
"Alright lead on" Rick was intrigued at what he was doing so why not? (Also man imma get some sleep we can continue our RP tommarow, talk to ya later bud!)

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Crimson sat in a chair in his office in the Zengada Tower, having bodyguards outside the door and his pet wolf next to him. In his hands are two files. One on the Villain mercenary Void and the other on the Extreme Anti Hero Blank. Time for yet another assassination. He chuckles. If this guy fail, I'm going to raise hell. He pulls out his phone sending an encrypted message to Void.

Encrypted Message-Assassinate the Extreme Anti-Hero Blank. $800,000 reward if completed. Don't fail me

@CHIMNY @DaManofWar[/color]
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"As Nathan roams the city he overhears two mafia members even tho he wasn't a hero he decided to look into it thinking he could take cash from them, He follows the two to a hideout only consisting of a group of 19 mafioso he sets up a charge on the door, Breaching the door he kills all of the,but one Mafioso he decides to interrogate since he found nothing but a list of members and higher ranks in the mafia he sees the name Natalie and questions the Mafioso"So guessing this Natalie person is the head of your mafia"But the mafioso just spat at his visor"*Wipes of spit* I don't appreciate that if you want to stay alive I'd recommend you to talk"As he holds his Gauntlet near his head ready to burn him the mafioso starts to crack and ratted the Don out"Ok! Ok! Please just don't kill me Natalie is the Don of our Mafia but it's going to be hard for you to get to her"Why would that be?!"Where she lives is a Mansion secured to the brim no one could get through I swear! There are Guards everywhere patrols the whole area they won't let you get within a feet near her!"As the Mafioso cries fearing he will die"See now was that so hard"So... You're not going to kill me? So I can go?"What no I'm letting you live cause I want to see what she will do to a rat in her mafia"Nathan chuckles as he searches all of the bodies for a phone he could use to contact Natalie with he found one on the big dude he killed first, He searches the contacts and sees Natalie's name on one of them he decides to call and says"Hello there Natalie I know you don't know me but I know you, you see you have a rat in your mafia who he ratted you out to was me, so let's talk you make the choice where we meet"

@Robyn Banks
Victor exited the hospital, it had been a long night, and was very excited once his time there was over. The bandage on his arm was not visible, due to the long sleeve, so he stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked along the sidewalk. It had been his first night, and already the harsh reality of the street had hit him hard. Of course he would probably recover and try again, but for now he couldn't hold back a few doubts about everything. Turning his hearing down so that it was at normal human level, he made his way towards his apartment, which was at the other side of town, he needed to figure things out.
@Embaga Elder @DaManofWar

Marko had just woken up from a deep slumber, he dressed in a simple shirt and pants. Marko inched towards his 'lab', he opened his laptop after sitting down. The screen had multiple programs open, most of them coding files, on the left side of the screen was a small tab that read: Angelphone001 >text message<_>encrypted 1< : Encrypted Message-Assassinate the Extreme Anti-Hero Blank. $800,000 reward if completed. Don't fail me //

The phone was next to the laptop with a charger plugged in. Marko held the phone in mid air with his powers.

[I]Encrypted Message-Assassinate the Extreme Anti-Hero Blank. $800,000 reward if completed. Don't fail me[/I]
Have I ever ;) coming to your place to discuss everything, want any snacks?

Marko dressed in his suit and flew out of the dried sewage system towards the Zengada's building.
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That blank expression returned. Blank turned and stared at the hero. "System reboot complete," a metallic recording said. Blank then grabbed the staff with his working arm, and ripped it from her hand, before slamming her into the ground. "Gale. You know too much," he told her. "Commencing termination." Blank pressed a knee hard into her chest, and then closed his hand on her wind pipe.

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"We can do this on our own for now we don't need the help of-....yes i know they are heroes but we can focus on the other 4 agents who work on the case...yes we will need there help *Hollow cough* but as of now we work alone...yes...ok...nonono! Heroes later if we are gonna get my research we would need villain power to do so,the heroes are powerful especially in groups but for now focus on the simple then the heist...yes...of course i do...ok..well now lets go get agent "Stallion" and see what he has from me"

Markov spoke to...um anybody..he stood on top of a roof chain that expands through the city to maintain hidden,he dint seem he was talking to anybody he was just starring forward and walking in a circle as he spoke....yea he is a mad scientist alright even has a imaginary friend and all but maybe we just see it like that who knows. After the conversation with no one as it seems he would turn towards the edge of the building,they had a hint where this "stallion" can be and it was in a small restaurant he went mostly everyday to know as "The tasty tuna" where they serve many sea foods,there he will find this man,take all the info he has and get out simple it sounded of course.

After some short time he would bend over and take a long massive leap to the next building roof,then the other and the other and so on as he was going the south-west ending of the city where the restaurant was located,Markov wanted to finish his work and as well with that work enhance his "Friends" and maybe create something new at times but as of now he needed his research.After some short trip he would arrive as the location and see the restaurant in sight,he was looking for a man in its 60's and with pendant around his neck that would be easy to tell apart as it was rusty,Markov just watch from up there a few good minutes till he saw the man appear and enter the restaurant.
"well seems he is in there *cough* bad idea to storm in soooo...lets try a other way"

As soon he mention that he would stand up slightly shivering as he would bend over where his hands are able to grab his own feet,his back began to slowly break up,his skin began to fall off completely revealing his inner muscle tissue,it began to do so till it took his face and his whole body,he was but a moving pile of muscle but his skull and jaw where slightly visible,his skin vanish in thin air as a odd thick mist slowly began to appear,his exposed body began to expel that same gas as the mist as it seems this was a new trick of his.The mist was so thick you could not see a few feet away! Markov's eyes glow as bright as they could in the mist making him the only one able to see through it "Now.....lets get some information!"


he leap down towards the restaurant as the mist covered the near area and inside the building,everybody began to panic as it was to thick,the mist was like dust with odd blue and black articles floating in it s Markov just walk inside the restaurant zig zaging through the people making his way towards this agent "He is coming...." the man said seems the agent knew him. When Markov was close he would suddenly appear in the mans view with a unsurprising look as this disgusting figure got so close ".....now speak"he just simply said as the man stared back in fear as he replied "i will give you nothing you parasite! you abomination! i rather die now than give you any information!" he said....Markov just sigh and would back away vanish in sight as he would say "....as you wish"

(skip gruesome scene)

it was a total mess in the restaurant with red water being splatted all over its walls and ceiling,the corps was no more than chunks and limbs,The fog vanish and everybody was given this unhappy scenery,Markov had no time to interrogate and he hopes this news reaches the other 3 left as they where next.And as well the people letting them know that some one will play a game of "Man Hunt"

(Note! all powers where approve by the GM! None are made up!)
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Natalia Iooking through further documents about her opponents until a guard handed her the phone. She let the man speak. When he was finished, she said "meet me by the docks, bring the man with you alive. I'll have him taken care off from there. Look forward to meeting you." She said hanging up the phone. She handed it back to the guard before standing up and adjusted her trench coat. " its time to go boys. we have a meeting to attend to."

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"As Natalie ends the call Nathan and the rat heads to the docks"Well rat looks like we're going to the docks, looks like she wants to deal with you personally"Oh God please don't give me to her she'll torture me feed me to the dogs she'll drop me in the ocean to be eaten by sharks!"Heh should've thought about that when you were ratting her out to me now you're gonna pay the price"They arrive at the docks waiting for Natalie to arrive"

@Robyn Banks

(This might be my last post for the day cause it's late)
Ray-Park + Sreets

Ray watched her radar as her face remained blank. She noticed quite a few dots not moving at all. Hero or villain, I thought they're supposed to be about action... Whatever. She shook her head subtly as if to tell herself to drop the subject. What I need to do is what I want to do, but what do I want to do right now..? About two minutes passed before she had an idea. She almost allowed herself to smile, but decided to use that time and effort to get up from the park bench she'd been sitting at. Ray began casually walking towards the bar she knew all too well. She knew she could pick up some sort of job there. She followed the route and crossed streets, deciding it was too not-miserable out she snapped her fingers. Dark clouds appeared out of nowhere and it suddenly became a downpour, but she didn't mind since she liked the icy feeling of the rain hitting her skin.
Crimson looked at the message as it came in. No I don't won't no damn snacks. He said aloud.

Encrypted Message-Assassinate the Extreme Anti-Hero Blank. $800,000 reward if completed. Don't fail me
Have I ever [/COLOR] ;) [COLOR=#b30000] coming to your place to discuss everything, want any snacks?
No I don't want no fucking snacks, just hurry and get here so I can give you the files.

He sends the message rising up out his seat and walking towards the door of his office only to be followed by his pet wolf. As he left his office his men dapped him up and what's uped him. He took an express elevator leading towards the helipad on the roof. It took only a couple of seconds for the elevator bell to ring signifying his arrival to the roof. He walks out the elevator after the doors slowly opens. He stands on the center of the helipad with Zedd waiting on Void.

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