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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Hunter was silent, backing away some, "try to keep your feet planted from now on, you don't have any real directional control without shifting." He said before charging full speed and baseball slide right as he got to Priscilla, hooking an arm around her legs to trip her, before sweeping around for a heel kick to her temple.
I speedily handstanded and hopped into the air with my hands, having to drop the scythe in the way before stomping down at his head, much faster without the scythe than with it
Hunter shook his head to remove the daze he was in, "Well you got a hit, to bad. Cause now I can get serious." He said as his eyes turned yellow in a partial transformation. He then charged again, but he was faster this time due to his change. he sent a brutal haymaker to her head, not caring about holding his strength back anymore.
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"So cheating it is..." I muttered a small spell as i ducked beneath the blow, increasin pg my speed enourmously. I went straight for a blow to the gut
Hunter grabbed the punch with his free hand and twisted it in between the shoulder blades, and made sure Priscilla couldn't get put easily. "How is it cheating when I said no holding back and now I'm not." He said as he kicked the back of her knee and pushed her down to the ground. Keeping a leg firmly on the small of her back.
Suddenly two wings burst out of my back, throwing my jacket off my and into your face while also pushing you away, two small slits were in my shirt to allow for this partial transformation. "Taa-daa" i said with a smile, looking similar to an angel
Hunter staggered slightly before regaining his balance, picking up a small stone he put it in his pocket for later, "Don't think I can't counter you in the air." He said as he readied himself.
"Fight in the air? These things lets me jump much faster too you know, great on land an air" i grinned, thinking on what to do. "He has a strength and speed advantage, not to mention experience but...." I dropped to the ground and placed them both firmly on the ground, suddenly ice seemed to spread along the ground. "Try running at me now!" I laughed
Hunter smirked, "I gotta say thank you for that." He said before charging, but when he reached the ice he didn't stop, no instead he intentionally slide, and started to almost skate, making him move even faster, to the point of blurring. When the blonde reached Priscilla he jumped and delivered a heel kick at almost bone breaking strengths, to her the side of her head.
I forced myself onto the ground, flapped once and skidded under him. "Have fun turning at least..." I mumbled as i stood up, not bothered by the frozen ground at all as i melted it with every step i took and froze it again when my foot left it, a technique i had developed during my time in the mountains
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Hunter grunted as he landed before shifting entirely, digging his claws into the ice allowing him traction. When he regained control, he waited for her to move.
"Hey uh... Do you use your form alot? Cause I'm pretty sure it's not good for you..." I asked, a little concerned about the bloodthirstiness in his eyes. My eyes had become griffon eyes by now which helped me see finer details and gave me an increased reaction time. "You were a wolf right...? Or was it a hellhound?"
"Alli is the hell hound, I'm a dire wolf." He said before shifting back, and pulled the stone out of his pocket and flicked it with all of strength, making it akin to more of a bullet than a stone, towards her stomach.
I didn't have enough tim to move out of the way so instead i formed a small protective ice shield around my stomach, grunting as the stone hit it but was left mostly fine. "How am i supposed to beat you... You have all the advantages!" I growled, whining about it
"And that's how a fight in reality is, what I'm trying to do is get you ready for that." He said standing down, "That's enough for to day."
I looked at him angrily. "Only reason you are winning is the age difference.." I mumbled as i unfroze the ground and returned to my normal form again, rubbing where my wings had been before putting on my jacket again
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Elizabeth nodded at Hunter and silently watched the fight. It was strange; the more she watched him, the more she saw someone else. This was no longer the boy who tried to protect everyone and seemed slightly paranoid in the process. He was somebody else, someone who didn't care about the number of casualties or if the others were able to keep up; he only cared about doing whatever his mind was set on.

Slowly she stood up, quietly mumbling, "I'm going to find Johnathan."
"Who even is Johnathan anyway..." I mumbled, only having caught glimpses of him everyone now and then. I rubbed the back of my neck. "You definitely didn't go easy on me..."
"That's because in a real fight, it's life or death, I'm just trying to help protect you some, I've kinda grown to see you as a little sister." He said before looking at Elizabeth, "Hey do you mind if I tag along?"
She shook her head. "I don't mind." She continued into the forest, not bothering to wait up for him. She figured he, of all people, would be able to keep up.
"Now might be a good opportunity to tell the commander about his fighting capabilities... He must've been holding back on me though, I've seen him clear a room of people in the blink of an eye" i thought to myself as i waited for the two to leave

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Hunter quickly caught up to Elizabeth, "so what exactly is your connection to Johnathan?" He asked suddenly
Her head whipped around, causing a short moment of dizziness. Quickly regaining her sense of balance, she looked at him a furrowed brow. "What do you mean?"

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