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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Hunter shook his head, "I'm good." He was somewhat enjoying the rain actually, he chalked it up to his canine nature.
"Suit yourselves" she told them, bobbing her head to some sort of music that noone else could hear. Priscilla enjoyed the sound of rain, she hated the feeling of it. It rendered her unable to fly and she slipped all the time, despite having grown up in such icy lands
Hunter gave grin, "Hey Priscilla, wanna ride? We can get there faster at top speed." He said looking back at the 15 year old.
"Um.. Sure..." She said, unsure of whether or not to hop on the back of her friend, she moved closer but didn't do anything
Hunter rolled his eyes and laid down, "This isn't the first time you've rode on my back." He said wondering why the she was hesitant.
"Well the last time was back when I was with the legion..." She mumbled, the only reason she seemed outgoing was due to the fact that she had to make friends extremely quickly for it to become easier for a betrayal. "... Now I'm... Well.. Not"
"So? You were a friend then, and still are now." He said wondering what the point was of this conversation.
Hesitantly Johnathan backed away revealing Elizabeth, still sitting in the same the same chair, head lowered. Slowly Alexander approached her, kneeling down in front of her so he could see her face. "Hi," He spoke softly, trying to make his kindness overt. "You must be Elizabeth." Her washed out yellow eyes slowly dragged up from the floor to his face. "You must be Alexander." She muttered. Alexander's gaze flicked to Johnathan before returning to Elizabeth. "I hope you're as great as Johnathan says you are." She continued.

"What do you mean?" Alexander questioned. Johnathan quickly placed his hand on his brother's shoulder.

"What do you remember Zander?" The dark haired boy looked back in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He repeated the question, but to his brother this time. But instead of hearing an explanation from his brother he was caught off guard by Elizabeth's low voice.

"You were dead."
She hopped onto the Hunter's back, still holding her small umbrella in her right hand while holding onto her companion with the other
Hunter stood and looked at Alli, "I'll take this." He pulled his jacket off of the Hellhound and thylacine, holding it in his jaws, "Don't wanna lose it." He said just barely understandable.

@Trust, @Comet.
Hunter caught up to Alli easily, "Come on!" He said before sprinting to the shack and stopped to wait for them.
Alexander looked back at Johnathan, obviously not believing Elizabeth. "What?" He waited for some sort of logical explanation from his brother, but it never came. Johnathan sighed, setting his hand on the back of his neck.

"Six years ago we were fooling around up here and I started to fall. You saved me, but then," He paused returning his brother's gaze. "You were impaled by a tree." Alexander stared at Johnathan, trying to make sense out of what he was saying. "It took us days to get your body down. You were covered in so much blood." Johnathan's voice began to tremble as tears pushed at the back of his eyes. Zander stood up and pulled his brother in. It was silent for a few moments before Zander began. "Nathan," he said softly. His brother didn't move, knowing what he was going to say. "How am I alive?" Slowly Johnathan pulled from Alexander's embrace, his head low.

"That's where she came in." Zander turned to look at Elizabeth, her head now up and her hollow gaze focused on him.
Hunter smiled when Alli caught up, "Took ya long enough." He said with a smirk, before laying down to let Priscilla off.
She hopped off the Hunter's back carefully, having dropped her small umbrella on the trek there
"You idiot!" Alexander held his his brother up against the wall by his collar. Johnathan had just finished going over what had happened to Elizabeth. "Our animals make us who we are; you've left this girl a shell! She will never be able to transform, I doubt her family will recognize her. You've taken everything from her!" He was silenced by the sound of Elizabeth falling to her knees, the chair tipping over behind her.

"P-Please..." she muttered, barely audible. "Please... stop reminding me." Alexander dropped Johnathan from the wall, sitting in front of her.

"Because your life brought me back, I'll do whatever I can to make yours better." Elizabeth stared down at the ground, but he knew she heard him as her body shook slightly with tears rolling down her cheeks.
Hunter had heard Elizabeth's crying instantly, and shifted before kicking the door off it's hinges. Noticing Elizabeth's lack of antlers, he almost immediately knew what had happened. His eyes were shaded by his hair somewhat, except for the glowing yellow orbs filled with malice and bloodlust, directed at Johnathan. Lighting struck and thunder rolled as the storm picked up again.

@Deadly Darkness, @Trust, @Comet.
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"Elizabeth..?" Priscilla asked as she walked through the door. She hadn't gotten to know the deer girl very well given her almost daily "reports". "What on earth has he done to you... It looks like he managed to accomplish what even the Legion couldn't..." She mumbled to herself, keeping a close eye on the Hunter

@Deadly Darkness @kenryuko @Comet
Alexander's head whipped up at the sound of the door breaking down. He quickly rose to his feet before standing in front of his brother. He understood Hunter's short temper and near sighted manner, and knew exactly what he planned on doing. Elizabeth looked up to see Hunter and the others. Priscilla stepped forward, asking what he had done. She shook her head, whether it was because she wouldn't be able to say it before bursting into tears or because she was trying to protect the other two, she didn't know.
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Hunter stalked towards Johnathan, tossing aside the brother with ease. Picking up the raven shifter by the throat, cutting off the air way, Hunter looked him in the eye before speaking, "What you have done is unforgivable in my eyes, but I am reasonable." His voice was a little to calm for this situation, "So, your friends shall be your jury, Elizabeth your judge, and I the executioner. Understood?"
"Put him down." She whispered, it was a surprise that anyone, including them would be able to hear her. "Put him down now!" She barked, her voice was raspy from crying. Alexander looked from Hunter to Elizabeth, his glare changing into a look of shock. Even Johnathan's look was one of surprise.
Hunter dropped Johnathan, his eyes never breaking contact. "Why you would wish for this fool to live, I will never know. But Johnathan, know this. Even if she does forgive you, it will never be forgotten. No matter how hard you try, no matter how much you run. This will never leave you."

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