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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Hero HQ

She smiled at him, shrugging lightly. "I am," Yukino responded, "You're welcome to join me but-"

The raven tapped on her wrist to indicate time, eyebrows raised with amusement.

"-your mother will worry if you're not home at a certain time, right?"

Royal-Hero HQ + Royal's House

Royal's eyes widened as he realized the time. "Right! Yeah, um, I gotta go..." He started running out of HQ, but quickly turned around and gave a quick wave to Yu. "Cya!" He turned around again and sprinted all five blocks between his house and HQ.

He burst through the front door, glancing at the clock. It was almost 1am.
Great timing, any later and Mom would've killed me. Royal grinned sheepishly at his mom, who sat at the kitchen table watching the door. "Hey, at least I made it..." She nodded and her face grew pale at the sight of the burns. "Roy Henry Brief! What did you get into? Are you okay?" He nodded as his mom rushed over to him and checked everything to make sure he wasn't dying or anything. "I'm okay mom, I just need a little rest." Her eyes were full of worry, but she let him go to his room, set his sword next to his bed, and flop onto his comfy bed. "Night Mom." He hardly moved and slept like a log.
Mizuti sat in the room that was offered to him and looked around. The room was a lot more comfortable than the one Natalia had thrown him in back at the bar in Astra and the only disappointing thing about the room was that it wasn't his "high place" that he had made for himself off site. Mizuti had lay down on the the bed and found it so comfortable he nearly fell asleep until he remembered the voice that had also caused him pain and mizuti be can pondering the thought of who or possible even WHAT it might have been.

"I wonder who did that to me with that sound..there was nobody present that I could think of that new such a thing as telepathy. The sound waves sure but who's voice was that in my head. Could it have been my sister? Or someone else I may have known from childhood days. I have to find out who it is...I hope they talk to my mind again. I need more answers.". Mizuti hit the pillow still curious about it all. He never thought that he would be confused for the first time in his life considering his increased knowledge in science and tech..but that sound was not from a machine. It most certainly had to have come from whomever spoke to his mind.

MIzuti decided to let go of his thoughts for now and put his helmet back on he clicked it on and decided it was time to rest and fell asleep hoping his sister was safe and unharmed. And with hope yukino would find his sister before Natalia did.

@Hoki @Robyn Banks
Hero HQ

After bidding farewell to Royal, Yukino let out a tired sigh as she seated herself by a computer.

"Computer, on."

A simple vocal command was all it took for the holographic screen to appear, loading up previous files in case that had been her aim.

Which it wasn't, not this time.

Leaning back in her seat, the Romanov crossed her arms over her chest. She searched the database to start off with, first searching Mizuti and seeing what was pulled up with him; very few names, only mentions.

She had failed to ask for a last name, but at the moment it was less important; the surface would be fine enough.

But something struck her as weird; Natalia was intelligent, thoughtful and skilled with everything she did.

There was no way in hell she'd just allow her base of operations to be revealed.

"It's not there..." she murmured to herself, hand resting on her chin, eyes narrowed at the ever changing images and snips of information that cycled through.

However, it was better to use that as it was.

Looking over to Cassidy's desk, Yukino (double)checked for the leader. "Cass?"

@Aelos (Mentioned: @Robyn Banks @bloodfire )
Dave took the money into his bag a bit impressed and answered his boss's question. "Banquet tomorrow around 1 in the afternoon. It moves because of "mafia threats"." He left the room when she told him to and walked downstairs to the bar for a drink. Blond kid is called Royal huh? How cute. Dave thought.

@Robyn Banks
Hoki said:
Hero HQ
After bidding farewell to Royal, Yukino let out a tired sigh as she seated herself by a computer.

"Computer, on."

A simple vocal command was all it took for the holographic screen to appear, loading up previous files in case that had been her aim.

Which it wasn't, not this time.

Leaning back in her seat, the Romanov crossed her arms over her chest. She searched the database to start off with, first searching Mizuti and seeing what was pulled up with him; very few names, only mentions.

She had failed to ask for a last name, but at the moment it was less important; the surface would be fine enough.

But something struck her as weird; Natalia was intelligent, thoughtful and skilled with everything she did.

There was no way in hell she'd just allow her base of operations to be revealed.

"It's not there..." she murmured to herself, hand resting on her chin, eyes narrowed at the ever changing images and snips of information that cycled through.

However, it was better to use that as it was.

Looking over to Cassidy's desk, Yukino (double)checked for the leader. "Cass?"

@Aelos (Mentioned: @Robyn Banks @bloodfire )
Hurrying, Cassy walked through the streets with a small disguise---glasses and her hair in a bun. She had dyed her hair blond due to her mom's pushing demands and had to watch her little sister. She opened the door at HQ as it checked her identity. Cassidy Flores, welcome. "One o'clock already huh?" She sighed at she looked at Yu and took off her glasses. "Hey. How's it going? Sorry I had a lot on my plate this afternoon preparing and meetings...and stuff." Cassy sat down next to Yu, "What is it?"
Blanc was standing in front of a very familiar desk. Seated before him was a man, a doctor. He was folding a file in his hands, and slid it across to him. Blanc picked it up, repeating motions he had gone through for most of his life. He opened the file, and read through it. He handed it back to the doctor once h finished. "That is your target," he was told. "You know what to do." Blanc quietly left the room.

Next, he found himself in the armoury, being outfitted for the operation. If successful, the world would be a safer place for years to come. He had to complete this op. Of course, all he thought was simple. That he would complete the operation, and return to base.

Then he left, heading for his target.
Aelos said:
Hurrying, Cassy walked through the streets with a small disguise---glasses and her hair in a bun. She had dyed her hair blond due to her mom's pushing demands and had to watch her little sister. She opened the door at HQ as it checked her identity. Cassidy Flores, welcome. "One o'clock already huh?" She sighed at she looked at Yu and took off her glasses. "Hey. How's it going? Sorry I had a lot on my plate this afternoon preparing and meetings...and stuff." Cassy sat down next to Yu, "What is it?"
Hero HQ

"Investigations, right?" she clarified, reaching into a pouch on her belt, "I've found out a few things; one of which you're not gonna like, another you might, but that one has a trick to it."

Yukino drew the vial of sulfur out, presenting it in all of its gaseous glory to Cassidy as she held it between her index finger and thumb. "You'll never guess what this is for."
Mizuti awoke from his sleep with a start and a sweat. Mizuti had dreamt about his sister and the events that ensued after being taken in by natalia. He also gave a laugh to himself, ''natalia always thought me as a fool. yet despite my age i still outsmarted her. she may be a leader for a mafia. but if i took her out. the real leader would show his or herself. i am looking forward to taking her out. after what she did to my mother. she should deserve it more than anyone." mizuti took a deep breath and calmed himself. realizing that thinking about taking her out would cause him to lose his sanity mizuti decided to tinker with the piece of broken machinery laying on the floor across from his bed. the piece of tech looked to be a power unit of some kind which he thought was most likely a portable generator. mizuti opened it up and began working on fixing the piece of machinery. he smiled out of happiness for the first time since he last spoke to his sister and began talking to himself as he fixed it.

"hmmmm...i see the issue here. the main motherboard is damaged. as is the power and energy transfer wiring. i just need to tinker with the mother board and replace the skin covering to the wiring to get it running again''. mizuti reached into his pocket and pulled out his spare wiring kit. because his helmet would sometimes become damaged during battle during his time as a villain mizuti always carried a spare set of wirings for the components that allowed him to see through it via sound waves or heat signatures. he set the kit down and began to repair the wiring units in the tech to get it running again. "okaaay...just plaster this here...aaaand there...that should get the wiring to run on its own..now to start it up.'' mizuti closed his wiring kit and closed up the machine and started it. it began running fine again. mizuti smiled and could not help but let tears stream down his face as he sat on his bed letting his thoughts echo through his words

"i finally did something good..after all this time i can finally do some good again. even after all this time when i thought that natalia would be times end for me. i finally have an actual place to call home again. people to call family. and even one who i see as a mother figure despite only knowing her for just one day... even when i will never again get to see my real mother again." mizuti began to cry to himself at his words. nearly forgetting what it was like to have emotions and sanity brought into his life.
Blank arrived in the city. He had been dropped off by a car, and now simply was strolling. He had time to eliminate the threat. It would be rather easy, all things considered. As he continued walking, he saw a shadow on the ground, and looked up to see a figure jump from one rooftop to another. He considered it unimportant, and pressed on with taking out the target.

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Natalia began to walk through the streets with Butch by her side. She didn't believe in secret disguise, it was pretty useless in her opinion either way someone will always find out. Her hands were stuffed unto her pockets as she had her usual cold expressionless look in her face. People moved away from her presents despite they fact that she didn't even lay eyes on them. She was handing to one of the nightclubs she owned to check up on it.

The Red Light landed silently ontop of another roof, then glanced over, seeing somebody on the street, he shrugged it off and climbed to the ground on another street. First on his agenda, was to find this group of heroes to see what they were all about. Of course, he hadn't put much research into it, and was only working off of what he currently knew. Leaning against the wall, he adjusted his hearing, listening to the city around him, the cars driving by, the wind against every surface, and the footsteps of everybody within his radius. One pair of feet caught his attention, to his sensitive ears, he could detect a heavier sound to it. It seemed metallic, so he decided to investigate, moving away from his current location.

"No offense, man, but you do Not look normal" a voice spoke from above Blank. The Red Lite was crouched on a building ledge directly over him, he continued speaking "Cyborg huh?" he grinned with amusement. Without waiting for a reply, he introduced himself "I'm the Blue Lite, who are you?"

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Blank ignored the 'Red Lite' for a while. If he lost interest, then all the better. This was secret.

He received an alert. The target had been sighted. Blank analysed the alert. It contained the location of the target. Blank started moving toward the target, ignoring the so-called hero who had noticed him.

The Red Lite watched Blank for a second, not sure what to make of this fellow. However, not being discourged, he threw his rope at a building ledge, catching it skillfully, then jumped off and swung through the air. A quick moment later, he landed ontop of a light post in Blanks path. The Red Lite crouched and looked down, determined make friends with this metallic guy whether he liked it or not. Clearing his throat, he spoke again "Sorry, I don't think I caught your name" he continued with a line of questions "Why are you eyes inverted like that? Are you one of those superheroes around this city I've heard about? I kinda wanna join, prove my worth, know what I mean? I think I've got what it takes" he watched, expectantly.

Blank stopped, and turned to look at the boy. He wasn't a threat, but if he kept following him, he would get in the way of the op. And that was bad. He made a small gesture, dismissing the boy, and moved faster now, hoping to arrive at the location of his target and set up an ambush.

The Red Light stared at Blank with a Blank expression, no pun intended. "Okay then" He shrugged, giving up on this strange person. "If you're mute or deaf, I know sign language" He made a final joke, though already figured it wouldn't matter at this point. Jumping to the ground nimbly, The Red Light looked around at the city, growing more excited at the prospect of exploring and experiencing adventures. He was about to move along, when he paused and glanced back at Blank. A small smirk grew on his face, then turned up his hearing sensitivity. Every detail of movement was captured by his ears, he could even hear the white noise of the air making contact with the cyborg, the metallic sounds of some objects on him. After listening more, he spoke "A knife is understandable" he probed "But who carries Two pistols?"

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"What a day." Rick was standing in front of the heroHQ. I've got answers,but needs action. What did doc need me for? But first.. "Cassy do you got a job, I know I'm no hero but I need to do something, track down burning man? Patrol anything?


@Hoki .
Blank stopped. The hero had locates his weapons. He received a new alert. He read it over.

Terminate the interloper. He knows too much.

Blank understood. He had to kill him quietly, and press on with the op.

Blank drew his pistol in the blink of an eye, and fired at the young, short lived hero. He had a suppressor on it, to help ensure that nobody heard it.

The Red Lite unfolded his arms and narrowed his eyes as he watched Blanks reaction, beginning to distrust this quiet melancholy person. After all, if he had been a hero, he would have addressed his interest in their organization. Reading his body language was rather difficult, which made also unnerving, so he figured not to bug him anymore. With a sigh of exaperation, the Red Lite placed his hands on his hips "Okay, guy, I get the idea" he smoke "I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt due to,," He was cut short when he was fired off. Normally fast with his reflexes, he hadn't been ready for an unpredicted attack, and made his best attempt to move out of the way. Landing quickly in a nearby alley, he grimaced and looked down at his arm, seeing blood, then realized that the bullet had hit his forearm. "Aw shit" he muttered.

Blank quickly pursued his prey down the ally way. He noticed blood on the ground, and followed it. He had seen the bullet hit the interloper in the forearm. So, it shouldn't be too hard to find him.

There was tension in the air, but Blank didn't notice. He wasn't even confused by other people's reactions in a fight. He had no emotions to weaken him. All he had was the knowledge that he was humanity's silent guardian. Blank found the Red Lite in the alley. He pointed the gun at the man's head. Project Blanc shall remain blank, a robotic voice said. It was the price for all who interfered with it.

The Red Light was holding up his good arm in a fist, as if in a threatening manner. As soon as blank turned the corner, smoke poured out of the gas pellet in his hand, quickly covering the the entire area in a thick grey color. Sure, it sacrifice vision, but that made no difference to him, he could navigate just fine using his echo location. Pulling out a flash grenade, he tossed it at Blanks feet, then quickly began to move away as it flared and and lit up with bright harsh light. Under the cover of smoke, he gripped his arm and silently moved in the opposite direction to make a get away.


@Hoki .
@Hoki @Robyn Banks

Cassy looked at him with some anger shown. "Rick. What the hell happenes yesterday? You didn't tell me where you were going or why. I was worried sick. I didn't know if trusting you will be this hard." She took a breath and told him. "I sent a mission to your phone. It's on the counter on my desk." Cassy looked at Rick. "There is a popular nightclub on the east side of Astra." The east side was known as shady, but she knew he could hadle himself. "More of a recon mission. Find out Natalia's whereabout and call me when you see anything."

Cassy turned back to Yu and looked at the device she had. "What does it do?"
Mizuti overheard Cassy as she said this. Mizuti stepped up and interjected. "Sulfuric acid. The same compound that gives volcanoes their explosive force upon erupting. Natalia wants to use it in her experiment. I know this because I used to be her lab rat and one of her own. But thanks to Rick and yu I left Natalia. As well as passed on highly valuable Intel." Mizuti took off his helmet to show her the failed result. "These X eyes were the failed result of the initial test...she is creating a serum that was named X-22 in which is a swrum designed to kill...".

@Hoki @Robyn Banks @Aelos @Joshua matt

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