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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

"Hmmm..." She had a smile on her face and grabbed his cheeks and gave him more than just a peck. She then patted his cheek with a chuckle. "Now I'm happy."

Cory made a gagging noise from the new guys shoulders, glaring at the two love birds.

Ughh what did I just watch, what was that. He watched the kissing take place and then decided to lay down and wait until they start moving again.

(Is it ok if I make another character I'm still going to play Aizen but another char)
"If you're going to be travelling with us, they kiss ALOT, just so you know, you get used to it..." She yawned, rubbing her eyes before changing into a griffon and flapping up and lying down on the branch Cory had been swinging on.

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Cory snorted, sticking her tongue out at him before jumping back up into the trees and started hanging on a low branch.

Alli chuckled and nuzzled against Hunter, a pleased smile on her face.
Hunter laughed even hard, at both Cory and Priscilla, "Apparently everyone's jealous because of us." He said to Alli before laying down, his head in her lap. His tail lightly pounding the ground.
"I wonder what having a boyfriend is like... I wish I had one" she thought to herself, thinking that the only guys she had seen around her age had been people stolen from the families for "experimentation" back in the Legion. Everyone had been too scared to talk to her given her close relationship with her instructor Lucy, known for being quite vicious and even killing a few "students" as an example
Hunter's tail moved even faster at Alli's treatment as his eyes closed, "Yeah, but still doesn't make it any less funny."
Priscilla "caw'd" at them in her way of telling them to "knock it off". She shuffled a bit more before digging her talons into the wood and looking with greater detail at the newcomer
This just keeps getting weirder and weirder people showing affection towards each other. Even my sister never hung out with me, I wonder where she is today. Maybe she's with the legion or is with Green-Eyes's organization nah that's to close, what was I thinking of again. Oh yeah this is really disturbing to watch. Aizen was thinking about his sister again because his family sold her off when she was little.
Hunter shot Priscilla a glare telling as his way of telling her to shut up. He then looked neck to Alli, and continued to enjoy her treatment, the only way he would have felt better was if she scratched his wolf ears.

@Trust, @Comet
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(I'll take that as a hint. xD )

Alli heard a voice in her head that said to scratch his ears and she did so, chuckling down at him.

(Take it as an invite to dine with the president for all I care)

Hunter felt the scratching and groaned lightly before shifting on instinct, and his leg started to kick in the air.

Alli laughed as she continued to scratch his ears, Cory watching the two and chattered, "I wanna join!!" She then plopped down from the tree onto Hunter's stomach.

Hunter would've said something if he wasn't in bliss, he started to groan even louder. He finally got enough sense to shift and gave Alli a look, before returning to his wolf form and continued enjoying the treatment.
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Alli laughed and kissed Hunter's wolf nose before continuing to scratch his ears, smiling big down at him. "You're cute." She chuckled, Cory burying herself in Hunter's belly fur.

Hunter only responded with a groan, as his tail pounded the ground, and his leg continuously kicked in the air.
Hunter returned to his senses before shifting and returning the hug,

only to start stroking Alli's tail.

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