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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

"I'm asking how do you know him. What you think of him and all that." He said as he stopped to look at Her.
She stopped walking, seeings as Hunter had. "Oh, well he sort of ran into me, like I did when I met you guys." She looked around the tree tops as if they would give her the answer. "I carefree and likes being a fool, but he's also caring and responsible when the situation calls for it." She shrugged. "Why do you ask?"
"Just wondering." He said quickly as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, before sniffing around, "I can't seem to catch his scent, he might have flew somewhere.
Leonidus was supervising the soldier in his platoon as they set up tents when Priscilla reached camp, "My favorite spy. Report?" He asked with a small smile.

"Most likely. That's why I'm searching. He didn't let me be left alone so I won't let him be left alone." Her gaze remained towards the tree tops as she spoke. She then continued forward, hoping for some sign of where he was.

Johnathan though had spent a good portion of the morning flying, finding a perfect spot to watch the sun come up from. He enjoyed doing this and it had become habitual for him. Once the sun was up he soared around aimlessly, at one point spotting Priscilla. He questioned where she was off to, but didn't follow to find out.
I stopped outside the tent. "I wonder what he would do if he found out... Really wondering why the legion hasn't made their move yet... Maybe we are waiting to catch him and his dad?" I pondered to myself before tentering and explaining to the commander what abilities i had seen during our fight and leaving again in a hurry, arriving a little after them
Hunter watched as Elizabeth scanned the treetops for the raven, "So what's your opinion of our little group?" He asked trying to be discreet about what he really wanted to know.
"I don't understand what you mean. Everyone's rather nice, but what we're doing isn't very clear. I'm not sure what you're asking." She looked down from the forest's canopy to Hunter's murky green eyes.
She looked down, thinking. "You've already heard my opinion on Johnathan," her eyes remained half lidded, looking down at her feet. "Cory seems sweet; I love how she isn't afraid to do whatever she wants no matter how people view her. She's always so happy and energetic. Alli's very charismatic and sophisticated so she knows what to say and how to keep people hooked. Priscilla..." she paused with a puzzled look. "She leaves a lot. I don't want to be rude, but I can't help question where she goes." She looked back up into his familiar yet foreign, forest green eyes.
"And me?" He asked taking a step closer, returning Elizabeth's look into her amber irises.
Her eyes darted between his, suddenly very aware of her surroundings. Her heart rate jumped, fluttering rapidly against her rib cage. "I-I don't know." She quickly avoided his stare, trying to look anywhere, but at him. "You're mission oriented, and obvious someone who possesses leadership qualities."
(woke up in the forest -> Hunter and Priscilla sparred -> Elizabeth and Hunter went looking for Johnathan -> the conversation going on right now)
(A camp area, the surroundings are basically a dying fire some logs for sitting. If you'd like I can have Johnathan come in)

Alli laid on a sleeping bag, snoring Cory by her side, giving her no room. Alli growled, "dammit Cory, get your own spot." She rolled off, standing up and moving over to a log, sitting down with a huff. Everyone was gone, it only left her, and the very sleepy thylacine. "How can she sleep so much..."

@Deadly Darkness
Johnathan had enjoyed the peaceful moments of silence and now craved something more exciting. With a smile he flew back towards the area they had set, curious to see who was awake. Coming in as a blur of white, he shot down from the sky and landed on one of the logs. With a quick shift, he was leaning back with s grin plastered to his face. "Well good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?"
Alli looked over at him with a chuckle. "Ask the lump over there who is on my bed." She told Jonathan.

(Going to bed.)
After a deep breath, Elizabeth's golden eyes rejoined Hunter's, her anxious demeanor gone. "What is it you're looking for, Hunter? What is it you want to hear me say?"
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"The truth." He said simply before closing his eyes and sighed, "I don't know in the end I suppose." He looked up at the tree tops ws he spoke.
She crossed her arms over her chest, still watching him. "It's hard to describe you because just when I think I know who you are you become the polar opposite. You're sweet, but cold. You're strong, but weak. You're modest, but arrogant. You're absolutely amazing, but then I can't stand to be around you." She sighed. "I don't know who you are, and sometimes I wonder if you even know who you are."
Hunter was silent in thought when he heard this, "I suppose I never did." He said with a sad chuckle, "I guess being an experiment did more damage to my mental state than I thought."
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Elizabeth gently set her hand on his arm, sliding down until she took his hand. "I don't think it has to do with being an experiment. Maybe it prolonged it, but maybe you were just so caught up you never stopped to think." She held his gaze, her hand in his.

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