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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Royal-Royal's House + Hero's HQ

Royal got up from his bed slowly at first, but then hopped out of it energetically. He grabbed his sword, flinging on his back and quickly grabbing two muffins from the kitchen counter and stuffing his face with both at once. He waved to his mom and hurried out, already running the five blocks to HQ as he finished off his muffins.

Royal came through the entrance and rushed over to Cassy like he always did.
"Hey Cassy! Can I help with anything? Any new assignments?" He grinned and awaited her response.

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*BOOM* RICK watched as the bomb went off. Rick left a calling card, his number was left behind. They will take it to the boss. Rick picked up a hand gun from a gun case. This is my new baby.


Rick returned to HQ meeting Roy. "
Hey Roy, ya just got back?

@Robyn Banks

Mizuti cringed as she touched his shoulder but then he hugged cassy as he cried. Mizuti thought he was going to pass out due to so much tears of joy and sadness but then he regained composure and calmed himself. Mizuti then looked up at Cass aasdter leaving the hug and spoke. "Silverfire. Her last name is silverfire. " mzuti thought he could finally relive himself but the he hard the voice that spoke to him again with a simple but horrifying whisper. "Help me..." Mizuti cringed at the sound as it echoed in his own words. "Help me.....someone is in danger.."

@Hoki @Aelos
((I hate typos....my fingers are so big because of my hands...let me edit))
Natalia watched as grenades hit the gun she immediately attempted to hold her breath. She allowed the man to stab her for a chance to grab his arm. She slowly began to absorb his life force, making him weaker by the second. Looking at his aura slowly fade away made her feel more superior than him she let him go in time so he would still live but just be weakened to the point where it was hard to stand. He was no longer her concern her objective was to get Butch out safely. She gripped on to butch still holding her breath but knew that she would have to breath sooner than she would like. One part of her training was being sunk to the bottom of a lake and seeing how long she lasted before the time ran out, she eventually succeeded after many close calls. Though she was slender she had more strength than people expected, making it slightly easier for her to bring Butch to a safe distance. She gasped for air and she pressed onto her wound as the blood ran down her hand. She pressed her earpiece commanding back up the the club to get rid of the man. Natalia soon recieved a call from another member informing her about the building being blown up. She thought for a while but didn't seem that impressed, she had more warehouse in and out of the city. Though it may lower the income she was getting it would still not affect her profits that much. She sent another group of men to deal with the problem at hand. She checked her watch seeing the time was 11 she decided she should probably go back to HQ. She had a banquet to attend to.

@Joshua matt @DaManofWar
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Royal-Hero's HQ

Royal nodded at Rick but wondered why Mizuti was crying and hugging Cassy. His head cocked sideways as if he was a dog. "Did I miss something..?.." He looked from Cassy to Mizuti to Rick in puzzlement.

@Aelos @bloodfire @Joshua matt


Ray was hanging around the park as she always was. She looked at her eccentric energy radar curiously. More dots appeared where the Hero's HQ was than there should've been. Guess they've been recruiting... Her face was entirely clear of emotion as she wondered whether or not she wanted to see who the 'recruits' might be.
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KayIa said:
Royal-Hero's HQ
Royal nodded at Rick but wondered why Mizuti was crying and hugging Cassy. His head cocked sideways as if he was a dog. "Did I miss something..?.." He looked from Cassy to Mizuti to Rick in puzzlement.

@Aelos @bloodfire @Joshua matt
"I was not here roy" he was just as confused as royal. He also was intrigued.
Blank felt weak. Switch to long range, he was told. Blank would do as he was told. Commence adrenaline boost, another message. Blank felt a surge of energy, slowly repairing the damage that had been done to him. It would be a massive strain on his body, but that was why he was a cyborg. He could cope. He pursued Natalia, drawing out his pistol. Some men came at him. A burst of speed, and his knife had new blood. He took a out a grenade, removed the pin, and chucked it at the men. An explosion sounded. People were screaming, dying. He didn't care. He was Blank.

Blanc finally arrived, and found Natalia. She had her bodyguard. He had tracked her with his cybernetic enhancements. He placed a gun to her head. He had taken great strain in moving this fast. Had he emotion, he would hate it.

"You have been judged a threat to civilisation." His voice was cold and metallic. It wasn't even his own. He had been given that as a recording. It played whenever he eliminated a threat. Right now, that's what would happen to Natalia.

@Robyn Banks
KayIa said:
Royal-Hero's HQ
Royal nodded at Rick but wondered why Mizuti was crying and hugging Cassy. His head cocked sideways as if he was a dog. "Did I miss something..?.." He looked from Cassy to Mizuti to Rick in puzzlement.

@Aelos @bloodfire @Joshua matt
Cassy gave a smile to Royal as he walked in and tried to sooth him. "That will be more than enough information. Let me start." She retracted from his embrace with a smile at looked at Royal and Rick. "Sorry I missed your call Rick. Had some pressing matters... and well a client of ours." she hears a notification on her phone and blinks with a blank expression as she read it out loud, "Building explodes in East Astra City filled with Illegal Drugs. Not bad, but any info on Natalia?" She then went to Royal, "Roy, I need your help setting up the banquet that was delayed from yesterday. It's in two hours. If you want Rick, you can join along."

@Joshua matt @KayIa @Hoki @bloodfire


She scoffed at the recording as she knocked the gun out of his hands before taking out her trench knife only putting it at her side.
"No shit sherlock what maked you notice? me being mafia leader or my world known terrorist organization?" She said standing up with a smirk." But don't you think you're a threat to the civilization as well." She said observing the destruction."Heck you done almost as much destruction as I use to... So shouldn't you be judged as well?" She said facing her knife at him with a more neutral expression. Waiting for him to strike.

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Royal-Hero's HQ

Royal nodded eagerly. "K, but where is it being held?" His expression went from confused to happy in less than an instant as he imagined what the banquet would be like. His eyes sparked with energy.

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City Streets

The Hero Alliance's second in command had surveyed the city from rooftops, a pair of Viewers up to her eyes. Scanning the streets, Yukino found nothing of interest to report or tend to, for the most part. Lowering the tool, she leaned against the edge and simply went on to look with the naked eye.

Mornings were always a bit bustling, yet comfortingly quiet at the same time - it was a weird way to describe it all, but that was the best way to put it. The Viewer swung in her hold lazily, back and forth, back and forth. She wasn't taking a break - at least not exactly; Yukino was thinking about the flurry of things that had happened, and thinking about Natalia at the same time.

Going back to what she had already assumed, there was still the matter of finding the
real location... That would be the hardest part so far.

Straightening, Yukino- Or, perhaps Gale - put the Viewer away and drew her grappling gun from its holster, about to fire it and zip away when an explosion caught her attention. Naturally.

Her course immediately changed, the grappling claw firing instead in the blast's direction. Zipped off of the roof, her long coat ripping behind her. As it would stand right now, there was no need to contact HQ. . .

@DaManofWar (but also @Robyn Banks )
Blank wouldn't have responded. Instead, for some reason, one of his superiors decided to respond. "We are Project Blank. He is our sole operative. We trained him from an early age, sealing off his emotion, and pushing him to the limit. His Blank, and is responsible for the deaths of hundreds. He first killed at age five. The people he has killed are collateral damage, in the name of peace. Whenever he gets cornered, we can always activate his self destruct. He was chosen to bear the burden of protecting humanity by giving up his own. Killing him to kill you is strategic. It would allow us to remove you as a threat." Blank then grabbed Natalia, using his enhanced strength to grab onto her. He felt massive strength course through his vains. He wasn't letting go. A ticking sound began. "Countdown commenced," Blank said emotionlessly.

@Robyn Banks
KayIa said:
Royal-Hero's HQ
Royal nodded eagerly. "K, but where is it being held?" His expression went from confused to happy in less than an instant as he imagined what the banquet would be like. His eyes sparked with energy.
"I'll go, I've got nothing to do" Rick was ready he put in a new filter and waited for a response.
Mizuti zoned out while before he could respond to rick as a different voice invaded his mind that had multiple horrifying pitched to it. Thinking he was losing his sanity he decided to voice every word it said. "You all think that Natalia herself is the threat to civilization? Those of astra will be freed of there delusion..they will see through their hatred of each other that there is something within that will destroy not only themselves but in turn the entire world.."

Mizuti said this voices words aloud as his mind began playing tricks. He watched as a large devil like creature began melting through the ground as the voice played an illusion in his mind. But mizuti continued. "The rivalry between both sides are rapidly merging and unraveling. The end of mortal zealotry is approaching on the winds of time itself and will shatter the pedastals that your kind were raised upon..destruction will come from full knowledge and realization and the truth of hose revered by all...not from blind ignorance wrapped in emotional sensation and exploration of nostalgia. Their idols will be no more and ther pedestals will fall!!!. All will die at the hands of her own creations!!!"

Mizuti watched the illusion of insanity disappear and he dropped to his knees shaking badlyand uncontrollably. Mizuti then spoke aloud in scared tone towards rick. "I know what I have to do..I have to destroy the places she keeps the finished serum..if we do not get to them first..my father will..she experienced on my father during my time at her hq.. It succeeded on him..I think I may have just heard his own thoughts..though I am not certain of it as of now...but I have to do this even if I means my death.."

@Joshua matt @Hoki @Robyn Banks
"Alright if that's how you want to play this I'll definitely play along." She took out her trench knife ruthlessly slashing his arm. Knowing that she would hit something very important. Luckily her knife was sharp enough to cut through. Eventually she finally hit something a core part in his arm, everyone had a pressure point.She moved back grabbing Butch and pulling him back, taking out one of her guns,shooting at the man fout times in his chest. She instantly saw Yu and began to sigh at her odds. A group of her men came out as she ordered them to fire at will.

@DaManofWar @Hoki
bloodfire said:
Mizuti zoned out while before he could respond to rick as a different voice invaded his mind that had multiple horrifying pitched to it. Thinking he was losing his sanity he decided to voice every word it said. "You all think that Natalia herself is the threat to civilization? Those of astra will be freed of there delusion..they will see through their hatred of each other that there is something within that will destroy not only themselves but in turn the entire world.."
Mizuti said this voices words aloud as his mind began playing tricks. He watched as a large devil like creature began melting through the ground as the voice played an illusion in his mind. But mizuti continued. "The rivalry between both sides are rapidly merging and unraveling. The end of mortal zealotry is approaching on the winds of time itself and will shatter the pedastals that your kind were raised upon..destruction will come from full knowledge and realization and the truth of hose revered by all...not from blind ignorance wrapped in emotional sensation and exploration of nostalgia. Their idols will be no more and ther pedestals will fall!!!. All will die at the hands of her own creations!!!"

Mizuti watched the illusion of insanity disappear and he dropped to his knees shaking badlyand uncontrollably. Mizuti then spoke aloud in scared tone towards rick. "I know what I have to do..I have to destroy the places she keeps the finished serum..if we do not get to them first..my father will..she experienced on my father during my time at her hq.. It succeeded on him..I think I may have just heard his own thoughts..though I am not certain of it as of now...but I have to do this even if I means my death.."

@Joshua matt @Hoki @Robyn Banks
"Look doc...I need your help." Rick revealed his right hand was gone and was rapped in a bandage. "It got blown off by a peice of metal that nicked it at the explosion, I need help"
Blank grabbed Natalia's hair so she couldn't get away. "Thirty seconds till self destruct," he said. He kicked Natalia in the leg, trying to force her to the ground while he used her as a shield against her men. Furthermore, he bit her in the shoulder, to give himself a better grip.

@Robyn Banks
Mizuti snapped up after realizing rick had been standing in front of him the entire time he was speaking from his insanity. Walking to Rick he asked frantically. "Rick... Did you hear all that was said??!" He walked to the desk where he had spotted a medical kit and opened it up grabbing gaus and some medical gel he had in his pocket for the scar on his arm rom the small fight with yu and began to patch his hand up. As he patched ricks hand he looked at ric with a look of fear on his face. "did you hear ALL that was said??! I MUST know Rick!!" Mizuti sat on the floor awaiting a response from him hoping ric heard every word.

@Joshua matt
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Her eyes widened slightly, teeth gritting in sudden frustration. "Crap..!" The claw disconnected, cord retracting back into the gun so that Yukino dropped from their aim.

With some luck, she hadn't been too far from the ground when she pulled the stunt, but it was still a rough landing, rolling on impact.

She rose quickly, extending a hand outward at the men with the weapons. A blast of hurricane-strengthed wind rushed forward, slamming into the goons so that they were sent flying, the heavier ones tumbling back into others. Her hand would lower and her focus would change, moving to Natalia just in time to witness Blank's additional stunt, hearing his statement of self-destruction.

First instinct was to charge at him, second was to contact HQ.

The one she went with was number three; disarm.

Sprinting forward, a gust of wind propelling her more quickly, Gale reached into her belt and drew out a palm-sized magnetic device. Reering her hand back, she threw it at Blank, the device - the
charge - landing upon his chest. It beeped only once before releasing an EMP that would disrupt all systems and abort the self-destruct sequence.

@Robyn Banks @DaManofWar
"Shoot now! I will have to get damaged either way! Shoot now!" The men hesitated at first before taking their shoot at the man trying to avoid hitting natalia. She elbowed the man from behind and flipped him over causing him to collapse on the ground. She felt a gush of wind coming from Yu so she quickly She began to shoot at the man's head knowing that he wouldn't die but last long enough to hit a major point in his point to make him go unconscious. She told everyone to leave the premises immediately as one grabbed Butch taking off running. She was bleeding badly the loss of blood was starting to get to her but she still pressed on to a further distance. She wasn't going to die. At least not tonight. She had more things to accomplish. She had a couple of bullet marks in her body but acted as if it was nothing but a scratch, leaving You behind. She was a very stoic character and rarely liked to show weakness.

@Hoki @DaManofWar
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bloodfire said:
Mizuti snapped up after realizing rick had been standing in front of him the entire time he was speaking from his insanity. Walking to Rick he asked frantically. "Rick... Did you hear all that was said??!" He walked to the desk where he had spotted a medical kit and opened it up grabbing gaus and some medical gel he had in his pocket for the scar on his arm rom the small fight with yu and began to patch his hand up. As he patched ricks hand he looked at ric with a look of fear on his face. "did you hear ALL that was said??! I MUST know Rick!!" Mizuti sat on the floor awaiting a response from him hoping ric heard every word.
"I did doc, every word" Rick started fixing up his hand which resulted in this...

Blank blinked. "What? Where am I? What the hell?" He said the questions aloud, scared and confused. Because he was a cyborg, the emotion blocks had used technology to keep Blank in line. The EMP had just taken down the mental blocks. And all the emotions were coming out.

Blank lay the ground. Then he started screaming. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? WHY DID I KILL THESE PEOPLE? I....WHAT....WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" Fear, angry, hate, love, confusion, all were pouring out in a stream of unending torment. "THIS ISN'T RIGHT! I WANTED TO BE A SUPERHERO! NOT THIS! I'M A MURDERER!!!" Blank sat up, and spotted a friend. He picked it up, and placed the barrel against the side of his head. Tears rolled down his face. "I want to watch cartoons," he whimper.

Mizuti looked at Rick still shaky. "Rick..we need Cassy and yu..they will want o know what just happened..whatever tis voice said..it ma have referred to Natalia when it said all will die by her own creations. And when that happened...all those words..I saw something unspeakable. Wit the same eyes i have but..without a human body..its head hat spikes all over the top of its head in the form of a crown that joind at ius neck then ran down its back..I don't want to think or know wat I was..and all it had said..I think the serum is meant to act as some kind of virus...". Mizut then stood up. " i must speak to Cassy and yu about this. I don't want to wait around and find out what that voice..thing. Had meant".

@Joshua matt @Hoki @Aelo

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