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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Sage smirked along with Luca as he activated Ember Celica and back handspringed until he was at the edge of the building before jumping onto the next out of the gas easily with Luca close behind. Luca saw the boomerangs the second it came out the gas and shot them down with his now equipped gun. " I'm glad I made you feel good cause now your gonna be in a lot hurt. " Sage said as he shoot a hail of explosives into the gas. Luca on the other hand made ice appear on the surface of the roof of where the gas occupied.

" Let's go Luca. " he said as he began running away with Luca close behind. " Why are we running brother , can't we take him. " Luca asked , still running. " We can but its not the time , its only a matter of time before the police tracked that place down and that would be troublesome. " Sage said glancing back at Luca who nodded. " Besides I don't want to hurt his cute face just yet. " Sage said smirking

Rick stood up but failed and relized he was pinned down by wind, "I am sorry okay? I did not know!" Rick knew he was gonna get some punishment from cassyER=39032]@Hoki[/uSER]

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Aelos said:
Boi fight me ))
@Robyn Banks

Cassy was out involved in meetings with the police and mayor of Astra. The meetings included hours of talking over the same things. She honestly was bored to death, but it was obviously required. She was about to fall asleep when she heard and explosion not so far away. Well the others didn't since the humans with powers have enchanced senses, but she took a quick look at her phone and her heart dropped. That was my favorite base, she groaned in her head as she told the committee that she needed a new building. Cassy sent the information to the others, and told them to meet near a Thai Restaurant. Four o'clock sharp.

@all @Hoki @KayIa @Joshua matt @bloodfire
(Oh shit , is she calling a meeting because Luca destroyed a bank )

Natalia stood alone for a while watching the documents from the Hero HQ burn to the ground. She started to think of Yu and the traitor. She decided to meet Yukink face to face though they haven't seen each other in years. She got her number from Butch who looked her up through the signal and began to text her.


Yukino we need to talk. I suggest you leave your sorry excuse for a team so we could caught up on some things, discuss business...choose a place and a time.
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"Flight, eh?" Lite said, though blinded by the smoke, he detected everything perfectly well with his echo location. Just as the roof began exploding, Lite flipped off the building. While he was spinning in mid air, he pulled the rope out of his belt and tossed it onto a building ledge. Using the speed from his jump, he now swung through the air like a bullet, moving around the building, then he let go of the rope and let himself fly through the sky with his built up momentum, aiming his feet at the two brothers to make a powerful kick attack. "I've had my experience with guns" he said, reminding himself to be more careful.

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djinnamon said:
(Oh shit , is she calling a meeting because Luca destroyed a bank )
Yeah near a thai restaurant :3 well not bank, base ))
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Sage and Luca bent backwards in a limbo like movement. Sage flipped the rest of the way while Luca jumped to his feet. " You are persistent. " Sage said before he glanced at Luca and the two nodded to each other. Luca placed his hand on the ground making the ground freeze before jumping.

While Luca was doing this Sage jumped into the air before coming down and punched the ground making a thick fog rise and cover Lite a second after Luca jumped back to a safe distance. Sage then jumped above Luca and landed behind him right as the younger made a large wall that raised to the size of a skyscraper and 3 feet thick. Luca stumbled and panted as he was about to fall only for Sage to pick him up bridal style.

As everything would have it, apparently something took higher priority than whatever Yukino was doing, right?

Cassidy's summons for a meet-up, instead of her coming to assist as she offered she would, took first priority indeed.

The winds released Rick and Yukino simply walked past him, drawing her grappling gun from her belt. "This is ridiculous.." she would mutter, firing the claw and zipping up to a rooftop. She was about to continue onward, specifically to the location Cassidy had named when a new message came in on her communicator.

Pulling it out - and returning - the collapsed bo staff to her belt, Yu viewed it with a frown.

Yukino we need to talk. I suggest you leave your sorry excuse for a team so we could caught up on some things, discuss business...choose a place and a time.

For some reason, she didn't even need to ponder who had messaged her, eyes wide in surprise; god, all of the evidence was right there.

Yukino rubbed her face with the other hand, brows furrowed in thought.

And soon she was calling Cassidy, just for a short moment.

@Aelos @Robyn Banks (and very briefly @Joshua matt )
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Lite was unable to change his direction as he landed on the ground to be covered all over in frost. "Clever!" he shuddered, breaking the frost off, then ran up to the wall and placed his hands against the icy surface. "Until next time" Lite spoke ominously as he watched the brothers get away "Or, whatever" he shrugged, atleast he didn't lose, which was good for his second time. Jumping to the ground below, Lite dusted a little bit more frost off himself, not sure where to go from here.
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Hoki said:
As everything would have it, apparently something took higher priority than whatever Yukino was doing, right?
Cassidy's summons for a meet-up, instead of her coming to assist as she offered she would, took first priority indeed.

The winds released Rick and Yukino simply walked past him, drawing her grappling gun from her belt. "This is ridiculous.." she would mutter, firing the claw and zipping up to a rooftop. She was about to continue onward, specifically to the location Cassidy had named when a new message came in on her communicator.

Pulling it out - and returning - the collapsed bo staff to her belt, Yu viewed it with a frown.

Yukino we need to talk. I suggest you leave your sorry excuse for a team so we could caught up on some things, discuss business...choose a place and a time.

For some reason, she didn't even need to ponder who had messaged her, eyes widened in surprise; god, all of the evidence was right there.

Yukino rubbed her face with the other hand, brows furrowed in thought.

And soon she was calling Cassidy, just for a short moment.

@Aelos @Robyn Banks (and briefly @Joshua matt )
Cassy was taking down some thugs when Yu called her as she picked up the phone. "Hey, sorry, I was really busy. Well our base was destroyed as well the data, probably due to Natalia." She sighs, "I thought having a small meeting on deciding what to do next would be the best." Cassy hoped that her second in command would agree, them usually having good communication since now.
Hoki said:
As everything would have it, apparently something took higher priority than whatever Yukino was doing, right?
Cassidy's summons for a meet-up, instead of her coming to assist as she offered she would, took first priority indeed.

The winds released Rick and Yukino simply walked past him, drawing her grappling gun from her belt. "This is ridiculous.." she would mutter, firing the claw and zipping up to a rooftop. She was about to continue onward, specifically to the location Cassidy had named when a new message came in on her communicator.

Pulling it out - and returning - the collapsed bo staff to her belt, Yu viewed it with a frown.

Yukino we need to talk. I suggest you leave your sorry excuse for a team so we could caught up on some things, discuss business...choose a place and a time.

For some reason, she didn't even need to ponder who had messaged her, eyes widened in surprise; god, all of the evidence was right there.

Yukino rubbed her face with the other hand, brows furrowed in thought.

And soon she was calling Cassidy, just for a short moment.

@Aelos @Robyn Banks (and briefly @Joshua matt )
"COME ON LET ME ON" great Rick is going to the shop on foot. "Great how dandy" Rick picked up his gun and started following yu, he called Cassy. "Cassy I'm coming its gonna be a bit. Just give a sec" Rick knew she knew what happened because of yu, are you there?!


Sage ran and jumped until he was to tired from the extra weight that mid way through a jump he lost momentum and went crashing into the window of a Thai restaurant, he had a few buts and bruises but nothing serious. He panted as his vision became blurry , and Luca passed out on his stomach wasn't helping. He eventually passed out.

@anyone in area
djinnamon said:
Sage ran and jumped until he was to tired from the extra weight that mid way through a jump he lost momentum and went crashing into the window of a Thai restaurant, he had a few buts and bruises but nothing serious. He panted as his vision became blurry , and Luca passed out on his stomach wasn't helping. He eventually passed out.
@anyone in area
As Cassy walked towards the restaurant, she spotted two individuals on the ground. She went over to them in confusion. "Hey, get up. Are you alright?" It wasn't everyday you see two people passes out in front of you unles, well, if you are in a bar.
The Destroyed hero HQ

"Pretty good so far" Lite smiled, feeling relatively fine from the encounter, having no injuries. "Looks like my training paid off" he stepped out of the alley and looked around, then remembered the explosion from earlier. At this point, he was on a role, and was handling it well for being solo. "Time for some investigation" Lite arrived at the wreckage where the Hero HQ used to be, scanning the area with his infra red goggles to see if he could find anything of interest.
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Hoki said:
"I see.." She fell silent for a moment, looking toward the sky as she held the device. Huh... It was oddly calm now, almost diverting her attention from her heavily injured knee completely.
Sighing, Yu lifted the communicator again. "Meeting's a good idea," the raven agreed with a nod to herself, "Unfortunately, please excuse me from it-" It sounded so random out loud. "-I'm going on a mini mission that I believe to be pretty important. If not more, then just as much so. Is that alright?"
Cassy replies, "Alright. Careful, call me if anything comes up and think smart." She hung up to talk to Rick, and asked, "Something up with Yu? She seems to be acting strange." She didn't bring her sword and was worried about Yu, but..food.
"I don't know we got into a fight I started and left me at the area. Look do you have a read on natailia. I'm glad you guys are helping but I'm no hero, I'm just trying to avenge my family but first I'll meet up with you. Please help me out here. I need answers." Rick told Cassey "will you help?"

"I'm going to thw old HQ to get some stuff I'll meet you at the shop!"


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Yukino zipped herself further away a few more times, trying to allow herself more chances of thought. Landing on the rooftop of a tall building a good distance off from her initial position, she sat on the roof edge and finally responded back.

Yukino we need to talk. I suggest you leave your sorry excuse for a team so we could caught up on some things, discuss business...choose a place and a time.
It'd probably be better if you picked the place; I have all the time in the world.

If Natalia did end up picking the location, for her it didn't matter the distance; during her earlier time with Alliance - and even before then - she had created a vehicle to call her own, to use whenever.

And never let anyone ride because she was a bit possessive.

@Robyn Banks
The Destroyed hero HQ

Lite walked among the rubble, trying to find any clues that would help him figure out what had happened. "Very through job" he said to himself as he knelt and fingered some of the ashes. Pausing, he listened carefully to make sure nobody was nearby, after all, the last thing he wanted to be caught off guard by the people who caused this. Keeping your guard up was essential.
Sage and Luca were out cold. Sage was bleeding from his cheek and he had a gash on his back , even when he was exhausted he protected Lusk by taking most of the blow. Luca was better off that Sage with only a cut on his arm.

Aelos said:
As Cassy walked towards the restaurant, she spotted two individuals on the ground. She went over to them in confusion. "Hey, get up. Are you alright?" It wasn't everyday you see two people passes out in front of you unles, well, if you are in a bar.
Natalia looked at the message letting out a smirk. This was very typical for Yukino to do, she wasn't very demanding like natalia was. Which was one of the things that made Yu seem inferior to her in some ways. She decided on the perfect meeting place.


Yukino we need to talk. I suggest you leave your sorry excuse for a team so we could caught up on some things, discuss business...choose a place and a time.
It'd probably be better if you picked the place; I have all the time in the world.
Meet me at the mansion...You know the location. Lucifer and Mitsuki are out so it will just be you and me... But of course I'm sure you wouldn't need your mother's protection would you?
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The Destroyed hero HQ

Lite dug through the rubble more until he found a few fragments of metal and smelled it. "Explosives, of course" he said to himself. Reaching for a piece of paper, he pulled it out and looked it over, but found it too burnt to read anything. Putting the paper in his pocket to look at later, he rubbed his chin "Hmm, through job too,,," he stated, but then stopped when he heard a voice behind him. Having been so caught up in his investigating he had forgotten to pay attention to his surroundings. Turning around quickly, Lite stared at Rick as his hand instinctively went to his belt. "Woe, chill out pal" He stated, a little put off by the odd gas mask. "I'm just seeing what happened here, somebody really brought the house down" he smirked slightly.

@Joshua matt
Knightling said:
The Destroyed hero HQ
Lite dug through the rubble more until he found a few fragments of metal and smelled it. "Explosives, of course" he said to himself. Reaching for a piece of paper, he pulled it out and looked it over, but found it too burnt to read anything. Putting the paper in his pocket to look at later, he rubbed his chin "Hmm, through job too,,," he stated, but then stopped when he heard a voice behind him. Having been so caught up in his investigating he had forgotten to pay attention to his surroundings. Turning around quickly, Lite stared at Rick as his hand instinctively went to his belt. "Woe, chill out pal" He stated, a little put off by the odd gas mask. "I'm just seeing what happened here, somebody really brought the house down" he smirked slightly.

@Joshua matt
"Okay man, look do you know who caused this?" Rick joining in on looking trough the waste.
Lite turned up his echo location, listening to the neighborhood around "Whoever did it is long gone. It wasn't just one bomb" He explained, smiling confidentially. "The amount of destruction caused by the width of the radius would not be from a single blast. Multiple smaller explosions were detonated, whoever did this didn't just want to destroy, they wanted to leave no trace behind. Speaking of which,,," He folded his arms and scanned Rick with his echo location "How do I know you're not one of the people who did this? The last time I ran into a horror movie looking fellow I got shot at, so what's this to you? And why do you have a gas mask? You don't have a gas tank, is there something wrong with the air?"

@Joshua matt
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