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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Hunter chuckled, "And your beautiful." he said as he broke the hug and returned to his original position. Looking down he noticed Cory on his stomach.
Hunter's eyes widened as he covered his ears with his hood, "Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope!" He said with a smile and small laugh.
Cory made a whining noise and crawled off of him, Alli looking down at Hunter. She placed both her hands on his cheeks and squished his face, chuckling and letting go. "She just wanted to know what it felt like to get scratched behind the ears." She told him, laughing and putting her long white tail over his body.

Hunter made a realized face, "oh, well excuse me for think she wanted to scratch mine, as much as I enjoy it. It feels weird not to be able to control your shifting." He said before grabbing Cory and started to scratch her ears. "Well you like it?" He asked with a grin.
Alli laughed as Cory just sat there, her eyes closed as he scratched her ears. She didn't enjoy it much as the wolf boy did, but it did still feel good. She then sneezed on him, Alli bursting into laughter and falling back.

Hunter stopped scratching and gave both girls a look before wiping the snot off himself and wiped it on Alli's face, then to resumed scratching Cory as if nothing happened.
"Okay I ain't taking that." Alli said and grabbed Cory off of Hunter, put her to the side then jumped at Hunter, pinning him to the ground. "Hell no you ain't rubbing snot on my face. She then proceeded to rub her face in his shirt, getting the snot off and holding him down.

Hunter easily sat up with Alli on his chest, "You've seen me punch through steel, how exactly did you expect to keep me pinned?" He asked pulling her face into where she rubbed the snot off.
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She pushed on him again and grabbed his hand, wiping it over her face to get the snot off. "It disgusts me." She chuckled then quickly jumped off and got away quickly before he could put it back on her.

Cory watched the exchange of her snot, sitting off to the side. "Since the storm is going nowhere, we staying here for the night?"

Alli then went back and plopped on Hunter. "I'm comfortable." She joked. She chuckled a little bit as Cory climbed up the tree, picking a comfortable spot for herself and Alli getting comfortable on Hunter.

"All three of you are like children..." Priscilla murmured from her branch, barely within touching distance of everyone
Hunter glanced at Priscilla, "Says the fifteen year old." He said as he shifted and curled around Alli.
"At least I don't go rubbing snot all over refined young women such as Alli here" she grinned her retort at him
kenryuko said:
Hunter rolled his eyes, "So you do it to unrefined young women?" He asks with a laugh.
"I do it to no women, or men for that matter" she yawned, realising this conversation was leading nowhere. "I am simply here to wait out this dastardly storm"
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Alli shifted and curled up in a ball while Hunter curled himself around her. She rested her head on her paws before falling asleep.


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